667 resultados para Lignin peroxidise


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lignins extracted from sugar cane bagasse using different alcohols in the organosolv-CO(2) supercritical pulping process have been applied in the fabrication of ultrathin films through the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Langmuir films were characterized by surface pressure versus mean molecular area (Pi-A) isotherms to exploit the sensitivity of nanostructured lignin films to metallic ions (Cu(2+), Cd(2+) and Pb(2+)). The Pi-A isotherms were shifted to larger molecular areas when heavy metal ions are present into the subphase, which might be related to electrostatic repulsions between metallic ions entrapped within the lignin molecular structure. Taking the advantage of metal incorporation, Langmuir monolayers were transferred onto solid substrates forming Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films to be used as a transducer in an "electronic tongue" system to detect Cu(2+) in aqueous solution below threshold standard established by the Brazilian regulation. Both techniques impedance spectroscopy and electrochemistry have been used in these experiments. Complementary, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy recorded for LB films before and after soaking into Cu(2+) aqueous solution revealed an interaction between the lignin phenyl groups and the metallic ion. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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The present study was conducted to evaluate the intake and digestibility of diets containing increasing levels of byproduct of cashew in sheep. The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design were evaluated in four levels (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%) by product of cashew with four replicates, making up 16 observations. The indicator used was the Purified Lignin and Enriched - LIPE ®. The scorer was orally administered directly into the mouth of the animals, in the form of capsules 250mg/animal/dia for a period of two days and five days of adaptation samples being the same supplied with the aid of a hose polyethylene and a device allowing the release of the capsule in the esophagus of sheep. With the estimate made by the indicator LIPE was observed a reduction for DM, OM, CP, NDF, EE, NFC and MM along the inclusion of byproduct of cashew. The results of nutrient digestibility were not satisfactory with the inclusion of byproduct of cashew, reducing linearly with the inclusion of the diets. The use of increasing levels of byproduct of cashew in the diets of sheep did not provide satisfactory results, it is not feasible to use the animals studied in this experiment


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Cellulose is the major constituent of most plants of interest as renewable sources of energy and is the most extensively studied form of biomass or biomass constituent. Predicting the mass loss and product yields when cellulose is subjected to increased temperature represents a fundamental problem in the thermal release of biomass energy. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no internally consistent model of cellulose pyrolysis that can organize the varied experimental data now available or provide a guide for additional experiments. Here, we present a model of direct cellulose pyrolysis using a multistage decay scheme that we first presented in the IJQC in 1984. This decay scheme can, with the help of an inverse method of assigning reaction rates, provide a reasonable account of the direct fast pyrolysis yield measurements. The model is suggestive of dissociation states of d-glucose (C6H10O5,), the fundamental cellulose monomer. The model raises the question as to whether quantum chemistry could now provide the dissociation energies for the principal breakup modes of glucose into C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, and C-5 compounds. These calculations would help in achieving a more fundamental description of volatile generation from cellulose pyrolysis and could serve as a guide for treating hemicellulose and lignin, the other major biomass constituents. Such advances could lead to the development of a predictive science of biomass pyrolysis that would facilitate the design of liquifiers and gasifiers based upon renewable feedstocks. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Dilute acid hydrolysis studies were performed on forest residues of Eucalyptus grandis, in a cylindrical reactor of stainless steel. The kinetics of this hydrolysis reaction was investigated employing 0.65% sulfuric acid, a residue/acid solution ratio of 1/9 (w/w), temperatures of 130, 140, 150, and 160 degrees C, and reaction times in the range 20-100 min. The results showed that, under the optimized conditions of acid hydrolysis employed in this study, the variables temperature and reaction time had a strong influence on hemicellulose removal and a small influence on the degree of lignin and cellulose removal. The highest xylose extraction yield was 87.6% attained at 160 degrees C, after 70 min reaction time, simultaneously with the formation of decomposition products, namely 2.8% acetic acid, 0.6% furfural, and 0.06% 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. A similar xylose extraction yield (82.8%) was observed at 150 degrees C after 100 min, with the formation of 3.2% acetic acid, 1.0% furfural, and 0.07% 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. The kinetic parameters determined at 130, 140, 150, and 160 degrees C for degradation of xylan present in the hemicellulose of the eucalyptus forest residue during the formation of xylose were the first-order reaction rate constants (k) for each temperature, 1.22 x 10(-4), 2.12 x 10(-4), 5.43 x 10(-4), and 9.05 x 10(-4) s(-1), respectively, and an activation energy (E-a) of 101.3 kJ mol(-1).


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The effect of accelerated weathering on the visual appearance and on mechanical properties of high impact polystyrene (HIPS) as well as HIPS reinforced with mercerized and bleached sugarcane bagasse fibers composites are investigated. After accelerated weathering period of 900 h, under UV-B radiation and moisture regular cycles, changes in mechanical properties are investigated by tensile tests. Materials fracture surfaces are investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The study showed that the exposure time was sufficient to change the visual appearance of HIPS as the composites. From this study, it was observed that composites reinforced with bleached fibers are less susceptible to accelerated weathering exposure than composites reinforced with mercerized fibers, which is explained by the higher amount of lignin present in mercerized fibers. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of [name organizer]


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In this work a biodegradable composite using the carnauba straw s powder as reinforcement on chitosan matrix polymeric were manufactured. Firstly, were carried out the chemistry characterization of the carnauba straw s powder before and after treatments with NaOH and hexane. Goering and Van Soest method (1970), flotation test, moisture absorption, FTIR, TG/DTG, DSC and SEM have also being carried out. Composites were developed with variations in granulometry and in powder concentrations. They were characterized by TG/DTG, SEM and mechanicals properties. The results of chemical composition showed that the carnauba straw s powder is composed of 41% of cellulose; 28,9% of hemicellulose and 14% of lignin.The flotation test have indicated that the chemical treatment with NaOH decreased the powder s hidrophilicity.The thermal analysis showed increased of thermal stability of material after treatments. The results of FTIR and SEM revealed the removal of soluble materials from the powder (hemicelluloses and lignin), the material became rougher and clean. The composites obtained showed that the mechanicals properties of the composites were decreased in respect at chitosan films, and the composites with the powder at 150 Mesh showed less variation in the modulus values. The speed test of 10 mm/min showed the better reproducibility of the results and is in agreement to the standard ASTM D638. The SEM analysis of fracture showed the low adhesion between the fiber/matrix. The increase of volume of powder in the composite caused a decrease in values of stress and strain for the samples with untreated powder and treated with hexane. The composite with 50% of the powder s treated in NaOH didn t have significant variation in the values of stress and strain as compared with the composites with 10% of the powder, showing that the increase in the volume of fiber didn t affect the stress and strain of the composite. Thereby, it is concluded that the manufacture of polymeric composites of chitosan using carnauba straw s powder can be done, without need for pre-treatment of reinforcement, become the couple of carnauba straw s powder-chitosan a good alternative for biodegradable composites


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Cellulose nanowhiskers were prepared by sulfuric acid hydrolysis from coconut husk fibers which had previously been submitted to a delignification process. The effects of preparation conditions on the thermal and morphological behavior of the nanocrystals were investigated. Cellulose nanowhisker suspensions were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction. Results showed that it was possible to obtain ultrathin cellulose nanowhiskers with diameters as low as 5 nm and aspect ratio of up to 60. A possible correlation between preparation conditions and particle size was not observed. Higher residual lignin content was found to increase thermal stability indicating that by controlling reaction conditions one can tailor the thermal properties of the nanowhiskers. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Avaliou-se o efeito da ausência e da aplicação de três doses de nitrogênio (50, 100 e 200 kg ha-1 de N) e quatro épocas de corte no inverno/primavera (julho a outubro) sobre a produtividade de massa seca (PMS), os teores relativos de clorofila (ICF _ índice de clorofila foliar) e os teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e lignina, bem como suas respectivas correlações nos capins tanzânia e mombaça após o consórcio com milho em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As maiores PMS ocorreram com o aumento do fotoperíodo (a partir de agosto), no entanto, as respostas à adubação nitrogenada ao longo dos cortes diferiram entre e dentre os capins. em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária irrigado sob condições de cerrado, é tecnicamente viável o estabelecimento dos capins tanzânia e mombaça em consórcio com o milho no momento da semeadura ou por ocasião da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, visto que, mesmo na ausência de adubação nitrogenada, foi produzida quantidade satisfatória de forragem, com PMS média de 2.000 kg ha-1 por corte na época de maior escassez de volumoso para os animais (inverno/primavera). A adubação nitrogenada após a colheita do milho eleva a PMS e melhora a composição bromatológica dos capins, com aumento dos teores relativos de clorofila e PB no inverno/primavera, além de aumento dos teores de NDT e redução dos teores de FDN e FDA até o mês de setembro. O índice de clorofila foliar pode ser utilizado para estimar a PMS e o teor de PB, bem como indicar a necessidade de adubação nitrogenada dos capins tanzânia e mombaça submetidos a corte.


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Due to the expansion of sugarcane in areas that are not traditional in it's cultivation, there is need of study the management of fertilizer, mainly phosphorus, since it's the nutrient that most limits the production in the tropics. The aim of this work was to evaluate the productivity and nutritional value of two varieties of sugarcane grown under different phosphorus sources, for three production cycles in North of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 4x2, with four replications. The sources of phosphorus used were bone meal, Arad phosphate and triple superphosphate at a dose of 100 kg P2O5 ha(-1), and a control without nutrient application at planting. The varieties of sugarcane were planted IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. We evaluated the productivity of dry matter, dry matter content, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent, lignin, cellulose, in vitro digestibility and crude protein of forage. The phosphorus sources provided higher yields during the first cycle of sugarcane and did not cause significant effect on productivity in subsequent cycles. Phosphorus fertilization did not cause significant changes in the nutritional value of sugarcane. The variety IAC86-2480 showed higher crude protein content in three cycles and higher dry matter yield in the first two cycles, compared to SP79-1011. Regarding the fiber constituents, both showed similar results.


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Hemicelluloses are polysaccharides of low molecular weight containing 100 to 200 glycosidic residues. In plants, the xylans or the hemicelluloses are situated between the lignin and the collection of cellulose fibers underneath. The xylan is the most common hemicellulosic polysaccharide in cell walls of land plants, comprising a backbone of xylose residues linked by beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds. So, xylanolytic enzymes from microorganism have attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade, particularly because of their biotechnological characteristics in various industrial processes, related to food, feed, ethanol, pulp, and paper industries. A microbial screening of xylanase producer was carried out in Brazilian Cerrado area in Selviria city, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. About 50 bacterial strains and 15 fungal strains were isolated from soil sample at 35 A degrees C. Between these isolated microorganisms, a bacterium Lysinibacillus sp. and a fungus Neosartorya spinosa as good xylanase producers were identified. Based on identification processes, Lysinibacillus sp. is a new species and the xylanase production by this bacterial genus was not reported yet. Similarly, it has not reported about xylanase production from N. spinosa. The bacterial strain P5B1 identified as Lysinibacillus sp. was cultivated on submerged fermentation using as substrate xylan, wheat bran, corn straw, corncob, and sugar cane bagasse. Corn straw and wheat bran show a good xylanase activity after 72 h of fermentation. A fungus identified as N. spinosa (strain P2D16) was cultivated on solid-state fermentation using as substrate source wheat bran, wheat bran plus sawdust, corn straw, corncob, cassava bran, and sugar cane bagasse. Wheat bran and corncobs show the better xylanase production after 72 h of fermentation. Both crude xylanases were characterized and a bacterial xylanase shows optimum pH for enzyme activity at 6.0, whereas a fungal xylanase has optimum pH at 5.0-5.5. They were stable in the pH range 5.0-10.0 and 5.5-8.5 for bacterial and fungal xylanase, respectively. The optimum temperatures were 55C and 60 A degrees C for bacterial and fungal xylanase, respectively, and they were thermally stable up to 50 A degrees C.


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Objetivou-se com o estudo determinar o valor nutritivo da dieta selecionada por vacas de cria, numa área característica da sub-região da Nhecolândia, Pantanal, durante dois anos hidrológicos (outubro de 1997 a setembro de 1999). Mensalmente foram colhidas manualmente amostras das partes das principais forrageiras selecionadas por bovinos, identificadas por meio de observação direta, para análise de proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e lignina (LIG). A digestibilidade da matéria orgânica (DMO) da dieta foi avaliada em amostras fecais com o uso da espectrofotometria de reflectância no infravermelho proximal (NIRS). Houve efeito interativo de ano e época para todos os constituintes químicos analisados na dieta. O valor nutritivo da dieta selecionada por bovinos diminuiu no período de abril a junho, em ambos os anos estudados. As vacas apresentaram uma melhor condição corporal de setembro a março do ano hidrológico 1998/99, no qual a dieta apresentou valores médios de 60,4% de digestibilidade, 10% de PB; 40,20% de FDA; 71% de FDN e 6,0% de lignina, considerada adequada para obtenção de um desempenho reprodutivo satisfatório. Portanto, o valor nutritivo da dieta selecionada por bovinos na sub-região da Nhecolândia depende especialmente da intensidade e distribuição das chuvas, responsáveis pela maior ou menor presença de água nas unidades mais baixas, que possuem forrageiras de melhor qualidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A inoculação de forragens com fungos lignocelulolíticos é uma opção para melhorar a qualidade destas sem adição de produtos químicos. O tratamento do substrato influencia a ação do fungo e a qualidade final do produto. Neste experimento, aplicaram-se quatro tratamentos (compostagem do feno inteiro, compostagem do feno picado, hidratação do feno em água fria e hidratação do feno em água quente) a um feno de Brachiaria decumbens. Aos tratamentos seguiu-se inoculação com o fungo Pleurotus ostreatus e incubação por 35 dias, sob temperatura controlada. Usou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições e medidas repetidas. Amostras foram colhidas semanalmente para acompanhar a degradação do substrato, mediante a análise química do feno. Observou-se aumento linear, com o decorrer do tempo, no teor de proteína bruta (PB) e na proporção de lignina na parede celular (LIG-FDN), e decréscimo linear nos valores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), celulose e hemicelulose. Não se observou efeito de tratamento no teor de FDA. Os tratamentos com compostagem apresentaram maiores valores de PB, lignina e LIG-FDN e menores de FDN e hemicelulose. Não se observou diferença entre os tratamentos com hidratação. O tratamento do feno de braquiária com o fungo propiciou degradação da fração fibrosa e aumento no teor de PB, com efeito mais intenso nos tratamentos que usaram compostagem. A ação do fungo foi mais efetiva sobre a hemicelulose que sobre os demais componentes da fibra.