959 resultados para Inés de Moncada Beata
Hecha pública en Valencia el 8 de octubre de 1594
Datos de ed. tomados de preliminares
The primary hypothesis stated by this paper is that the use of social choice theory in Ambient Intelligence systems can improve significantly users satisfaction when accessing shared resources. A research methodology based on agent based social simulations is employed to support this hypothesis and to evaluate these benefits. The result is a six-fold contribution summarized as follows. Firstly, several considerable differences between this application case and the most prominent social choice application, political elections, have been found and described. Secondly, given these differences, a number of metrics to evaluate different voting systems in this scope have been proposed and formalized. Thirdly, given the presented application and the metrics proposed, the performance of a number of well known electoral systems is compared. Fourthly, as a result of the performance study, a novel voting algorithm capable of obtaining the best balance between the metrics reviewed is introduced. Fifthly, to improve the social welfare in the experiments, the voting methods are combined with cluster analysis techniques. Finally, the article is complemented by a free and open-source tool, VoteSim, which ensures not only the reproducibility of the experimental results presented, but also allows the interested reader to adapt the case study presented to different environments.
Precede al tit.: "Iesus, Maria, Ioseph, Thomas de Aquino y Francisco Xavier"
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Carta anonima a los señores comisionados del cuerpo de especieros (XVIII/1663).
Existen en el mercado numerosas aplicaciones para la generación de reverberación y para la medición de respuestas al impulso acústicas. Sin embargo, éstas son de precios muy elevados y/o no se permite acceder a su código y, mucho menos, distribuir de forma totalmente libre. Además, las herramientas que ofrecen para la medición de respuestas al impulso requieren de un tedioso proceso para la generación de la señal de excitación, su reproducción y grabación y, finalmente, su post-procesado. Este procedimiento puede llevar en ocasiones al usuario a cometer errores debido a la falta de conocimientos técnicos. El propósito de este proyecto es dar solución a algunos de los inconvenientes planteados. Con tal fin se llevó a cabo el desarrollo e implementación de un módulo de reverberación por convolución particionada en tiempo real, haciendo uso de software gratuito y de libre distribución. En concreto, se eligió la estación digital de trabajo (DAW. Digital Audio Worksation) REAPER de la compañía Cockos. Además de incluir las funcionalidades básicas de edición y secuenciación presentes en cualquier DAW, el programa incluye un entorno para la implementación de efectos de audio en lenguaje JS (Jesusonic), y se distribuye con licencias completamente gratuitas y sin limitaciones de uso. Complementariamente, se propone una extensión para REAPER que permite la medición de respuestas al impulso de recintos acústicos de una forma completamente automatizada y amigable para el usuario. Estas respuestas podrán ser almacenadas y posteriormente cargadas en el módulo de reverberación, permitiendo aplicar sobre nuestras pistas de audio la respuesta acústica de cualquier recinto en el que se hayan realizado medidas. La implementación del sistema de medida de respuestas se llevó a cabo empleando la herramienta ReaScript de REAPER, que permite la ejecución de pequeños scripts Python. El programa genera un Barrido Sinusoidal Logarítmico que excita el recinto acústico cuya respuesta se desea medir, grabando la misma en un archivo .wav. Este procedimiento es sencillo, intuitivo y está al alcance de cualquier usuario doméstico, ya que no requiere la utilización de sofisticado instrumental de medida. ABSTRACT. There are numerous applications in the market for the generation of reverb and measurement of acoustic impulse responses. However, they are usually very costly and closed source. In addition, the provided tools for measuring impulse responses require tedious processes for the generation and reproduction of the excitation signal, the recording of the response and its final post-processing. This procedure can sometimes drive the user to make mistakes due to the lack of technical knowledge. The purpose of this project is to solve some of the mentioned problems. To that end we developed and implemented a real-time partitioned convolution reverb module using free open source software. Specifically, the chosen software was the Cockos’ digital audio workstation (DAW) REAPER. In addition to the basic features included in any DAW, such as editing and sequencing, the program includes an environment for implementing audio effects in JS (Jesusonic) language of free distribution and features an unrestricted license. As an extension for REAPER, we propose a fully automated and user-friendly method for measuring rooms’ acoustic impulse responses. These will be stored and then loaded into the reverb module, allowing the user to apply the acoustical response of any room where measurement have been taken to any audio track. The implementation of the impulse response measurement system was done using REAPER’s ReaScript tool that allows the execution of small Python scripts. The program generates a logarithmic sine sweep that excites the room and its response is recorded in a .wav file. This procedure is simple, intuitive and it is accessible to any home user as it does not require the use of sophisticated measuring equipment.
Infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with MLL gene rearrangements is characterized by early pre-B phenotype (CD10−/CD19+) and poor treatment outcome. The t(4;11), creating MLL-AF4 chimeric transcripts, is the predominant 11q23 chromosome translocation in infant ALL and is associated with extremely poor prognosis as compared with other 11q23 translocations. We analyzed an infant early preB ALL with ins(5;11)(q31;q13q23) and identified the AF5q31 gene on chromosome 5q31 as a fusion partner of the MLL gene. The AF5q31 gene, which encoded a protein of 1,163 aa, was located in the vicinity of the cytokine cluster region of chromosome 5q31 and contained at least 16 exons. The AF5q31 gene was expressed in fetal heart, lung, and brain at relatively high levels and fetal liver at a low level, but the expression in these tissues decreased in adults. The AF5q31 protein was homologous to AF4-related proteins, including AF4, LAF4, and FMR2. The AF5q31 and AF4 proteins had three homologous regions, including the transactivation domain of AF4, and the breakpoint of AF5q31 was located within the region homologous to the transactivation domain of AF4. Furthermore, the clinical features of this patient with the MLL-AF5q31 fusion transcript, characterized by the early pre-B phenotype (CD10−/CD19+) and poor outcome, were similar to those of patients having MLL-AF4 chimeric transcripts. These findings suggest that AF5q31 and AF4 might define a new family particularly involved in the pathogenesis of 11q23-associated-ALL.
Inclui bibliografia.
Paginated 1-7 in Arabic numerals.
Nel seguente elaborato si espone l’utilizzo del sistema GPS/INS per la valutazione del moto di un ciclomotore. Tale sistema è composto da sensori GPS ( Global Navigation System ) per la misurazione della posizione, e da sensori INS ( Inertial Navigation System) per la misurazione dell’accelerazione e delle velocità angolari rispetto a tre assi coordinati. Chiaramente le misure di accelerazioni e di velocità angolari da parte dei sensori, presentano dei minimi errori, che però si ripercuotono sul posizionamento finale. Per limitare questo fenomeno e rendere la misura di velocità e posizione utilizzabile, un filtro di Kalman viene impiegato per correggere il risultato dell'integrazione usando le misurazioni del GPS. Il connubio tra il sistema INS e il sistema GPS è molto efficacie anche quando si ha una assenza di ricezione satellitare o perdita parziale dei satelliti (cycle slip). Infine è stato utilizzato uno smartphone sfruttando i sensori in esso presenti : accelerometri, giroscopi, GPS, per analizzare la dinamica di un ciclomotore, concentrandosi sull’assetto in particolar modo l’angolo di rollio. Tale prova è stata affrontata non tanto per validare il sistema GPS/INS, ma per provare una soluzione comoda e di basso costo per analizzare il moto di un ciclomotore.
Trotz der steigenden Bedeutung von familienexternen Nachfolgeregelungen wie MBO und MBI bestehen hinsichtlich dieser Nachfolgeoptionen noch große Forschungslücken. Obwohl die Informationsökonomie einen viel versprechenden Ansatz darstellt, um ein fundierteres Verständnis zu erlangen, ist sie in diesem Kontext noch zu wenig angewandt worden. Dies wäre jedoch vor allem in Bezug auf einen MBI sinnvoll, da dort die deutlichsten Informationsasymmetrien zwischen Übergeber und Nachfolger auftreten können. In diesem Beitrag bedienen wir uns daher der Informationsökonomie und analysieren die verschiedenen Informationsasymmetrien bei einem MBI im Detail. Außerdem zeigen wir verschiedene Möglichkeiten auf, wie die entsprechenden Asymmetrien überwunden werden können. Damit leisten wir einen wertvollen Beitrag zu Wissenschaft und Praxis.
Cavagna 10582: Bound with thirteen other Italian and Latin works, most from the 19th century; binder's title: "Opuscoli"; former shelf-mark Cavagna 10585.