711 resultados para Klein, Melanie
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o uso de medicamentos por aposentados e pensionistas idosos, com ênfase nas diferenças entre gêneros. MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar conduzido com amostra aleatória simples de 667 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, residentes em Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2003. Os idosos foram entrevistados por farmacêuticos, utilizando questionário padronizado. Foram estimadas a prevalência de uso e a média de medicamentos usados nos últimos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista, as quais foram estratificadas de acordo com o gênero segundo variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de uso de medicamentos foi de 90,1%, significativamente maior entre as mulheres (93,4%) do que entre os homens (84,3%). Mulheres utilizaram em média 4,6±3,2 produtos e homens 3,3±2,6 (p<0,001). Os princípios ativos mais usados pelos idosos pertenciam aos sistemas cardiovascular, nervoso, e do trato alimentar e metabolismo. O consumo foi superior entre as mulheres nesses três grupos, assim como as médias de uso de medicamentos segundo variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde selecionadas. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo identificou uso mais intenso de medicamentos pelas mulheres, fato que as torna mais vulneráveis aos prejuízos de polifarmácia, como risco de interações e uso inadequado.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação - Área de Especialização em Didática das Ciências
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de letalidade e de complicações decorrentes de angioplastia coronariana em hospitais públicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados obtidos no Sistema de Autorização Hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde referentes aos 2.913 procedimentos de angioplastia coronariana realizados no município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, de 1999 a 2003. Após amostragem aleatória simples e ponderação de dados, foram analisados 529 prontuários de pacientes, incluindo todos os óbitos, submetidos à angioplastia coronariana em quatro hospitais públicos: federal de ensino, estadual de ensino, federal de referência e estadual de referência. Os testes de comparação entre as letalidades segundo características dos pacientes, co-morbidades, complicações, tipos e indicações de angioplastia coronariana foram feitas com modelos de regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A letalidade cardíaca geral foi de 1,6%, variando de 0,9% a 6,8%. De acordo com grupo etário, a letalidade foi: 0,2% em pacientes com idade inferior a 50 anos; 1,6% entre 50 e 69; e 2,7% acima de 69 anos. A letalidade na angioplastia coronariana primária e de resgate foram elevadas, 17,4% e 13,1%, respectivamente; nas angioplastias eletivas foi de 0,8%. As principais complicações foram dissecção (5% dos pacientes, letalidade cardíaca = 11,5%) e oclusão do vaso (2,6%; letalidade cardíaca = 21,8%). Sangramento ocorreu em 5,9% dos pacientes (letalidade = 5,6%) e em 3,0% houve necessidade de transfusão (letalidade = 12,0%). Infarto agudo aconteceu em 1,1% com letalidade de 38% e o acidente vascular encefálico indicou uma letalidade de 17,5%. CONCLUSÕES: A letalidade foi elevada para as angioplastias primárias e de resgate nos quatro hospitais públicos estudados no período de 1999-2003. As angioplastias coronarianas eletivas apresentaram letalidade e complicações acima do esperado.
Apesar da vulgaridade com que hoje em dia é usada a expressão “corpo objecto” são vários os autores que a empregam em qualquer representação do corpo da mulher destinada a promover produtos masculinos ou femininos esta comunicação, fruto de uma investigação inserida no contexto da minha tese de Doutoramento, intitulada As representações do corpo na publicidade, já apresentada publicamente no ISCTE (12 de Maio de 2005), visa demonstrar que este conceito apenas se deve aplicar aquando do recurso gratuito e primário de corpos femininos reveladores de determinados detalhes da sua feminilidade poses sensuais ou mesmo eróticas, corpos seminus ou nus e limitados à promoção de produtos masculinos, tal qual defendem Villegas e Chica: «é preciso reconhecer que o tratamento da mulher como objecto sexual passivo emerge de um modo dominante em anúncios dirigidos de forma exclusiva ou prevalecente aos homens: produtos de barbear, roupa masculina, determinados modelos de automóveis, bebidas alcoólicas, etc.» (2001, 40). 1 Nestas situações, a mulher acaba por ser ela própria um produto, um objecto, já que emerge nas mais diversas poses, funcionando como um elemento altamente persuasivo. Para demonstrar a esta posição recorri a uma vasta metodologia de análise da imagem, da qual destaco o inventário de figuras de retórica da imagem publicitária oferecida por J. Durand (1972); os níveis de codificação da imagem publicitária propostos por Umberto Eco (1987); o estudo de Kathy Myers (1995), uma investigadora norteamericana que, baseada nas teorias feministas se dedica ao estudo da mulher na publicidade; e os trabalhos de LazierSmith (citado por Gauli, 2000), investigador americano que analisou, de um modo contínuo, nos anos 70 e 80, a publicidade norteamericana, mais especificamente a publicidade das revistas, MS, Playboy, Time e Nensweek. Esta metodologia foi aplicada a um extenso corpus de anúncios, com especial incidência da marca Calvin Klein.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of arterial hypertension and obesity and the population attributable fraction of hypertension that is due to obesity in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS Data from participants in the Brazilian Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA), which was the first national school-based, cross-section study performed in Brazil were evaluated. The sample was divided into 32 geographical strata and clusters from 32 schools and classes, with regional and national representation. Obesity was classified using the body mass index according to age and sex. Arterial hypertension was defined when the average systolic or diastolic blood pressure was greater than or equal to the 95th percentile of the reference curve. Prevalences and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) of arterial hypertension and obesity, both on a national basis and in the macro-regions of Brazil, were estimated by sex and age group, as were the fractions of hypertension attributable to obesity in the population. RESULTS We evaluated 73,399 students, 55.4% female, with an average age of 14.7 years (SD = 1.6). The prevalence of hypertension was 9.6% (95%CI 9.0-10.3); with the lowest being in the North, 8.4% (95%CI 7.7-9.2) and Northeast regions, 8.4% (95%CI 7.6-9.2), and the highest being in the South, 12.5% (95%CI 11.0-14.2). The prevalence of obesity was 8.4% (95%CI 7.9-8.9), which was lower in the North region and higher in the South region. The prevalences of arterial hypertension and obesity were higher in males. Obese adolescents presented a higher prevalence of hypertension, 28.4% (95%CI 25.5-31.2), than overweight adolescents, 15.4% (95%CI 17.0-13.8), or eutrophic adolescents, 6.3% (95%CI 5.6-7.0). The fraction of hypertension attributable to obesity was 17.8%. CONCLUSIONS ERICA was the first nationally representative Brazilian study providing prevalence estimates of hypertension in adolescents. Regional and sex differences were observed. The study indicates that the control of obesity would lower the prevalence of hypertension among Brazilian adolescents by 1/5.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS We evaluated 37,504 adolescents who were participants in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA), a cross-sectional, school-based, national study. The adolescents, aged from 12 to 17 years, lived in cities with populations greater than 100,000 inhabitants. The sample was stratified and clustered into schools and classes. The criteria set out by the International Diabetes Federation were used to define metabolic syndrome. Prevalences of metabolic syndrome were estimated according to sex, age group, school type and nutritional status. RESULTS Of the 37,504 adolescents who were evaluated: 50.2% were female; 54.3% were aged from 15 to 17 years, and 73.3% were from public schools. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 2.6% (95%CI 2.3-2.9), slightly higher in males and in those aged from 15 to 17 years in most macro-regions. The prevalence was the highest in residents from the South macro-region, in the younger female adolescents and in the older male adolescents. The prevalence was higher in public schools (2.8% [95%CI 2.4-3.2]), when compared with private schools (1.9% [95%CI 1.4-2.4]) and higher in obese adolescents when compared with nonobese ones. The most common combinations of components, referring to 3/4 of combinations, were: enlarged waist circumference (WC), low HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c) and high blood pressure; followed by enlarged WC, low HDL-c and high triglycerides; and enlarged WC, low HDL-c, high triglycerides and blood pressure. Low HDL was the second most frequent component, but the highest prevalence of metabolic syndrome (26.8%) was observed in the presence of high triglycerides. CONCLUSIONS ERICA is the first Brazilian nation-wide study to present the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and describe the role of its components. Despite the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome being low, the high prevalences of some components and participation of others in the syndrome composition shows the importance of early diagnosis of this changes, even if not grouped within the metabolic syndrome.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the response rate and characteristics of people who either took part or not in from the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA) , according to information subsets. METHODS ERICA is a school-based, nation-wide investigation with a representative sample of 12 to 17-year-old adolescents attending public or private schools in municipalities with over 100,000 inhabitants in Brazil. Response rate of eligible subjects were calculated according to macro-regions, sex, age, and type of school (public or private). We also calculated the percentages of replacement schools in comparison with the ones originally selected as per the sample design, according to the types of schools in the macro-regions. The subjects and non-subjects were compared according to sex, age, and average body mass indices (kg/m2). RESULTS We had 102,327 eligible adolescents enrolled in the groups drawn. The highest percentage of complete information was obtained for the subset of the questionnaire (72.9%). Complete information regarding anthropometric measurements and the ones from the questionnaire were obtained for 72.0% of the adolescents, and the combination of these data with the 24-hour dietary recall were obtained for 70.3% of the adolescents. Complete information from the questionnaire plus biochemical blood evaluation data were obtained for 52.5% of the morning session adolescents (selected for blood tests). The response percentage in private schools was higher than the one in public schools for most of the combination of information. The ratio of older and male adolescents non-participants was higher than the ratio among participants. CONCLUSIONS The response rate for non-invasive procedures was high. The response rate for blood collection – an invasive procedure that requires a 12-hour fasting period and the informed consent form from legal guardians – was lower. The response rate observed in public schools was lower than in the private ones, and that may reflect lower school frequency of registered students.
The participation of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA (Stuttgart, Germany) and the companies User Interface Design GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) plus MLR System GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) enabled the research and findings presented in this paper; we would like to namely mention Birgit Graf and Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA) furthermore Peter Klein and Christiane Hartmann (User Interface Design GmbH).
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil Sanitária
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Antropologia, área de especialização Direitos Humanos e Movimentos Sociais
Mosquito collections were made in and near Costa Marques, Rondonia, Brazil, to determine anopheline anthropophilic/zoophilic behavior. Collections from a non-illuminated, bovine-baited trap and indoor and outdoor human-bait collections were compared. Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles deaneorum were more anthropophilic than the other anophelines collected. The remainder of the Anopheles species were collected much morefrequently in bovine-baited traps than in human-bait collections. Anopheles darlingi and An. deaneorum were more frequently collected inside houses than the other anopheline species. But, when collections were made in a house with numerous openings in the walls, there were few differences in the percentages of each species biting man indoors versus outdoors. Anopheles darlingi was the predominant mosquito collected, both inside and outside houses, and had the strongest anthropophilic feeding behavior of the anophelines present.
Este estudo determinou a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em população indígena do Mato Grosso, os Enawenê-Nawê. Estes habitam uma vasta região selvagem, com raros contatos com não-índios. Não apresentam animais domésticos, inclusive gatos. A dieta é baseada em insetos, mandioca, milho, mel e fungos e não se alimentam de carne, exceto de peixe. Com base no exposto, desenvolveu-se análise sorológica, por meio de ELISA - IgG e IFI - IgG e IgM. De 148 soros, 80,4% foram ELISA ou IFI- IgG positivos. Não foram detectados casos de IgM reagentes. Nesse grupo as taxas de soropositividade aumentaram significativamente com a idade, de 50% a 95%. Analisando-se os hábitos e costumes, aliados à alta soropositividade encontrada, sugere-se que a presença de felinos silvestres nas imediações da aldeia e coleções de água poderia ter papel importante como fonte de infecção, contaminando o solo e, conseqüentemente, os insetos e fungos consumidos pelos índios.
Serological screening and evaluation of exposure factors for Toxoplasma gondii transmission were conducted in 2126 pregnant women from southern Brazil. Specific antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii were presented by 74.5% (n=1583) of the pregnant women evaluated. Contact with soil was found to be the major factor for infection.
Revista do IHA, N.4 (2007), pp.323-328
Long term applications of leguminous green mulch could increase mineralizable nitrogen (N) beneath cupuaçu trees produced on the infertile acidic Ultisols and Oxisols of the Amazon Basin. However, low quality standing cupuaçu litter could interfere with green mulch N release and soil N mineralization. This study compared mineral N, total N, and microbial biomass N beneath cupuaçu trees grown in two different agroforestry systems, north of Manaus, Brazil, following seven years of different green mulch application rates. To test for net interactions between green mulch and cupuaçu litter, dried gliricidia and inga leaves were mixed with senescent cupuaçu leaves, surface applied to an Oxisol soil, and incubated in a greenhouse for 162 days. Leaf decomposition, N release and soil N mineralization were periodically measured in the mixed species litter treatments and compared to single species applications. The effect of legume biomass and cupuaçu litter on soil mineral N was additive implying that recommendations for green mulch applications to cupuaçu trees can be based on N dynamics of individual green mulch species. Results demonstrated that residue quality, not quantity, was the dominant factor affecting the rate of N release from leaves and soil N mineralization in a controlled environment. In the field, complex N cycling and other factors, including soil fauna, roots, and microclimatic effects, had a stronger influence on available soil N than residue quality.