939 resultados para Integration of GIS and remote sensing
Defining an efficient training set is one of the most delicate phases for the success of remote sensing image classification routines. The complexity of the problem, the limited temporal and financial resources, as well as the high intraclass variance can make an algorithm fail if it is trained with a suboptimal dataset. Active learning aims at building efficient training sets by iteratively improving the model performance through sampling. A user-defined heuristic ranks the unlabeled pixels according to a function of the uncertainty of their class membership and then the user is asked to provide labels for the most uncertain pixels. This paper reviews and tests the main families of active learning algorithms: committee, large margin, and posterior probability-based. For each of them, the most recent advances in the remote sensing community are discussed and some heuristics are detailed and tested. Several challenging remote sensing scenarios are considered, including very high spatial resolution and hyperspectral image classification. Finally, guidelines for choosing the good architecture are provided for new and/or unexperienced user.
Geographical information systems (GIS) are tools that have been recently tested for improving our understanding of the spatial distribution of disease. The objective of this paper was to further develop the GIS technology to model and control schistosomiasis using environmental, social, biological and remote-sensing variables. A final regression model (R² = 0.39) was established, after a variable selection phase, with a set of spatial variables including the presence or absence of Biomphalaria glabrata, winter enhanced vegetation index, summer minimum temperature and percentage of houses with water coming from a spring or well. A regional model was also developed by splitting the state of Minas Gerais (MG) into four regions and establishing a linear regression model for each of the four regions: 1 (R² = 0.97), 2 (R² = 0.60), 3 (R² = 0.63) and 4 (R² = 0.76). Based on these models, a schistosomiasis risk map was built for MG. In this paper, geostatistics was also used to make inferences about the presence of Biomphalaria spp. The result was a map of species and risk areas. The obtained risk map permits the association of uncertainties, which can be used to qualify the inferences and it can be thought of as an auxiliary tool for public health strategies.
Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool that has recently been applied to better understand spatial disease distributions. Using meteorological, social, sanitation, mollusc distribution data and remote sensing variables, this study aimed to further develop the GIS technology by creating a model for the spatial distribution of schistosomiasis and to apply this model to an area with rural tourism in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais (MG). The Estrada Real, covering about 1,400 km, is the largest and most important Brazilian tourism project, involving 163 cities in MG with different schistosomiasis prevalence rates. The model with three variables showed a R² = 0.34, with a standard deviation of risk estimated adequate for public health needs. The main variables selected for modelling were summer vegetation, summer minimal temperature and winter minimal temperature. The results confirmed the importance of Remote Sensing data and the valuable contribution of GIS in identifying priority areas for intervention in tourism regions which are endemic to schistosomiasis.
Remote sensing spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions of images, acquired over a reasonably sized image extent, result in imagery that can be processed to represent land cover over large areas with an amount of spatial detail that is very attractive for monitoring, management, and scienti c activities. With Moore's Law alive and well, more and more parallelism is introduced into all computing platforms, at all levels of integration and programming to achieve higher performance and energy e ciency. Being the geometric calibration process one of the most time consuming processes when using remote sensing images, the aim of this work is to accelerate this process by taking advantage of new computing architectures and technologies, specially focusing in exploiting computation over shared memory multi-threading hardware. A parallel implementation of the most time consuming process in the remote sensing geometric correction has been implemented using OpenMP directives. This work compares the performance of the original serial binary versus the parallelized implementation, using several multi-threaded modern CPU architectures, discussing about the approach to nd the optimum hardware for a cost-e ective execution.
Among the types of remote sensing acquisitions, optical images are certainly one of the most widely relied upon data sources for Earth observation. They provide detailed measurements of the electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted by each pixel in the scene. Through a process termed supervised land-cover classification, this allows to automatically yet accurately distinguish objects at the surface of our planet. In this respect, when producing a land-cover map of the surveyed area, the availability of training examples representative of each thematic class is crucial for the success of the classification procedure. However, in real applications, due to several constraints on the sample collection process, labeled pixels are usually scarce. When analyzing an image for which those key samples are unavailable, a viable solution consists in resorting to the ground truth data of other previously acquired images. This option is attractive but several factors such as atmospheric, ground and acquisition conditions can cause radiometric differences between the images, hindering therefore the transfer of knowledge from one image to another. The goal of this Thesis is to supply remote sensing image analysts with suitable processing techniques to ensure a robust portability of the classification models across different images. The ultimate purpose is to map the land-cover classes over large spatial and temporal extents with minimal ground information. To overcome, or simply quantify, the observed shifts in the statistical distribution of the spectra of the materials, we study four approaches issued from the field of machine learning. First, we propose a strategy to intelligently sample the image of interest to collect the labels only in correspondence of the most useful pixels. This iterative routine is based on a constant evaluation of the pertinence to the new image of the initial training data actually belonging to a different image. Second, an approach to reduce the radiometric differences among the images by projecting the respective pixels in a common new data space is presented. We analyze a kernel-based feature extraction framework suited for such problems, showing that, after this relative normalization, the cross-image generalization abilities of a classifier are highly increased. Third, we test a new data-driven measure of distance between probability distributions to assess the distortions caused by differences in the acquisition geometry affecting series of multi-angle images. Also, we gauge the portability of classification models through the sequences. In both exercises, the efficacy of classic physically- and statistically-based normalization methods is discussed. Finally, we explore a new family of approaches based on sparse representations of the samples to reciprocally convert the data space of two images. The projection function bridging the images allows a synthesis of new pixels with more similar characteristics ultimately facilitating the land-cover mapping across images.
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Field-based soil moisture measurements are cumbersome. Thus, remote sensing techniques are needed because allows field and landscape-scale mapping of soil moisture depth-averaged through the root zone of existing vegetation. The objective of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of an empirical relationship to calculate soil moisture from remote sensing data of irrigated soils of the Apodi Plateau, in the Brazilian semiarid region. The empirical relationship had previously been tested for irrigated soils in Mexico, Egypt, and Pakistan, with promising results. In this study, the relationship was evaluated from experimental data collected from a cotton field. The experiment was carried out in an area of 5 ha with irrigated cotton. The energy balance and evaporative fraction (Λ) were measured by the Bowen ratio method. Soil moisture (θ) data were collected using a PR2 - Profile Probe (Delta-T Devices Ltd). The empirical relationship was tested using experimentally collected Λ and θ values and was applied using the Λ values obtained from the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) and three TM - Landsat 5 images. There was a close correlation between measured and estimated θ values (p<0.05, R² = 0.84) and there were no significant differences according to the Student t-test (p<0.01). The statistical analyses showed that the empirical relationship can be applied to estimate the root-zone soil moisture of irrigated soils, i.e. when the evaporative fraction is greater than 0.45.
This work is divided into three volumes: Volume I: Strain-Based Damage Detection; Volume II: Acceleration-Based Damage Detection; Volume III: Wireless Bridge Monitoring Hardware. Volume I: In this work, a previously-developed structural health monitoring (SHM) system was advanced toward a ready-for-implementation system. Improvements were made with respect to automated data reduction/analysis, data acquisition hardware, sensor types, and communication network architecture. The statistical damage-detection tool, control-chart-based damage-detection methodologies, were further investigated and advanced. For the validation of the damage-detection approaches, strain data were obtained from a sacrificial specimen attached to the previously-utilized US 30 Bridge over the South Skunk River (in Ames, Iowa), which had simulated damage,. To provide for an enhanced ability to detect changes in the behavior of the structural system, various control chart rules were evaluated. False indications and true indications were studied to compare the damage detection ability in regard to each methodology and each control chart rule. An autonomous software program called Bridge Engineering Center Assessment Software (BECAS) was developed to control all aspects of the damage detection processes. BECAS requires no user intervention after initial configuration and training. Volume II: In this work, a previously developed structural health monitoring (SHM) system was advanced toward a ready-for-implementation system. Improvements were made with respect to automated data reduction/analysis, data acquisition hardware, sensor types, and communication network architecture. The objective of this part of the project was to validate/integrate a vibration-based damage-detection algorithm with the strain-based methodology formulated by the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center. This report volume (Volume II) presents the use of vibration-based damage-detection approaches as local methods to quantify damage at critical areas in structures. Acceleration data were collected and analyzed to evaluate the relationships between sensors and with changes in environmental conditions. A sacrificial specimen was investigated to verify the damage-detection capabilities and this volume presents a transmissibility concept and damage-detection algorithm that show potential to sense local changes in the dynamic stiffness between points across a joint of a real structure. The validation and integration of the vibration-based and strain-based damage-detection methodologies will add significant value to Iowa’s current and future bridge maintenance, planning, and management Volume III: In this work, a previously developed structural health monitoring (SHM) system was advanced toward a ready-for-implementation system. Improvements were made with respect to automated data reduction/analysis, data acquisition hardware, sensor types, and communication network architecture. This report volume (Volume III) summarizes the energy harvesting techniques and prototype development for a bridge monitoring system that uses wireless sensors. The wireless sensor nodes are used to collect strain measurements at critical locations on a bridge. The bridge monitoring hardware system consists of a base station and multiple self-powered wireless sensor nodes. The base station is responsible for the synchronization of data sampling on all nodes and data aggregation. Each wireless sensor node include a sensing element, a processing and wireless communication module, and an energy harvesting module. The hardware prototype for a wireless bridge monitoring system was developed and tested on the US 30 Bridge over the South Skunk River in Ames, Iowa. The functions and performance of the developed system, including strain data, energy harvesting capacity, and wireless transmission quality, were studied and are covered in this volume.
Remote sensing was utilized in the Phase II Cultural Resources Investigation for this project in lieu of extensive excavations. The purpose of the present report is to compare the costs and benefits of the use of remote sensing to the hypothetical use of traditional excavation methods for this project. Estimates for this hypothetical situation are based on the project archaeologist's considerable past experience in conducting similar investigations. Only that part of the Phase II investigation involving field investigations is addressed in this report. Costs for literature review, laboratory analysis, report preparation, etc., are not included. The project manager proposed the use of this technique for the fol lowing logistic, safety and budgetary reasons.
The main objective of this study was to utilize light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technology to obtain highway safety-related information. The safety needs of older drivers in terms of prolonged reaction times were taken into consideration. The tasks undertaken in this study were (1) identification of crashes that older drivers are more likely to be involved in, (2) identification of highway geometric features that are important in such crashes, (3) utilization of LIDAR data for obtaining information on the identified highway geometric features, and (4) assessment of the feasibility of using LIDAR data for such applications. A review of previous research indicated that older drivers have difficulty negotiating intersections, and it was recognized that intersection sight triangles were critical to safe intersection negotiation. LIDAR data were utilized to obtain information on potential sight distance obstructions at six selected intersections located on the Iowa Highway 1 corridor by conducting in-office line-of-sight analysis. Crash frequency, older driver involvement, and data availability were considerations in the selection of the six intersections. Results of the in-office analysis were then validated by visiting the intersections in the field. Sixty-six potential sight distance obstructions were identified by the line-of-sight analysis, out of which 62 (89.8%) were confirmed while four (5.8%) were not confirmed by the video. At least three (4.4%) potential sight distance obstructions were discovered in the video that were not detected by the line-of-sight analysis. The intersection with the highest crash frequency involving older drivers was correctly found to have obstructions located within the intersection sight triangles. Based on research results, it is concluded that LIDAR data can be utilized for identifying potential sight distance obstructions at intersections. The safety of older drivers can be enhanced by locating and rectifying intersections with obstructions in sight triangles.
This report evaluates the use of remotely sensed images in implementing the Iowa DOT LRS that is currently in the stages of system architecture. The Iowa Department of Transportation is investing a significant amount of time and resources into creation of a linear referencing system (LRS). A significant portion of the effort in implementing the system will be creation of a datum, which includes geographically locating anchor points and then measuring anchor section distances between those anchor points. Currently, system architecture and evaluation of different data collection methods to establish the LRS datum is being performed for the DOT by an outside consulting team.
Stratospheric ozone can be measured accurately using a limb scatter remote sensing technique at the UV-visible spectral region of solar light. The advantages of this technique includes a good vertical resolution and a good daytime coverage of the measurements. In addition to ozone, UV-visible limb scatter measurements contain information about NO2, NO3, OClO, BrO and aerosols. There are currently several satellite instruments continuously scanning the atmosphere and measuring the UVvisible region of the spectrum, e.g., the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System (OSIRIS) launched on the Odin satellite in February 2001, and the Scanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) launched on Envisat in March 2002. Envisat also carries the Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars (GOMOS) instrument, which also measures limb-scattered sunlight under bright limb occultation conditions. These conditions occur during daytime occultation measurements. The global coverage of the satellite measurements is far better than any other ozone measurement technique, but still the measurements are sparse in the spatial domain. Measurements are also repeated relatively rarely over a certain area, and the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere changes dynamically. Assimilation methods are therefore needed in order to combine the information of the measurements with the atmospheric model. In recent years, the focus of assimilation algorithm research has turned towards filtering methods. The traditional Extended Kalman filter (EKF) method takes into account not only the uncertainty of the measurements, but also the uncertainty of the evolution model of the system. However, the computational cost of full blown EKF increases rapidly as the number of the model parameters increases. Therefore the EKF method cannot be applied directly to the stratospheric ozone assimilation problem. The work in this thesis is devoted to the development of inversion methods for satellite instruments and the development of assimilation methods used with atmospheric models.
Parameters such as tolerance, scale and agility utilized in data sampling for using in Precision Agriculture required an expressive number of researches and development of techniques and instruments for automation. It is highlighted the employment of methodologies in remote sensing used in coupled to a Geographic Information System (GIS), adapted or developed for agricultural use. Aiming this, the application of Agricultural Mobile Robots is a strong tendency, mainly in the European Union, the USA and Japan. In Brazil, researches are necessary for the development of robotics platforms, serving as a basis for semi-autonomous and autonomous navigation systems. The aim of this work is to describe the project of an experimental platform for data acquisition in field for the study of the spatial variability and development of agricultural robotics technologies to operate in agricultural environments. The proposal is based on a systematization of scientific work to choose the design parameters utilized for the construction of the model. The kinematic study of the mechanical structure was made by the virtual prototyping process, based on modeling and simulating of the tension applied in frame, using the.
The aim of this study was to use digital images acquired by cameras attached to a helium balloon to detect variation of the nutritional status in Brachiaria decumbens. The treatments consisted of five doses of nitrogen (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200kg ha-1) with six replications each, evaluated in a completely randomized statistical design. A remote sensing system composed of digital cameras and microcomputers was used for image acquisition, and a helium balloon lifted the cameras to the heights of 15, 20, 25 and 30m. A portable chlorophyll meter and analyses of leaf nitrogen content were used to make comparisons with data obtained by the remote sensing system. Data was acquired in two phases, in different climatic conditions. At the end of each phase, dry matter production was measured. Three vegetation indices were used to evaluate the detection of different nutritional status. The three indices were able to detect the effects of N doses. The indices constructed with the Green spectral band showed to be more efficient.