335 resultados para Lacan


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Drawing heavily on the work of classicist Page duBois, which eloquently explains the emergence, in ancient Greece, of hierarchy and of what is still understood today as the great chain of being (scala naturae: male, female, slave, barbarian, animal), this paper analyzes the age-old negative conotations of the concept of difference in western culture, considers the reinvention of difference as “positive” by Rosi Braidotti (after Deleuze & Guattari), and reassesses the efforts of several other feminist philosophers (e.g. Luce Irigaray, Judith Butler, Gayatry Spivak, Drucilla Cornell) to counter Lacan on the impossibility of “speaking women” beyond the dominant (male) philosophical discourse. Or, to paraphrase Marie Cardinal, their efforts to find “les mots pour le dire”.


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During the last decade Castoriadis’ questioning has become a reference point in contemporary social theory. In this article I examine some of the key notions in Castoriadis’ work and explore how he strives to develop a theory on the irreducible creativity in the radical imagination of the individual and in the institution of the social-historical sphere. Firstly, I briefly discuss his conception of modern capitalism as bureaucratic capitalism, a view initiated by his criticism of the USSR regime. The following break up with Marxist theory and his psychoanalytic interests empowered him to criticize Lacan and read Freud in an imaginative, though unorthodox, fashion. I argue that this critical enterprise assisted greatly Castoriadis in his conception of the radical imaginary and in his unveiling of the political aspects of psychoanalysis. On the issue of the radical imaginary and its methodological repercussions, I’m focusing mainly on the radical imagination of the subject and its importance in the transition from the ‘‘psychic’’ to the ‘‘subject’’. Taking up the notion of “Being” as a starting point, I examine the notion of autonomy, seeking its roots in the ancient Greek world. By looking at notions such as “praxis”, “doing”, “project” and “elucidation”, I show how Castoriadis sought to redefine revolution as a means for social and individual autonomy. Finally I attempt to clarify the meaning of “democracy” and “democratic society” in the context of the social imaginary and its creations, the social imaginary significations.


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En esta ponencia quiero dejar presentado un sentido posible para pensar en torno al efecto de las palabras que en forma de discursos operan sobre las prácticas que todos los días de nuestra vida hacemos y hacemos hacer en el patio, la cancha, el playón, el polideportivo, el club y en todos los lugares en los que trabajamos. A éste efecto discursivo le denominaremos ?eficacia simbólica? del discurso. Lacan habla de la eficacia desde su texto sobre el estadio del espejo, en el cual se refiere a la eficacia de la señal. Debemos recordar la experiencia de la etología mencionada por Lacan: se le muestra a un animal una figura de un animal de su especie, lo que provoca como respuesta, el desencadenamiento de la conducta de "cortejo". Se trata de la eficacia de la imagen como señal. Lacan habla, en El estadio del espejo, de la eficacia de la imagen en la constitución de un yo corporal. Esto debe ponerse en contrapunto con lo que constituiría un momento decisivo de la enseñanza de Lacan: su descubrimiento de la eficacia simbólica. Digo "descubre" porque el término eficacia simbólica no es propiamente de Lacan, es de Levi Strauss. Se trata más específicamente del título de un libro de Levi Strauss, La eficacia simbólica, en el cual él describe básicamente los efectos de acción del chamán sobre el cuerpo del enfermo. El mito es la causa eficiente en la práctica chamanística. Si tomamos esto un poco rápidamente, se podría decir que no es finalmente nada nuevo, que se trata de aquello que los médicos siempre supieron: que es posible incidir con el lenguaje sobre el síntoma. Esto prueba, dice Lacan con ironía en Televisión, que "una práctica no 1necesita ser esclarecida para operar". Es decir: es posible operar con la palabra sin tener la menor idea de lo que se está haciendo


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En esta ponencia quiero dejar presentado un sentido posible para pensar en torno al efecto de las palabras que en forma de discursos operan sobre las prácticas que todos los días de nuestra vida hacemos y hacemos hacer en el patio, la cancha, el playón, el polideportivo, el club y en todos los lugares en los que trabajamos. A éste efecto discursivo le denominaremos ?eficacia simbólica? del discurso. Lacan habla de la eficacia desde su texto sobre el estadio del espejo, en el cual se refiere a la eficacia de la señal. Debemos recordar la experiencia de la etología mencionada por Lacan: se le muestra a un animal una figura de un animal de su especie, lo que provoca como respuesta, el desencadenamiento de la conducta de "cortejo". Se trata de la eficacia de la imagen como señal. Lacan habla, en El estadio del espejo, de la eficacia de la imagen en la constitución de un yo corporal. Esto debe ponerse en contrapunto con lo que constituiría un momento decisivo de la enseñanza de Lacan: su descubrimiento de la eficacia simbólica. Digo "descubre" porque el término eficacia simbólica no es propiamente de Lacan, es de Levi Strauss. Se trata más específicamente del título de un libro de Levi Strauss, La eficacia simbólica, en el cual él describe básicamente los efectos de acción del chamán sobre el cuerpo del enfermo. El mito es la causa eficiente en la práctica chamanística. Si tomamos esto un poco rápidamente, se podría decir que no es finalmente nada nuevo, que se trata de aquello que los médicos siempre supieron: que es posible incidir con el lenguaje sobre el síntoma. Esto prueba, dice Lacan con ironía en Televisión, que "una práctica no 1necesita ser esclarecida para operar". Es decir: es posible operar con la palabra sin tener la menor idea de lo que se está haciendo


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A presente pesquisa propõe-se a estudar possíveis relações entre idade, tempo de serviço como clérigo ou clériga na Igreja Metodista e auto-imagem destes últimos acerca de altruísmo. O tema do altruísmo é abordado a partir da filosofia, da psicanálise, dos estudos evolucionistas e da psicologia cognitiva do desenvolvimento moral. Examina as críticas e contribuições que a psicanálise de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan deu aos debates sobre altruísmo, bem como as possíveis relações com o tema proporcionadas pelas investigações de Jean Piaget e Lawrence Kohlberg sobre a elaboração de juízos éticos pelas pessoas. Analisa a imagem que pastores(as) metodistas no Brasil têm ou apresentam acerca de si mesmos(as), no tocante a ações visando ao bem-estar de outros seres humanos, levando-se em conta suas respostas e justificativas ao questionário apresentado, no qual aparecem situações hipotéticas em que o altruísmo é requerido. Os resultados evidenciam que clérigos(as) mais idosos possuem uma auto-imagem mais positiva do que a apresentada pelos mais jovens, no tocante ao altruísmo.(AU)


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Este trabalho busca apresentar as vivências de três pessoas ouvintes, além do próprio autor, filhas de pais surdos, discutindo as relações familiares entre pais e filhos, mostrando as diferenças em relação às famílias que não possuem pessoas surdas no seu âmago, desmistificando preconceitos e pré-conceitos. Devido as barreiras comunicacionais e pelo preconceito, muitos surdos acabavam sendo privados do direto de serem pais. Nos relatos apresentados nesta dissertação, houve momentos em que isso quase aconteceu na vida dos sujeitos entrevistados para esta pesquisa. Porém, com força e consciência dos direitos adquiridos, esses pais surdos não permitiram que tal coisa acontecesse. O texto inicia com a trajetória formativa e profissional do autor para, em seguida, trazer os autores que abordam temas como surdez (Wrigley, 1996; Lacerda, 1998; Perlin, 1998; Moura, 2000; Sá, 2002; Quadros, 2004; Sacks, 2007), antropologia (Hall, 1992; Gomes, 2008), relações familiares (Lacan, 1987) e autobiografia (Ferraroti, 1991; Pineau, 2006; demartini, 2008). A língua de sinais e a história educacional dos surdos também são discutidas neste trabalho. Por último, são apresentados os relatos de história de vida feitos na pesquisa de campo de forma literária, com as análises dos depoimentos colhidos pelos sujeitos entrevistados (filhos ouvintes e pais surdos) os quais evidenciam que ser filho de pais surdos pode ser tão normal quanto ser filho de pais ouvintes.


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The goal of this dissertation is to explore the use of transgressive language in the works of Juan Goytisolo and Zoé Valdés. This study examines the socio-political and cultural contexts in which the narrative of both authors develops, as well as the textual devices employed by these writers for undermining the “official history” imposed by the dictatorial regimes in Francoist Spain and Castro's Cuba. Furthermore, this dissertation argues that the deconstructing strategies in Goytisolo and Valdés mark their literary trajectory. Their vindicatory standpoints seek an alternative discourse of national identity. ^ The function of language in demythifying and recodifying hegemonic discourse is examined in Goytisolo's trilogy Señas de identidad, Reivindicación del conde don Julián, and Juan sin tierra; and the novels of Zoé Valdés La nada cotidiana and Te di la vida entera. The parallelisms in the literary works of Goytisolo and Valdés are established by contrasting the authors' revisionist approach to history, the self-reflexivity of their novels, the sexual referent, and the use of irony and parody. The theoretical framework incorporates poststructuralist theorists such as Todorov, Foucault, Lacan, Barthes, Derrida, and Kristeva; the psychoanalytical theory of Freud; and the feminist theories of Cixous and Irigaray. The comparative approach of this study and the interplay of power, politics, aesthetic creation, and author's psychology provide an illuminating perspective that could be of interest to individuals from a variety of disciplines. ^


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This study analyzed the reader's relationship to the sounds embedded in a written text for the purpose of identifying those sounds' contribution to the reader's interpretation of that text. To achieve this objective, this study negotiated Heideggerian phenomenology, Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, linguistics, and musicology into a reader response theory, which was then applied to Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven." This study argues that the orchestration of sounds in "The Raven" forces its reader into a regression, which the reader then represses, only to carry the resulting sound-image // away from the poem as a psychic scar.


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This paper will examine how male and female character interactions in Ernest Hemingway’s The Garden of Eden and Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White expose the internalization, normalization, and perpetuation of current modes of patriarchy in terms of gender roles through their presentations of androgyny. This paper highlights the parallels of gender construction and the interaction within the social relations depicted in these two novels, which have not been compared previously. The premise, based on the psychoanalytic theories of Jacques Lacan and cultural materialism of Raymond Williams, is that fiction reflects historical and contemporary social relations. Lacanian and feminist interpretations have both been conducted on literature written by Collins and Hemingway; however, neither look at these particular novels as two examples for the same contemporary phenomenon of 21st century patriarchal interpellation. This paper most similarly follows the work of Slavoj Žižek who analyzes contemporary social relations through film (including classics such as Casablanca and works by Alfred Hitchcock) and other aspects of popular culture. This project’s contribution and uniqueness lie with the way it applies theory to these particular literary works, specifically concerning gender relations and the prevalence of androgyny in widely read works by well-known authors in two very different literary and historical eras. My interpretation of these two novels provides an evaluation of historical and contemporary patriarchal norms and a radical potentiality for subverting the idea of static gender roles that has remained prevalent throughout the three centuries of these texts’ existence.


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This work came from a research question, namely authorizing a child to learn, lifted from the care of a child of 09 years in the school service of a private university located in Natal, whose complaint referred to a learning disorder more specifically, not the formalization of reading and writing. To undertake a survey of the Lacanian psychoanalytic - Freudian literature on learning, we find the concept of knowledge as fundamental to the analysis of this issue which led us to investigate the history of its co nstruction in Freud and Lacan, with a view to shed light on their relationship to learn. This is a theoretical type of research with the proposal to revisit the concept of knowledge in the work of Freud and Lacan's teaching, in which case only served as th e trigger point of this work. We found that in both these authors, the concept of knowledge is associated to the unconscious exclusively and can be hinged to learn the way of the desire to know. It concludes that learning is a process that involves the unconscious knowledge. Consequently, learning disorders may be linked to the impossible into play in the know about the desire to find himself alienated the significant of what operates as forbidden to know when not referred only or also of teaching and / or educational aspects. This shows us that the complaints that come to the clinic can illustrate dilemmas experienced by the speaking, related to subjective questions. Deviations from the possibility of learning may indicate in these cases, a manifestation of what is singular and very impossibility of generalization when it comes to subjects. With this, also attest that the relations of the subject with knowledge effect in learning processes.


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From a clinical case reporting a severe “ scholarship indiscipline”, this work questioned how the indiscipline can be a symptom . To answer the question, it was analyzed the symptom concept from the Freudian - lacaneana perspective and theirs connections with “ scholarship indiscipline” subject . The research used a theoretical and clinical method , to show the connection between the case development and the psychoanalytic publications reviewing questions on the subject . It was undertook a historical analysis of the construction of disciplinary mechanism through the works of Foucault (1987, 1996), Deleuze (1988; 1992) and commentators. This historical analysis showed a dated and unnatural character of this discursive production named “ scholarship indiscipline”, revealing the indiscipline complaint comes from a social speech that imposes the idea that learn ing depends on the discipline. However , this idea type has a flaw , because always something escapes disciplining . The social answer to the escape is the complaint of indiscipline, which can be taken as a social symptom . Each child should find an answer to this speech and define the symptomatic character , or not , from itself . It was evaluated the symptom and its consequences in the clinic with the child in the Freud and Lacan teachings . The Freud view showed the symptom is the answer to a psychic work , replacing a repressed representation linked to an unbearable sexual dis satisfaction , providing a solution for the child to deal with castration and with the imposed social restrictions . A review of Freud's work undertaken by Lacan emphasizes the psycholog ical work characteristics undertaken by the speaker with its symptom by the link with the social aspect. To analyze, in each case, the position occupied by the patient of a complaint against the indiscipline can open the way to work with it. If the discipl ine is the answer of the subject towards the Other social, from psychoanalysis it is offering a help that allows reframe this response. Elucidating the symptomatic character, or not, from attitudes considered undisciplined, calls for the analysis of unique ness involved in the response of each child, their subjectivity.


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This paper considers the desire for unity, reconciliation and consensus underpinning three models of talking – namely, 'the meeting', 'the dyadic love relationship', and 'the psychoanalytic session'. We highlight the three domains’ shared intellectual and historical heritage wherein talk is seen as a mode of achieving unity (of the group, of the dyad, or of the self) and conversely 'silence' is seen as pathology. Through looking at the role of silence in the works of Lacan, Joyce, and Beckett, we then examine how conversations with a collective, an Other, the self, etc. can all be enriched by ambivalence, antagonism and, in particular, silence. In contrast to the conventional understanding, silence is not the 'end' of understanding, but rather a new beginning. From this perspective, silence can be the basis upon which we can begin to imagine a principled relationship with the Other.


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This thesis explores the new art historical turn in contemporary art through close engagement with three British artworks. These are Tacita Dean’s, Section Cinema (Homage to Marcel Broodthaers), 2002, Jeremy Millar’s, The Man Who Looked Back, 2010, and Lucy Skaer’s, Leonora, 2006. Each of these artworks combines an art historical agenda with a celebration of the specificities of analogue film and photography in the context of our digital age. This thesis combines twentieth century photographic theory from Roland Barthes, André Bazin and Walter Benjamin, among others, with the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan in order to argue that the indexical qualities of analogue film and photography place the medium in close proximity to the Lacanian Real. In its obsolescence the analogue’s language of both touch and loss is heightened. Each chapter of this thesis explores a different aspect of the Real in relation to specific attributes of the analogue, such as its propensity for archiving cultural traumas, its receptiveness to chance, and its proximity to death.


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El presente texto es una respuesta al texto inédito de Althusser hoy conocido como "Tres notas sobre la teoría de los discursos". Este texto ha sido publicado póstumamente como "Trois notes sur la théorie des discours" en Écrits sur la psychanalyse. Freud et Lacan, textos reunidos y presentados por Oliver Corpet y François Matheron, Paris, Stock/IMEC, 1993. Hay edición castellana como: Escritos sobre psicoanálisis. Freud y Lacan, México, Siglo XXI, 2010, trad. de Eliana Cazenave-Tapie. El texto de Althusser fue redactado para su discusión en un "grupo de trabajo teórico" conformado además por Balibar, Pierre Macherey, Alain Badiou, e Yves Duroux. La metodología de trabajo consistía en entregar notas de investigación sobre un objeto teórico determinado, que los otros integrantes se comprometían a comentar por escrito. Para más datos sobre las circunstancias en las que fue producido remitimos a los lectores a la nota introductoria de dicho texto de François Matheron, pp. 99-103 de la edición castellana