1000 resultados para Indústria - Aspectos ambientais
From the beginning of the century, with the advent of the flex fuel car, successor fluctuations in oil prices and the rise of awareness of the impending shortage of fossil fuels, the alcohol sector begins to reappear in the panorama of national economy making Brasill reaches the point of becoming a leading exporter of this product. Ethanol assumed the role of such importance in Brazilian exports, which Petrobras through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) has made investments in the Brazilian pipeline network to better ensure the production of ethanol to major ports. The means of transport in pipelines are safe and inexpensive, but require careful evaluation in its implementation, they may lead to negative social and environmental impacts. Thus, the purpose of this project is to propose the best route for an ethanol pipeline connectin the Tietê-Paraná, leaving the municipality of Santa Maria da Serra (SP), to the Planalto Paulista Refinery (REPLAN), located in Paulinia (SP), belonging to the passage of ethanol export corridor, currently under revelopment. The technique used for the development of the stroke is the association of multicriteria evaluation, the geographical information system (SIG) and geotechnologies. This study presented three possible layouts for the ethanol pipeline, highlighting the best option, in addition, demonstrated the suitability of the area to receive projects of similar nature to a pipeline
With increasing frequency and intensity of climate disasters in Brazil, it is necessary studies on mitigation measures. From this spatialization of areas considered risk becomes essential to assist the public in preventive plans. Floods and flooding are the main types of climatic disasters that hit our country, especially the state of Sao Paulo, mainly by self degree of urbanization. From the data provided by the State Civil Defense was possible to create a database with the localities georelacional occurrences of flooding in the state in which through techniques of GIS (Geographic Information System) enabled the interrelationship and spatialization occurrence of areas affected This will help to determine potential areas of risk and different ways to prevent these disasters
A conservação da biodiversidade é tema recorrente nas ciências e nas políticas já há algumas décadas, porém esta inquietação não é recente, visto que muitos naturalistas de séculos passados alertaram sobre as adversidades da perda da biodiversidade. Mais recentemente, a sociedade passou a exigir das empresas uma postura pró-conservação, pois são elas as maiores responsáveis pela degradação ambiental. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa analisou como a conservação da biodiversidade está inserida no setor de negócios e quais práticas têm sido adotadas para alcançar este fim. Em um primeiro momento, foi feito um histórico a respeito da conservação da biodiversidade desde os primeiros naturalistas até as grandes cúpulas mundiais sobre meio ambiente. Posteriormente, foi discutida a importância da inter-relação entre a biodiversidade e o setor empresarial. Por fim, foram levantados os principais instrumentos de gestão ambiental utilizados pelas empresas. Para ilustrar este arcabouço teórico, foram identificados os principais acordos multilaterais pró-conservação da biodiversidade e as mais novas ferramentas de gestão ambiental desenvolvidas e aplicadas no setor empresarial. Além disso, foi conduzido um estudo de caso com duas empresas brasileiras do setor de cosméticos, fundamentados nos seus respectivos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade, que subsidiaram a extração de informações sobre o modo como as empresas gerenciam seus recursos naturais. Concluiu-se que as empresas analisadas possuem boas práticas ambientais, exemplificadas em um estudo de caso a partir do qual foi possível conhecer as ações em andamento que versam sobre economia de energia, economia e reutilização da água, compensação das emissões dos gases de efeito estufa, gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos e investimentos em projetos socioambientais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.
Taking as starting the environmental, social and economic impact of construction and demolition waste in Brazilian cities were created legal mechanisms for management and administration, seeking to minimize the impacts to the maximum, since the irregular deposition can be characterized as environmental crime. CONAMA Resolution No. 307 of 2002 establishing the mandatory implementation of an Integrated Management System Construction Waste and Demolition, guiding the classification and designation of the waste generating agents, collection agents and transporters, and the areas of culling and disposal of waste. The technical partnership between the Ministry of Cities, the Environment Ministry and the Caixa Econômica Federal, coordinated by Pinto & Gonzales (2005) Management in the work and management of construction waste, proposed a guidance manual to guide the implementation of a System Integrated Management of Construction Waste in Municipalities. The municipality of Guanambi in the state of Bahia, in full economic rise, lacks a waste management of construction and demolition, since there has areas for the disposal of waste being proposed in this paper the diagnosis of waste generation in the municipality as part of the methodology proposed by the work of Pinto & Gonzales (2005).
The problem of flooding in urban areas exist in many cities and their causes are as varied as the areas of occupancy or Valley weatherproofing Fund areas of infiltration in the drainage basin. The anthropic activity come triggering changes and impacts on the environment for a long time, and there is a growing need to come up with solutions and strategies that minimize and reverse the effects caused these risk areas. Thus, the present work will address the case study in São José do Rio Preto-SP that is an exception, since the area that is considered of risk lies in the Centre, unlike most lying on the outskirts. This will also analyze the processes of urban expansion and the situations of social and environmental vulnerability, including their interrelations in urban scale. The physical study of the area will serve as an important basis for the work, but it will focus mainly on the population and the problems which this is being in hazardous areas. We will not join a single methodology, wharever, we will follow our knowledge to adapt what we feel that fits better, every time. The importance of this study is that in addition to identifying the problems which the local population suffers with floods, lists measures that minimize the environmental impacts arising through the fostering of public policies
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Deconstructions, although hardly covered in Civil Engineering courses, are a very important field of study. Due to numerous factors, such as obsolescence, buildings life cycle comes to an end leading to their deactivations. Decommissioning is a process that intends to plan the hole deactivation by providing the cleaning of contaminated areas, avoiding risks to public health, as well as promoting a screening of generated waste, whether dangerous or not, offering their correct disposal or even reuse when possible. Decommissioning must be developed by a plan that covers from the recognition of the area until its releases to other uses. When this procedure is appropriate, attention must be paid to the cost effective of its implementation and to the cleaning standard that the plan intends to reach. The execution of the service allows to reuse the area, becoming productive again
This work approaches the main eco-efficient techniques and materials that can be used to ensure the proper functioning of the habitat with the main objective of preserving energy and reducing the ecological impact. The harnessing of energy to run a house using materials in a correct way makes it possible to achieve the goals related to its rational use. So, the more consolidated techniques need to be studied separately to determine the global effect on housing. The results obtained, with the aid of standard NBR15220 ABNT, were a series of ecotécnicas that can be used in 8 relatively homogeneous zones. This study was made to create a public awareness of the current environmental problems that society is facing nowadays and the urgent need to practice responsible use of energy
CONAMA Resolution 307 / 02, in Article 4, states that the primary goal of those involved in the reuse process of construction and demolition waste is not the generation of such wastes, secondarily is the reduce, reuse, recycling and proper disposal of such material. The disposal problem of large volumes of waste generated coupled with the scarcity of natural resources and environmental degradation involved in the extraction process of such materials resulted in several studies, that after many analyzes proposed various forms of reuse and recycling . The NBR 15.116/04 provides requirements for the use of recycled aggregates in paving and concrete without structural function. This work aims to show the usage potential of recycled aggregates from waste generated in construction and demolition sampled Group AB Areias, Pindamonhangaba (SP) in order to meet the standards in Brazil, as well as the environmental contribution by reducing the use of raw materials extracted from nature. After stabilization and particle size analysis of the California Bearing Ratio and Proctor, obtained mixtures of recycled aggregates showed higher values submitted by the minimum standards related, with excellent potential for use in paving
The mechanical garages do varied types to activities related to the reparation from vehicles such as change from Motor oil, change and cleaning from car pieces, motor rectification, among others. These activities generate different kinds of waste and wastewater that when disposed in an inappropriate way can pollute the environmentand cause risks to the public health. Despite the environmental issues that involves these enterprises, they aren´t object of environmental licensing and there are any rules that regularizes their activities with the goal of these possible environmental impacts mitigation. The environmental diagnosis proposed by the present work has as goal the knowledge of the possible environmental aspects and their effects in the environment, for establishing control measures and from that to generate subsidy for environmental normatization of the sector in the municipal level. Furthermore, it should also define practices as waste production reduction, separation of them at the generator source and convenient final disposal, as well as wastewater production reduction and treatment of them before its launching in the wastewater network. The environmental diagnosis was based on a survey realized in garages from the city of São Carlos – SP, in order to define the more important characteristics of this activity that are related to the environment and public health. From the obtained information from the survey and the interpretation of the data, subsidy for the municipal environment management of the mechanical garages were generated.
O consumo de carne bovina pela população brasileira está relacionado a aspectos que sejam sociais ou de saúde. Além disso, pode afetar também o nosso meio ambiente, aumentando impactos ambientais. Em se tratando do Brasil, temos uma grande demanda deste alimento, influenciada pelos hábitos alimentares da população, exigindo, por conseguinte, uma grande produção. Através da construção de cenários e modelagem ambiental, este trabalho avaliou algumas das consequências ambientais da pecuária de corte no Brasil. Para tanto, usamos estimativas de consumo da população, produção da carne bovina e também de valores que relacionem o uso da terra com as emissões de gás carbônico para avaliar os problemas ambientais. Contabilizamos as emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas as mudanças de uso da terra, fermentação entérica e o manejo de dejetos do gado bovino. Obtive que em alguns cenários extremistas como o Con2a as emissões foram no total de 1,77 PgCO2e anualmente. Enquanto no cenário nacional obtive um total de 1,2 PgCO2e das emissões anuais associadas a todos os seus setores. Em nossos resultados notamos a forte influência do nível de consumo de carne e do sistema de manejo nas emissões de gases efeito estufa dos cenários estudados
Obesidade e comumente definida como um excesso de gordura corporal, porém diante da dificuldade em mensurar tal gordura diretamente, esta tem sido definida como um excesso de peso mais do que um excesso de gordura corporal, que tem como desdobramento a ocorrência de doenças associadas e/ou prejuízos a saúde do indivíduo (4). Atualmente, o excesso de massa corpórea e verificado por meio de um Indice de Massa Corpórea (IMC), que considera o quociente entre o peso corporal (kg) e a estatura elevada ao quadrado (m2). Indivíduos com sobrepeso apresentam IMC de 25 at e 29; 9 kg=m2, e com obesidade apresentam IMC de 30 Kg=m2 ou mais, de acordo com a OMS (1). A identificação das causas da obesidade não é trivial e objetiva. Especialistas reconhecem que a obesidade e uma doença crônica, de difícil tratamento, denominada multifatorial, envolvendo em sua gênese diversos aspectos, entre eles: o consumo alimentar, aspectos ambientais, genéticos, psicossociais, entre outros. objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo baseado em teoria dos conjuntos Fuzzy para a classificação de obesidade levando em consideração as suas causas, e compará-lo com um modelo de regressão logística através da curva ROC. Para estudar as causas da obesidade na população de moradores da região do Distrito Sul de Campinas, foram coletados dados de uma amostra aleatória de 651 indivíuos, por meio de entrevista domiciliar. No primeiro estágio amostral, a partir do cadastro de domicílios residenciais dos agentes comunitários de saúde, foram aleatoriamente sorteados 920 domicílios (15% a mais do inicialmente previsto para cobrir perdas). Foram coletados dados de identificação geral, como: nome, idade, sexo, anos de escolaridade, tipo de ocupação e dados de consumo alimentar. O diagnóstico foi observado através do IMC. Num estudo preliminar, no modelo fuzzy foram consideradas como variáveis... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This work focuses on the analysis of extreme precipitation episode in the city of Rio Claro, held on 24 and 25 February 2010, which caused severe impacts to society, and a victim of drowning due to flooding due to flood in urban stream. Although the temporal concentration of summer rainfall is characteristic of tropical climatic regimes, each year there are issues of social and environmental impacts deflagrated by precipitation events in the city. These findings reinforce the importance of analyzing atmospheric conditions correlated to change in space usage
Urban sprawl developed without adequate urban planning and lack of knowledge about the physical characteristics of an environmental system, results in soil sealing and consequent change in the dynamics of hydrological watershed. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the behavior of the runoff basin Cóorego DA Servidão located in Rio Claro, referring to the year of 1995 compared to the scenario of 2006, compared the different features of urban use logged area. Therefore understanding the dynamics of the flow was possible through the use of software IPHS 1 that allowed through hydrologic models to evaluate the behavior of the surface area investigated, using Spring 4.3.3 software which enabled the classification of land use and software ArcGis 9.3 which was used for the quantification of stretches of water, separated from those that are channeled and those who did not suffer interference from the pipe