982 resultados para Langues indo-aryennes
Al giorno d'oggi è diventato necessario conoscere varie lingue visto che viviamo ormai in un mondo sempre più interconnesso. L'inglese è diventata la lingua dominante, ma quali sono i rischi che ne derivano? E' veramente necessario utilizzare una "lingua terza" anche tra locutori di lingue della stessa famiglia? In Europa soprattutto, sembra che il multilinguismo sia diventato un ostacolo più che una ricchezza e c'è sempre più la tendenza ad accettare l'imposizione dell'inglese.Tuttavia ci sono metodi di didattica linguistica come l'"intercomprensione" che potrebbero permettere di riscoprire l'importanza delle famiglie linguistiche. Ciò permetterebbe di rivalutare e valorizzare le proprie radici culturali (attraverso la lingua) che rischiano di andare perdute per via di una massificazione culturale provocata dall'inglese. Pertanto questa tesi partirà da un'analisi complessiva delle lingue nel mondo (ecolinguistica, teorie di Louis-Jean Calvet), arriverà ad analizzare la situazione nell'Unione Europea e il ruolo dell'inglese giungendo infine a proporre l'intercomprensione (nello specifico il metodo EuRom5) come possibile mezzo di salvaguardia delle lingue nella loro diversità.
Indo-Pacific region encompasses about 75% of world's coral reefs, but hard coral cover in this region experienced a 32% region-wide decline since 1970s. This great change is primarily ascribable to natural and anthropogenic pressures, including climate change and human activities effects. Coral reef conservation requires management strategies oriented to maintain their diversity and the capacity to provide ecosystem goods and services. Coral reef resilience, i.e. the capacity to recover after disturbances, is critical to their long-term persistence. The aims of the present study were to design and to test field experiments intended to measure changes in recruitment processes, as a fundamental aspect of the coral reef resilience. Recruitment experiments, using artificial panels suspended in the water column, were carried out in two Indo-Pacific locations affected by different disturbances: a new mine in Bangka Island (Indonesia), and the increased sedimentation due to coastal dynamics in Vavvaru Island (Maldives). One (or more) putatively disturbed site(s) was selected to be tested against 3 randomly selected control sites. Panels’ arrangement simulates 2 proximities to living corals, i.e. the sources of propagules: few centimetres and 2 meters over. Panels were deployed simultaneously at each site and left submerged for about five months. Recruits were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level and recruited assemblages were analysed in terms of percent cover. In general it was not possible to detect significant differences between the benthic assemblages recruited in disturbed and control sites. The high variability observed in recruits assemblages structure among control sites may be so large to mask the possible disturbance effects. Only few taxa showed possible effects of the disturb they undergo. The field tests have highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the proposed approach and, based on these results, some possible improvements were suggested.
At the moment actions are undertaken in order to introduce National Languages in Primary Schools, it is interesting to study The Cameroon linguistic and educational policy: Attitudes and Representations relating to the Integration of national languages in the Adamawa Primary Schools. This study on images is a survey carried out with the collaboration of 115 teachers, 120 parents and some of the Adamawa educational Responsibles. The fundamental question which guides this survey is: are Attitudes and Representations of the Adamawa educational actors favourable to the Introduction of National Languages in the Primary Schools of that Region ? Our research’s hypothesis is that these perceptions impede the implementation of this policy. In the end of the data processing and the analysing of the field’s information, we are led to the following results. The basic education actors of the Adamawa Region don’t have information about legal and constitutional texts that support promotion and teaching of local languages. Nevertheless, they are disposed to support this policy. They propose fulani as the first language to be taught and the other languages after. But also, the selection of these languages is smeared by demeaning stereotypes. That’s why we recommend the organisation of wide Sensitization Campaigns destined for all the educational actors, the implication of ENIEG in the formation of teachers in local languages, and finally, the introduction of specific Contents for the teaching of National Languages in Cameroonian Primary Schools.
The Cangin languages are classified as an own subgroup of the Atlantic languages. Evidence for their common origin can be given by the comparative method. By means of the systematic grammatical comparison of different languages this method aims at the reconstruction of a hypothetic proto-language and allows to draw hypothesises on their diachronic linguistic development. This paper concentrates on the evolution of the consonant system of the Cangin languages.
A split-ergative construction had developed during the late MIA period (Bubenik 1998; Peterson 1998) in which subjects of perfective transitive clauses were marked ergative by an oblique form, in contrast with the nominative form for non-ergative subjects. Later in the NIA period, most NIA languages (e.g. Urdu/Hindi) developed a postpositional clitic that was added to the oblique suffix, while others (e.g. Sindhi) continued to mark ergative subjects with a generic oblique suffix. This paper focuses on one exceptional case: the Dehwali language of Gujarat. Dehwali has an ergative marker that is a fusional suffix (i.e. layer I - Masica 1991: 231) and appears to inflect to agree in number and gender with the subject it marks. I will present two possible scenarios as to the origin of the Dehwali ergative marker: that it may be the remnant of an archaic MIA oblique form, or that it may be a more recent innovation as the result of increased contact with neighbouring varieties. Based on theories of grammaticisation, I argue that the former hypothesis is more likely. These theories show that it is not uncommon for oblique case forms (i.e. ablative; genitive) to carry agentive properties.
Giuseppe Barzilai