916 resultados para Lei moral


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This paper deals with Carathédory's formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. The material is presented in a didatical way, which allows a second year undergraduate student to follow the formalism. An application is made to an ideal gas with two independent variables. A criticism to Carnot formulation of the second law and an investigation of the historical origins of the Carathéodory formalism are also presented.


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Entropy is a concept that has long stimulated human curiosity, resulting in an huge intelectual production. The same has not occurred for the first law of thermodynamics, perhaps because of its apparent obviousness. In this article the first law presentation, as displayed in most traditional physical chemistry textbooks, is criticized. An alternative view is suggested, in accordance with temporal thermodynamics. The time derivative local form of the second law is used to stress the entropy concept implications on the notion of internal energy.


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The classical interpretations of Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot on some physical principles involved in the operation of heat engines were fundamental to the development and formulation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Moreover, an accurate historical survey clearly reveals that Carnot was, by that time, also well aware about some new concepts, which were further worked out by other scientists to lead to what was, some time later, known as the mechanical equivalent of heat and the conservation of energy. Benoit Paul Émile Clapeyron recognized these original concepts in the first of Carnot´s monographs, published in 1824, but no explicit citation is found in any post-Carnot classical texts dealing with the First Law of Thermodynamics, including those by Julius Robert Mayer, James Prescott Joule and Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz. The main objective of the present work is to point out some historical evidences of the pioneering contribution of Carnot to the modern concept of the First Law of Thermodynamics.


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We treat some subtleties concerning the First Law of Thermodynamics and discuss the inherent difficulties, namely the interpretation of the heat and the work differentials. By proposing a new differential equation for the First Law, which is written using both system and neighborhood variables, we overcome the mentioned difficulties and establish a criterion for the definition of heat and work.


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Entrevista con Manuel Villegas


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Quien lea este libro, desde la introducción a las notas o quien conozca la trayectoria y ciertas publicaciones anteriores de su autor, sabrá que esta recensión ha sido escrita desde un lugar en el que la neutralidad y la imparcialidad resultan del todo improbables. La obra de Josep M.ª Puig objeto de la presente reseña tiene como referencia y marco de reflexión fundamentales los trabajos previos del GREM (Grup de Recerca en Educació Moral de la Universitat de Barcelona), equipo del que también forma parte el autor de esta reseña. Resulta asimismo que el autor de estas líneas hace más de veinte años que es amigo y colega del autor del libro. Y que, por si fuera poco, el autor del libro reconoce en su introducción una supuesta 'deuda especial' con el autor de la reseña. Con tales antecedentes, la credibilidad de esta recensión ha de quedar irremediablemente bajo mínimos. Por esta razón, voy a limitarme a señalar los defectos principales que a mi modo de ver tiene la obra.


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Els riscos ètics als serveis socials en temps de crisi es multipliquen i s’intensifiquen, però en essència no es tracta de riscos nous ni diferents dels que es podien produir en temps de bonança econòmica i social. No obstant, la cruesa del context dels serveis socials bàsics (freqüència de les situacions límit que s'han d'atendre, les qüestions internes i externes de la pràctica professional, el malestar i desencant dels professionals) pot suposar una oportunitat de visibilitat i prendre consciència d'aquests riscos ètics. A la vegada, l'anàlisi i l'abordatge d'aquest nou context des d'una perspectiva ètica pot suposar un antídot que permeti ressituar la pràctica professional (amb els seus límits, però també amb les seves possibilitats), millorar-ne la qualitat i la transparència, i, de retruc, trencar amb la dinàmica de cronificació de la insatisfacció i queixa professional. És a dir, la perspectiva ètica pot ajudar a aixecar la moral dels professionals. Així doncs, amb aquesta recerca pretenem assolir els següents objectius: Identificar els riscos ètics de la intervenció als serveis socials bàsics en relació als efectes i l'impacte de la crisi econòmica; analitzar els diferents riscos ètics identificats i efectuar propostes d'abordatge i minimització d'aquests riscos ètics


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Thermodynamics of homogeneous processes, which corresponds to the very special situation in thermodynamics of continuous media, is used to discuss the first law. An important part of this work is the exposition of some typical mathematical errors, frequently found in the traditional presentation of thermodynamics. The concepts of state and process functions are discussed, as well as reverse and reversible processes, temporality and its implications on thermodynamics, energy reservoirs and symmetry. Our proposal is to present the first law by using a time dependent viewpoint coherent with mechanics and the foundations of that viewpoint.


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This paper reports the development of an easy, fast and effective procedure for the verification of the ideal gas law in splitless injection systems in order to improve the response. Results of a group of pesticides were used to demonstrate the suitability of the approach. The procedure helps establish experimental parameters through theoretical aspects. The improved instrumental response allowed extraction with lower sample volumes, the minimization of time and costs and the simplification of sample preparation.


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Considering intrinsic characteristics of the system exclusively, both statistical and information theory interpretations of the second law are used to provide more comprehensive meanings for the concepts of entropy, temperature, and Helmholtz and Gibbs energies. The coherence of Clausius inequality to these concepts is emphasized. The aim of this work is to re-discuss the second law of thermodynamics in accordance to homogeneous processes thermodynamics, a temporal science which is the very special oversimplification of continuum mechanics for spatially constant intensive properties.


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This article shows the genesis of the law of volumes of combining gases, formulated by Gay-Lussac in 1808, and how it allowed the expression of the composition of organic compounds in terms of whole numbers of volumes, thus leading to the first classification of organic compounds, formulated by Dumas and Boullay in 1828. It was from this work that Organic Chemistry began to shed its purely taxonomic nature, analogous to what prevailed in Natural History, and to then develop in a vigorous and continuous process, initiating what may be the most significant historical phenomenon in the History of Chemistry of the nineteenth century.


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