753 resultados para Longino, Helen


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Sunflower oil is one of the vegetable oils most susceptible to oxidative reaction. Therefore the presence of natural (tocopherol) and/or synthetic (TBHQ) antioxidants is a prerequisite to secure the stability of this oil during its shelf life, especially with the increased use of PET packaging. On determining the total tocopherol content in 10 samples of deodorized sunflower oils, high losses in total tocopherol during deodorization were identified. In order to facilitate researche involving oxidative stability of vegetable oils, a method for isolated quantification of TBHQ using the isocratic elution system was developed.


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Chemical interesterification is an important alternative to produce zero trans fats. In practice, however, excessive reaction times are used to ensure complete randomization. This work evaluated the influence of the reaction time on the interesterification of soybean oil/fully hydrogenated soybean oil blend, carried out in the following conditions: 100 ºC, 500 rpm stirring speed, 0.4% (w/w) sodium methoxide catalyst. The triacylglycerol composition, solid fat content and melting point analysis showed that the reaction was very fast, reaching the equilibrium within 5 min. This result suggests the interesterification can be performed in substantially lower times, with reduction in process costs.


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Carotenoids are natural dyes synthesized by plants, algae and microorganisms. Application in many sectors can be found, as food dyeing and supplementation, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and animal feed. Recent investigations have shown their ability to reduce the risks for many degenerative diseases like cancer, heart diseases, cataract and macular degeneration. An advantage of microbial carotenoids is the fact that the cultivation in controlled conditions is not dependent of climate, season or soil composition. In this review the advances in bio-production of carotenoids are presented, discussing the main factors that influence the microbial production of these dyes in different systems.


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This work is focused on the chemical distribution of volatile and semi-volatile compounds of 18 native populations of Maytenus ilicifolia collected all over Brazil. The extracts of bulk samples (30 plants) of each population were obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction technique, and analyzed by GC/MS. The quantification of compounds (phytol, squalene, vitamin E, limonene, stigmasterol, friedelan-3-ol, friedelin, fridelan-3-one, palmitic acid and geranyl acetate) showed significant variations within the different populations, which could be related tom microclimate characteristics.


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The QuEChERS extraction method followed by quantification using HPLC/UV-FL was evaluated for deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA) determination in natural and parboiled rice and their fractions (bran and husk). The comparison between QuEChERS and partition with acetonitrile extraction showed that the first one was better. It presented higher recovery (91% for DON, 105% for ZEA) wih precision ranging from 1.5 to 18.6%. The limits of quantification were 22.2 µg kg-1 for DON and 4.3 µg kg-1 for ZEA. DON and ZEA showed higher levels in endosperm of parboiled rice (8 e 111.7 µg kg-1, respectively) when compared to natural rice.


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The present study was carried out to establish the optimal conditions for performing ochratoxin A (OTA) and citrinin (CIT) extraction using the QuEChERS method in rice. Employing the factorial experimental design, variables that significantly influenced the extraction stages were determined. The following variables were analyzed: addition of water, acidification of acetonitrile with glacial acetic acid, as well as amounts of magnesium sulfate, sodium acetate, sodium citrate and diatomaceous earth. The best combining procedure resulted in a predictive model using more water and less diatomaceous earth. Recoveries of CIT and OTA were 78-105%.


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Filamentous fungi were cultured under solid state fermentation of soybean residues to produce lipases. Enzymes produced by Aspergillus niger esterified oleic and butyric acids in the presence of ethanol, while enzymes produced by Aspergillus fumigatus demonstrated no esterification activity toward lauric acid. In case of A. niger, direct lyophilization of fermented bran led to higher esterification activity. The esterification of oleic acid by enzymes of A. fumigatus was neither influenced by pH adjustment nor by the extraction process. Conversions to ethyl esters were higher after pH adjustment with lyophilized liquid extract of A. niger.


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This study aimed to evaluate β-galactosidase immobilization. For this purpose, the ionic strength of the buffer, reaction time, amount of the immobilization support, and pH were evaluated by a central composite design. Assay 8, which consisted of 1.5 mol L-1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) and a reaction time of 2 h, produced the maximum yield. Eupergit® C (400 mg) was subsequently used as an immobilization support. Immobilization kinetics wereinvestigated, and a significant increase in the yield was obtained after immobilization compared with that obtained from assay 8 (22.0 U mL-1 vs. 15.6 U mL-1). The enzyme efficiency of actuation was evaluated using o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside and lactose, with lactose providing better results. The reuse of β-galactosidase was evaluated, and more than 50% of the initial enzyme activity was maintained after five cycles of use. Enzyme characterization revealed that immobilization improved some aspects of the thermostability of β-galactosidase.


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The objective of the present study is to describe the cultural care practices, meanings, values and beliefs which form the basis of caring in a Chinese context. The research has its starting point in a caring science perspective and a qualitative research approach with interpretative ethnography as methodological guideline. The theoretical perspective is formed by elements of the theory of caritative caring, developed by Eriksson, and the theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality, developed by Leininger. Previous research of suffering, culture and caring is described and also a presentation of actual transcultural nursing research as well as a presentation of the social structure dimensions of Chinese culture is included in the theoretical background. The empirical part includes patients and relatives, nurses and Hu Gongs as informants. The data collected are analysed based on Geertz’s idea of forming “thick descriptions” through examining the “what, how and why” of people’s actions. The findings show that the family has a prominent position in Chinese caring practices. The patient plays an unobtrusive role and a mutual dependence between the patient and the family members is evident. The professional nursing care is an extended act which includes the family in the caring relationship. The care practices of the Chinese nurse are characterized by great professional nursing skills. Suffering is described by the informants as being caused by disease, pain and social circumstances. “Social suffering” is described as worse than physical or mental suffering. Culturally competent and congruent care is a prerequisite for avoiding cultural pain, imposition and blindness when caring for the suffering human being. The findings of the present study necessitate a broadening in caring theory to include the family in the caring relationship. A further conclusion is that a broadening in our perception and understanding of culture would promote the delivery of culturally competent and congruent care. Suffering need to be seen as enclosed in cultural patterns of how it is expressed, interpreted, understood and relieved. Care and caring need to be seen as embedded in culture and the care practices values and beliefs have to be congruent with the cultural patterns where the care is provided.


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A ferrugem, causada pelo fungo Puccinia psidii, é uma das doenças mais frequentes nos plantios de eucalipto no Brasil. Atualmente, o plantio de clones resistentes constitui a principal estratégia para o controle da doença no campo. Para selecionar clones resistentes, é fundamental inocular e avaliar a resposta fenotípica de diferentes materiais genéticos, o que demanda tempo e recursos. Para facilitar e acelerar essa etapa do programa de melhoramento genético, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência em paralelo à etapa de multiplicação dos clones de eucalipto pela técnica de micropropagação. Para isso, seis clones foram multiplicados em meio MS, modificado nas fases de multiplicação, alongamento e enraizamento. Após 60 dias de incubação, os explantes foram inoculados com suspensão de esporos do patógeno ajustada para 2x10(4) urediniósporos mL-1. Os explantes foram incubados a 24 ± 2 ºC, fotoperíodo de 14 h de luz com intensidade de 20 ∝mol.s-1.m-2. Após 7, 11 e 14 dias da inoculação, avaliou-se a incidência da doença. Observou-se que as reações dos genótipos avaliados em condições de micropropagação foram altamente correlacionadas com os fenótipos determinados pelo procedimento-padrão de inoculação. Assim, o uso desse protocolo permite avaliar grande número de genótipos, com maior rapidez e precisão.


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A polpa de cajá tem sido exportada da região Nordeste para todo o Brasil, e uma das maneiras de conservá-la é processando-a e armazenado-a na forma congelada. Durante o processamento, existem dois fatores que favorecem a qualidade do produto a ser armazenado: a rapidez com que o produto é congelado e a adição de açúcar como forma de dificultar a ação microbiológica. Na linha de processo, algumas propriedades termofísicas, como o calor específico e a densidade, se alteram com as temperaturas negativas e com o teor de sólidos solúveis totais; dessa forma, para o dimensionamento adequado de máquinas e equipamentos, torna-se necessário conhecer essas propriedades, principalmente quando se operam equipamentos criogênicos, onde as temperaturas podem chegar a -196 ºC. Neste trabalho, determinaram-se a densidade e o calor específico da polpa do cajá com quatro diferentes níveis de sólidos solúveis totais (natural da polpa; 20; 40 e 60%) e temperaturas entre -196 ºC e -18 ºC. A densidade foi obtida pela razão entre a massa da polpa e o seu volume. O volume foi determinado pelo método do deslocamento de massa (água) e o calor específico por meio de balanço de calor entre a massa da polpa, a massa do cilindro que contém a polpa e a massa do gelo. Conclui-se que a densidade da polpa de cajá aumenta em função da redução da temperatura e do aumento do teor de sólidos solúveis totais de 9 para 60 °Brix e que o calor específico da polpa diminui com a diminuição de temperatura e aumenta com a concentração de sólidos solúveis totais.


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