374 resultados para Koillinen, Mikael


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O experimento de campo foi conduzido no Núcleo de Produção Animal (NUPRAN) da Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste do Paraná (UNICENTRO) com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do tamanho de partícula (pequena: entre 0,2 e 0,6 cm ou grande: entre 1,0 e 2,0 cm) e da altura de corte das plantas de milho para ensilagem (baixo:15 cm ou alto: 39 cm), sobre perdas, valor nutritivo das silagens e desempenho animal em confinamento, constituindo-se os tratamentos: T1 – silagem de partícula pequena com altura de corte baixo; T2 – silagem de partícula grande com altura de corte baixo; T3 – silagem de partícula pequena com altura de corte alto; e T4 – silagem de partícula grande com altura de corte alto. Foram utilizados 36 novilhos inteiros da raça Charolês, com idade média de doze meses e com peso vivo médio inicial de 355 kg. O confinamento compreendeu 84 dias de avaliação. As silagens foram fornecidas ad libitum em dietas com uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 67:33. A colheita à altura de 15,2 cm propiciou incremento (P<0,05) de 7,1% na produção de matéria seca ensilável em relação à altura de corte de 38,6 cm. A silagem de milho produzida a partir de plantas cortadas à 38,6 cm apresentou menores teores de fibra em detergente neutro e maior concentração de energia digestível. Partículas de tamanho pequeno determinaram maior eficiência de compactação da massa ensilada, diminuindo gradientes de temperatura entre meio ambiente e silagem e de pH na desensilagem, frente às silagens de partículas grandes. A silagem com tamanho de partícula grande resultou em maiores (P<0,05) perdas físicas na desensilagem e durante a alimentação dos animais confinados. Embora a colheita das plantas de milho a 38,6 cm tenha melhorado o valor nutritivo da silagem, as variáveis relativas ao consumo de alimentos, ao ganho de peso médio diário e à conversão alimentar não foram afetadas (P>0,05). Mesmo reduzindo o tempo de ruminação dos animais (P<0,05), recomenda-se a inclusão de silagem de milho colhida à altura de 38,6 cm com tamanho de partícula pequena na dieta de bovinos jovens em confinamento, por proporcionar melhor lucratividade no sistema de produção. O uso de silagens de milho colhidas às alturas tanto de 15,2 cm ou de 38,6 cm, porém com tamanho de partícula pequena na produção de superprecoce resulta em maior rendimento de carcaça e menores perdas no resfriamento.


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Genetic variation in the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) causes and contributes risk for oral clefting disorders. We hypothesized that genes regulated by IRF6 are also involved in oral clefting disorders. We used five criteria to identify potential IRF6 target genes; differential gene expression in skin taken from wild-type and Irf6-deficient murine embryos, localization to the Van der Woude syndrome 2 (VWS2) locus at 1p36-1p32, overlapping expression with Irf6, presence of a conserved predicted-binding site in the promoter region, and a mutant murine phenotype that was similar to the Irf6 mutant mouse. Previously, we observed altered expression for 573 genes; 13 were located in the murine region syntenic to the VWS2 locus. Two of these genes, Wdr65 and Stratifin, met 4 of 5 criteria. Wdr65 was a novel gene that encoded a predicted protein of 1,250 amino acids with two WD domains. As potential targets for Irf6 regulation, we hypothesized that disease-causing mutations will be found in WDR65 and Stratifin in individuals with VWS or VWS-like syndromes. We identified a potentially etiologic missense mutation in WDR65 in a person with VWS who does not have an exonic mutation in IRF6. The expression and mutation data were consistent with the hypothesis that WDR65 was a novel gene involved in oral clefting. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar, durante a fase de terminação, o peso, o consumo alimentar, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de vacas de descarte, puras (Charolês-C e Nelore-N) e cruzadas F1 ( ½ CN e ½ NC), bem como medir a heterose resultante. As vacas foram confinadas por um período de 80 dias, sendo todas alimentadas com a mesma dieta, contendo 10% de proteína bruta e uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 65:35. Vacas F1 foram mais pesadas no início (402 vs 362 kg) e no final do confinamento (524 vs 475 kg), sendo a heterose de 11,05 e 10,31%, respectivamente. O ganho de peso médio diário das vacas F1 (1,557 kg) foi similar ao das puras (1,424 kg). O consumo voluntário de matéria seca (CMS) em kg/animal/dia (CMSD) foi 11,26% superior nas vacas F1 em relação às puras. No entanto, ao expressar o CMS por unidade de peso metabólico (CMSM) e por 100 kg de peso vivo (CMSP), a diferença decresceu para 3,25 e 3,57%, respectivamente, e deixou de ser significativa. Vacas C foram mais pesadas e apresentaram maior ganho de peso médio diário que vacas N (1,554 contra 1,294 kg). Vacas ½ CN foram mais pesadas e mais eficientes na transformação de alimentos em ganho de peso que vacas ½ NC.


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This study tested whether 3-4 weeks of classical Live High-Train High (LHTH) altitude training increases swim-specific VO2max through increased hemoglobin mass (Hb(mass)).Ten swimmers lived and trained for more than 3 weeks between 2,130 and 3,094 m of altitude, and a control group of ten swimmers followed the same training at sea-level (SL). Body composition was examined using dual X-ray absorptiometry. Hb(mass) was determined by carbon monoxide rebreathing. Swimming VO2peak was determined and swimming trials of 4 x 50, 200 and 3,000 m were performed before and after the intervention.Hb(mass) (n = 10) was increased (P < 0.05)after altitude training by 6.2 +/- A 3.9 % in the LHTH group, whereas no changes were apparent in the SL group (n = 10). Swimming VO2peak was similar before and after training camps in both groups (LHTH: n = 7, SL: n = 6). Performance of 4 x 50 m at race pace was improved to a similar degree in both groups (LHTH: n = 10, SL: n = 10). Maximal speed reached in an incremental swimming step test (P = 0.051), and time to complete 3,000 m tended (P = 0.09) to be more improved after LHTH (n = 10) than SL training (n = 10).In conclusion, 3-4 weeks of classical LHTH is sufficient to increase Hb(mass) but exerts no effect on swimming-specific VO2peak. LHTH may improve performance more than SL training.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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This study aims to perform the morphometric characterization of the watershed stream Petiço, Botucatu-SP, through techniques of GIS by GIS IDRISI Selva and Charter planialtimetric Botucatu (SF-22-ZB-VI-3) , edited by IBGE (1969), scale 1: 50000 for ranking the drainage network and the morphometric analysis. The variables analyzed were the dimensions, the relief pattern, pattern of the drainage network and the shape variables. The results show that related to how the watershed has an oblong shape with environmental interpretation with low tendency to flooding and erosion. The sinuosity index of 1.22 shows that the channels of the micro tend to be somewhat sinuous, which allows to infer that is permeable soil with good water infiltration. Based on the results of the morphometric variables was found that the watershed is in good condition of conservation, however, presents certain risks of susceptibility to erosion, and environmental degradation in some points, being fundamental to the maintenance of vegetation cover, in view of the roughness coefficient (Rn). Thus, the evaluation of morphometric characteristics in the study watershed constitutes an important tool in conjunction with the use of GIS and Geographic Information Systems makes possible the planning and management of natural resources aimed at their conservation.


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Saccular intracranial aneurysms are balloon-like dilations of the intracranial arterial wall; their hemorrhage commonly results in severe neurologic impairment and death. We report a second genome-wide association study with discovery and replication cohorts from Europe and Japan comprising 5,891 cases and 14,181 controls with approximately 832,000 genotyped and imputed SNPs across discovery cohorts. We identified three new loci showing strong evidence for association with intracranial aneurysms in the combined dataset, including intervals near RBBP8 on 18q11.2 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, P = 1.1 x 10(-12)), STARD13-KL on 13q13.1 (OR = 1.20, P = 2.5 x 10(-9)) and a gene-rich region on 10q24.32 (OR = 1.29, P = 1.2 x 10(-9)). We also confirmed prior associations near SOX17 (8q11.23-q12.1; OR = 1.28, P = 1.3 x 10(-12)) and CDKN2A-CDKN2B (9p21.3; OR = 1.31, P = 1.5 x 10(-22)). It is noteworthy that several putative risk genes play a role in cell-cycle progression, potentially affecting the proliferation and senescence of progenitor-cell populations that are responsible for vascular formation and repair.


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Two surveys of over 1,700 publications whose authors use quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) reveal a lack of transparent and comprehensive reporting of essential technical information. Reporting standards are significantly improved in publications that cite the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines, although such publications are still vastly outnumbered by those that do not.


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The predicted global warming may affect freshwater systems at several organizational levels, from organism to ecosystem. Specifically, in temperate regions, the projected increase of winter temperatures may have important effects on the over-winter biology of a range of organisms and especially for fish and other ectothermic animals. However, temperature effects on organisms may be directed strongly by resource availability. Here, we investigated whether over-winter loss of biomass and lipid content of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus) was affected by the physiologically relatively small (2-5°C) changes of winter temperatures predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), under both natural and experimental conditions. This was investigated in combination with the effects of food availability. Finally, we explored the potential for a correlation between lake temperature and resource levels for planktivorous fish, i.e., zooplankton biomass, during five consecutive winters in a south Swedish lake. We show that small increases in temperature (+2°C) affected fish biomass loss in both presence and absence of food, but negatively and positively respectively. Temperature alone explained only a minor part of the variation when food availability was not taken into account. In contrast to other studies, lipid analyses of experimental fish suggest that critical somatic condition rather than critical lipid content determined starvation induced mortality. Our results illustrate the importance of considering not only changes in temperature when predicting organism response to climate change but also food-web interactions, such as resource availability and predation. However, as exemplified by our finding that zooplankton over-winter biomass in the lake was not related to over-winter temperature, this may not be a straightforward task.


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OBJECTIVE The results of Interventional Management of Stroke (IMS) III, Magnetic Resonance and REcanalization of Stroke Clots Using Embolectomy (MR RESCUE), and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION trials are expected to affect the practice of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke. The purpose of this report is to review the components of the designs and methods of these trials and to describe the influence of those components on the interpretation of trial results. METHODS A critical review of trial design and conduct of IMS III, MR RESCUE, and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION is performed with emphasis on patient selection, shortcomings in procedural aspects, and methodology of data ascertainment and analysis. The influence of each component is estimated based on published literature including multicenter clinical trials reporting on endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction. RESULTS We critically examined the time interval between symptom onset and treatment and rates of angiographic recanalization to differentiate between "endovascular treatment" and "parameter optimized endovascular treatment" as it relates to the IMS III, MR RESCUE, and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION trials. All the three trials failed to effectively test "parameter optimized endovascular treatment" due to the delay between symptom onset and treatment and less than optimal rates of recanalization. In all the three trials, the magnitude of benefit with endovascular treatment required to reject the null hypothesis was larger than could be expected based on previous studies. The IMS III and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION trials demonstrated that rates of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhages subsequent to treatment are similar between IV thrombolytics and endovascular treatment in matched acute ischemic stroke patients. The trials also indirectly validated the superiority/equivalence of IV thrombolytics (compared with endovascular treatment) in patients with minor neurological deficits and those without large vessel occlusion on computed tomographic/magnetic resonance angiography. CONCLUSIONS The results do not support a large magnitude benefit of endovascular treatment in subjects randomized in all the three trials. The possibility that benefits of a smaller magnitude exist in certain patient populations cannot be excluded. Large magnitude benefits can be expected with implementation of "parameter optimized endovascular treatment" in patients with ischemic stroke who are candidates for IV thrombolytics.


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In this paper we present BitWorker, a platform for community distributed computing based on BitTorrent. Any splittable task can be easily specified by a user in a meta-information task file, such that it can be downloaded and performed by other volunteers. Peers find each other using Distributed Hash Tables, download existing results, and compute missing ones. Unlike existing distributed computing schemes relying on centralized coordination point(s), our scheme is totally distributed, therefore, highly robust. We evaluate the performance of BitWorker using mathematical models and real tests, showing processing and robustness gains. BitWorker is available for download and use by the community.


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The original version of this consensus statement on mechanical thrombectomy was approved at the European Stroke Organisation (ESO)-Karolinska Stroke Update conference in Stockholm, 16-18 November 2014. The statement has later, during 2015, been updated with new clinical trials data in accordance with a decision made at the conference. Revisions have been made at a face-to-face meeting during the ESO Winter School in Berne in February, through email exchanges and the final version has then been approved by each society. The recommendations are identical to the original version with evidence level upgraded by 20 February 2015 and confirmed by 15 May 2015. The purpose of the ESO-Karolinska Stroke Update meetings is to provide updates on recent stroke therapy research and to discuss how the results may be implemented into clinical routine. Selected topics are discussed at consensus sessions, for which a consensus statement is prepared and discussed by the participants at the meeting. The statements are advisory to the ESO guidelines committee. This consensus statement includes recommendations on mechanical thrombectomy after acute stroke. The statement is supported by ESO, European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT), European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR), and European Academy of Neurology (EAN).