1000 resultados para Indemnity against liability


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Wear of etched near-eutectic aluminium silicon alloy slid against a steel ball under ambient is explored. The sliding velocity is kept low (0.01 m/s) and the nominal contact pressure is varied in a 15-40 MPa range. Four stages of wear are identified; ultra mild wear, mild wear, severe wear and post severe oxidative wear. The first transition is controlled by the protrusions of silicon particles, projecting out of the aluminium alloy matrix. Once these protrusions disappear under pressure and sliding, oxidation and bulk energy dissipation mechanisms take over to institute transitions to other stages of wear. The phenomenological characteristics of wear stages are explored using a variety of techniques including nanoindentation, focused ion beam milling, electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and optical interferometry. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Inter-enterprise collaboration has become essential for the success of enterprises. As competition increasingly takes place between supply chains and networks of enterprises, there is a strategic business need to participate in multiple collaborations simultaneously. Collaborations based on an open market of autonomous actors set special requirements for computing facilities supporting the setup and management of these business networks of enterprises. Currently, the safeguards against privacy threats in collaborations crossing organizational borders are both insufficient and incompatible to the open market. A broader understanding is needed of the architecture of defense structures, and privacy threats must be detected not only on the level of a private person or enterprise, but on the community and ecosystem levels as well. Control measures must be automated wherever possible in order to keep the cost and effort of collaboration management reasonable. This article contributes to the understanding of the modern inter-enterprise collaboration environment and privacy threats in it, and presents the automated control measures required to ensure that actors in inter-enterprise collaborations behave correctly to preserve privacy.


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Pregnancy is a transient immuno-compromised condition which has evolved to avoid the immune rejection of the fetus by the maternal immune system. The altered immune response of the pregnant female leads to increased susceptibility to invading pathogens, resulting in abortion and congenital defects of the fetus and a subnormal response to vaccination. Active vaccination during pregnancy may lead to abortion induced by heightened cell mediated immune response. In this study, we have administered the highly attenuated vaccine strain delta pmrG-HM-D (DV-STM-07) in female mice before the onset of pregnancy and followed the immune reaction against challenge with virulent S. Typhimurium in pregnant mice. Here we demonstrate that DV-STM-07 vaccine gives protection against Salmonella in pregnant mice and also prevents Salmonella induced abortion. This protection is conferred by directing the immune response towards Th2 activation and Th1 suppression. The low Th1 response prevents abortion. The use of live attenuated vaccine just before pregnancy carries the risk of transmission to the fetus. We have shown that this vaccine is safe as the vaccine strain is quickly eliminated from the mother and is not transmitted to the fetus. This vaccine also confers immunity to the new born mice of vaccinated mothers. Since there is no evidence of the vaccine candidate reaching the new born mice, we hypothesize that it may be due to trans-colostral transfer of protective anti-Salmonella antibodies. These results suggest that our vaccine DV-STM-07 can be very useful in preventing abortion in the pregnant individuals and confer immunity to the new born. Since there are no such vaccine candidates which can be given to the new born and to the pregnant women, this vaccine holds a very bright future to combat Salmonella induced pregnancy loss.


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The tension created when companies are collaborating with competitors – sometimes termed co-opetition - has been subject of research within the network approach. As companies are collaborating with competitors, they need to simultaneously share and protect knowledge. The opportunistic behavior and learning intent of the partner may be underestimated, and collaboration may involve significant risks of loss of competitive edge. Contrastingly, the central tenet within the Intellectual Capital approach is that knowledge grows as it flows. The person sharing does not lose the knowledge and therefore knowledge has doubled from a company’s point of view. Value is created through the interplay of knowledge flows between and within three forms of intellectual capital: human, structural and relational capital. These are the points of departure for the research conducted in this thesis. The thesis investigates the tension between collaboration and competition through an Intellectual Capital lens, by identifying the actions taken to share and protect knowledge in interorganizational collaborative relationships. More specifically, it explores the tension in knowledge flows aimed at protecting and sharing knowledge, and their effect on the value creation of a company. It is assumed, that as two companies work closely together, the collaborative relationship becomes intertwined between the two partners and the intellectual capital flows of both companies are affected. The research finds that companies commonly protect knowledge also in close and long-term collaborative relationships. The knowledge flows identified are both collaborative and protective, with the result that they sometimes are counteracting and neutralize each other. The thesis contributes to the intellectual capital approach by expanding the understanding of knowledge protection in interorganizational relationships in three ways. First, departing from the research on co-opetition it shifts the focus from the internal view of the company as a repository of intellectual capital onto the collaborative relationships between competing companies. Second, instead of the traditional collaborative and sharing point of departure, it takes a competitive and protective perspective. Third, it identifies the intellectual capital flows as assets or liabilities depending on their effect on the value creation of the company. The actions taken to protect knowledge in an interorganizational relationship may decrease the value created in the company, which would make them liabilities.


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Although workplace bullying and other inappropriate treatment in the workplace have received growing attention, especially in Northern Europe, in the past few decades, little research has so far been conducted about the prevention of and intervention in such phenomena. This paper provides a review of different organizational measures typically recommended for preventing and intervening in workplace bullying and other forms of inappropriate treatment in the workplace. These measures include anti-bullying policies, training and information, appropriate job designs, active monitoring, and early intervention. As for intervention, both informal and formal strategies are discussed. Furthermore, the paper reports findings from a study among Finnish municipalities on the extent to which these measures are actually used in Finland, a country that has fairly recently introduced anti-bullying legislation.


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Antibodies raised against denatured DNA complexed with methylated bovine serum albumin have been reported to react with ssDNA but not with dsDNA. Using a highly sensitive avidin-biotin microELISA, we report that such antibodies also bind to dsDNA. Antibodies which reacted with ssDNA and dsDNA were found to be IgG type. The antibodies did not react with tRNA and rRNA. The binding of antibodies to dsDNA was partially inhibited dy individual deoxyribonucleotides. ssDNA as well as dsDNA inhibited the binding of antibodies to dsDNA. The binding of these antibodies to supercoiled and relaxed forms of pBR322 DNA was demonstrated by gel retardation assay. The cross-reaction with ssDNA was observed even after affinity purification on native DNA-cellulose. The antibodies were also shown to bind to poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT)


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An analysis involving a transformation of the velocity potential and a Fourier Sine Transform technique is described to study the effect of surface tension on incoming surface waves against a vertical cliff with a periodic wall perturbation. Known results are recovered as particular cases of the general problem considered. An analytical expression is derived for the surface elevation, at far distances from the shore-line, by using Watson's lemma and a representative table of numerical values of the coefficients of the resulting asymptotic expansion is also presented.


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PTFE specimens were slid against an EN24 disc. The unworn and worn surfaces as well as the wear debris were examined by X-ray diffraction. Sliding was found to introduce (i) shrinkage of the unit cell, (ii) enlargement of crystallites and (iii) residual stresses in the slid PTFE surface. No conformational changes in the 157 helix could be observed due to sliding. The wear debris was found to be 1 mgrm thick warped laminates.


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Immunoliposomes were prepared using the antibody raised against the avian myeloblastosis virus envelope glycoprotein, gp80. Adriamycin was encapsulated into immunoliposomes. More drug was delivered into target cells when the drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes was incubated with the cells. The drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes was able to inhibit the RNA synthesis twice more than free drug in the virus-transformed myeloblasts. Pre-treatment of cells with ammonium chloride, reversed the effect of drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes. The drugs encapsulated in immunoliposomes had marginal effect on the RNA synthesis of non-target cells, the yolk sac cells. Colony formation by virus-transformed cells and focus formation by virus-infected yolk sac cells was inhibited significantly by the drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes.


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Immunoliposomes were prepared using rabbit anti-AMV gp80 IgG for the targeted chemotherapy of avian myeloblastosis virus infection. Adriamycin was encapsulated into immunoliposomes and used for in vivo studies. Comparative pharmacokinetics of free drug, drug encapsulated in free liposomes and of drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes in the virus-infected cells revealed that (i) the drug encapsulated in liposomes was cleared from the plasma slowly, and (ii) the drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes accumulated in the target tissue, the bone marrow, 5- and 8.5-fold more than the drug encapsulated in free liposomes and free drug, respectively. The drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes inactivated the virus and exhibited more chemotherapeutic efficacy as compared to controls when injected up to 24 h post-infection. However, when injected 48 h post-infection the drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes did not offer any protection against the virus infection. There is no detectable antibody response against immunoliposomes in the infected animals.


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Starting from the exact general relativistic expression for the total energy of selfgravitating spherically distributed matter and using the minimum energy priciple, we calculate the upper mass limit for a neutron star to be 3.1 solar masses.


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In this paper I offer a counterexample to the so called vagueness argument against restricted composition. This will be done in the lines of a recent suggestion by Trenton Merricks, namely by challenging the claim that there cannot be a sharp cut-off point in a composition sequence. It will be suggested that causal powers which emerge when composition occurs can serve as an indicator of such sharp cut-off points. The main example will be the case of a heap. It seems that heaps might provide a very plausible counterexample to the vagueness argument if we accept the idea that four grains of sand is the least number required to compose a heap—the case has been supported by W. D. Hart. My purpose here is not to put forward a new theory of composition, I only wish to refute the vagueness argument and point out that we should be wary of arguments of its form.


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Chilli-based repellents have shown promise as deterrents against crop-raiding elephants in Africa. We experimented with ropes coated with chilli-based repellent as a cheap alternative to existing elephant cropraid deterrent methods in India. Three locations (Buxa Tiger Reserve, Wyanad Wildlife Sanctuary and Hosur Forest Division) representing varying rainfall regimes from high to low, and with histories of intense elephant-agriculture conflict, were selected for the experiments that were conducted over 2-3 months during the pre-harvest period of the kharif season in late 2006. Chilli and tobacco powder mixed with waste oil was applied to ropes strung around agricultural fields of 1.4-5.5 km perimeter and elephant approaches were monitored. Elephants breached the rope fences a few times at all three study sites. Female-led herds were far more deterred (practically 100% reduction) than were solitary males (c. 50%) by the chilli-tobacco rope. Efficacy of this method as a deterrent was significantly better in the low-rainfall regime relative to medium and high-rainfall regimes. The initial promising results present a case for more rigorous experimentation; these would help determine if the elephants avoiding the rope are responding physiologically to the chilli-tobacco smell or merely reacting cautiously to a novel substance in their environment.


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Using a pharmacological inhibitor of Hsp90 in cultured malarial parasite, we have previously implicated Plasmodium falciparum Hsp90 (PfHsp90) as a drug target against malaria. In this study, we have biochemically characterized PfHsp90 in terms of its ATPase activity and interaction with its inhibitor geldanamycin (GA) and evaluated its potential as a drug target in a preclinical mouse model of malaria. In addition, we have explored the potential of Hsp90 inhibitors as drugs for the treatment of Trypanosoma infection in animals. Our studies with full-length PfHsp90 showed it to have the highest ATPase activity of all known Hsp90s; its ATPase activity was 6 times higher than that of human Hsp90. Also, GA brought about more robust inhibition of PfHsp90 ATPase activity as compared with human Hsp90. Mass spectrometric analysis of PfHsp90 expressed in P. falciparum identified a site of acetylation that overlapped with Aha1 and p23 binding domain, suggesting its role in modulating Hsp90 multichaperone complex assembly. Indeed, treatment of P. falciparum cultures with a histone deacetylase inhibitor resulted in a partial dissociation of PfHsp90 complex. Furthermore, we found a well known, semisynthetic Hsp90 inhibitor, namely 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin, to be effective in attenuating parasite growth and prolonging survival in a mouse model of malaria. We also characterized GA binding to Hsp90 from another protozoan parasite, namely Trypanosoma evansi. We found 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin to potently inhibit T. evansi growth in a mouse model of trypanosomiasis. In all, our biochemical characterization, drug interaction, and animal studies supported Hsp90 as a drug target and its inhibitor as a potential drug against protozoan diseases.