903 resultados para Libraries and state.


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The Iowa Commission of Libraries, the State Library’s governing board, convened the Library Services Task Force in August 2000. This group consisted of 46 Iowans from across the state, including librarians from all types of libraries, library trustees, legislators, members of Iowa Regional Library system (now called Library Service Areas) and Area Education Agencies, and citizens. Their mission was to make recommendations to the Commission on positioning libraries to effectively and efficiently meet the future needs of Iowans. Needs and expectations of Iowa Library customers and funding authorities were identified and examined by the Task Force, and are reflected in its recommendations. The Commission received the Task Force recommendations in December 2000, carefully studied them, solicited input from the Iowa library community, and with a few changes, forwarded the recommendations to the Governor and the Iowa General Assembly. These recommendations are now known as Iowa Commission of Libraries priorities and serve as a blueprint for future development of the Iowa library system.


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In accordance with 2005 IOWA ACTS Chapter 1175 (80)(4)(b), the State Library of Iowa submits this report on the uses and impact of state funding to Iowa libraries and Iowans through the Enrich Iowa Program. Enrich Iowa includes Direct State Aid to public libraries, Open Access and Access Plus. $2,298,432 was distributed to Iowa libraries through the FY05 Enrich Iowa program.


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Iowa is a state rich in libraries, with 543 public libraries; more than 80 college and university libraries; and about 1,000 school libraries. Libraries enrich Iowa and support lifelong learning. The State Library of Iowa actively champions libraries and improves library services for Iowans through its management of the Enrich Iowa program. In accordance with 2006 IOWA ACTS, Chapter 1180 (16)(6), the State Library of Iowa is pleased to submit this report on the impact of state funding on Iowans and Iowa libraries through the Enrich Iowa Program.


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Iowa is a state rich in libraries, with 543 public libraries; more than 80 college and university libraries; and about 1,000 school libraries. Libraries enrich Iowa and support lifelong learning. The State Library of Iowa actively champions libraries and improves library services for Iowans through its management of the Enrich Iowa program. In accordance with 2006 IOWA ACTS, Chapter 1180 (16)(6), the State Library of Iowa is pleased to submit this report on the impact of state funding on Iowans and Iowa libraries through the Enrich Iowa Program.


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Iowa is a state rich in libraries, with 543 public libraries; more than 80 college and university libraries; and about 1,000 school libraries. Libraries enrich Iowa and support lifelong learning. The State Library of Iowa actively champions libraries and improves library services for Iowans through its management of the Enrich Iowa program. In accordance with 2006 IOWA ACTS, Chapter 1180 (16)(6), the State Library of Iowa is pleased to submit this report on the impact of state funding on Iowans and Iowa libraries through the Enrich Iowa Program.


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Iowa is a state rich in libraries, with 543 public libraries; more than 80 college and university libraries; and about 1,000 school libraries. Libraries enrich Iowa and support lifelong learning. The State Library of Iowa actively champions libraries and improves library services for Iowans through its management of the Enrich Iowa program. In accordance with 2006 IOWA ACTS, Chapter 1180 (16)(6), the State Library of Iowa is pleased to submit this report on the impact of state funding on Iowans and Iowa libraries through the Enrich Iowa Program.


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This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.


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The public library movement f the early twentieth century was a national phenomenon, in which Iowa, along with its neighboring states, played a prominent role. In 1900, the Iowa Library Commission noted 48 free public libraries in the state. Today there are approximately 500, in towns ranging in size from Beaman, with a population of 222, the Des Moines, the state capitol. Iowans took enthusiastic advantage of Andre Carnegie's library philanthropy. In 1919, the Carnegie Corporation stopped funding libraries, 101 building has been erected in Iowa with Carnegie funds. Iowa place fourth among the states in terms of the number of communities obtaining Carnegie buildings, fifth in dollar appropriation per one hundred population and eighth in the total amount of money given by Carnegie to a state. These figures provide some measure by which interest in popular education among Iowans of the period can be judged. Today these early libraries, often the most distinctive public libraries in small or medium-sized towns, are physical foci in the townscapes of their communities and centers for a variety of educational and social activities. This survey was initiated by the Division of Historic Preservation in 1977. It grew out of the need to provide a framework within which libraries could be evaluated for National Register action. Several libraries (Des Moines, Grinnell, Eagle Grove, Carroll) has been recent candidates for the Register. There was every indication that enthusiasm for old library buildings was increasing and that more nominations could be expected in the future. The attrition rate among early library buildings was (and is) growing. Most libraries were built on limited budgets (Carnegie did not squander his money) and, despite the fact that future expansion was usually a conscious consideration in their design, they are rapidly becoming obsolete, due to expanding collections and changing styles of librarianship. If the protection of the threatened with demolition or alteration, action needed to be taken.


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This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.


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This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.


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This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.


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Iowa is a state rich in libraries, with 543 public libraries; more than 80 college and university libraries; and about 1,000 school libraries. Libraries enrich Iowa and support lifelong learning. The State Library of Iowa actively champions libraries and improves library services for Iowans through its management of the Enrich Iowa program. In accordance with 2006 IOWA ACTS, Chapter 1180 (16)(6), the State Library of Iowa is pleased to submit this report on the impact of state funding on Iowans and Iowa libraries through the Enrich Iowa Program.


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The state appropriates funds to support library services to Iowans through the State Library, the Library Service Areas, and state aid to local libraries known as Enrich Iowa. As a result of legislation enacted in 2010, the Iowa Library Association, or ILA, convened a committee to make recommendations regarding reorganization of state-funded library operations and services. The committee's recommendations have been approved by the ILA and endorsed by the State Commission of Libraries. The recommendations described involve the reorganization of the State Library and Library Service Areas.


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This document includes the general provisions and regulations of the Iowa Sate Traveling Library under the Library Services and Construction Act. It also includes information of appropriations of funds available for expenditure, authority of local agencies to administer and state agency to supervise local administration and certification.


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This report illustrates the critical role of Enrich Iowa funding in enhancing lifelong learning for Iowans through libraries; improving library resources aimed at assisting job seekers; maintaining library hours that meet library customers’ needs; improving library technology services; and providing safe, accessible library buildings.