Studies with Stegasta bosquella in peanut crop are little explored by researchers, mainly by the need of obtaining, in the field, a large quantity of closed leaflets. Therefore, it was sought a way of rearing in a natural diet that facilitates the attainment of the insect. The research was developed at the Laboratorio de Resistencia de Plantas a Insetos (FCAV/Jaboticabal) (T: 25 +/- 2 degrees C, RH 60 +/- 10% and photophase: 12 hours) (Runner IAC 886). The rearing stock of was carried out by collecting caterpillars from the field and keeping them in flat bottom glass tubes until adult emergence and test performance. Caterpillars were individualized in Petri dish plates, lined with moistened filter paper, which contained closed and early opened leaflets, but closed with paper clips (imitating the closed leaflet). A randomized design with two treatments and 36 repetitions was used. After the pupae formation, they were separated into five couples and the adults were kept in transparent plastic cages containing a peanut stem with leaves for oviposition, and fed with a 10% honey solution. The duration and viability of the larval and pupal periods, male and female longevity with and without food, and fertility were evaluated. The two forms of larvae rearing (closed leaflet and leaflet closed with clips) did not influence on any of the studied parameters. Therefore, the rearing of S. bosquella becomes feasible in natural diet, which means there is no need to use the enclosed leaflets for this purpose, and implies the easiness for rearing.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work, from the case of Mr. Lunga, a character of the brazilian northeastern culture whose stories circulated orally until they turned into verses of cordel (regional literature illustrated by xylographic printing images), we intend to understand that gender of leaflet, as significant cultural product, like media, with specific language features that act as means of construction and transmission of realities. To understand this phenomenon of meaning production in the cordel media, we used hermeneutics as a method and applied the general theory of interpretation in six chosen leaflets. We worked with a constructivist perspective that grounds the discussion of everyday reality and fiction, concepts that are raised around the essence of the character that is real, but it is also part of the creative activities of poets, how both are interrelated and constitute the understanding that individuals have the real. From the analyzes, we realize that each poet presents the fields of significance of Mr. Lunga in a different way, based on subjectivity, intention and mediations between each of them and the discourses they produce. Each cordelist contributes in his own way of significance for the construction of the imaginary Mr. Lunga. The speech of the cordelists contains a number of elements that aim to legitimize as truth the actions described. In this confrontation, our goal in this work is to understand the construction of the fields of signification, where these discourses are located, the production of meaning around a character who is not in a finite field, but transits through many of them, making the boundaries between reality and fiction dynamic
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cell lysis in the formation of secretory cavities in plants has been questioned by some authors and considered as result of technical artifacts. To describe the formation of secretory resin cavities in Hymenaea stigonocarpa leaves, leaflet samples at different stages of differentiation were collected, fixed, and processed for light and electron microscopy as per usual methods. The initial cells of secretory resin cavities are protodermal and grow towards the mesophyll ground meristem; these cells then divide producing cell groups that are distinguished by the shape and arrangement of cytoplasm, and density. At the initial stages of differentiation of the secretory cavities, some central cells in these groups show dark cytoplasm and condensed nuclear chromatin. Later, there is cell wall loosening, tonoplast and plasmalemma rupture resulting in cell death. These cells, however, maintain organelle integrity until lysis, when the cell wall degrades and the plasmalemma ruptures, releasing protoplast residues, marked characteristics of programmed cell death. The secretory epithelium remains active until complete leaf expansion when the cavity is filled with resin and the secretory activity ceases. There are no wall residues between central cells in adult cavities. Our results demonstrate lysigeny and the importance of ontogenetic studies in determining the origin of secretory cavities.
Nas seringueiras, o substrato para a síntese do látex provém, em curto prazo, do processo fotossintético, realizado em sua maioria por folhas dos estratos sujeitos à radiação sub-saturante. Neste estudo, foram avaliados e comparados (1) os teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos (clorofilas a, b e carotenóides totais); (2) a espessura foliolar total e dos parênquimas clorofilianos; e (3) a área e peso da matéria seca foliar de folhas sombreadas, para seis clones de seringueira selecionados pelo Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC), comparativamente ao tradicional clone RRIM 600. em média, os teores de clorofila total (a+b) e de carotenóides totais foram, respectivamente, de 3,14 e 1,04 mg g-1 de peso fresco, sempre superiores ou iguais ao da testemunha. A espessura foliolar média foi de 119,62 µm e mostrou grande variação entre os clones IAC, e destes quanto à testemunha. A área foliar média, de 219,17 cm², foi quase equivalente para todos os clones. A área foliar específica foi, em média, de 198,08 cm² g-1, e neste caso, o maior valor foi observado para o IAC 56, sendo os demais, inferiores ou equivalentes ao da testemunha. Os clones IAC 302 e IAC 303 mostraram-se estatisticamente similares ao RRIM 600 para todos os caracteres analisados, e uma relação com a produtividade foi sugerida para o clone IAC 303.
Estudos morfológicos foliares foram efetuados em dois genótipos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.), do grupo Valência, completando informações contidas em trabalhos anteriores. O amendoim, importante cultura mundial, possui o Brasil como centro de origem e dispersão de suas espécies. Nenhuma pesquisa havia sido realizada em organografia nem em anatomia foliar, com genótipos em cultivo no País. O genótipo SO-53 ('Tatu') é suscetível às mais relevantes moléstias fúngicas foliares, ocupando a maior área do amendoim cultivado no Brasil. O SO-909 (PI-259747) tem sido freqüentemente citado como fonte de resistência às moléstias fúngicas foliares, em trabalhos de fitopatologia. Medições macroscópicas, com o uso de paquímetro, bem como observações microscópicas, através de fotomicroscópio, foram efetuadas. Um estudo organográfico foi executado com as folhas de plantas de campo, bem como o estudo anatômico, com o uso de lâminas semipermanentes, mediante desenhos esquemáticos e fotomicroscópio. Os idioblastos encontrados nos folíolos foram divididos em três tipos, de acordo com a presença de tanino, mucilagem ou cristal. Os mucilaginosos foram separados em dois tipos, aparecendo os longos somente na superfície adaxial do limbo foliolar, e os curtos, similares às células epidérmicas, em seção paradérmica em ambas as faces do limbo foliolar. Os pêlos foram separados em três tipos, de acordo com o tamanho: os longos, os curtos e os muito curtos. Todos têm de uma a quatro células basais e uma longa apical. As cerdas², presentes nos dois genótipos, foram classificadas em dois tipos, também conforme o tamanho: as grandes, observadas visualmente, presentes sobretudo na bainha, e as curtas, ao longo da margem foliolar, ambas multicelulares. Algumas características morfológicas, como a presença e freqüência de pêlos; a forma da terminação do sulco na inserção adaxial do pecíolo-raque; a freqüência de cerdas e a espessura da lâmina foliolar, podem ser utilizadas na caracterização dos genótipos de amendoim. A menor espessura dos folíolos e a presença de espaços aeríferos na epiderme da face abaxial do limbo foliolar podem ser correlacionadas à suscetibilidade a determinadas moléstias fúngicas foliares do 'Tatu'.
O trabalho analisa as possibilidades das estimativas das áreas (9) de folíolos do ápice, meio e base de folhas de Cassia tora L., através das equações lineares (Y = A + BX ) e (Y = BX), geométricas ou potenciais (Y= A XB ) e exponenciais (Y = ABX ). O valor de X e tomado das medidas lineares do folíolo, a saber: comprimento da nervura principal (C) , largura máxima perpendicular à nervura principal (L) ou o produto C.L. A análise de 360 folíolos mostra que as áreas podem ser estimadas de maneira proporcional ao retângulo C x L. Os coeficientes de correção foram 0,6711 para os foliolos do ápice, 0,7404 para as medianas e 0,7759 para as da base. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os coeficientes, não sendo possível estabelecer-se um único coeficiente para os três folíolos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
To gain a fuller understanding of the regions of the Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin important in pore formation, we have used Forster dipole-dipole energy transfer to demonstrate that a central glycine-rich region of alpha-toxin (the so-called ''hinge'' region) inserts deeply into the bilayer on association of toxin with liposomes. Mutant alpha-toxins with unique cysteine (C) residues at positions 69 and 130 [Palmer, M., et al. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 11959) were reacted with the C-specific fluorophore acrylodan, which acted as an energy donor. The chosen acceptor was N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-13-diazol-4-yl)-1,2-bis(hexadecanoyl) -sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (NBD-PE). Measurement of the degree of donor quenching with increasing NBD-PE in the inner bilayer leaflet enables the distance of closest approach between donor and acceptor to be estimated. For toxin labeled with acrylodan at position 130 (in the hinge region), this distance is approximately 5 +/- 2 Angstrom, showing that the probe is close to the inner surface of the liposomes. A second probe labeled at position 69 (in the N-terminal domain) shows negligible energy transfer, indicating a distance of closest approach >40 Angstrom. This implies that this N-terminal region remains ''outside'' the liposome. We propose a model in which the central region of the alpha-toxin inserts into the membrane and possibly participates in forming the wall of the pore.
30 hearts of male and female, white and non-white Brazilians of different ages were studied. The leaflets of the left atrioventricular valves were removed near the fibrous ring and anatomically studied under chirurgical microscope. The authors observed: the leaflet's shape, the presence of commissures, the implantation manner of the chordae tendineae and the distribution on the leaflets. Special attention was concentrated on the terminology used by different authors for the structures of the 'mitral complex'.