999 resultados para Li, Jiang


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The influence of defects on the responsivity of GaN Schottky barrier ultraviolet photodetectors with n(-)-GaN/n(+)-GaN layer structures is investigated. It is found that employing undoped GaN instead of Si-doped GaN as the n(-)-GaN layer brings about a higher responsivity due to a lower Ga vacancy concentration. On the other hand, the dislocations may increase the recombination of electron-hole pairs and enhance the surface recombination in the photodetectors. Employing undoped GaN and reducing the dislocation density in the n(-)-GaN layer are necessary to improve the responsivity of Schottky barrier photodetectors. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The effect of Al incorporation on the AlGaN growth by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is investigated. With the increase of trimethylalluminum (TMAl) flux, the crystal quality becomes worse, and the epilayer surface becomes rougher. An interesting phenomenon is that the growth rate of AlGaN decrease with increasing TMAl flux, which is opposite to the AlN growth rate dependence on the TMAl flux. All these effects are attributed to the different properties of At atoms due to the higher bond strength of Al-N compared with Ga-N, which lead to lower surface mobility and stronger competitive ability of Al atoms during the growth. The enhancement of the surface mobility of Al is especially important for improving the quality of AlGaN. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Raman spectra of diluted magnetic semiconductor GaMnAs alloy were reported. The coupled plamon-LO-phonon ( CPLP) mode has LO-like polarization properties. With increasing Mn concentration, the CPLP mode shifts to low frequency. The hole density in the alloy was determined from the ratio of the intensity of the CPLP mode to that of the unscreened LO mode in the depletion layer. The hole density increases with the increase of the Mn composition. The Raman spectra of GaMnAs alloy were measured at different temperature. It is confirmed that the hole density in the alloy increases with the increase of the temperature.


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We investigate the effects of lightly Si doping on the minority carrier diffusion length in n-type GaN films by analyzing photovoltaic spectra and positron annihilation measurements. We find that the minority carrier diffusion length in undoped n-type GaN is much larger than in lightly Si-doped GaN. Positron annihilation analysis demonstrates that the concentration of Ga vacancies is much higher in lightly Si-doped GaN and suggests that the Ga vacancies instead of dislocations are responsible for the smaller minority carrier diffusion length in the investigated Si-doped GaN samples due to the effects of deep level defects. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the origin of yellow luminescence in n-type GaN. It is found that the relative intensity of yellow luminescence increases as the full width at half maximum of the x-ray diffraction rocking curve at the (102) plane increases. This indicates that the yellow luminescence is related to the edge dislocation density. In addition, the relative intensity of yellow luminescence is confirmed to increase with increasing Si doping for the high quality GaN we have obtained. We propose that the yellow luminescence is effectively enhanced by the transition from donor impurities such as Si to acceptors around the edge dislocations in n-type GaN. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The Al composition of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)-grown AlGaN alloy layers is found to be greatly influenced by the parasitic reaction between ammonia (NH3) and trimethylaluminum (TMAI). The growth process of AlN is carefully investigated by monitoring the in situ optical reflection. The abnormal dependencies of growth rate on growth temperature, reactor pressure, and flux of NH3 are observed and can be well explained by the effect of parasitic reaction. The increase of growth rate with increasing flux of TMAI is found to depend on the growth temperature and reactor pressure due to the presence of parasitic effect. A relatively low growth temperature and a reduced reactor pressure are suggested for the effective decrease of parasitic reaction during the MOCVD growth of AlN and probably lead to a more effective incorporation of Al into the AlGaN layers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glass spherical microcavities containing CdSSe semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of a few microns in diameter are fabricated using a physical method. When a single glass microspherical cavity is excited by a laser beam at room temperature, very strong and sharp whispering gallery modes are shown on the background of PL spectra of CdSSe QDs, which confirms that coupling between the optical emission of embedded QDs and spherical cavity modes is realized. For a glass microsphere only 4.6 mum in diameter, it was found that the energy separation is nearly up to 26 nm both for TE and TM modes. With the increasing excitation intensity, the excitation intensity dependence of the emission intensity is not linear in the double-logarithmic scale. Above the threshold value, the linewidths of resonance modes become narrower. The lasing behavior is achieved at relatively low excitation intensity at room temperature. High optical stability and low threshold value make this optical system promising in visible microlaser applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photoluminescence (PL) properties of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) with strain-compensated GaNAs layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy are investigated. The temperature-dependent PL spectra of GaInNAs/GaAs QW with and without GaNAs layers are compared and carefully studied. It is shown that the introduction of GaNAs layers between well and barrier can effectively extend the emission wavelength, mainly due to the reduction of the barrier potential. The PL peak position up to 1.41 mum is observed at the room temperature. After adding the GaNAs layers into QW structures, there is no essential deterioration of luminescence efficiency. N-induced localization states are also not remarkably influenced. It implies that with optimized growth condition, high-quality GaInNAs/GaAs QWs with strain-compensated GaNAs layers can be achieved. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experimental results show that the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for spin-valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. While studying Ta/X(X=Bi,Pb,Ag,In)/NiFe/FeMn multilayers, we also find that X atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface, which results in a decrease of the H-ex. However, a small amount of Bi, Pb, etc. deposited between Cu and pinned NiFe layer for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers can increase H-ex. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Fourth-order spatial interference of entangled photon pairs generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion pumped by a femtosecond pulse laser has been performed for the first time. In theory, it takes into account the transverse correlation between the two photons and is used to calculate the dependence of the visibility of the interference pattern obtained in Young's double-slit experiment. In this experiment, a short focal length tens and two narrow band interference filters were adopted to eliminate the effects of the broadband pump laser and improve the visibility of the interference pattern under the condition of nearly collinear light and degenerate phase matching.


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We investigated the effects of concomitant In- and N-incorporation on the photoluminescence (PL) of GaInNAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy. In comparison with the N-free GaInAs epilayer, the PL spectra of the GaInNAs epilayer exhibit an anomalous S-shape temperature dependence of dominant luminescence peak. Through further careful inspection, two PL peaks are clearly discerned and are associated with the interband excitonic recombinations and excitons bound to N-induced isoelectronic impurity states, respectively. By comparing the PL spectra of GaInNAs/ GaAs quantum wells (QWs) with those of In-free GaNAs/GaAs QWs grown under similar conditions, it is found that the concomitant In- and N-incorporation reduces the density of impurities and has an effect to improve the intrinsic optical transition of GaInNAs, but also enhance the N-induced clustering effects. At last, we found that rapid thermal annealing can significantly reduce the density of N-induced impurities. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum wells grown on a GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy are measured in a range of temperatures and excitation power densities. The energy position of the dominant PL peak shows an anomalous S-shape temperature dependence instead of the Varshni relation. By careful inspection, especially for the PL under lower excitation power density, two near bandedge peaks are well identified. These are assigned to carriers localized in nitrogen-induced bound states and interband excitonic recombinations, respectively. It is suggested that the temperature-induced switch of such two luminescence peaks in relative intensity causes a significant mechanism responsible for the S-shape shift observed in GaInNAs. A quantitative model based on the thermal depopulation of carriers is used to explain the temperature dependence of the PL peak related to N-induced bound states.


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The experimental results show that the exchange coupling field of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/ NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for the spin valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/ Ta. In order to find out the reason, the composition and chemical states at the surfaces of Ta(12nm)/ NiFe(7nm), Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4nm) and Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) were studied using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show that no elements from lower layers float out or segregate to the surface for the first and second samples. However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) multilayers, i.e. Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors causing the exchange coupling field of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers to be higher than that of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/ FeMn/Ta multilayers.


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Experimental results show that the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for spin-valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. In order to find out the reason, the composition and chemical states at the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm), Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(4 nm), and Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 nm) were studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that no elements from lower layers float out or segregate to the surface in the first and second samples. However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 nm) multilayers, i.e., Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors which causes the exchange coupling field (H-ex) of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta to be weaker than that of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The experimental results show that the exchange coupling field H.. of NiFe/FeMn for TalNiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for the spin valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. The composition and chemical states at the surface of Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm), Th(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4nm) and Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 mn) were studied by using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that no element from the underlayers Boats out or segregates to the surface for Th(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm), Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4 mn). However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) multilayers, i.e. to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors which will cause the exchange coupling field H.. of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers to be higher than that of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers.