973 resultados para Implant-retained prostheses
Titanium has good biocompatibility and so its alloys are used as implant materials, but they suffer from having poor wear resistance. This research aims to improve the wear resistance and the tensile strength of titanium alloys potentially for implant applications. Titanium alloys Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb were subjected to shotpeening process to study the wear and tensile behavior. An improvement in the wear resistance has been achieved due to surface hardening of these alloys by the process of shotpeening. Surface microhardness of shotpeened Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys has increased by 113 and 58 HV(0.5), respectively. After shotpeening, ultimate tensile strength of Ti–6Al–4V increased from 1000 MPa to 1150 MPa, higher than improvement obtained for heat treated titanium specimens. The results confirm that shotpeening pre-treatment improved tensile and sliding wear behavior of Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys. In addition, shotpeening increased surface roughness.
The discovery of a sensory organ, the Schwabe organ, was recently reported as a unifying feature of chitons in the order Lepidopleurida. It is a patch of pigmented tissue located on the roof of the pallial cavity, beneath the velum on either side of the mouth. The epithelium is densely innervated and contains two types of potential sensory cells. As the function of the Schwabe organ remains unknown, we have taken a cross-disciplinary approach, using anatomical, histological and behavioural techniques to understand it. In general, the pigmentation that characterises this sensory structure gradually fades after death; however, one particular concentrated pigment dot persists. This dot is positionally homologous to the larval eye in chiton trochophores, found in the same neuroanatomical location, and furthermore the metamorphic migration of the larval eye is ventral in species known to possess Schwabe organs. Here we report the presence of a discrete subsurface epithelial structure in the region of the Schwabe organ in Leptochiton asellus that histologically resembles the chiton larval eye. Behavioural experiments demonstrate that Leptochiton asellus with intact Schwabe organs actively avoid an upwelling light source, while Leptochiton asellus with surgically ablated Schwabe organs and a control species lacking the organ (members of the other extant order, Chitonida) do not (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 24.82, df = 3, p < 0.0001). We propose that the Schwabe organ represents the adult expression of the chiton larval eye, being retained and elaborated in adult lepidopleurans.
Specialty Registrars in Restorative Dentistry (StRs) should be competent in the independent restorative management of patients with developmental disorders including hypodontia and cleft lip/palate upon completion of their specialist training.1 Knowledge and management may be assessed via the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (ISFE) in Restorative Dentistry.2
The aim of this study was to collate and compare data on the training and experience of StRs in the management of patients with developmental disorders across different training units within the British Isles.
Questionnaires were distributed to all StRs attending the Annual General Meeting of the Specialty Registrars in Restorative Dentistry Group, Belfast, in October 2015. Participants were asked to rate their confidence and experience of assessing and planning treatment for patients with developmental disorders, construction of appropriate prostheses, and provision of dental implants. Respondents were also asked to record clinical supervision and didactic teaching at their unit, and to rate their confidence of passing a future ISFE station assessing knowledge of developmental disorders.
Responses were obtained from 32 StRs (n=32) training within all five countries of the British Isles. The majority of respondents were based in England (72%) with three in Wales, and two in each of Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. Approximately one third of respondents (34%) were in the final years of training (years 4-6). Almost half of the StRs reported that they were not confident of independently assessing (44%) new patients with a developmental disorder, with larger numbers (72%) indicating a lack of confidence in treatment planning. Six respondents rated their experience of treating obturator patients as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’. The majority (56%) rated their experience of implant provision in these cases as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ with three-quarters (75%) rating clinical supervision at their unit as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’. Less than half (41%) rated the didactic teaching at their unit as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’, and only 8 StRs indicated that they were confident of passing an ISFE station focused on developmental disorders.
Experience and training regarding patients with developmental disorders is inconsistent for StRs across the British Isles with a number of trainees reporting a lack of clinical exposure.
Tese de doutoramento, Medicina Dentária (Periodontologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2016
Infections associated with implants are increasingly important in modem medicine. Biofilms are the cause that these infections are more difficult to diagnose and to cure. Particularly low-grade infections are difficult to distinguish from aseptic failure, because they often present with early loosening and persisting pain. For an accurate diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms, laboratory markers of infection, microbiology, histology and imaging examinations are needed. The treatment goal is eradication of infection and an optimal functional result. Successful treatment requires adequate surgical procedure combined with long-term antimicrobial therapy, ideally with an agent acting on biofilms.
A periprosthetic fracture is a fracture around or in proximity of a prosthetic implant. As more and more prostheses are implanted, the incidence of periprosthetic fractures also increases. Several risk factors have been outlined, some due to the patient, and some due to the implant itself. Key points in diagnosis are the case history and the imaging, as they allow the distinction between a well-fixed and a loose prosthesis. Correct classification is crucial for the treatment choice, which can be non-operative or consist in an osteosynthesis or in a revision arthroplasty, depending on the patient's general medical condition and the local status.
Methods to optimize healing through dietary strategies present an attractive option for patients, such that healing from delicate oral surgeries occurs as optimally as possible with minimal patient-meditated complications through improper food choices. This review discusses findings from studies that have investigated the role of diet, either whole foods or individual dietary components, on periodontal health and their potential role in wound healing after periodontal surgery. To date, research in this area has largely focused on foods or individual dietary components that may attenuate inflammation or oxidant stress, or foster de novo bone formation. These studies suggest that a wide variety of dietary components, including macronutrients and micronutrients, are integral for optimal periodontal health and have the potential to accelerate oral wound healing after periodontal procedures. Moreover, this review provides guidance regarding dietary considerations that may help a patient achieve the best possible outcome after a periodontal procedure.
Rapport de recherche
Cette thèse examine le développement du langage des enfants sourds qui ont reçu un implant cochléaire (IC) en bas âge. Une première étude rapporte une revue systématique qui avait pour but d’évaluer les connaissances actuelles concernant le développement du vocabulaire et de la grammaire chez les enfants qui ont reçu un IC avant l’âge de trois ans. Vingt-huit études ont été sélectionnées; une analyse descriptive de même qu’une méta-analyse ont été effectuées séparément pour chaque aspect du langage évalué (vocabulaire et grammaire, aspect réceptif et expressif). Au résultat, en dépit de la variabilité observée dans les études, il appert que l’implant cochléaire influence positivement le développement langagier; toutefois, seule une minorité de participants aux études a atteint des niveaux de langage comparables à ceux d’enfants entendants de même âge chronologique. La majorité des enfants continuent de présenter divers degrés de retard de langage, tant au plan réceptif qu’expressif, et ce, après jusqu’à cinq années de port de l’appareil. Les résultats suggèrent aussi, malgré la variabilité observée dans les études, que les bénéfices langagiers sont influencés par le fait de recevoir l’implant à deux ans plutôt qu’à trois ans. À partir des tendances retrouvées dans la littérature, les habiletés de vocabulaire et de grammaire chez 27 enfants qui ont reçu l’implant cochléaire en bas âge (entre 8 et 28 mois) ont été comparées avec celles d’un groupe d’enfants entendants, en utilisant des outils d’évaluation standardisés. Alors que les résultats de groupe montrent que les enfants qui reçoivent un IC autour de l’âge de deux ans atteignent des niveaux de langage dans les limites de la normale, les résultats individuels d’un sous-groupe formé de enfants les plus âgés font état de quatre profils de développement, soit des niveaux de langage dans les limites de la normale pour l’ensemble des composantes, un retard généralisé à l’ensemble des composantes, des habiletés lexicales dans la norme assorti d’un retard morphosyntaxique et enfin un profil atypique montrant des disparités importantes à travers les composantes du langage. Dans trois des quatre profils, la compréhension des phrases était particulièrement faible. Ces résultats suggèrent que le fait de recevoir un implant cochléaire entre l’âge d’un et deux ans ne garantit pas l’atteinte de niveaux de langage dans les limites de la normale malgré une expérience de port de l’appareil d’une durée appréciable. Une étape antérieure du développement linguistique a été examinée de plus près dans la troisième étude. La taille et la composition du vocabulaire expressif de onze enfants ayant reçu un IC à un âge moyen de 15 mois ont été comparées à celles de l’échantillon d’enfants entendants ayant servi à établir les normes en français québécois pour le questionnaire Mots et énoncés des Inventaires MacArthur-Bates du développement de la communication (IMBDC). Les scores d’âge équivalent selon la taille totale du vocabulaire des enfants avec IC étaient supérieurs à l’âge auditif (correspondant à la durée de port de l’appareil) mais inférieurs à l’âge chronologique. La représentation grammaticale en fonction de la taille du vocabulaire des enfants avec IC suit la tendance observée dans la norme. Ces résultats suggèrent que le profil lexical des enfants avec implant est très similaire à celui des enfants entendants lorsque le nombre total de mots acquis est le même. Les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que l’implant peut, de manière générale, avoir un effet « normalisant » sur le langage ; toutefois, il semble que l’amélioration de l’accès auditif ne suffise pas pour rattraper à coup sûr le niveau de langage des pairs entendants dans l’ensemble des composantes du langage. Alors que les habiletés lexicales se rapprochent du profil typique, les habiletés de compréhension morphosyntaxique sont fortement atteintes chez une majorité d’enfants, suggérant un profil apparenté à un trouble de langage.
Rapport d'analyse d'intervention présenté à la Faculté des arts et sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès sciences (M. Sc.) en psychoéducation