808 resultados para Illinois Community Care Program.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados maternos e neonatais em mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em São Paulo, SP, de 2003 a 2006. Foram incluídas 991 mulheres que tiveram o parto no centro de parto normal e 325 que deram à luz no hospital. Os dados foram obtidos dos prontuários. A análise comparativa foi realizada para o total de mulheres e estratifi cada segundo a paridade. Foram aplicados os testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Houve distribuição homogênea das mulheres segundo a paridade (45,4% nulíparas e 54,6% mulheres com um ou mais partos anteriores). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente signifi cantes em relação às seguintes intervenções: amniotomia (mais freqüente entre nulíparas do hospital); utilização de ocitocina no trabalho de parto e utilização de analgésico no pós-parto (mais freqüentes no hospital entre as mulheres de todas as paridades). A taxa de episiotomia foi maior entre as nulíparas, tanto no centro de parto como no hospital. Houve maior freqüência de intervenções com o neonato no hospital: aspiração das vias aéreas superiores, aspiração gástrica, lavagem gástrica, oxigênio por máscara aberta. Também ocorreram com mais freqüência no hospital bossa serossanguínea, desconforto respiratório e internação na unidade neonatal. Não houve diferença nos valores de Apgar no quinto minuto nem casos de morte materna ou perinatal. CONCLUSÕES: A assistência no centro de parto normal foi realizada com menos intervenções e com resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes aos do hospital.
Knowledge of hospital costs is highly important for public health decision-making. This study aimed to estimate direct hospital costs related to pneumococcal meningitis in children 13 years or younger in the city of Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from January 1999 to December 2008. Data were obtained from medical records. Hospital costs were calculated according to the mixed method for measurement of quantities of items with identified costs and value attribution to items consumed (micro-costing and gross-costing). All costs were calculated according to monetary values for November 2009 and in Brazilian currency (Real). Epi Info 3.5.1 was used for frequencies and means analysis. Forty-one cases were reported. Direct hospital costs varied from R$ 1,277.90 to R$ 19,887.56 (mean = R$ 5,666.43), or 10 to 20 times the mean cost of hospitalization for other diseases. Hospital staff labor was the highest cost, followed by medication, procedures, supplies, and lab tests.
O objetivo do estudo é descrever e analisar as articulações que se realizam entre as equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) e Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSI), tendo em vista as ações voltadas à saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes. Foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com gerentes de cinco CAPSI e 13 Unidades Básicas de Saúde com ESF, de 5 regiões distintas no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, que foram transcritas e analisadas mediante perspectiva hermenêutica. A articulação entre as equipes da ESF e CAPSI se dá prioritariamente por encaminhamento de casos, apoio matricial ou parceria para casos considerados pertinentes ao CAPSI. Falta de recursos humanos, cobrança por produtividade e ausência de capacitação dos profissionais da ESF para trabalhar com saúde mental foram mencionadas como obstáculos para a efetiva articulação entre os serviços. A lógica do encaminhamento e da desresponsabilização, bem como a hegemonia do modelo biomédico e a consequente fragmentação dos cuidados se mostram vigentes no cotidiano dos serviços.
Einfluss einer Pharmazeutischen Betreuung auf den klinischen Verlauf und die Behandlungsergebnisse von Diabetikern mit Diabetischem Fußsyndrom (DFS) Hintergrund/Rationale: In Deutschland gibt es etwa 6 Millionen Diabetiker und die Tendenz ist steigend. Das Diabetische Fußsyndrom (DFS) stellt eine häufige und besonders gravierende Folgeerkrankung des Diabetes mellitus dar. Jährlich werden in Deutschland ca. 45.000 Amputationen aufgrund des DFS bei Diabetikern durchgeführt. Es verursacht bei den Patienten physische und psychische Beeinträchtigungen und produziert hohe Krankheitskosten. Der Prävention, der Behandlung und der Rezidivprophylaxe des DFS kommt daher ein hoher Stellenwert zu. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein klinisch-pharmazeutisches Betreuungsprogramm für Patienten mit DFS zu erarbeiten und den Einfluss der Pharmazeutischen Betreuung, speziell einer intensivierten Patientenschulung, auf klinische und soziale Behandlungsergebnisse hin zu untersuchen. Es sollte geklärt werden, ob eine zusätzliche pharmazeutische Betreuung Einfluss auf den Wundheilungsverlauf und die Abheilungsrate der Fußläsionen von Diabetikern mit DFS nehmen kann. Methoden: 52 Patienten mit DFS wurden in eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie eingeschlossen und im Verhältnis 1:1 einer Interventions- oder Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. Die Interventionsgruppe wurde kontinuierlich durch einen Apotheker zusätzlich individuell betreut (Anleitung zum sachgerechten Umgang mit Arzneimitteln, Medizinprodukten und Therapiemaßnahmen), die Kontrollgruppe erhielt die übliche medizinische Betreuung. Die Auswirkungen der Intervention auf den klinischen Verlauf der beobachteten Fußläsionen, die Rezidivfreiheit und Rehospitalisierungsrate, aber auch auf die Patientenzufriedenheit, das Patientenwissen und die Lebensqualität wurden untersucht. Jeder Patient wurde über einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten beobachtet. Ergebnisse: Die Studienergebnisse belegen einen positiven Einfluss der Pharmazeutischen Betreuung auf die klinischen Endpunkte der Diabetiker mit DFS. Die Wundheilung der Läsionen in der Interventionsgruppe, bezogen auf Abheilungsdauer und -rate, konnte klinisch positiv beeinflusst werden. Des weiteren konnte in der Interventionsgruppe die Anzahl an neu aufgetretenen Läsionen, sowie weiterer Krankenhausaufenthalte um jeweils fast 50% verringert werden. Durch die Pharmazeutische Betreuung konnte die Patientenzufriedenheit mit der Behandlung deutlich gesteigert werden. Entsprechendes fand sich für das Patientenwissen und die Lebensqualität.
In Italia, il processo di de-istituzionalizzazione e di implementazione di modelli di assistenza per la salute mentale sono caratterizzati da carenza di valutazione. In particolare, non sono state intraprese iniziative per monitorare le attività relative all’assistenza dei pazienti con disturbi psichiatrici. Pertanto, l’obiettivo della tesi è effettuare una valutazione comparativa dei percorsi di cura nell’ambito della salute mentale nei Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale e Dipendenze Patologiche della regione Emilia-Romagna utilizzando indicatori ottenuti dai flussi amministrativi correnti.. I dati necessari alla costruzione degli indicatori sono stati ottenuti attraverso un data linkage dei flussi amministrativi correnti regionali delle schede di dimissione ospedaliera, delle attività territoriali dei Centri di Salute Mentale e delle prescrizioni farmaceutiche, con riferimento all’anno 2010. Gli indicatori sono stati predisposti per tutti i pazienti con diagnosi principale psichiatrica e poi suddivisi per categoria diagnostica in base al ICD9-CM. . Il set di indicatori esaminato comprende i tassi di prevalenza trattata e di incidenza dei disturbi mentali, i tassi di ospedalizzazione, la ri-ospedalizzazione a 7 e 30 giorni dalla dimissione dai reparti psichiatrici, la continuità assistenziale ospedale-territorio, l’adesione ai trattamenti ed il consumo e appropriatezza prescrittiva di farmaci. Sono state rilevate alcune problematiche nella ricostruzione della continuità assistenziale ospedale-territorio ed alcuni limiti degli indicatori relativi alle prescrizioni dei farmaci. Il calcolo degli indicatori basato sui flussi amministrativi correnti si presenta fattibile, pur con i limiti legati alla qualità, completezza ed accuratezza dei dati presenti. L’implementazione di questi indicatori su larga scala (regionale e nazionale) e su base regolare può essere una opportunità per impostare un sistema di sorveglianza, monitoraggio e valutazione dell’assistenza psichiatrica nei DSM.
The main goal of this project was to identity whether an imported system of social policy can be suitable for a host country, and if not why not. Romanian social policy concerning the mentally disabled represents a paradoxical situation in that while social policy is designed to ensure both an institutional structure and a juridical environment, in practice it is far from successful. The central question which Ms. Ciumageanu asked therefore was whether this failure was due to systemic factors, or whether the problem lay in reworking an imported social policy system to meet local needs. She took a comparative approach, also considering both the Scandinavian model of social policy, particularly the Danish model which has been adopted in Romania, and the Hungarian system, which has inherited a similar universal welfare system and perpetuated it to some extent. In order to verify her hypothesis, she also studied the transformation of the welfare system in Great Britain, which meant a shift from state responsibility towards community care. In all these she concentrated on two major aspects: the structural design within the different countries and, at a micro level, the societal response. Following her analyses of the various in the other countries concerned, Ms. Ciumageanu concluded that the major differences lie first in the difference between the stages of policy design. Here Denmark is the most advanced and Romania the most backwards. Denmark has a fairly elaborate infrastructure, Britain a system with may gaps to bridge, and Hungary and Romania are struggling with severe difficulties owing both to the inherited structure and the limits imposed by an inadequate GDP. While in Denmark and Britain, mental patients are integrated into an elaborate system of care, designed and administered by the state (in Denmark) or communities (in Britain), in Hungary and Romania, the state designs and fails to implement the policy and community support is minimal, partly due to the lack of a fully developed civil society. At the micro level the differences are similar. While in Denmark and Britain there is a consensus about the roles of the state and of civil societies (although at different levels in the two countries, with the state being more supportive in Denmark), in Romania and to a considerable extent in Hungary, civil society tends to expect too much from the state, which in its turn is withdrawing faster from its social roles than from its economic ones, generating a gap between the welfare state and the market economy and disadvantaging the expected transition from a welfare state to a welfare society and, implicitly, the societal response towards those mentally disabled persons in it. On an intermediate level, the factors influencing social policy as a whole were much the same for Hungary and Romania. Economic factors include the accumulated economic resources of both state and citizens, and the inherited pattern of redistribution, as well as the infrastructure; institutional resources include the role of the state and the efficiency of the state bureaucracy, the strength and efficiency of the state apparatus, political stability and the complexity of political democratisation, the introduction of market institutions, the strength of civil society and civic sector institutions. From the standpoint of the societal response, some factors were common to all countries, particularly the historical context, the collective and institutional memories and established patterns of behaviour. In the specific case of Romania, general structural and environmental factors - industrialisation and forced urbanisation - have had a definite influence on family structure, values and behavioural patterns. The analysis of Romanian social policy revealed several causes for failure to date. The first was the instability of the policy and the failure to consider the structural network involved in developing it, rather than just the results obtained. The second was the failure to take into account the relationship between the individual and the group in all its aspects, followed by the lack of active assistance for prevention, re-socialisation or professional integration of persons with mental disabilities. Finally, the state fails to recognise its inability to support an expensive psychiatric enterprise and does not provide any incentive to the private sector. This creates tremendous social costs for both the state and the individual. NGOs working in the field in Romania have been somewhat more successful but are still limited by their lack of funding and personnel and the idea of a combined system is as yet utopian in the circumstances in the country.
As Henderson and Pochin point out in the introduction to their book, recent years have seen the concept of advocacy given increasing prominence in central and local government policy in the UK. It made an appearance in local community care and long-stay hospital closure plans. It features in reforms to the health service in England and Wales, in the form of the Patient Advocacy and Liaison Services (DoH 2000), while proposed changes to the mental health system also accord a key role to service users' advocates. In addition, Valuing People, central government's proposals on the future strategy for people with learning disabilities, promised the widespread development of advocacy services (DoH 2001). Advocacy, traditionally located on the margins of state activity in the UK, is experiencing something of an attempt to shift it into mainstream policy and service provision. This makes it a significant time to review the core values and practices that have distinguished advocacy from other forms of professional and voluntary intervention and to explore how these may be preserved and developed in the contemporary context.
The clinical arm of the UConn Health Center consists of the UConn Medical (UMG), our physician faculty practice, the John Dempsey Hospital (JDH) and the Correctional Managed Health Care Program (CMHC). This 2005 Clinical Annual Report was issued Sept.1, 2005 by Steven L. Strongwater, MD, Director of Clinical Operations.
Despite gains made by Title IX in the past 36 years, including increased female participation in high school and collegiate sport, there is evidence that gender equity in sport is not fully achieved. Researchers target the media because they tend to shape social values and disseminate information to the masses (Kane, 1978, in Fink & Kensicki, 2002). As sports become more pervasive, framing theory has become particularly relevant. The purpose of this study is to build on the Hardin et al. (2002) study by examining the relationship among media sports coverage, gender equity in sport and the perceptions young sports fans begin to form about gender and sport based on media consumption. The researcher hypothesized that since women face discrimination in sport starting from the time that they choose to participate, children will perceive male athletes and their sports as more legitimate. Additionally, the media play a major role in shaping the views of audiences, so the way that they represent male and female athletes, including juxtaposing them, may have an impact on children. The researcher conducted a content analysis of 24 Sports Illustrated for Kids issues from 1996 to 1999 and 24 issues from 2006 to 2007. The researcher analyzed the content of photographs (N=3219) and of headlines (N=762) by using the definitions determined by Hardin et al. (2002). We found that there is a disproportionate amount of coverage devoted to male athletes and that the discrepancy between media representation between men and women in sport has grown since the mid-1990s. This study also includes a focus group conducted with three children from a community swimming program in a northeastern town and found that those children were acutely aware of the differences between men and women in sport based on the discussion. The researcher does not attempt to find a causal relationship between these children’s perceptions and the way media represents them, but rather uses the focus group to complement the content analysis. As children become sports consumers in later life, future research exploring the relationship between children’s perceptions and the media’s representations need to be done before causality and the significance of media effects are determined.
Mode of access: Internet.
December 1979.
Review conducted by Janice M. Moore.
Project staff: Sharon Schwarz, William Schreck, Ron Reische, Christina Harshman-Wells, Jeff Moss.