916 resultados para Industrial automation, Programmable logic controllers.


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This work describes a ludic proposal for programming learning of industrial robots to be developed by groups of engineering students. Two projects are presented: Tic-tac-toe Opponent Robot and Environmentalist Robot. The first project use competitive search techniques of the Artificial Intelligence, computational vision, electronic and pneumatic concepts for ability decision making for a robotic agent on the tic-tae-toe game. The second project consists of a game that contains a questions and answers database about environmental themes. An algorithm selects the group of questions to be answered by the player, analyses the answers and sends the result to a industrial robot through serial port. According with the player performance, the robot makes congratulation movements and giving a gift to the winner player. Otherwise, the robot makes movements, disapproving the player performance.


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Substitution of fuzzy logic control in an electrical system normally controlled by proportional-integral frequency was studied and analyzed. A linear model of an electrical system, the concepts which govern the theory of fuzzy logic, and the application of this theory to systems control, are briefly presented. The methodology of fuzzy logic was then applied to develop a model for an electrical energy system. The results of the simulation demonstrated that fuzzy logic control eliminated the area frequency error and permitted that only the area experiencing an increase in charge responds to this variation. Based on the results, it is concluded that control based on fuzzy logic is simple, is easy to maintain, is of low cost, and can be used to substitute traditional velocity controllers.


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With the fast innovation of the hardware and software technologies using rapid prototyping devices, with application in the robotics and automation, more and more it becomes necessary the development of applications based on methodologies that facilitate future modifications, updates and enhancements in the original projected system. This paper presents a conception of mobile robots using rapid prototyping, distributing the several control actions in growing levels of complexity and using resources of reconfigurable computing proposal oriented to embed systems implementation. Software and the hardware are structuralized in independents blocks, with connection through common bus. The study and applications of new structures control that permits good performance in relation to the parameter variations. This kind of controller can be tested on different platform representing the wheeled mobile robots using reprogrammable logic components (FPGA). © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper is based on the analysis and implementation of a new drive system applied to refrigeration systems, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC standards (Harmonic/Flicker/EMI-Electromagnetic Interference restrictions), in order to obtain high efficiency, high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current and reduced electromagnetic interference, with excellent performance in temperature control of a refrigeration prototype system (automatic control, precision and high dynamic response). The proposal is replace the single-phase motor by a three-phase motor, in the conventional refrigeration system. In this way, a proper control technique can be applied, using a closed-loop (feedback control), that will allow an accurate adjustment of the desirable temperature. The proposed refrigeration prototype uses a 0.5Hp three-phase motor and an open (Belt-Drive) Bitzer IY type compressor. The input rectifier stage's features include the reduction in the input current ripple, the reduction in the output voltage ripple, the use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input current, in compliance with the IEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller for the output three-phase inverter stage has been developed using a conventional voltage-frequency control (scalar V/f control), and a simplified stator oriented Vector control, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital controls for continuous temperature control applied at the refrigerator prototype. ©2008 IEEE.


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This work focuses on applying fuzzy control embedded in microcontrollers in an experimental apparatus using magnetorheological fluid damper. The non-linear behavior of the magnetorheological dampers associated with the parametric variations on vehicle suspension models corroborate the use of the fuzzy controllers. The fundamental formulation of this controller is discussed and its performance is shown through numeric simulations. An experimental apparatus representing a two degree of freedom system containing a magnetorheological damper is used to identify the main parameters and to evaluate the performance of the closed-loop system with the embedded low-cost microcontroller-based fuzzy controller. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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The new digital technologies have led to widespread use of cloud computing, recognition of the potential of big data analytics, and significant progress in aspects of the Internet of Things, such as home automation, smart cities and grids and digital manufacturing. In addition to closing gaps in respect of the basic necessities of access and usage, now the conditions must be established for using the new platforms and finding ways to participate actively in the creation of content and even new applications and platforms. This message runs through the three chapters of this book. Chapter I presents the main features of the digital revolution, emphasizing that today’s world economy is a digital economy. Chapter II examines the region’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to digital access and consumption. Chapter III reviews the main policy debates and urges countries to take a more proactive approach towards, for example, regulation, network neutrality and combating cybercrime. The conclusion highlights two crucial elements: first, the need to take steps towards a single regional digital market that can compete in a world of global platforms by tapping the benefits of economies of scale and developing network economies; and second, the significance of the next stage of the digital agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC2018), which will embody the latest updates to a cooperation strategy that has been in place for over a decade.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Este trabalho utiliza a metodologia six sigma com o objetivo de aumentar a produtividade da Linha de LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) em uma fábrica do Pólo Industrial de Manaus - PIM e um sistema de inferência fuzzy para mensurar o aumento dessa produtividade, onde foram identificados vários parâmetros baseados na metodologia six sigma. Dentre os quais, conforme grau de relevância dos especialistas deste estudo, pode-se destacar: desperdícios, capacidade produtiva e estudo de tempos. Ressaltando ainda que o sistema proposto seja de grande importância para profissionais e pesquisadores da gestão da produção, os quais desejam resultados que reduzam custos e conseqüentemente aumente os lucros da organização.


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Embora a mercantilização de recursos minerais na Amazônia oriental brasileira tenha envolvido a comercialização, por mais de cinco décadas, de mercadorias bastante diversas, extraídas e transformadas industrialmente por empresas que foram instaladas em momentos históricos distintos, suas repercussões no desenvolvimento de certas áreas da região guardam importantes singularidades e têm lógicas e características, em grande parte, comuns. O trabalho sintetiza os macrocenários nos quais se instalaram empresas mínero-metal úrgicas e analisa as razões das limitações que as atividades desenvolvidas por essas empresas têm para impulsionar dinâmicas de desenvolvimento amplas e socialmente enraizadas.


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A atual configuração do mundo do trabalho caracteriza-se pela complexidade e intensificação dos riscos à saúde do trabalhador. A presente tese aborda trabalho e saúde a partir do referencial da psicodinâmica de Dejours, privilegiando a categoria prazer-sofrimento, no contexto do trabalho com automação no Pólo Industrial de Manaus - PIM. Visando situar os aspectos macroeconômicos, apresenta-se a condição sócio-econômica dos operadores e o contexto da reestruturação produtiva do PIM, que se caracterizou por intensificação da automação. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar a organização de trabalho com automação e seus desdobramentos sobre a saúde dos operadores e das operadoras de máquina de inserção automática, focalizando o prazer-sofrimento e seus reflexos sobre o processo de saúde-adoecimento. Elegeu-se a abordagem qualitativa, em consonância com a fundamentação teórico-metodológica de Dejours. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada na área de inserção automática das duas empresas de origem japonesa, de grande porte, do segmento eletroeletrônico do PIM. Participaram como sujeitos 21 operadores de máquinas (dez de uma e onze de outra empresa). A principal fonte de dados foi a fala dos sujeitos, que responderam a uma entrevista individual semi-estruturada. Para a análise de dados foi realizada uma articulação da sistemática da Grounded Theory à base psicodinâmica, como opção de técnica qualitatativa adequada a entrevistas individuais. A preocupação com a “qualidade” se destacou como categoria central, mostrando-se presente em todas as esferas da organização de trabalho e modulando a vivência de prazer-sofrimento: dentre as principais fontes de prazer, realizar o trabalho com perfeição foi reiteradamente mencionado; em contrapartida, o medo de errar é uma das principais fontes de sofrimento, causa permanente de tensão, agravante do risco de adoecimento. O prazer provém da identificação com a tarefa de operar máquinas, de alta tecnologia, sem cometer erros; aprender mais e dominar a “tecnologia de ponta” é uma fonte de mobilização subjetiva. O sofrimento decorre da sobrecarga de trabalho, mal remunerado, sob intensa pressão por “qualidade”. Para suportar o sofrimento, os trabalhadores constroem estratégias coletivas de defesa: usam gracejos direcionados aos colegas que cometem erros, interpretados como recurso para reduzir o sofrimento originário do medo de falhar. Utilizam ainda grande diversidade de estratégias individuais de defesa, reflexo do individualismo. O reconhecimento, considerado na psicodinâmica como via privilegiada para a ressignificação do sofrimento, é pouco presente: menos de metade dos operadores se considera devidamente reconhecido por seu trabalho; mencionam os baixos salários como evidência da falta de reconhecimento. Em uma das empresas também falta o reconhecimento simbólico, agravando o sofrimento. O predomínio do sofrimento sobre o prazer no trabalho conduz a um desequilíbrio que resulta no uso exacerbado de defesas: manifestam-se as patologias sociais do trabalho, dentre as quais foi identificada a patologia da sobrecarga, relacionada à carga excessiva de trabalho que é importa aos operadores e às operadoras, pois à aquisição de máquinas corresponde a redução de pessoas. O sofrimento no trabalho, no PIM, está sendo intensificado com a automação, inserida no contexto de super-exploração do trabalho, integrante da organização flexível do capital.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Several countries have invested in technologies for Smart Grids. Among such protocols designed cover this area, highlights the DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol version 3). Although the DNP3 be developed for operation over the serial interface, there is a trend in the literature to the use of other interfaces. The Zigbee wireless interface has become more popular in the industrial applications. In order to study the challenges of integrating of these two protocols, this article is presented the analysis of DNP3 protocol stack through state machines The encapsulation of DNP3 messages in P2P (point-to-point) ZigBee Network, may assist in the discovery and solution of failures of availability and security of this integration. The ultimate goal is to merge the features of DNP3 and Zigbee stacks, and display a solution that provides the benefits of wireless environment, without impairment of security required for Smart Grid applications.


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The proposed of scanning of an electrical industrial substation HV is associated with a segment of the Electrotechnical area and aims the study and preliminary application of digital technologies in the protection, control, measurement and automation maneuvers aimed at a Industrial Electrical System typical High Voltage. Well intended to supervision, protection and control of major electrical and thermal quantities involved in a substation, such as voltage levels, current, temperature, power factor, loads of transformers and circuit feeders, status of interlocking devices, switching equipment maneuvers, etc


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With the growth of the demand on electric energy in the last decades, the urban distribution and transmission systems have experienced a bigger necessity to improve on the substations, the automation procedures and techniques on the operation maneuvers of such systems, in a sense that better attends the quality levels, availability, continuity and operational reliability. In this way, the objective of the present paper is to perform a study of protection and control on an electrical industrial system involving the procedures of digitizing and maneuvers automatism utilizing operational techniques and other pertinent information used in a typical high-voltage Industrial Electrical System. Analysis were made on short-circuits to specify the main components of the 138 [kV] substation, in addition, there were used digital MiCOM relays to make the protection of the present elements. With that, a program was developed to allow the user to monitor the condition of circuit-breakers through a supervision screen being able to simulate some kinds of faults, as well as observing the characteristics of each device. This way, the importance of having a fast and reliable system that ensures the equipment’s protection and the industrial process continuity due to faults on the electrical system is noticeable. It’s important to highlight that all this digitizing was mainly favored by the development of digital technology on the last years, mainly on microelectronics, also with the appearance of supervision gadgets allowing the development of complex systems in supervision and electric energy control