973 resultados para James S. Schoff Civil War Collection.


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Fra Bernat Hug de Rocabertí (c.1420-1485) was a prominent member of the Order of the Hospital in the Crown of Aragon in which to attain the dignity of Castilian of Amposta, the most important dignity in the Crown. This work is a historical biography of him, since he entered into the Order by the hand of his brotherin- law, fra Joan de Vilagut, until he became a confidant of King Joan II and his side took part in Catalan Civil War in the fifteenth century. In parallel, Rocabertí also devoted himself to poetry and wrote at least two pieces, the Estrampa, so far unpublished, here this work is published critically, and La glòria d’amor, a long narrative poem, which is a study of possible chronology. Moreover, also studied other people linked to Bernat Hug, like his brothers, authors of some interesting battle letters, also published for the first time, or their brothers-inlaw, among them Joan de Vilagut, also a poet, and Guillem Tinter, who had a poetic Exchange with Vilagut. The whole work is accompanied by transcription of an interesting collection of documents.


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Durant la Guerra Civil, els quàquers es van plantejar ajuda calia detectar els punts de conflicte a Catalunya i cercar l'ajuda directa i alimentar els infants a través de les cantines per evitar desplaçaments que desarrelessin encara més els infants refugiats. Desps van veure la necessitat de recolzar i organitzar colònies infantils al camp i a la muntanya per tal d'allunyar els infants dels focus insalubres i destruïts, estimular el seu estat de salut, millorar la seva educació i superar l'estat de desnutrició. Els testimonis en parlen agraïts. La xarxa que van establir els quàquers fou coherents, cohesionada i eficaç. També van coordinar algunes fonts d'ajuda humanitària de procedència estrangera a través d'una Comissió Internacional per tal d'unificar criteris de treball, aprofitar millor els recursos i canalitzar de manera òptima l'ajut econòmic i en espècies que arribava de diferents països. La seva ajuda fou excel·lent i van salvar moltes vides.


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El desplaçament forçós de les persones no combatents ha estat un tret intrínsec al llarg dels conflictes que han sacsejat la història de la humanitat. La forma més comuna en què s'ha manifestat ha estat la de les deportacions i la de les evacuacions de les zones de guerra. Les primeres ja les podem constatar en nombrosos episodis bíblics o durant la construcció del vell imperi romà. Tanmateix, ha estat a la nostra època quan les deportacions han tingut un abasts dissortat. D'una banda l'anomenada "neteja ètnica" ha implicat, com a primer pas abans de l'extermini d'una comunitat, el seu trasllat a guetos i el posterior desplaçament als camps de concentració. Tals foren els casos de les minories jueva i gitana sota el terror nazi. D'altra banda, hem pogut veure la deportació de col·lectius socials com a càstig per mantenir una determinada actitud davant el poder; el paradigma més tràgic ha estat la dels kulaks de l'antiga Unió Soviètica durant la dictadura estalinista. Finalment, en aquests moments, estem assistint als Balcans a l'enquistament d'un conflicte una de les causes del qual fou la pretensió de crear espais ètnics "purs", per a la qual cosa s'ha obligat la comunitat minoritària a fugir a un altre territori amb la pressió de les armes. La guerra civil de 1936-1939 és el primer conflicte europeu en què apareix la necessitat de traslladar un gran nombre de persones davant del perill que representen els combats. El fet de produir-se en una guerra civil en ple segle XX li dóna una dimensió pròpia, i també que els governs hagin de dissenyar i aplicar unes polítiques d'assistència, de les quals, tal com ja s'ha dit, no existien precedents.


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Durante la turbulenta década de 1930, los intelectuales de Ecuador encontraron en la Guerra Civil española un conflicto que se presentaba como un espejo para las inquietudes y las esperanzas de su propio país. Este artículo esboza una breve contextualización de la situación política bajo los gobiernos de Federico Páez y Alberto Enríquez Gallo y señala las diferentes actitudes de los dos presidentes ante la guerra española. Estudia el impacto que tuvo la guerra en intelectuales de izquierda y derecha. También examina la manera en que poetas, narradores, ensayistas y periodistas emprendieron un activismo apasionado a favor de los dos bandos (la España “leal” y la España “nacionalista”), en poemas y artículos notables por su emoción y su maniqueísmo y en la organización colectiva de manifestaciones, asambleas, revistas, manifiestos y colectas.


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The Flora of Syria, Palestine and Sinai, a pioneer Flora of the region, was published in 1896 by George Edward Post (1838–1909). Lesser known are his series of Diagnoses plantarum novarum orientalium, published in the Journal of the Linnean Society Botany, and 10 papers, Plantae Postianae, which appeared in Swiss journals from 1890 to 1900. A greatly expanded second edition of the Flora was prepared by John Edward Dinsmore and published in Beirut in 1932 and 1933. Post's plant collection is part of the Post Herbarium (BEI), with about 63 000 specimens, that has been well maintained, despite civil war and inadequate staffing. This work involves the identification of around 150 types in BEI and BM, and improvement of the accessibility of the specimens. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159, 315–321.


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Neste estudo coloca-se como questão as relações contraditórias de integração entre duas localidades de Cabinda, província de Angola, com as atividades de exploração de recursos naturais, como petróleo e madeira: a aldeia de Fútila, nas proximidades do Campo do Malongo, onde se concentram as atividades petrolíferas sob a direção da Chevron-Texaco e a vila de Buco Zau, imersa em território contíguo à Reserva Florestal do Mayombe. Como eixo conceitual priorizou-se a modernidade, o desenvolvimento e o risco; como contexto mais geral, a Reconstrução de Angola após estabelecidos os Acordos de Paz em 2002, quando se percebe, em termos de concepção do desenvolvimento e da modernização, o estímulo a uma economia dirigida pelos interesses da exportação de bens primários como petróleo e madeira, apesar do forte apelo ao chamado desenvolvimento sustentável. Situando a constituição de Angola enquanto país integrado ao processo de modernidade, desde colônia portuguesa até a superação dos trinta anos de Guerra Civil, iniciados após a conquista da independência em 1975, procurou-se refletir sobre o significado, para populações mais diretamente atingidas por empreendimentos exportadores, da adoção do modelo de desenvolvimento sinônimo de crescimento econômico nas ações governamentais pela reconstrução do país. Atingidas muito mais na excluso, procurou-se aqui evidenciar de que maneira se promove a vida, se resiste em meio à opulência, efetivamente se esforçam essas populações para superar os constrangimentos a elas impostos, de ordem cultural, social e político, assim como ambiental, relacionados às atividades de exploração dos recursos naturais. De outro lado, objetivou-se também perceber o significado das exigências ambientais em estratégias de legitimação empreendidas nas atividades de exploração dos recursos naturais, com vistas a mitigar os efeitos desfavoráveis no meio social e ambiental que as envolve. Em concluso, apresenta-se incontestavelmente a face desintegradora de modos de vida locais, baseados na pesca, pequena agricultura e coleta, sob o risco imposto pelas atividades exportadoras, sem, no entanto, oportunizar ainda a integração do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento como liberdade substantiva, isto é, no sentido de propiciar a estas populações condições de vida digna, de operar estratégias inclusive políticas de reconhecimento coletivo e de valorização de outras racionalidades mais adequadas a uma reapropriação social da natureza.


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Nesta tese, pretendemos analisar comparativamente a reconstrução histórica da Cabanagem e da Guerra Civil Moçambicana nos romances Lealdade (1997), de Márcio Souza e As duas sombras do rio (2003), de João Paulo Borges Coelho. Para tanto, apresentaremos um breve percurso histórico da colonização brasileira e moçambicana, bem como o período da independência e pós-independência, além do percurso teórico sobre o romance histórico, resistência, memória, bem como a teoria sobre o espaço, nesse caso o rio, que utilizamos como ferramenta de análise. Utilizando o rio como fio condutor de nossa análise. Na obra de Borges Coelho, a análise foi feita a partir das travessias das personagens pelos rios que foram desencadeadas pela chegada da guerra civil. Fixamos nossa leitura em Leónidas Ntsato personagem que metaforiza Moçambique dividido em dois pela guerra civil e destacamos o papel do narrador neste romance. Na narrativa de Márcio Souza acompanhamos as viagens de Fernando, narrador do romance, que tem sua biografia entrelaçada aos acontecimentos que desencadearão a Cabanagem anos mais tarde. Cada um com seu estilo, os dois romancistas revisitam as agruras das duas guerras que tem como palco o Norte do Brasil e de Moçambique que so espaços periféricos desde os tempos coloniais.


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Abstract: The civil war in the former Yugoslavia (1991 - 1995) had a strong ethnicreligious component. In an attempt to maintain the cohesion of an artificially created state post-first World War, identities were sought and accepted - and institutionalized - the differences between the various peoples that constituted the "land of the South Slavs". From the 1980s the differences were highlighted during the war and taken to the extreme, especially in the territories of Croatia and BosniaHerzegovina. From literature and the author's personal experience and using concepts of culture, ethnicity, identity, difference, belonging, nation and state, the text shows how the ethnic-religious differences were used during the civil war in Yugoslavia to claim possession of territories, strengthen discourse of the impossibility of coexistence, overvalue potential threats and fear and justify the perpetration of crimes against humanity.


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s-graduação em História - FCHS


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The Hampton McNeely Jarrell Papers consists of Dr. Jarrell’s professional activities, membership in organizations, and work as a Winthrop faculty member, and includes biographical data, correspondence, teaching materials, rough notes, and drafts of his published and unpublished books, journal articles, newspaper articles, speeches, research notes, and several maps of South Carolina during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, relating to Jarrell’s publishing efforts, his activities as a Winthrop College faculty member, and his work with various historical, literary, and educational organizations as well as the history of the Jarrell Family Plantation. Research subjects include Rock Hill, S.C.; Col. William Hill; the Revolutionary War; the Civil War; Wade Hampton; William Gilmore Simms; York County, S.C.; and South Carolina history.


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Morgan Reeves (1841-1928) was a Confederate Soldier during the American Civil War in Company I of the 13th South Carolina Regiment. He was also an exchanged prisoner at Camp Lee, near Richmond, VA on March 20, 1865. The Morgan Reeves Papers consist of photocopies of company, hospital, receipt rolls, and a morning report of Company I of the 13th South Carolina Regiment of the Confederate Army. The collection is all photocopies.


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The Zadock Darby Smith Diary includes information about weather conditions, death and burial of family members and about Confederate troops in the Civil War. The collection consists of photocopies of the original. Zadock Darby Smith was a captain in the Confederate Army. He was born in Mecklenburg County, NC, May 13, 1822 and died in York County, SC on November 25, 1884. Zadock Smith is buried at the Union Baptist Church cemetery in Yorkl, SC. His first wife was Martha Jane Glenn Smith (1828-1862) and his second wife was Jane Thomasson Smith (1838 - 1918). They owned a plantation on King’s Mountain Road.


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The McConnell Family Papers consist of correspondence, land plots and deeds, Fifth Regiment “E” Company Roll of the South Carolina Volunteers, program pamphlet, journal, family papers, a photograph, and recollections by John Daniel McConnell of his service in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. All of the material primarily relates to the McConnell family members in North and South Carolina, but also contains some material from families located in other states.


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The collection consists of genealogical data, correspondence, speeches and essays, sermons, Civil War and World War I papers and memorabilia, diaries, legal and financial papers, photographs, newspaper clippings, and various papers relating to the Fewell, Caldwell, and Carothers families. The collection also contains records relating to Winthrop College, Winthrop Training School, and Salem College, Winston-Salem, N.C. Bound Volumes in the collection are scrapbooks realign to the college career of Eva M. Fewell (Carothers), and the civic and business careers of Benjamin M. Fewell and Erwin Carothers. Related by marriage, the Fewell and Carothers families have a long history of business and civic service to the city of Rock Hill. The collection represents a research source for information concerning Rock Hill, and the 1800’s sermons of Reverend Cyrus K. Caldwell suggest any number of editorial and research projects for history students and scholars. The collection also contains genealogical information on Caldwell, Fewell, Carothers, Garrison, Broughton, Barron, Hope, Davidson, and Allison families. Includes papers of Anna Hope Caldwell, Erwin Carothers, Eva M. Fewell, Anne Carothers, and the sermons of Reverend Cyrus K. Caldwell of Tennessee.


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The Chester Genealogical Society Records consist of typescript material of writings and publications that covers mainly Chester County, SC history and genealogy from the 18th century to the 20th century. The collection includes information on covenanters, lists of Chester county American Civil War soldiers, Obadiah Hardin, Revolutionary War Lieut. Col. John R. Culp, Rev. Samuel McCreary, Mrs. M.A. Smith and the Smithton Lumber Co in Smithton, Arkansas, the Kulp family, Matthew Elder, Jr., Rev. Josiah Henson, the Gaston family, the Murphy family, Confederate Capt. G.L. Strait’s Company-6th regiment, Company B during the American Civil War, the McClure family and Revolutionary War Capt. John McClure, and recollections of Chester, South Carolina.