721 resultados para Knowledge management (KM)


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La gestión del conocimiento (KM) se basa en la captación, filtración, procesamiento y análisis de unos datos en bruto que con dicho refinamiento podrán llegar a convertirse en conocimiento o Sabiduría. Estas prácticas tendrán lugar en este PFC en una WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) compuesta de unos sofisticados dispositivos comúnmente conocidos como “motas” y cuya principal característica son sus bajas capacidades en cuanto a memoria, batería o autonomía. Ha sido objetivo primordial de este Proyecto de fin de Carrera aunar una WSN con la Gestión del Conocimiento así como demostrar que es posible llevar a cabo grandes procesamientos de información, con tan bajas capacidades, si se distribuyen correctamente los procesos. En primera instancia, se introducen conceptos básicos acerca de las WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) así como de los elementos principales en dichas redes. Tras conocer el modelo de arquitectura de comunicaciones se procede a presentar la Gestión del Conocimiento de forma teórica y a continuación la interpretación que se ha hecho a partir de diversas referencias bibliográficas para llevar a cabo la implementación del proyecto. El siguiente paso es describir punto por punto todos los componentes del Simulador; librerías, funcionamiento y demás cuestiones sobre configuración y puesta a punto. Como escenario de aplicación se plantea una red de sensores inalámbricos básica cuya topología y ubicación es completamente configurable. Se lleva a cabo una configuración a nivel de red basada en el protocolo 6LowPAN pero con posibilidad de simplificarlo. Los datos se procesan de acuerdo a un modelo piramidal de Gestión de Conocimiento adaptable a las necesidades del usuario. Mediante la utilización de las diversas opciones que proporciona la interfaz gráfica implementada y los documentos de resultados que se van generando, se puede llevar a cabo un detallado estudio posterior de la simulación y comprobar si se cumplen las expectativas planteadas. Knowledge management (KM) is based on the collection, filtering, processing and analysis of some raw data which such refinement it can be turned into knowledge or wisdom. These practices will take place in a WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) consists of sophisticated devices commonly known as "dots" and whose main characteristics are its low capacity for memory, battery or autonomy. A primary objective of this Project will be to join a WSN with Knowledge Management and show that it is possible make largo information processing, with such low capacity if the processes are properly distributed. First, we introduce basic concepts about the WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) and major elements of these networks. After meeting the communications architecture model, we proceed to show the Knowledge Management theory and then the interpretation of several bibliographic references to carry out the project implementation. The next step is discovering point by point all over the Simulator components; libraries, operation and the rest of points about configuration and tuning. As application scenario we propose a basic wireless sensor network whose topology and location is completely customizable. It will perform a network level configuration based in W6LowPAN Protocol. Data is processed according to a pyramidal pattern Knowledge Management adaptable to the user´s needs. The hardware elements will suffer more or less energy dependence depending on their role and activity in the network. Through the various options that provide the graphical interface has been implemented and results documents that are generated, can be carried out after a detailed study of the simulation and verify compliance with the expectations raised.


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La gestión del conocimiento (KM) es el proceso de recolectar datos en bruto para su análisis y filtrado, con la finalidad de obtener conocimiento útil a partir de dichos datos. En este proyecto se pretende hacer un estudio sobre la gestión de la información en las redes de sensores inalámbricos como inicio para sentar las bases para la gestión del conocimiento en las mismas. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN) son redes compuestas por sensores (también conocidos como motas) distribuidos sobre un área, cuya misión es monitorizar una o varias condiciones físicas del entorno. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos se caracterizan por tener restricciones de consumo para los sensores que utilizan baterías, por su capacidad para adaptarse a cambios y ser escalables, y también por su habilidad para hacer frente a fallos en los sensores. En este proyecto se hace un estudio sobre la gestión de la información en redes de sensores inalámbricos. Se comienza introduciendo algunos conceptos básicos: arquitectura, pila de protocolos, topologías de red, etc.… Después de esto, se ha enfocado el estudio hacia TinyDB, el cual puede ser considerado como parte de las tecnologías más avanzadas en el estado del arte de la gestión de la información en redes de sensores inalámbricos. TinyDB es un sistema de procesamiento de consultas para extraer información de una red de sensores. Proporciona una interfaz similar a SQL y permite trabajar con consultas contra la red de sensores inalámbricos como si se tratara de una base de datos tradicional. Además, TinyDB implementa varias optimizaciones para manejar los datos eficientemente. En este proyecto se describe también la implementación de una sencilla aplicación basada en redes de sensores inalámbricos. Las motas en la aplicación son capaces de medir la corriente a través de un cable. El objetivo de esta aplicación es monitorizar el consumo de energía en diferentes zonas de un área industrial o doméstico, utilizando redes de sensores inalámbricas. Además, se han implementado las optimizaciones más importantes que se han aprendido en el análisis de la plataforma TinyDB. Para desarrollar esta aplicación se ha utilizado como sensores la plataforma open-source de creación de prototipos electrónicos Arduino, y el ordenador de placa reducida Raspberry Pi como coordinador. ABSTRACT. Knowledge management (KM) is the process of collecting raw data for analysis and filtering, to get a useful knowledge from this data. In this project the information management in wireless sensor networks is studied as starting point before knowledge management. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are networks which consists of sensors (also known as motes) distributed over an area, to monitor some physical conditions of the environment. Wireless sensor networks are characterized by power consumption constrains for sensors which are using batteries, by the ability to be adaptable to changes and to be scalable, and by the ability to cope sensor failures. In this project it is studied information management in wireless sensor networks. The document starts introducing basic concepts: architecture, stack of protocols, network topology… After this, the study has been focused on TinyDB, which can be considered as part of the most advanced technologies in the state of the art of information management in wireless sensor networks. TinyDB is a query processing system for extracting information from a network of sensors. It provides a SQL-like interface and it lets us to work with queries against the wireless sensor network like if it was a traditional database. In addition, TinyDB implements a lot of optimizations to manage data efficiently. In this project, it is implemented a simple wireless sensor network application too. Application’s motes are able to measure amperage through a cable. The target of the application is, by using a wireless sensor network and these sensors, to monitor energy consumption in different areas of a house. Additionally, it is implemented the most important optimizations that we have learned from the analysis of TinyDB platform. To develop this application it is used Arduino open-source electronics prototyping platform as motes, and Raspberry Pi single-board computer as coordinator.


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Este estudo se baseia em duas áreas afins, a área da Gestão da Informação (GI) que busca gerir a informação registrada e a Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) que procura formas de gerir o capital intelectual dos indivíduos. Na busca por compreender sobre as duas áreas do conhecimento, procurou-se analisar os trabalhos presentes no Grupo de Trabalho 4 do Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIB). Devido a este fato, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal investigar como a Gestão da Informação e Gestão do Conhecimento são abordadas nos trabalhos apresentados no ENANCIB, tendo por objetivos específicos identificar os trabalhos sobre GI e GC do GT4, a análise de autoria e co-autoria presente nos mesmo, realizar a averiguação das palavras-chave utilizadas, e a investigação de aspectos de abordagem da GI e GC. Para a consecução dos objetivos foi utilizado o método exploratório-descritivo, pois foi realizada a descrições dos contextos dos trabalhos para descobrir as relações existentes entre seus componentes. Como resultado, conclui-se que embora a GI e a GC sejam abordadas em muitos trabalhos, há muitos trabalhos no qual não se é possível ter uma identificação sobre a abordagem de ambas as áreas. Quanto à autoria dos trabalhos, Marta L. P. Valentim é a autora com maior número de apresentações por evento, no que tange a co-autoria há a predominância de dois autores por trabalho. No que se relaciona as palavras-chave encontradas nos trabalhos, observou que a palavra mais comum é GI. E os aspectos em que GI e GC são abordadas são variados, salientando a sua forte presença em organizações.


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Management of project knowledge is a critical factor for project success. Project Management Office (PMO) is a unit within organisations to centrally facilitate, manage and control organisational project for improving the rate of project success. Due to increasing interest of developing PMO, the Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM) has been proposed to develop PMOs gradually. The PMMM contributes to evolvement of PMO from immature to mature level through addressing appropriate PM practices. Despite the importance of project knowledge, it has not been extensively investigated in project environments. In addition, the existing PMMMs not only do not address management of project knowledge, but also they recommend little criteria to assess the maturity of PMO from KM point of view. The absence of KM discussion in current PMMMs was defined as the subject of a research project in order for addressing KM practices at various maturity levels of PMO. In order to address the mentioned gap, a framework has been developed based on the current discussions of both PM and KM. The proposed framework comprises three premises: KM processes and practices, PMMM, and KM Maturity Model (KMMM). The incorporation of KMMM practices at various maturity levels of PMO is one of the significance of this framework. It proposes numbers of KM strategies, processes, and practices to address project knowledge management at various levels PMO. This framework shall be useful guidance for developing PMOs from KM perspective. In other words, it contributes to management of project knowledge, as a key for project success. The proposed framework follows the process-based approach and it could be employed alongside the current PMMMs for PMO development. This paper presents the developed framework, theoretical background, premises, proposed KM practices, and processes to be employed in Project-based Organisations and PMOs. This framework has been examined at numbers of case studies with different maturity levels. The case studies outcomes, which will be subjects for future papers, have not shown any significant contradiction yet, however, more investigations are being conducted to validate the proposed framework.


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Knowledge base is one of the emerging concepts in the Knowledge Management area. As there exists no agreed- upon standard definition of a knowledge base, this paper defines a knowledge base in terms of our research of Enterprise Systems (ES). The knowledge base is defined with reference to Learning Network Theory. Using this theoretical framework, we investigate the roles of management and operational staff in organisations and how their interactions can create a better ES-knowledge base to contribute to ES success. We focus on the post- implementation phase of ES as part of the ES lifecycle. Our findings will facilitate future research directions and contribute to better understandings of how the knowledge base can be integrated and how this integration leads to Enterprise System success.


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Process-oriented thinking has become the major paradigm for managing companies and other organizations. The push for better processes has been even more intense due to rapidly evolving client needs, borderless global markets and innovations swiftly penetrating the market. Thus, education is decisive for successfully introducing and implementing Business Process Management (BPM) initiatives. However, BPM education has been an area of challenge. This special issue aims to provide current research on various aspects of BPM education. It is an initial effort for consolidating better practices, experiences and pedagogical outcomes founded with empirical evidence to contribute towards the three pillars of education: learning, teaching, and disseminating knowledge in BPM.


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Purpose - Researchers debate whether tacit knowledge sharing through Information Technology (IT) is actually possible. However, with the advent of social web tools, it has been argued that most shortcomings of tacit knowledge sharing are likely to disappear. This paper has two purposes: firstly, to demonstrate the existing debates in the literature regarding tacit knowledge sharing using IT, and secondly, to identify key research gaps that lay the foundations for future research into tacit knowledge sharing using social web. Design/methodology/approach - This paper reviews current literature on IT-mediated tacit knowledge sharing and opens a discussion on tacit knowledge sharing through the use of social web. Findings - First, the existing schools of thoughts in regards to IT ability for tacit knowledge sharing are introduced. Next, difficulties of sharing tacit knowledge through the use of IT are discussed. Then, potentials and pitfalls of social web tools are presented. Finally, the paper concludes that whilst there are significant theoretical arguments supporting that the social web facilitates tacit knowledge sharing there is a lack of empirical evidence to support these arguments and further work is required. Research limitations/implications - The limitations of the review includes: covering only papers that were published in English, issues of access to full texts of some resources, possibility of missing some resources due to search strings used or limited coverage of databases searched. Originality/value - The paper contributes to the fast growing literature on the intersection of KM and IT particularly by focusing on tacit knowledge sharing in social media space. The paper highlights the need for further studies in this area by discussing the current situation in the literature and disclosing the emerging questions and gaps for future studies.


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Current research into project management offices (PMOs) has stressed the PMOs' potential to act as knowledge brokers between projects, and between project and top management. Nonetheless, the literature does not provide sufficient evidence of the brokering role of PMOs. The research reported here aims to examine PMO's functions from a knowledge sharing perspective and explore whether or not these functions reflect the knowledge sharing needs of project managers (PMs). These issues are investigated through a cross-case analysis of seven organisations. The main contribution is insight into how PMs share knowledge and awareness of the need to structure PMOs to align with PMs' nature, needs and expectations in order to improve knowledge sharing in PBOs. Finally, some practical steps for helping PMOs to better adapt their functions to the needs of PMs and their learning and knowledge sharing style are proposed.


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The delivery of products and services for construction-based businesses is increasingly becoming knowledge-driven and information-intensive. The proliferation of building information modelling (BIM) has increased business opportunities as well as introduced new challenges for the architectural, engineering and construction and facilities management (AEC/FM) industry. As such, the effective use, sharing and exchange of building life cycle information and knowledge management in building design, construction, maintenance and operation assumes a position of paramount importance. This paper identifies a subset of construction management (CM) relevant knowledge for different design conditions of building components through a critical, comprehensive review of synthesized literature and other information gathering and knowledge acquisition techniques. It then explores how such domain knowledge can be formalized as ontologies and, subsequently, a query vocabulary in order to equip BIM users with the capacity to query digital models of a building for the retrieval of useful and relevant domain-specific information. The formalized construction knowledge is validated through interviews with domain experts in relation to four case study projects. Additionally, retrospective analyses of several design conditions are used to demonstrate the soundness (realism), completeness, and appeal of the knowledge base and query-based reasoning approach in relation to the state-of-the-art tools, Solibri Model Checker and Navisworks. The knowledge engineering process and the methods applied in this research for information representation and retrieval could provide useful mechanisms to leverage BIM in support of a number of knowledge intensive CM/FM tasks and functions.


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The research question of this thesis was how knowledge can be managed with information systems. Information systems can support but not replace knowledge management. Systems can mainly store epistemic organisational knowledge included in content, and process data and information. Certain value can be achieved by adding communication technology to systems. All communication, however, can not be managed. A new layer between communication and manageable information was named as knowformation. Knowledge management literature was surveyed, together with information species from philosophy, physics, communication theory, and information system science. Positivism, post-positivism, and critical theory were studied, but knowformation in extended organisational memory seemed to be socially constructed. A memory management model of an extended enterprise (M3.exe) and knowformation concept were findings from iterative case studies, covering data, information and knowledge management systems. The cases varied from groups towards extended organisation. Systems were investigated, and administrators, users (knowledge workers) and managers interviewed. The model building required alternative sets of data, information and knowledge, instead of using the traditional pyramid. Also the explicit-tacit dichotomy was reconsidered. As human knowledge is the final aim of all data and information in the systems, the distinction between management of information vs. management of people was harmonised. Information systems were classified as the core of organisational memory. The content of the systems is in practice between communication and presentation. Firstly, the epistemic criterion of knowledge is not required neither in the knowledge management literature, nor from the content of the systems. Secondly, systems deal mostly with containers, and the knowledge management literature with applied knowledge. Also the construction of reality based on the system content and communication supports the knowformation concept. Knowformation belongs to memory management model of an extended enterprise (M3.exe) that is divided into horizontal and vertical key dimensions. Vertically, processes deal with content that can be managed, whereas communication can be supported, mainly by infrastructure. Horizontally, the right hand side of the model contains systems, and the left hand side content, which should be independent from each other. A strategy based on the model was defined.


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While the management consulting industry has been largely linked to the knowledge produced within the disciplines of strategic management in the academic field, the truth is that very little literature is produced in terms of research in this area, while the researchers focused more on a set of static techniques to be applied in the development of this field of research concerns. This article seeks to bridge this gap as well, showing by example that the consultancy sector is a true field of opportunities for the study of relationships management. This presentation is thus the aim of contributing both theoretically and empirically in the area of relationships through research in the context of management consulting, trying to visualize how the relationships are manifested in a context of high involvement and personal contact, and what’s the perception that must be taken into consideration by clients and consultants in terms of the benefits of their greater or lesser degree of involvement.


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While the management consulting industry has been largely linked to the knowledge produced within the disciplines of strategic management in the academic field, the truth is that very little literature is produced in terms of research in this area, while the researchers focused more on a set of static techniques to be applied in the development of this field of research concerns. This article seeks to bridge this gap as well, showing by example that the consultancy sector is a true field of opportunities for the study of relationships management. This presentation is thus the aim of contributing both theoretically and empirically in the area of relationships through research in the context of management consulting, trying to visualize how the relationships are manifested in a context of high involvement and personal contact, and what’s the perception that must be taken into consideration by clients and consultants in terms of the benefits of their greater or lesser degree of involvement.


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In the evolution of strategic disciplines much of the knowledge produced has been widely diffused by the management consulting industry. But can this sector be regarded as knowledge intensive activity based on true structure of expertise knowledge? One way to understand if we can consider that sector as a source of knowledge dissemination is realizing its relationship with the market in terms of knowledge, rather than identify only as a set of static techniques to be applied as in most of times they have been doing. This article presents itself as a reflection about the real reasons for the increasing use ofmanagement consulting services, indicating simultaneously that can really be a true field of opportunities for the academic class if the study will focused in the establishment and institutionalization of micropractices (strategy-as-practice) that there are used and its implications in terms of organizational results.


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