949 resultados para Islamic banking


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This research tests qualitatively the relationship between leadership, organizational culture and organizational effectiveness in Islamic organizations in Australia in the early years of the 21st century. We also researched the contextual challenges faced by Islamic organizations in Western societies during the early years of the 21st century. Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed qualitatively. Theoretical sampling and theoretical coding generated a positive and negative story-line. A grand narrative of Muslim disenfranchisement and several micro-stories of organizational complexity brought to life the story-lines. One conclusion is that context invariably is problematic for leadership. Another conclusion is that leadership cannot be studied fruitfully out of context. A third conclusion from this substantive setting is that a challenge for Islamic leadership is to reconstitute the context of the organization. An underlying parallel with structure-agency theory is noted. The leadership of Islamic organizations is faced with the traditional leadership challenges found in the extant literature. In addition it must accommodate a problematic external context, a heterogeneous followership, the important role of religion, the influence of Imams, and increasing roles for women and young Muslims. © 2010.


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Since the 1990s financial sector regulation in Australia has treated credit unions and building societies the same as banks under the designated title of authorized depository institutions. This allows credit unions to choose between different organizational structures: cooperative; convert to customer-owned banks or to demutualize. This article utilizes semi-structured interviews to analyse the key motivations for organizational change. It examines a number of credit unions and their conversion experience to customer-owned banks. It finds that adaptation of the credit union model was necessary to change customer perceptions, ensure future growth in the customer base and assets, and facilitate access to capital raisings with the credit rating of a bank. Despite this change customer-owned banks retain the core principals of mutuality.


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In this article, we propose a new hypothesis: that the efficient market hypothesis is day-of-the-week-dependent. We apply the test to firms belonging to the banking sector and listed on the NYSE. We find significant evidence that the efficient market hypothesis is day-of-the-week-dependent. Overall, for only 62% of firms, the unit root null hypothesis is rejected on all the five trading days. We also discover that when investors do not account for unit root properties in devising trading strategies, they obtain spurious profits.


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Purpose – Over the last 20 years, food banks in Australia have expanded nationwide and are a well-organised “industry” operating as a third tier of the emergency food relief system. The purpose of this paper is to overview the expansion and operation of food banks as an additional self-perpetuating “tier” in the response to hunger.

Design/methodology/approach – This paper draws on secondary data sourced from the internet; as well as information provided by Foodbank Australia and Food Bank South Australia (known as Food Bank SA) to outline the history, development and operation of food banks. Food banking is then critically analysed by examining the nature and framing of the social problems and policies that food banking seeks to address. This critique challenges the dominant intellectual paradigm that focuses on
solving problems; rather it questions how problem representation may imply certain understandings.

Findings – The issue of food banks is framed as one of food re-distribution and feeding hungry people; however, the paper argue that “the problem” underpinning the food bank industry is one of maintaining food system efficiency. Food banks continue as a neo-liberal mechanism to deflect query, debate and structural action on food poverty and hunger. Consequently their existence does little to ameliorate the problem of food poverty.

Practical implications – New approaches and partnerships with stakeholders remain key challenges for food banks to work more effectively to address food poverty.

Social implications – While the food bank industry remains the dominant solution to food poverty in Australia, debate will be deflected from the underlying structural causes of hunger.

Originality/value – This paper contributes to the limited academic literature and minimal critique of the food bank industry in Australia. It proposes that the rapid expansion of food banks is a salient marker of government and policy failure to address food poverty.


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In March 2003, a US-led ‘Coalition of the Willing’ launched a pre-emptive intervention against Iraq. The nine long years of military occupation that followed saw an ambitious project to turn Iraq into a liberal democracy, underpinned by free-market capitalism and constituted by a citizen body free to live in peace and prosperity. However, the Iraq war did not go to plan and the coalition were forced to withdraw all combat troops at the end of 2011, having failed to deliver on their promise of a democratic, peaceful and prosperous Iraq. The Legacy of Iraq: From the 2003 War to the ‘Islamic State’ seeks to not only reflect on this abject failure but to put forth the argument that key decisions and errors of judgment on the part of the coalition and the Iraqi political elite set in train a sequence of events that have had devastating consequences for Iraq, for the region and for the world. Today, as the nation faces perhaps its greatest challenge in the wake of the devastating advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and another US-led coalition undertakes renewed military action in Iraq, understanding the complex and difficult legacies of the 2003 war could not be more urgent. To ignore the legacies of the Iraq war and to deny their connection to contemporary events means that vital lessons will be ignored and the same mistakes will be made.


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With the deadly ISIS advance, the sudden rousing of Shia militias and the threat of Kurdish secession, Iraq faces a host of deep-seated and intractable problems. Together, these events raise a number of serious questions, not just for Iraq and its future but also for the broader Middle East, the United States and its Coalition partners and the international community. While these challenges and questions will drive much academic debate, political analysis and media discussion in the months and years ahead, they are not the central purpose of this chapter. While there is always a risk in commenting on unfolding events, including the potential to overstate their significance and likely long-term impact, it is difficult to ignore the significance of the deadly ISIS advance and all that has happened since. This chapter argues that key to understanding these events is coming to terms with the three varied and complex legacies of the 2003 Iraq War. The first central legacy of the Iraq War is the ongoing consequences of several critical mistakes made by the US-led Coalition before, during and immediately after the 2003 intervention. The second legacy addressed here is the fact that the 2003 war shattered – perhaps irreversibly - Iraqis fragile cultural mosaic and its rich and complex history of overlapping and intersecting communities, ideologies and narratives. The third and final legacy of the 2003 Iraq War detailed in this chapter is its significant regional and global consequences – from spiralling sectarianism across the Middle East to a profound challenge to America’s status as the last remaining superpower and its use of military power for ‘humanitarian’ ends. The argument here is that these three important legacies set in train a sequence of events that have served as the collective catalyst for the expansion of the ‘Islamic State’ from mid-2014.


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In the aftermath of September 11, Muslim scholars made numerous attempts to explain Islamophobia from the Islamic perspective; they presented arguments that are not addressed in the Western narrative. Two texts in Arabic by the prominent Muslim preacher, Mohammad Hassan and by the Muslim orator Fadhel Sliman are analysed from a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) viewpoint. This analysis aims to demonstrate how language is inextricably linked with ideology. This paper demonstrates that textual strategies in the Arabic Islamic discourse and their ideological implications show distinct characteristics some of which add to the present literature on discourse. The aim of the chosen texts is to educate and create solidarity between the speakers and the audience in fighting Islamophobia. The reliance of the speakers on tactics such as quoting from the Holy Qur’ān and ḥadīth to defend Islam, and choice of words and sentence structures may instigate discussions about the persuasive power of the Arabic Islamic narrative.


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Este trabalho analisa um dos setores econômicos mais desenvolvidos do Brasil, a indústria financeira. Mais especificamente, as situações de trocas relacionais com os clientes finais (pessoas-físicas), tanto através dos contatos tradicionais (com empregados do banco) quanto através do comércio eletrônico (via internet). São descritos aspectos dos comportamentos dos clientes bancários em seus relacionamentos comerciais, notadamente como a confiança desses clientes em relação à empresa é construída e quais as suas conseqüências para o relacionamento com o Banco. Através de uma survey com 611 clientes usuários de Internet Banking do Banco do Brasil de todo o País, confirmou-se a hipótese de que os clientes realizam avaliações do serviço através de facetas múltiplas: o Web Site, os Empregados de Fronteira e as Políticas e Práticas Gerenciais. De maneira geral, a competência operacional e a benevolência de cada uma das facetas foram confirmadas como antecedentes (ou formadores) da confiança. Ratificou-se, também, que os clientes avaliam os serviços em dois contextos distintos: situações rotineiras e quando ocorrem problemas (a chamada recuperação de serviços). A hipótese central do trabalho de que, em situações de trocas relacionais, a confiança que os clientes têm em cada uma das facetas gera o comportamento de lealdade foi confirmada. A mediação dessa relação pelo valor que o cliente percebe na relação de troca também mostrou-se consistente. A maioria dos resultados obtidos apresentou-se conforme o esperado e de acordo com a revisão de literatura realizada, sendo que muitos deles foram similares, em termos de magnitude e significância estatística, a trabalhos anteriores sobre tema semelhante em outros países. A partir desses resultados, são apresentadas limitações do trabalho e sugestões para pesquisas futuras em relação aos aspectos teóricos, metodológicos e práticos abordados.


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Os anos noventa representaram, para a sociedade brasileira, o início de uma era de mudanças contínuas. Na esfera econômica, as empresas passaram a ter um ambiente competitivo como nunca visto antes. Os bancos têm investido, desde então, recursos vultosos em sistemas de informação. A popularização da Internet para as empresas e o cidadão comum, ocorrida também neste período, criou um novo ambiente competitivo de marketing, levando os bancos a investirem pesadamente neste novo canal de distribuição. A Caixa Econômica Federal, um dos maiores bancos brasileiros, fez elevados investimentos na área de Internet, permitindo a seus clientes realizarem a maioria de suas operações domésticas a partir de qualquer computador. Apesar de ser uma forma rápida e barata de resolver os problemas de serviços bancários, muitos clientes não o utilizam, e, entre os que utilizam, muitos não o fazem com freqüência. Para entender melhor este problema, foi realizado uma pesquisa de cunho exploratório para analisar o comportamento dos usuários de Internet Banking da Caixa Econômica Federal, identificando quais atributos podem ser utilizados pela empresa para aumentar a utilização deste tipo de serviço. Este trabalho foi realizado com clientes de três agências de Porto Alegre (São João, Mont Serrat e Shopping Iguatemi), ao longo de 2.001. As principais conclusões deste trabalho são de que, para aumentar o acesso é necessário resolver dois problemas: primeiro, é necessário maior estímulo da mídia para persuadir os clientes a se habituarem com o novo sistema. Segundo, é necessário treinar os clientes, para que tenham mais facilidade no uso da Internet, ainda complicada para muitos.


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A tecnologia vem alterando significativamente o modo de se atender o cliente bancário. Se antes os clientes obrigatoriamente percebiam os bancos como sinônimo de filas e, consequentemente, perda de tempo, hoje, estes mesmos bancos podem ser alcançados a partir de casa. Essa migração, no entanto, da forma de atendimento tradicional para o auto atendimento eletrônico traz algumas considerações relacionadas ao cliente usuário dos novos canais criados. Cabe saber se este cliente conhece os serviços oferecidos pelos novos canais, se enxerga atributos nestes e se detecta algum ponto de restrição ao seu uso. Este estudo teve por objetivo responder a algumas dessas questões, e para isso foram entrevistados duzentos e oitenta e um usuários do Internet Banking oferecido pelo Banco do Brasil, conhecido como BB Personal Banking Internet, em Brasília, Distrito Federal.


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The aim of this paper is to assess the progress of the banking sector before and shortly after the Real Plan. We began by assessing the drop in the inflation revenues (negative real interest rates paid by the excess of demand deposits over total reserve requirements) as a result of the change in inflation from 40% a month for the pre-Real Plan period to a monthly average of 3.65% (IGP-DI), between July 1994 and May 1995. Then, using the financial statement data of a group of 90 banks, we attempt to estimate the net losses due to the inflation drop analyzing the profitability and other parameters of the banking industry. The calculations are made separately for private, state and federal banks. A later analysis on performance using information given to CVM (Securities Exchange Commission) by the six major private banks in the country is also discussed herein.


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O Internet Banking assume um papel cada vez mais importante para os bancos, estando relacionado com estratégias de redução de custos, ampliação e retenção da base de usuários, possibilidade de novos negócios, inovação, entre outras. Este estudo procura avaliar em que medida os processos de gestão de TI aplicados ao serviço de Internet Banking em um banco de varejo estão alinhados com sua estratégia de negócios e se são eficazes em atender a expectativa de qualidade de seus usuários. Neste trabalho foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa através do estudo de caso em uma grande instituição financeira nacional, a partir da análise de seus processos e indicadores de gestão de infra-estrutura de TI e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas a gerentes e analistas da área de tecnologia. Os resultados sugerem que a utilização da variável disponibilidade de acesso do serviço de Internet Banking como métrica diretora do alinhamento estratégico entre as áreas de TI e as áreas de negócio pode acarretar melhorias na satisfação dos usuários, representadas pela evolução do índice mensal de reclamações do serviço.