1000 resultados para Link 16


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Peripheral arterial disease, manifested as intermittent claudication or critical ischaemia, or identified by an ankle/brachial index < 0.9, is present in at least one in every four patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Several reasons exist for peripheral arterial disease in diabetes. In addition to hyperglycaemia, smoking and hypertension, the dyslipidaemia that accompanies type 2 diabetes and is characterised by increased triglyceride levels and reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations also seems to contribute to this association. Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in postprandial lipidaemia, as a result of various prospective studies showing that non-fasting triglycerides predict the onset of arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease better than fasting measurements do. Additionally, the use of certain specific postprandial particle markers, such as apolipoprotein B-48, makes it easier and more simple to approach the postprandial phenomenon. Despite this, only a few studies have evaluated the role of postprandial triglycerides in the development of peripheral arterial disease and type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this review is to examine the epidemiology and risk factors of peripheral arterial disease in type 2 diabetes, focusing on the role of postprandial triglycerides and particles.


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An increasingly asked question is 'can we confidently link bats with emerging viruses?'. No, or not yet, is the qualified answer based on the evidence available. Although more than 200 viruses - some of them deadly zoonotic viruses - have been isolated from or otherwise detected in bats, the supposed connections between bats, bat viruses and human diseases have been raised more on speculation than on evidence supporting their direct or indirect roles in the epidemiology of diseases (except for rabies). However, we are convinced that the evidence points in that direction and that at some point it will be proved that bats are competent hosts for at least a few zoonotic viruses. In this review, we cover aspects of bat biology, ecology and evolution that might be relevant in medical investigations and we provide a historical synthesis of some disease outbreaks causally linked to bats. We provide evolutionary-based hypotheses to tentatively explain the viral transmission route through mammalian intermediate hosts and to explain the geographic concentration of most outbreaks, but both are no more than speculations that still require formal assessment.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales


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The inv(16) and related t(16;16) are found in 10% of all cases with de novo acute myeloid leukemia. In these rearrangements the core binding factor beta (CBFB) gene on 16q22 is fused to the smooth muscle myosin heavy chain gene (MYH11) on 16p13. To gain insight into the mechanisms causing the inv(16) we have analysed 24 genomic CBFB-MYH11 breakpoints. All breakpoints in CBFB are located in a 15-Kb intron. More than 50% of the sequenced 6.2 Kb of this intron consists of human repetitive elements. Twenty-one of the 24 breakpoints in MYH11 are located in a 370-bp intron. The remaining three breakpoints in MYH11 are located more upstream. The localization of three breakpoints adjacent to a V(D)J recombinase signal sequence in MYH11 suggests a V(D)J recombinase-mediated rearrangement in these cases. V(D)J recombinase-associated characteristics (small nucleotide deletions and insertions of random nucleotides) were detected in six other cases. CBFB and MYH11 duplications were detected in four of six cases tested.


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In the B-ISDN there is a provision for four classes of services, all of them supported by a single transport network (the ATM network). Three of these services, the connected oriented (CO) ones, permit connection access control (CAC) but the fourth, the connectionless oriented (CLO) one, does not. Therefore, when CLO service and CO services have to share the same ATM link, a conflict may arise. This is because a bandwidth allocation to obtain maximum statistical gain can damage the contracted ATM quality of service (QOS); and vice versa, in order to guarantee the contracted QOS, the statistical gain have to be sacrificed. The paper presents a performance evaluation study of the influence of the CLO service on a CO service (a circuit emulation service or a variable bit-rate service) when sharing the same link


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Background: The CCR5 32-base deletion (CCR5D32), which results into the expression of a non-functioning receptor, has been associated with H CV c learance a nd may influence fibrosis progression i n hepatitis C . We a ssessed t he link between C CR5D32 and c linical outcomes o f HCV. Methods: Genomic D NA was isolated and analyzed b y PCR to i dentify C CR5D32 in 1 303 anti-HCV-positive persons (161 clearers and 1142 chronically infected, 1007 with a liver biopsy). Results: Overall, 200 (15.3%) w ere heterozygote a nd 16 (1.2%) homozygote for CCR5D32. H CV c learance (by univariate) was associated with m ale sex (OR 0.633, 9 5% C I 0.428-0.935, P=0.022), HCV acquisition by blood transfusion (OR 0.360, 95% CI 0.175-0.741, P =0.0056), polymorphisms at IL28B rs12979860 ( OR 0.482, 9 5% C I 0.277-0.839, P =0.0098) a nd rs8099917 ( OR 0.291, 95% CI 0.167-0.508, P=0.000014), but not with CCR5D32. However, CCR5D32 was associated with spontaneous HCV clearance when the 482 females only w ere considered, although the number of homozygotes was small (1/427 chronic vs 3/51 clearers) (OR 24.56, 95% C I 12.5-241.4, P =0.006). T he CCR5D32 deletion was not associated with liver grading and staging scores, fibrosis progression rate, or t herapy response. Conclusions: At v ariance w ith a p revious report (Nattermann et a l, 2011), suggesting that a n on-functional CCR5 m ay hamper H CV clearance, C CR5D32 appeared to b e associated with an increased spontaneous eradication in women (but not men). Given the small number of CCR5D32 homozygote persons, these data need further validation.


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The endocrine disruption hypothesis asserts that exposure to small amounts of some chemicals in the environment may interfere with the endocrine system and lead to harmful effects in wildlife and humans. Many of these chemicals may interact with members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are such candidate members, which interact with many different endogenous and exogenous lipophilic compounds. More particularly, the roles of PPARs in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism raise the question of their activation by a sub-class of pollutants, tentatively named "metabolic disrupters". Phthalates are abundant environmental micro-pollutants in Europe and North America and may belong to this class. Mono-ethyl-hexyl-phthalate (MEHP), a metabolite of the widespread plasticizer di-ethyl-hexyl-phthalate (DEHP), has been found in exposed organisms and interacts with all three PPARs. A thorough analysis of its interactions with PPARgamma identified MEHP as a selective PPARgamma modulator, and thus a possible contributor to the obesity epidemic.