934 resultados para Inductive powering


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RESUMO: Os dados estatísticos evidenciam uma tendência para o aumento de casos de HIV/SIDA em indivíduos com mais de 50 anos (OMS, 2008) e apontam a transmissão por via sexual como uma das causas das novas infecções nesta faixa etária. A inexistência de um tratamento ou de uma vacina para o HIV/SIDA faz com que a alteração de comportamentos de risco seja ainda o único meio disponível e universal de prevenir a doença, independentemente da faixa etária considerada. Reconhecendo a dimensão social do fenómeno, e a função preventiva e educativa inerente à actividade dos assistentes sociais, constitui-se como principal objectivo deste estudo compreender o papel do Serviço Social na prevenção do HIV /SIDA e dos comportamentos de risco nos idosos frequentadores de centros de convívio e academias. Especificamente pretendemos identificar o entendimento dos assistentes sociais face à SIDA, à sexualidade e aos comportamentos de risco da população idosa; compreender o papel do Serviço Social na prevenção do HIV/SIDA por relação a outros profissionais; identificar que acções de âmbito preventivo são utilizadas e em que nível da prevenção se situa a intervenção dos assistentes sociais e perceber se a mesma contribui para a mudança de comportamentos de risco. Situámos o estudo numa abordagem qualitativa, e seguimos uma estratégia indutiva. Os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, aplicadas a oito assistentes sociais que exercem a sua actividade em Centros de Convívio ou Academias Seniores, no concelho de Cascais. Pela análise e interpretação dos discursos das entrevistadas verifica-se que, a maioria, têm conhecimentos acerca da sexualidade dos idosos no geral e nas respectivas instituições. Percepcionam a sexualidade como algo existente nos idosos, embora se tenham identificado, concomitantemente alguns preconceitos, não sendo um assunto comummente abordado nas suas acções quotidianas. O conhecimento que revelam relativamente ao HIV/SIDA e à expressão do problema a nível global ou local tem uma relação muito directa com a existência, ou não, de casos concretos na instituição. Constatámos que as acções preventivas sobre os comportamentos sexuais de risco são feitas por profissionais exteriores à instituição e de outras áreas, como a enfermagem e a psicologia. Face à regularidade e proximidade com os destinatários da intervenção sublinhamos a importância que os assistentes sociais podem ter no âmbito da prevenção primária, promovendo acções que capacitem, eduquem e motivem os idosos para a adopção de comportamentos saudáveis, sendo também condição sine qua non que os profissionais se reposicionem e assumam esse papel investindo na sua qualificação e especialização. ABSTRACT: The statistical data shows that the number of HIV/AIDS cases in individuals over 50 is rising (OMS, 2008), with the sexual transmission being the prime cause of the new infections in this age group. The non-existence of a treatment or a vaccine for HIV/AIDS leads the change in risk behaviors to remain the only available and universal method to prevent the spreading of this disease, regardless of the age group we are considering. Acknowledging the social dimension of the phenomenon and the inherent preventive and educational function of the Social Workers, the main objective of this study is to understand the role of the Social Work in HIV/AIDS prevention and the risk behaviors of the elderly. Specifically we intend to identify the knowledge the social workers have about HIV/AIDS, about the sexuality and risk behaviors of the elderly; understand the role of the social worker in HIV/AIDS prevention by comparison to other professionals; identify which preventive actions are taken in intervention and in which level of prevention the intervention of social workers takes place, and understand if prevention leads to changing the risk behaviors. We based the study in a qualitative approach, and followed an inductive strategy. The data was gathered by semi-structured interviews, applied to eight Social Workers working in Recreational Centers or Seniors Academies in Cascais’ district. By analyzing and interpreting the interviews we see, that the majority, knows about the sexuality of the elderly in general and in their respective institutions. They see sexuality as something that the elderly possess, although we have also identified some prejudices towards it, and it isn’t a theme usually approached in their daily actions. The knowledge that they reveal about HIV/AIDS and the impact of this problem at a global and local level, is directly linked to the existence, or not, of actual cases in the institution they work. We noticed that the preventive actions on sexual risk behaviors are conducted by professionals that don’t belong to the institution and of other areas of expertise, as Nursing and Psychology. Due to the regularity and proximity with whom the intervention is destined to, we emphasize the importance that the social workers may have in primary prevention, promoting actions that enable, educate and encourage the elderly to adopt health promoting behaviors, also being a sine qua non condition the professionals must reposition themselves and take that role investing in their qualification and specialization.


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O presente estudo pretende interpretar o pensamento dos professores sobre a importância da Educação Física (EF) no currículo do alunos, compreender se os professores valorizam a área dos conhecimentos e identificar como é que dizem que põem em prática essa área de avaliação em EF. Trata-se de um estudo caso, de caráter exploratório, sendo que a amostra foi constituída por nove professores de uma escola com ensino básico do 3º ciclo e ensino secundário na área de Lisboa. Como instrumentos de trabalho para o desenvolvimento do nosso estudo utilizámos o método de entrevista aberta semiestruturada, sendo que a análise de dados foi realizada através do método indutivo. As conclusões do estudo indicaram que: - Os professores revelaram ter orientações educativas distintas; não existiu concordância nas respostas para justificar a importância e a obrigatoriedade da EF no currículo do aluno, nem para definir o que é um aluno fisicamente bem-educado; - O conjunto de professores de EF atribuiu pouco valor à área dos conhecimentos, valorizando de igual forma a área das atividades físicas e a área da aptidão física; - A maioria dos professores, apesar de se dizerem confiantes para abordar os conteúdos da área dos conhecimentos, opta por ter um papel menos ativo no processo de ensino-aprendizagem dessa área. Sabem que a área dos conhecimentos tem de ser avaliada e limitam-se a construir instrumentos de avaliação (fichas, testes e trabalhos) para certificar os alunos, descurando no entanto o seu papel de formadores relativamente a essa área.


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Com o envelhecimento demográfico e o natural aumento dos cuidados de enfermagem no âmbito gerontológico surge o interesse em responder como é que o enfermeiro interage com a pessoa idosa para que esta utilize a sua essência evidenciando comportamentos protetores e promotores de envelhecimento bem-sucedido? E ao objetivo: compreender o processo da interação enfermeiro-pessoa idosa que conduz à utilização de comportamentos protetores e promotores de envelhecimento bem-sucedido. Trata-se de um estudo naturalista de paradigma qualitativo, de pensamento indutivo, desenvolvido num contexto de cuidados de saúde primários. Observámos o processo de interação entre enfermeiro-pessoa idosa num Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde e em Centros de Dia/Convívio e completámos a informação com entrevista. Utilizámos o método de análise grounded theory segundo Corbin & Strauss[1] que prevê a triangulação de dados bem como o recurso a amostragem teórica. A interação enfermeiro-pessoa idosa estabelece-se num processo conjunto de recriação do cuidado gerontológico predispondo, favorecendo e reforçando o conhecimento sobre o cerne da vida. A pessoa idosa objeto de cuidados do enfermeiro vai construindo o seu vivido caminhando para a integridade, estabelecendo interação individual e social e intensificando vivências. De todo este processo de interação emerge o conceito central: clarificação do vivido.


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O nosso estudo propôs analisar os significados atribuidos pelos servidores que integraram o Programa de Educação Básica (PEB), da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Através dos relatos de servidores e gestores, se propõe o impacto que a frequência do Programa de Educação Básica teve junto dos mesmos, no âmbito pessoal, social e profissional. Pretende igualmente verificar se as expectativas iniciais ficaram satisfeitas. Para tanto, a investigação fez um percurso de pesquisa teórica de levantamento de opiniões junto dos intervenientes. As teorias fundamentaram-se em referenciais que reconhecem os esforços realizados na EJA, como os investimentos e avanços que diminuiram o analfabetismo no Brasil. Para tanto, a investigação fez um percurso metodológico em bases teóricas e práticas. As teorias são elucidadas em literaturas que reconhecem os esforços realizados na EJA, como os investimentos e avanços que diminuíram o analfabetismo no Brasil. Na prática, o trajeto estrutura-se em um estudo qualitativo, exploratório indutivo, com análise interpretativa de 60 servidores e 12 gestores, através de questionários com perguntas abertas, e aplicados em entrevistas realizadas pela pesquisadora. Como resultados, a pesquisa aponta que a escolarização do PEB produziu significados substantivos, para os servidores, ambiente coletivo e profissão, contribuindo sobremaneira para o exercício da cidadania. Como reflexões conclusivas, mas não definitivas, a produção dissertativa fortalece a EJA, reconhece sujeitos e favorece a prática educativa, ao elucidar ações concretas de escolarização, com propostas de novos olhares para o campo da educação.


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Flower and inflorescence reversion involve a switch from floral development back to vegetative development, thus rendering flowering a phase in an ongoing growth pattern rather than a terminal act of the meristem. Although it can be considered an unusual event, reversion raises questions about the nature and function of flowering. It is linked to environmental conditions and is most often a response to conditions opposite to those that induce flowering. Research on molecular genetic mechanisms underlying plant development over the last 15 years has pinpointed some of the key genes involved in the transition to flowering and flower development. Such investigations have also uncovered mutations which reduce floral maintenance or alter the balance between vegetative and floral features of the plant. How this information contributes to an understanding of floral reversion is assessed here. One issue that arises is whether floral commitment (defined as the ability to continue flowering when inductive conditions no longer exist) is a developmental switch affecting the whole plant or is a mechanism which assigns autonomy to individual meristems. A related question is whether floral or vegetative development is the underlying default pathway of the plant. This review begins by considering how studies of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana have aided understanding of mechanisms of floral maintenance. Arabidopsis has not been found to revert to leaf production in any of the conditions or genetic backgrounds analysed to date. A clear-cut reversion to leaf production has, however, been described in Impatiens balsamina. It is proposed that a single gene controls whether Impatiens reverts or can maintain flowering when inductive conditions are removed, and it is inferred that this gene functions to control the synthesis or transport of a leaf-generated signal. But it is also argued that the susceptibility of Impatiens to reversion is a consequence of the meristem-based mechanisms controlling development of the flower in this species. Thus, in Impatiens, a leaf-derived signal is critical for completion of flowering and can be considered to be the basis of a plant-wide floral commitment that is achieved without accompanying meristem autonomy. The evidence, derived from in vitro and other studies, that similar mechanisms operate in other species is assessed. It is concluded that most species (including Arabidopsis) are less prone to reversion because signals from the leaf are less ephemeral, and the pathways driving flower development have a high level of redundancy that generates meristem autonomy even when leaf-derived signals are weak. This gives stability to the flowering process, even where its initiation is dependent on environmental cues. On this interpretation, Impatiens reversion appears as an anomaly resulting from an unusual combination of leaf signalling and meristem regulation. Nevertheless, it is shown that the ability to revert can serve a function in the life history strategy (perenniality) or reproductive habit (pseudovivipary) of many plants. In these instances reversion has been assimilated into regular plant development and plays a crucial role there.


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In a workshop setting, two pieces of recorded music were presented to a group of adult non-specialists; a key feature was to set up structured discussion within which the respondents considered each piece of music as a whole and not in its constituent parts. There were two areas of interest, namely to explore whether the respondents were likely to identify the musical features or to make extra-musical associations and, to establish the extent to which there would be commonality and difference in their approach to formulating the verbal responses. An inductive approach was used in the analysis of data to reveal some of the working theories underpinning the intuitive musicianship of the adult non-specialist listener. Findings have shown that, when unprompted by forced choice responses, the listeners generated responses that could be said to be information-poor in terms of musical features but rich in terms of the level of personal investment they made in formulating their responses. This is evidenced in a number of connections they made between the discursive and the non-discursive, including those which are relational and mediated by their experiences. Implications for music education are considered.


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Three methodological limitations in English-Chinese contrastive rhetoric research have been identified in previous research, namely: the failure to control for the quality of L1 data; an inference approach to interpreting the relationship between L1 and L2 writing; and a focus on national cultural factors in interpreting rhetorical differences. Addressing these limitations, the current study examined the presence or absence and placement of thesis statement and topic sentences in four sets of argumentative texts produced by three groups of university students. We found that Chinese students tended to favour a direct/deductive approach in their English and Chinese writing, while native English writers typically adopted an indirect/inductive approach. This study argues for a dynamic and ecological interpretation of rhetorical practices in different languages and cultures.


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The work involves investigation of a type of wireless power system wherein its analysis will yield the construction of a prototype modeled as a singular technological artifact. It is through exploration of the artifact that forms the intellectual basis for not only its prototypical forms, but suggestive of variant forms not yet discovered. Through the process it is greatly clarified the role of the artifact, its most suitable application given the constraints on the delivery problem, and optimization strategies to improve it. In order to improve maturity and contribute to a body of knowledge, this document proposes research utilizing mid-field region, efficient inductive-transfer for the purposes of removing wired connections and electrical contacts. While the description seems enough to state the purpose of this work, it does not convey the compromises of having to redraw the lines of demarcation between near and far-field in the traditional method of broadcasting. Two striking scenarios are addressed in this thesis: Firstly, the mathematical explanation of wireless power is due to J.C. Maxwell's original equations, secondly, the behavior of wireless power in the circuit is due to Joseph Larmor's fundamental works on the dynamics of the field concept. A model of propagation will be presented which matches observations in experiments. A modified model of the dipole will be presented to address the phenomena observed in the theory and experiments. Two distinct sets of experiments will test the concept of single and two coupled-modes. In a more esoteric context of the zero and first-order magnetic field, the suggestion of a third coupled-mode is presented. Through the remaking of wireless power in this context, it is the intention of the author to show the reader that those things lost to history, bound to a path of complete obscurity, are once again innovative and useful ideas.


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Purpose – This paper explores the “Western” concept of psychological capital in the People's Republic of China (PRC) and highlights critical areas of divergence and notable dimensions of similarity. Design/methodology/approach – This is an empirical study conducted in a wide range of Chinese organisational forms, employing an inductive approach based on critical incident technique. Findings – This research showed that the concept of psychological capital appears to have a degree of applicability and salience in China. A series of dimensions common in Western organisations were found in our research, including Optimism, Creativity, Resiliency, Self-confidence, Forgiveness and Gratitude, Courage and Ambition (Hope). These were found to be common types of psychological capital both in China and in the West. However, the dimensions of Courtesy and Humility (Qian-gong-you-li in Chinese), Self-possession and Sincerity fell into the “different” category. Originality/value – This paper is a first attempt to examine psychological capital in a range of organisational forms and industrial sectors in China using a grounded theory approach. It not only reports various dimensions of Chinese psychological capital, some unique to this research, but also compares and contrasts these dimensions between China and the West, highlighting further research opportunities.


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Several recent reports suggest that inflammatory signals play a decisive role in the self-renewal, migration and differentiation of multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs). NSCs are believed to be able to ameliorate the symptoms of several brain pathologies through proliferation, migration into the area of the lesion and either differentiation into the appropriate cell type or secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Although NSCs have beneficial roles, current evidence indicates that brain tumours, such as astrogliomas or ependymomas are also caused by tumour-initiating cells with stem-like properties. However, little is known about the cellular and molecular processes potentially generating tumours from NSCs. Most pro-inflammatory conditions are considered to activate the transcription factor NF-kappaB in various cell types. Strong inductive effects of NF-kappaB on proliferation and migration of NSCs have been described. Moreover, NF-kappaB is constitutively active in most tumour cells described so far. Chronic inflammation is also known to initiate cancer. Thus, NF-kappaB might provide a novel mechanistic link between chronic inflammation, stem cells and cancer. This review discusses the apparently ambivalent role of NF-kappaB: physiological maintenance and repair of the brain via NSCs, and a potential role in tumour initiation. Furthermore, it reveals a possible mechanism of brain tumour formation based on inflammation and NF-kappaB activity in NSCs.


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Background In the UK occupational therapy pre-discharge home visits are routinely carried out as a means of facilitating safe transfer from the hospital to home. Whilst they are an integral part of practice, there is little evidence to demonstrate they have a positive outcome on the discharge process. Current issues for patients are around the speed of home visits and the lack of shared decision making in the process, resulting in less than 50 % of the specialist equipment installed actually being used by patients on follow-up. To improve practice there is an urgent need to examine other ways of conducting home visits to facilitate safe discharge. We believe that Computerised 3D Interior Design Applications (CIDAs) could be a means to support more efficient, effective and collaborative practice. A previous study explored practitioners perceptions of using CIDAs; however it is important to ascertain older adult’s views about the usability of technology and to compare findings. This study explores the perceptions of community dwelling older adults with regards to adopting and using CIDAs as an assistive tool for the home adaptations process. Methods Ten community dwelling older adults participated in individual interactive task-focused usability sessions with a customised CIDA, utilising the think-aloud protocol and individual semi-structured interviews. Template analysis was used to carry out both deductive and inductive analysis of the think-aloud and interview data. Initially, a deductive stance was adopted, using the three pre-determined high-level themes of the technology acceptance model (TAM): Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Actual Use (AU). Inductive template analysis was then carried out on the data within these themes, from which a number of sub-thmes emerged. Results Regarding PU, participants believed CIDAs served as a useful visual tool and saw clear potential to facilitate shared understanding and partnership in care delivery. For PEOU, participants were able to create 3D home environments however a number of usability issues must still be addressed. The AU theme revealed the most likely usage scenario would be collaborative involving both patient and practitioner, as many participants did not feel confident or see sufficient value in using the application autonomously. Conclusions This research found that older adults perceived that CIDAs were likely to serve as a valuable tool which facilitates and enhances levels of patient/practitioner collaboration and empowerment. Older adults also suggested a redesign of the interface so that less sophisticated dexterity and motor functions are required. However, older adults were not confident, or did not see sufficient value in using the application autonomously. Future research is needed to further customise the CIDA software, in line with the outcomes of this study, and to explore the potential of collaborative application patient/practitioner-based deployment.


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Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the European economy. A critical challenge faced by SME leaders, as a consequence of the continuing digital technology revolution, is how to optimally align business strategy with digital technology to fully leverage the potential offered by these technologies in pursuit of longevity and growth. There is a paucity of empirical research examining how e-leadership in SMEs drives successful alignment between business strategy and digital technology fostering longevity and growth. To address this gap, in this paper we develop an empirically derived e-leadership model. Initially we develop a theoretical model of e-leadership drawing on strategic alignment theory. This provides a theoretical foundation on how SMEs can harness digital technology in support of their business strategy enabling sustainable growth. An in-depth empirical study was undertaken interviewing 42 successful European SME leaders to validate, advance and substantiate our theoretically driven model. The outcome of the two stage process – inductive development of a theoretically driven e-leadership model and deductive advancement to develop a complete model through in-depth interviews with successful European SME leaders – is an e-leadership model with specific constructs fostering effective strategic alignment. The resulting diagnostic model enables SME decision makers to exercise effective e-leadership by creating productive alignment between business strategy and digital technology improving longevity and growth prospects.


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We report the first simultaneous zJHK spectroscopy on the archetypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 covering the wavelength region 0.9-2.4 mu m. The slit, aligned in the north-south direction and centred in the optical nucleus, maps a region 300 pc in radius at subarcsec resolution, with a spectral resolving power of 360 km s-1. This configuration allows us to study the physical properties of the nuclear gas including that of the north side of the ionization cone, map the strong excess of continuum emission in the K band and attributed to dust and study the variations, both in flux and profile, in the emission lines. Our results show the following. (1) Mid- to low-ionization emission lines are split into two components, whose relative strengths vary with the position along the slit and seem to be correlated with the jet. (2) The coronal lines are single-peaked and are detected only in the central few hundred of pc from the nucleus. (3) The absorption lines indicate the presence of intermediate age stellar population, which might be a significant contributor to the continuum in the near-IR spectra. (4) Through some simple photoionization models we find photoionization as the main mechanism powering the emitting gas. (5) Calculations using stellar features point to a mass concentration inside the 100-200 pc of about 1010 M(circle dot).


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Helminths and their products have a profound immunomodulatory effect upon the inductive and effector phases of inflammatory responses, including allergy. We have demonstrated that PAS-1, a protein isolated from Ascaris strum worms, has an inhibitory effect on lung allergic inflammation due to its ability to down-regulate eosinophilic inflammation, Th2 cytokine release and IgE antibody production. Here, we investigated the role of IL-12, IFN-gamma and IL-10 in the PAS-1-induced inhibitory mechanism using a murine model of asthma. Wild type C57BL/6, IL-12(-/-), IFN-gamma(-/-) and IL-10(-/-) mice were immunized with PAS-1 and/or OVA and challenged with the same antigens intranasally. The suppressive effect of PAS-I was demonstrated on the cellular influx into airways, with reduction of eosinophil number and eosinophil peroxidase activity in OVA + PAS-1-immunized wild type mice. This effect well correlated with a significant reduction in the levels of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and eotaxin in BAL fluid. Levels of IgE and IgG1 antibodies were also impaired in serum from these mice. The inhibitory activity of PAS-I was also observed in IL-12(-/-) mice, but not in IFN-gamma(-/-) and IL-10(-/-) animals. These data show that IFN-gamma and IL-10, but not IL-12, play an important role in the PAS-1 modulatory effect. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Myostatin is described as a negative regulator of the skeletal muscle growth. Genetic engineering, in order to produce animals with double the muscle mass and that can transmit the characteristic to future progeny, may be useful. In this context, the present study aimed to analyse the feasibility of lentiviral-mediated delivery of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting of myostatin into in vitro produced transgenic bovine embryos. Lentiviral vectors were used to deliver a transgene that expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP) and an shRNA that targeted myostatin. Vector efficiency was verified through in vitro murine myoblast (C2C12) cell morphology after inductive differentiation and by means of real-time PCR. The lentiviral vector was microinjected into the perivitellinic space of in vitro matured oocytes. Non-microinjected oocytes were used as the control. After injection, oocytes were fertilized and cultured in vitro. Blastocysts were evaluated by epifluorescence microscopy. Results demonstrated that the vector was able to inhibit myostatin mRNA in C2C12 cells, as the transducted group had a less amount of myostatin mRNA after 72 h of differentiation (p < 0.05) and had less myotube formation than the non-transduced group (p < 0.05). There was no difference in cleavage and blastocyst rates between the microinjected and control groups. After hatching, 3.07% of the embryos exhibited GFP expression, indicating that they expressed shRNA targeting myostatin. In conclusion, we demonstrate that a lentiviral vector effectively performed shRNA myostatin gene knockdown and gene delivery into in vitro produced bovine embryos. Thus, this technique can be considered a novel option for the production of transgenic embryos and double muscle mass animals.