947 resultados para Lian Gong
Six species, belonging to two genera of Lemaneaceae in China are described. They are Lemanea Bory (including L. sinica Jao, L. crassa S. L. Xie et Z. X. Shi, L. ramosa S. L. Xie et Z. X. Shi and L. simplex Jao) and Paralemanea (Silva) Vis et Sheath (including P catenata (Kutzing) Vis et Sheath and P. parvula (Sirodot) S. L. Xie et Z. X. Shi). Among them L. crassa S. L. Xie et Z. X. Shi and L. ramosa S. L. Xie et Z. X. Shi are new species. Moreover, Paralemanea (Silva) Vis et Sheath and P. catenata (Kutzing) Vis et Sheath, P. parvula (Sirodot) S. L. Xie et Z. X. Shi are newly recorded in China.
From 2001 to 2002, a new and emergent infectious disease of Ophiocephalus argus occurred in a fishery in Hubei Province, China, with an incidence of 60% similar to 70% and a mortality as high as 100 %. The diseased fish showed an enlarged abdomen, the millet-like nodules in internal organs, and the swollen kidney which was composed of 5 similar to 10 sarcoma-like bodies in cream or gray-white colour or ulcerated into beandregs-like substance. Light microscopic observation revealed the basophilic or acidphilic inclusions in cytoplasm of the cells and the granulomas, a diffusive chronic inflammation in internal organs. Further analysis under an electron microscope indicated that the intracytoplasmic inclusions were rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) that are either spherical or coccoid, with variable size, ranging from 0.5 similar to 1.5 mum in diameter, and enclosed within membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles. RLO had a central nucleoid region with some fine filamentous structures and an electron-dense granule. Its cytoplasm contained abundant ribosomal bodies. Occasionally, RLO appeared to be divided by binary fission. RLOs were also observed in the homogenized tissue of infected fish. The results suggested that the death of cultured O. argus was caused by RLO infection.
Gomphonemaceae and Cymbellaceae from Jolmolungma Mountain region of China, comprised 79 taxa belonging to five genera. The dominant species were Gomphonema angustatum var. productum, G. gracile var. gracile, G. parvulum var. parvulum, G. hedini, Cymbella aequalis var. pisciculus, C. delicatula, C. cistula, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. cesatii, C. cymbiformis, C microcephala, C. minuta var. minuta., C. minuta var. silesiaca, C. pusilla, C. affinis. Some arctic and alpine forms also occurred, and the following taxa were unique to this region: Cymbella delicatula, C. naviculiformis, C. gracilis, C. minuta var. minuta, C. affinis, C. cistula, C. cymbiformis, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. arctica, Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema hedinii, G. olivaceum. Numbers of taxa in each samples varied greatly, It appears that species diversity of diatoms is related not only to macro-environments (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microenvironments (e.g., microhabitats and microclimates). Cymbella spp. are not only comparatively widespread in the region but also outnumber Gomphonema spp. A large number of species found in the Jolmolungma Mountain region are also found in Tibet and the headwaters of Yangtze River.
Viable F-1 hybrids were obtained from crosses of female Macrobrachium nipponense and male Macrobrachium hainanense involving spermatophore transfer and artificial insemination. This represents the first successful known case of hybridization of two Macrobrachium species by means of artificial insemination. The hatching rate was over 90%. About 20-60% of newly hatched larvae metamorphosed to postlarvae. The morphological characteristics of the hybrids resembled a combination of features of both parents. Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and esterase (EST) isozyme electrophoresis indicated parents and F-1 hybrids showed co-dominant expression of the paternal and maternal alleles controlling the isozymes and confirmed the hybridization. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two new species of myxosporeans (Myxosporea: Myxidiidae), Myxidium tuanfengensis sp. n. and Zschokkella saurogobionis sp. n., Parasitic in freshwater fishes collected from the Yangtze River of China are described in this paper. M. tuanfengensis was found in the liver parenchyma and intestine lumen of Leptobotia taeniops Sauvage, 1878, while Z. saurogobionis was found in the gall bladder of Saurogobio dumerili Bleeker, 1871. The diagnostic characters of M. tuanfengensis are: round or elliptical polysporous plasmodia averaging 118 mum in size; spore oval in frontal view with smooth surface and nearly spindle-shape in sutural view with slightly sinuous sutural ridge, averaging 19.5 x 9.75 x 8.9 mum in size; two large spherical polar capsules 6.8 mum in diameter, with polar filament wound in 4 to 5 coils. The diagnostic characters of Z. saurogobionis are: spore elliptical in both frontal and sutural view measuring 18.3 x 9.8 x 10.8 mum in size; fine sutural ridge in S-form, spore shell marked with 10 to 12 distinct lines paralleled with the sutural line; two spherical polar capsules, 6.7 mum in diameter, with polar filament in 5 coils.
We present a species list of the Gomphonemataceae and Cymbellaceae occurring in the Hengduan Mountains re-ion. These two families were found to be presented in the area by 117 species, varieties and forms belonging to four genera (Amphora, Cymbella, Didymosphenia and Gomphonema). Size, striae density, habitat and distribution in China are given for each taxon. The common taxa were Cymbella aequalis var. piscicultis. C. affinis, C. cesatii, C. cistula var. gibbosa, C. delicatula. C. gracilis, C. hustedtii, C. minuta f. latens, C. minita var. silesiaca, C. naviculiformis, C. parva. C. turgidida, Gomphonema acuminatum var. acuminatum, G. gracile, G. intricatum, G. olivaceum. G. parvulum and G. truncatum var. capitatum. Some morphological features of Cymbella cistula var. capitata, Cymbella sinica var. miyiensis, Gomphonema hedinii and G. kaznakowii were found to differ from previously published descriptions. Taxa typical of high latitude climates encountered during the present study were Cymbella affinis, C. alpina, C. cistula var. cistida, C. delicatula. C. naviculiformis. Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema acuminatum var. pusillum, G. constrictum var. capitatum f. turgidum, G. kaznakowii, G. olivaceum, G. subtile var. subtile, G. tergestinum and G. ventricosum.
AIM: To probe into the genetic susceptibility of HLA-DRB1 alleles to esophageal carcinoma in Han Chinese in Hubei Province. METHODS: HLA-DRB1 allele polymorphisms were typed by polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) in 42 unrelated patients with esophageal cancer and 136 unrelated normal control subjects and the associated HLA-DRB1 allele was measured by nucleotide sequence analysis with PCR.SAS software was used in statistics. RESULTS: Allele frequency (AF) of HLA-DRB1*0901 was significantly higher in esophageal carcinoma patients than that in the normal controls (0.2500 vs0.1397, P=0.028, the odds ratio 2.053, etiologic fraction 0.1282). After analyzed the allele nucleotide sequence of HLA-DRB1*0901 which approachs to the corresponded exon 2 sequence of the allele in genebank. There was no association between patients and controls in the rested HLA-DRB1 alleles. CONCLUSION: HLA-DRB1*0901 allele is more common in the patients with esophageal carcinoma than in the healthy controls, which is positively associated with the patients of Hubei Han Chinese. Individuals carrying HLA-DRB1*0901 may be susceptible to esophageal carcinoma.
Wu-Han Xiao, Jian-Guo Wang and Lian-Xiang Li (2002) Taxonomic studies of parasitic nyctotherans from Chinese Anura amphibians III. Wichtermania. Zoological Studies 41(1): 69-76. This paper describes 6 new species belonging to the genus Wichtermania from Anura amphibians distributed in southern China. The 6 species are Wichtermania multigranularis sp. nov., W. oviformis sp. nov., W vesiformis sp. nov., W. reticulatis sp. nov., W granuliformis sp. nov., and W obliquoides sp. nov. The characteristics for diagnosis of the 6 new species are described in this paper.
Lian-Xiang U, Jian-Guo Wang and Wu-Han Xiao (2002) Taxonomic studies of parasitic nyctotherans from Chinese Anura amphibians IV. Spirocytopharynxa gen. nov. and Macrocytopharynxa gen. nov. Zoological Studies 41(1): 77-84. This paper describes 2 new genera and 5 new species of nyctotherans from Anura amphibians distributed in southern China. Based on the composition of the upper and bottom flaps, the number and position of sutural lines, the length of the oral groove, and the morphology and position of the end of the cytopharynx, the adoral zone of the membranelle (AZM), and the macronucleus, two new genera were established. The 3 new species, Spirocytopharynxa sinensis, S. guangxiensis, and S. quadranus, belong to the new genus Spirocytopharynxa, Another 2 species, Macrocytopharynxa (Nyctotheroidae Nie, 1932) pyriformis n. comb. and M. lingchuanensis n. sp., belong to the new genus Macrocytopharynxa. The characteristics for diagnosis of the 2 new genera and 5 new species are described in this paper.
Gomphonemaceae and Cymbellaceae from the headwaters of the Yangtze River, Qinghai Province, China, comprised 84 taxa belonging to four genera. The dominant species were Gomphonema kaznakowi Mer., G. hedini Hust., G. olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kutz., Cymbella cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. var. cistula and C. minuta Hilse ex Rabh. var. minuta. Some arctic and alpine forms also occurred, and the following taxa were unique to this region: C. cistula var. asiatica Mer., C. cistula var. capitata Grun., C. yabe Skvortzow var. punctata Li and Shi, G. olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kutzing var. brevistriatum Li and Shi and G. staurophorum (Pant.) Cleve-Euler var. oblongum Li and Shi. Different morphological forms of G. kaznakowi Mer. may be related to the upheaval of the plateau. Species diversity of the diatoms appears to be related not only to macro-environment (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microhabitat and microclimate.
The hatching time of eggs of Tokunagayusurika akamusi (Tokunaga) decreased significantly when temperature was increased from 5degreesC to 25degreesC; eggs fail to hatch at 30degreesC. The percentage of T akamusi eggs that developed into normal larva also was negatively correlated with temperature. The hatching time decreased with lengthened photoperiod.
Penaeid shrimp is the natural host of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) that can cause high mortality in the infected hosts. Attempts to obtain sufficient amounts of purified intact WSSV for characterization have been unsuccessful. Using crayfish, Cambarus clarkii as a proliferation system, a large amount of infectious WSSV was reproduced and intact WSSV viral particles were purified with a new isolation medium by ultra-centrifugation. Purified WSSV particles were very sensitive to organic solvents and the detergent, Triton X-100. The size of the rod-shape, somewhat elliptical, intact WSSV was 110-130 x 260-350 mm with a long, tail-like envelope extension. The naked viral nucleocapsid was about 80 x 350 nm, and it possessed 15 spiral and cylindrical helices composed of 14 globular capsomers along its long axis, and a 'ring' structure at one terminus. Distinct WSSV genome DNA patterns were obtained when the purified genomic dsDNA of WSSV was digested with five different restriction enzymes (HindIII, XhoI, B(BamHI, SalI, and SacI). In addition, at least 13 major and distinct protein bands could be observed when purified intact WSSV viruses were separated by SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie Brilliant R-250 staining. The estimated molecular weights of these proteins were 190, 84, 75, 69, 68, 58, 52, 44, 28, 27.5, 23, 19, and 16 kD, respectively. Both the 44 and 190 kD proteins were easily removed if the hemolymph from the: WSSV infected crayfish was transiently treated with 1%, Triton X-100 before it was subjected to gradient centrifugation, indicating that both of them are located on the surface of the viral envelope. These characteristics are consistent with WSSV isolated from the penaeid shrimp. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Comparative studies on community structure and biodiversity of macrozoobenthos were carried out in three lake areas with different states of eutrophication (mesotrophic, eutrophic and hypereutrophic) in a shallow subtropic lake (Lake Donghu) in the middle basin of the Yangtze River of China. Thirty-three taxa (including six Mollusca, five Oligochaeta, 15 Chironomidae and seven other zoobenthos) were found during February 1998 to April 1999. The results show that the more eutrophic the lake water, the lower the macrozoobenthos species diversity (measured as species number, diversity index, and K-dominant curves). Abundance of the oligochaete Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was positively correlated with the degree of eutrophication, which was due mainly to its ability to tolerate low dissolved oxygen. The chironomid Tanypus chinensis also thrived in the hypereutrophic environment; however, it was less endurable to eutrophication than L. hoffmeisteri.
Comparative studies on macrozoobenthos were done in 2 shallow mesotrophic lakes in the middle basins of the Yangtze River, China: Lake Biandantang where macrophytes were abundant, and Lake Houhu where macrophytes were scarce Samples were taken monthly at 4 stations in each lake from April 1997 to March 1999, and a total of 67 and 31 tara of macrozoobenthos were recorded in Lake Biandantang and Lake Houhu, respectively. Both annual mean density and biomass of macrozoobenthos were higher in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu: 780 vs 532 indivials/m(2) and 37.1 vs 25.9 g wet mass/m(2), respectively. Abundance of functional feeding groups followed the order: scraper > collector > predator > shredder in Lake Biandantang, and collector > predator > scraper > shredder in Lake Houhu. Only 1 density peak occurred from winter to early spring in Lake Houhu; however, in Lake Biandantang, there were 2 peaks, the winter peak and spring peak. K-dominance curves and Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Margelef indices indicated that macrozoobenthos were more diverse in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu Our study suggests that, in shallow lakes, submerged macrophytes are essential for the maintenance of biodiversity of macrozoobenthos mainly because the macrophytes increase habit heterogeneity and availability of suitable food, and may also decrease predation by fish on the macrozoobenthos.