971 resultados para LASER POWER TRANSMISSION
"Publication no. 97-79."
The fluorescence of single molecules coupled to a thermal bath is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The effect of different fluctuations on the coherence properties of resonance fluorescence is considered first. Coherence is measured in an interference experiment where a single molecule is used as a light source. A standard approach based on the optical Bloch equations apparently provides quite an accurate description of the interference experiment. Systems with long correlation times (where spectra are time dependent on any timescale) are considered next. It is shown that intensity-time-frequency correlation spectroscopy, which provides both high signal-to-noise ratio and high time resolution, is very suitable for such a case. The Bloch equations are further tested in an experiment where the shape of an excitation spectral line of a single molecule is accurately measured over six orders of magnitude of the exciting laser power. Significant deviations from the predictions of the Bloch equations are found. The role of critical parameters-the correlation time of the bath, the Rabi oscillation period, and the coupling constant between the bath and the molecule-is discussed. The paper also includes a short general introduction to the methodology of single-molecule studies.
We present a method for characterizing microscopic optical force fields. Two dimensional vector force maps are generated by measuring the optical force applied to a probe particle for a grid of particle positions. The method is used to map Out the force field created by the beam from a lensed fiber inside a liquid filled microdevice. We find transverse gradient forces and axial scattering forces on the order of 2 pN per 10 mW laser power which are constant over a considerable axial range (> 35 mu m). These findings suggest Future useful applications of lensed fibers for particle guiding/sorting. The propulsion of a small particle at a constant velocity of 200 mu m s(-1) is shown.
VSC converters are becoming more prevalent for HVDC applications. Two circuits are commercially available at present, a traditional six-switch, PWM inverter, implemented using series connected IGBTs - ABBs HVDC Light®, and the other a modular multi-level converter (MMC) - Siemens HVDC-PLUS. This paper presents an alternative MMC topology, which utilises a novel current injection technique, and exhibits several desirable characteristics.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62G08, 62P30.
DC distribution and transmission provides an efficient, cost effective and reliable alternative to traditional AC systems for offshore wind farm integration. High power DC-DC converters are key components to realise future offshore voltage DC grids and multi-terminal HVDC systems. Different DC-DC converter topologies have been proposed for this application. The aim of this paper is to investigate the viability of Switched Capacitor (SC) converters in high power application particularly the interconnection of offshore windfarms to a medium voltage DC grid. In addition, a comparison of alternative topologies that have been proposed will be presented. Simulation and experimental results are provided to verify the analysis.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 78A50
This paper proposes a novel dc-dc converter topology to achieve an ultrahigh step-up ratio while maintaining a high conversion efficiency. It adopts a three degree of freedom approach in the circuit design. It also demonstrates the flexibility of the proposed converter to combine with the features of modularity, electrical isolation, soft-switching, low voltage stress on switching devices, and is thus considered to be an improved topology over traditional dc-dc converters. New control strategies including the two-section output voltage control and cell idle control are also developed to improve the converter performance. With the cell idle control, the secondary winding inductance of the idle module is bypassed to decrease its power loss. A 400-W dc-dc converter is prototyped and tested to verify the proposed techniques, in addition to a simulation study. The step-up conversion ratio can reach 1:14 with a peak efficiency of 94% and the proposed techniques can be applied to a wide range of high voltage and high power distributed generation and dc power transmission.
Hearing implants are an important devices for combating deafness over the next 15 years. In this paper, we focus on the means to determine the sensitivity of the hearing organ to disturbances produced by implants and other interventions, and those induced by implantation. The preservation of residual hearing is an important aspect to be considered, however, the sensitivity of this to the process of implantation, device location and power levels is not well understood. Within this paper, a new experimental set-up to contrast the merits of different implantation techniques, implant location and power transmission are discussed and the initial results regarding disturbance levels using different surgical techniques are described.
This work looks at the effect on mid-gap interface state defect density estimates for In0.53Ga0.47As semiconductor capacitors when different AC voltage amplitudes are selected for a fixed voltage bias step size (100 mV) during room temperature only electrical characterization. Results are presented for Au/Ni/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors with (1) n-type and p-type semiconductors, (2) different Al2O3 thicknesses, (3) different In0.53Ga0.47As surface passivation concentrations of ammonium sulphide, and (4) different transfer times to the atomic layer deposition chamber after passivation treatment on the semiconductor surface—thereby demonstrating a cross-section of device characteristics. The authors set out to determine the importance of the AC voltage amplitude selection on the interface state defect density extractions and whether this selection has a combined effect with the oxide capacitance. These capacitors are prototypical of the type of gate oxide material stacks that could form equivalent metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors beyond the 32 nm technology node. The authors do not attempt to achieve the best scaled equivalent oxide thickness in this work, as our focus is on accurately extracting device properties that will allow the investigation and reduction of interface state defect densities at the high-k/III–V semiconductor interface. The operating voltage for future devices will be reduced, potentially leading to an associated reduction in the AC voltage amplitude, which will force a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio of electrical responses and could therefore result in less accurate impedance measurements. A concern thus arises regarding the accuracy of the electrical property extractions using such impedance measurements for future devices, particularly in relation to the mid-gap interface state defect density estimated from the conductance method and from the combined high–low frequency capacitance–voltage method. The authors apply a fixed voltage step of 100 mV for all voltage sweep measurements at each AC frequency. Each of these measurements is repeated 15 times for the equidistant AC voltage amplitudes between 10 mV and 150 mV. This provides the desired AC voltage amplitude to step size ratios from 1:10 to 3:2. Our results indicate that, although the selection of the oxide capacitance is important both to the success and accuracy of the extraction method, the mid-gap interface state defect density extractions are not overly sensitive to the AC voltage amplitude employed regardless of what oxide capacitance is used in the extractions, particularly in the range from 50% below the voltage sweep step size to 50% above it. Therefore, the use of larger AC voltage amplitudes in this range to achieve a better signal-to-noise ratio during impedance measurements for future low operating voltage devices will not distort the extracted interface state defect density.
Cette thèse propose de développer des mécanismes déployables pour applications spatiales ainsi que des modes d’actionnement permettant leur déploiement et le contrôle de l’orientation en orbite de l’engin spatial les supportant. L’objectif étant de permettre le déploiement de surfaces larges pour des panneaux solaires, coupoles de télécommunication ou sections de station spatiale, une géométrie plane simple en triangle est retenue afin de pouvoir être assemblée en différents types de surfaces. Les configurations à membrures rigides proposées dans la littérature pour le déploiement de solides symétriques sont optimisées et adaptées à l’expansion d’une géométrie ouverte, telle une coupole. L’optimisation permet d’atteindre un ratio d’expansion plan pour une seule unité de plus de 5, mais présente des instabilités lors de l’actionnement d’un prototype. Le principe de transmission du mouvement d’un étage à l’autre du mécanisme est revu afin de diminuer la sensibilité des performances du mécanisme à la géométrie de ses membrures internes. Le nouveau modèle, basé sur des courroies crantées, permet d’atteindre des ratios d’expansion plans supérieurs à 20 dans certaines configurations. L’effet des principaux facteurs géométriques de conception est étudié afin d’obtenir une relation simple d’optimisation du mécanisme plan pour adapter ce dernier à différents contextes d’applications. La géométrie identique des faces triangulaires de chaque surface déployée permet aussi l’empilement de ces faces pour augmenter la compacité du mécanisme. Une articulation spécialisée est conçue afin de permettre le dépliage des faces puis leur déploiement successivement. Le déploiement de grandes surfaces ne se fait pas sans influencer lourdement l’orientation et potentiellement la trajectoire de l’engin spatial, aussi, différentes stratégies de contrôle de l’orientation novatrices sont proposées. Afin de tirer profit d’une grande surface, l’actionnement par masses ponctuelles en périphérie du mécanisme est présentée, ses équations dynamiques sont dérivées et simulées pour en observer les performances. Celles-ci démontrent le potentiel de cette stratégie de réorientation, sans obstruction de l’espace central du satellite de base, mais les performances restent en deçà de l’effet d’une roue d’inertie de masse équivalente. Une stratégie d’actionnement redondant par roue d’inertie est alors présentée pour différents niveaux de complexité de mécanismes dont toutes les articulations sont passives, c’est-à-dire non actionnées. Un mécanisme à quatre barres plan est simulé en boucle fermée avec un contrôleur simple pour valider le contrôle d’un mécanisme ciseau commun. Ces résultats sont étendus à la dérivation des équations dynamiques d’un mécanisme sphérique à quatre barres, qui démontre le potentiel de l’actionnement par roue d’inertie pour le contrôle de la configuration et de l’orientation spatiale d’un tel mécanisme. Un prototype à deux corps ayant chacun une roue d’inertie et une seule articulation passive les reliant est réalisé et contrôlé grâce à un suivi par caméra des modules. Le banc d’essai est détaillé, ainsi que les défis que l’élimination des forces externes ont représenté dans sa conception. Les résultats montrent que le système est contrôlable en orientation et en configuration. La thèse se termine par une étude de cas pour l’application des principaux systèmes développés dans cette recherche. La collecte de débris orbitaux de petite et moyenne taille est présentée comme un problème n’ayant pas encore eu de solution adéquate et posant un réel danger aux missions spatiales à venir. L’unité déployable triangulaire entraînée par courroies est dupliquée de manière à former une coupole de plusieurs centaines de mètres de diamètre et est proposée comme solution pour capturer et ralentir ces catégories de débris. Les paramètres d’une mission à cette fin sont détaillés, ainsi que le potentiel de réorientation que les roues d’inertie permettent en plus du contrôle de son déploiement. Près de 2000 débris pourraient être retirés en moins d’un an en orbite basse à 819 km d’altitude.
Upconverting nanoparticles have attracted much attention in science recently, specifically in view of medical and biological applications such as live imaging of cell temperatures or cancer treatment. The previously studied system of gadolinium oxide nanorods co-doped with erbium and ytterbium and decorated with different number densities of gold nanoparticles has been studied. So far, these particles have been proven as efficient nanothermometers in a temperature range from 300 up to 2000 K. In this work, a more detailed study on the morphological and radiative behaviour of these particles has been conducted. It was found that the laser power threshold for the onset of the black body radiation decreases strongly with the increase in the gold concentration. The temperature of the onset itself seems to remain approximately constant. The heating efficiency was determined to increase significantly with the gold concentration. The morphological study revealed that the temperature at the black body radiation threshold was not enough to induce any significant transformation in neither the nanorods nor the gold nanoparticles, as was expected from comparison with literature. However, significant changes in radiative properties and the morphology were detected for powders that underwent strong laser heating until the emission of brightly visible black body radiation.
Many photonic devices are based on waveguides (WG) whose optical properties can be externally modified. These active WGs are usually obtained with electrooptic materials in either the propagating film (core) or the substrate (cladding). In the second case, the WG tunability is based on the interaction of the active material with the evanescent field of the propagating beam.Liquid crystals (LCs) are an excellent choice as electrooptic active materials since they feature high birefringence, low switching voltage, and relatively simple manufacturing. In this work, we have explored alternative ways to prepare WGs of arbitrary shapes avoiding photolithographic steps. To do this, we have employed a UV laser unit (Spectra Physics)attached to an xyzCNC system mounted on an optical bench. The laser power is 300mW, the spot size can be reduced slightly below 1 µm, and the electromechanicalpositioning is well below that number.Different photoresinshave been evaluated for curing time and uniformity; the results have been compared to equivalent WGs realized by standard photolithographic procedures. Best results have been obtained with several kinds of NOA adhesives (Norland Products Inc.) and SU8 (Microchem). NOA81 optical adhesive has been employed by several groups for the preparation ofmicrochannels [1] and microfluidic systems[2]. In our case, several NOAs having different refractive indices have been tested in order to optimize light coupling and guiding. The adhesive is spinnedonto a substrate, and a number of segmented WGs are written with the laser system. The laser power is attenuated 20 dB. Then the laser spot is swept a number of times (from 1 to 900) on every segment. It has been found that, for example, the optimum number of sweeps for NOA81 is 30-70 times (center of the figure) under these conditions. The WG dimensions obtained with this procedure are about 7 µm high and 12 µm wide.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.