995 resultados para Intertidal animals - Victoria


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Many haplochromine cichlids coexisted in Lake Victoria before the upsurge of Nile perch. The introduction of the Nile perch led to depletion of many haplochromines and other fish species in Lake Victoria. The impact of Nile perch predation on haplochromines differed for different haplochromine trophic groups. Yssichromis fusiformis (G) and Yssichromis laparogramma (G) are among the species that have survived in the lake. Yssichromis spp. was studied with the aim of determining their trophic role, food and feeding habits. Samples were collected from Bugaia, Buvuma channel and Napoleon Gulf in the northern part of Lake Victoria. The food of Yssichromis spp. varied with size of fish. Both Y fusiformis and Y laparogramma fed on Copepods, Cladocerans, Chaoborus and Chironomids. Juvenile Yssichromis spp. fed exclusively on zooplankton comprising Cyclopoid copepods, Calanoid copepods and Cladocera. The relative importance of Chironomid larvae and Calanoid copepods was higher in Bugaia than in Buvuma channel while Cyclopoid copepods and Chironomid pupae were relatively less important in Bugaia. The main food items that Yssichromis spp. fed on in Buvuma channel were Chironomid larvae Cyclopoid copepods, Cladocerans and Calanoid copepods. In Napoleon Gulf, fish caught from commercial fishery of Rastrineobola argentea (P) had fed on Chaoborus and Chironomids. Overall, Yssichromis spp. fed on more zooplankton in Buvuma than in Bugaia. Yssichromis spp. and R. argentea are presently the most abundant zooplanktivores in the northern part of Lake Victoria and are playing an important trophic role as major consumers of zooplankton and insect larvae in the foodweb of the lake ecosystem. Yssichromis spp. are bridging the transfer of energy from the lower to the higher trophic levels as secondary consumers. The fishery is still not contributing to the direct conversion of the primary products, the phytoplankton and detritus that were efficiently utilised by the diverse haplochromine trophic groups that existed before the Nile perch boom.


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The Victoria and Kyoga lake basins had a high fish species diversity with many fish species that were found only in these lakes. Two Tilapiines species Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis were the most important commercial species in these lakes and were found nowhere else on earth except in the Victoria and Kyoga lake basins (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929). Lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo also had endemic haplochromine species (Worthington 1929, Trewavas 1933, Greenwood 1965, 1966). As stocks of introduced species increased, stocks of most of the native species declined rapidly or disappeared altogether. The study was carried out on Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, River Nile, some selected satellite lakes from the two basins namely Lakes Mburo, Kachera, Wamala, Kayanja, Kayugi, Nabugabo, Victoria, Victoria nile and River Sio(Victoria lake basin). Lakes Kyoga (Iyingo), Nawampasa, Nakuwa, Gigati, Nyaguo, Agu, Kawi and Lemwa (Kyoga lake basin). Species composillon and relative abundance of fishes were estimated by detennining the overall average total number of each species encountered. A trophic consists of species using the same food category. Shannon-Weaver Index of diversity H (Pielou, 1969) and number of trophic groups, were used to estimate the Trophic diversity of various fish species in the lakes. Food analysis has been done on some fishes in some of the sampled lakes and is still going on, on remaining fishes and in some lakes. Generally fish ingested detritus, Spirulina, Melosira, filamentous algae, Planktolyngbya, Microcysists, Anabaena, Merismopedia, Spirogyra, higher plant material, rotifers, Ostracodes, Chironomid larvae and pupae, Choaborus larvae, Odonata, Povilla, Insect remains, Caridina, fish eggs and fish. Eight trophic groups were identified from thes food items ingestes. These included detritivores, algae eaters, higher plant eaters, zooplanktivores, insectivores, molluscivores, prawn eaters, paedophages and piscivores. Trophic diversity by number of trophic groups was highest in Lake Kyoga (6) followed by lakes Kayugi, Nabugabo, River Nile and Mburo (3) and the lowest number was recorded in kachera (2).


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Catch effort data on which fisheries management regulations are sometimes based are not available for most lakes in Uganda. However, failure to regulate fishing gears and methods has been a major cause of collapse of fisheries in the country. Fisheries have been damaged by destructive and non-selective fishing gears and methods such as trawling and beach seining, by use of gill nets of mesh size which crop immature fish and by introduction of mechanised fishing. Selectivity of the gears used to crop Lates niloticus 1. (Nile perch), Oreochromis niloticus 1. (Nile tilapia) and Rastrineobola argentea (Mukene) which are currently the most important commercial species in Uganda were examined in order to recommend the most suitable types, sizes and methods that should be used in exploiting these fisheries . Gill nets of less than 127 mm mainly cropped immature Nile ti1apia and Nile perch. To protect these fisheries, the minimum mesh size of gill nets should be set at 127 mm. Seine nets of 5 mm do catch high proportions of immature Mukene while those of 10 mm catch mainly mature Mukene. When operated inshore, both sizes catch immature Nile perch and Nile ti1apia as by-catch. To protect the Mukene fishery and avoid catching immature byecatch, a minimum mesh size of the Mukene net should have been 10 mm operated as Lampara type net offshore but since most fishennen have been using the 5 mm seine for over five years the minimum size should not be allowed to drop below 5 mm pending further thorough investigations. Beach seining, trawling and are destructive to fisheries and should be prohibited until data that may justify their use is available.


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Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo had a similar native fish fauna of high species diversity. stocks of most of the native species declined rapidly and some completely disappeared after Nile perch was introduced and became well established. Although, overexploitation of the fish stocks, competition between introduced and native tilapiines and environmental degradation contributed to the reduction in fish stocks, predation by the Nile perch has contributed much to the recent drastic reductions in fish stock and could even drive the stocks to a total collapse. Nile perch is also currently the most important commercial species in Lakes victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo and the stability of its stocks is important in the overall sustainability of the fisheries of these lakes. The question that was to be examined in this paper was whether the fisheries of Lakes Victoria, Kyogaand Nabugabo would stabilize and sustain production in the presence of high predation pressure by the Nile perch or whether the Nile perch would drive the fish stocks including itself to a collapse. I t was assumed that Nile perch driven changes in Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo would be driven to a level beyond which they would not change further. This would be followed by recovery and stability or the changes would continue to a point of collapse. It was assumed that Lake Albert represented the ideal stable state. The changes in the new habitats expected to be driven through a major change due to Nile perch predation to a stage where there would be no further changes. After this, a feedback mechanism would move the driven variable towards recovery. The variables would then stabilize and oscillate will an amplitude which approximates to what would be recorded in Lake Albert. Alternatively, the changes would proceed to a stage where the fishery would collapse. The specific hypothesis was that fish species composition and diversity, prey selection by the Nile perch and life history characteristics of the Nile perch in the new habitats would change and stabilize


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Haplochrmine cichlids were the most abundant taxa in Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo prior to introduction of the Nile perch. As stocks of the introduced predator increased, these taxa were depleted to such an extent that they are now virtually absent from the lake. The haplochromine cichlids played an important role in the ecology of Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo. They occupied virtually all trophic levels in the lake and facilitated an efficient flow of energy through the ecosystem. Their depletion seem to have left much organic matter whose decomposition has contributed to accumulation of dead organic matter which may be contributing to prolonged anoxia in Lake Victoria. The haplochromines formed an important small-scale fishery. Fishermen formerly subsisting on this fishery have been driven out of business because they cannot afford the expensive nets required for Nile perch fishery. In addition to providing a cheap source of fish protein to humans, the species were an important source of Scientific material for students of genetics antd adaptive radiation.


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Historical analysis has shown that use of destructive fishing gears and methods contributed much to the initial depletion of fish stocks from Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. From about 1930 to 1960, the fisheries of Lake Victoria were managed by controlling the mesh size of gill nets. Gill net s of less than 127 mm (5) stretched mesh had been prohibited on Lake Victoria because they cropped immature Oreochromis esculentus (Ngege) which were at that time the most important commercial species. When the mesh size restriction was repealed in the Ugandan, Tanzanian and Kenya, there was a shift to smaller meshes which cropped immature tilapia and other large species and led to a collapse in the fishery.


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In September 2007, the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute carried out a socio-economic survey on Governance in Co- Management in the fisheries of Lake Victoria. The purpose of the study was to determine the nature and performance of governance of the fisheries resources through co-management structures and systems.


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The overall objective of the study was to develop a better understanding of how people perceived and responded to the fisheries management measures on Lake Victoria and were affected by them.


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The purpose of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the role of factory agents in buying fish and setting prices, and of their place and role in fisheries co-management on Lake Victoria, Uganda.


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The purpose of the Socio-economic Baseline Survey of the Fishing Communities was to provide information on the fish landing beaches, people involved in fisheries, their livelihood activities and facilities available to them.


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Until the late 1990s the fisheries of Ugandan lakes had been managed by government where stakeholders were excluded from the decision-making process. In order to involve other stakeholders, co-management was adopted. Operationalising Co-management on landing sites has led to the formation of BMUs at gazetted landing sites. A BMU is made up of a BMU assembly and the BMU committee that it elects. A BMU committee should be: 30% boat owners; 30% boat barias 30% including fish processors, boat makers, local gear makers and repairers, fishing input dealers and managers and 10% fish mongers/traders; and if possible, 30% women. To operate at a particular landing site, one must be registered with the BMU. The BMU assembly is the supreme organ of a BMU empowered to elect, approve and remove the BMU committee


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Under the implementation of the fisheries management plan (IFMP) for Lake Victoria result area 4, bottom trawl monitoring surveys are undertaken to monitor changes in the status of the fish stocks and environment of Lake Victoria. Trawl together with the lake-wide Hydroacoustic surveys give a reflection on the status of fish stocks in the lake to guide management decisions The National working group for bottom trawl surveys in Uganda undertakes these surveys within the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria. For the purpose of this survey, the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria is divided into three zones. A cruise lasting twenty days is conducted in two phases (two legs) 13 days covering Zones I and II and 7 days in Zone III.


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The Globalisation and fish utilisation and marketing study is a collaboration between the Fisheries Resources Research Institute (FIRRI) and the Mike Dillon Associates Limited , with funding from the Department for International Development (DFID) of the Government of the United Kingdom. The study is designed to examine the impact of the development of the export fishery on the fish producers, processors, traders and consumers in the artisanal fishery in Uganda. FIRRI 's role is to collect field data relating to the livelihoods of artisanal fish producers, processors, traders and consumers. in particular data relating to income and revenue flow. The initial focus is on the eccnomic structure of fish landing sites. The purpose of this paper is to review the progress in implementation of the project and present the interim findings for discussion. During the first quarter, namely April to June, 2002, work was carried out on Lakes Kyoga and Albert and a report produced. During the second quarter, July to September, 2002, Lake Victoria was covered. In both phases, the focus has been on the economic structure of fish landings.


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This CAS report provides estimates of the quantities of fish landed in the riparian districts sharing the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria;the monetary value of the fish catches; the contribution of different fish species to the catches; and the trends in fish catch rates, and the monthly catches for the sampled month since the beginning of the current CAS activities from July 2005 to May 2011. So far there have been 14 CASs conducted in the Uganda sector of the lake. The report also compares the annual catch and gross beach value of the catch in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 and 2011.


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Research was done to assess the dissemination and implementation by the Fisheries Department, Local Govemments and beach management units and the awareness, acceptance and compliance among fishers to the CoM Directives on management of Lake Victoria fisheries. Conducted by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), the research focused on the implementation and effectiveness of measures following the LYFO Council of Ministers (CoM) Directives for improved management of the fisheries of Lake Victoria, with particular reference to the 2009 CoM Directives as a case study, it was established that many of the Directives have not been implemented. In cases where the directives were implemented, their effectiveness remains questionable. While steps were taken to disseminate and implement the Directives, there were some challenges, including the unclear legal status of the directives, limited dissemination materials and poor methods of dissemination, language barriers and inadequate resources for enforcement.