984 resultados para INTEGRAL SOLUTIONS


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A fully developed pulsatile flow in a circular rigid tube is analysed by a microcontinuum approach. Solutions for radial variation of axial velocity and cell rotational velocity across the tube are obtained using the momentum integral method. Simplified forms of the solutions are presented for the relevant physiological data. Marked deviations in the results are observed when compared to a Newtonian fluid model. It is interesting to see that there is sufficient reduction in the mass flow rate, phase lag and friction due to the micropolar character of the fluid.


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An open-label inpatient study is in progress to compare the efficacy and safety of two oral rehydration solutions in children and infants with acute diarrhea and mild to moderate dehydration. One solution (ORS-60) contains 60 mmol/L of sodium and 1.8% glucose, with a total osmolatity of 240 mosm/kg; the other (ORS-26) contains 26 mmol/L of sodium, 2.7% glucose, and 3.6% sucrose, with a total osmolality of 340 mosm/kg. An outcome analysis of 28 children with gastroenteritis indicated that ORS-60 (n = 13) reduced stool volume during the first eight hours after admission to a significantly greater (P < 0.05) extent than did ORS-26 (n = 15). Diarrhea had ceased by 24 hours in 64% of ORS-60 patients but in only 31% of ORS-26 patients, and the patients' clinical conidition was improved at eight hours in 84% of ORS-60 patients versus 60% of ORS-26 patients. Differences between treatments in degree of dehydration at each follow-up point, total duration of diarrhea, and duration of hospital stay were not detected. No adverse drug reactions occurred. Four patients received intravenous rehydration therapy, but none was considered a treatment failure. We conclude that the lower osmolar solution, ORS-60, conferred earlier recovey and reduced continuing fluid losses in the management of gastroenteritis.


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Some properties of the eigenvalues of the integral operator Kgt defined as Kτf(x) = ∫0τK(x − y) f (y) dy were studied by [1.], 554–566), with some assumptions on the kernel K(x). In this paper the eigenfunctions of the operator Kτ are shown to be continuous functions of τ under certain circumstances. Also, the results of Vittal Rao and the continuity of eigenfunctions are shown to hold for a larger class of kernels.


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Measurements have been made of the depolarisation factors \sigma u ,\sigma v ,\sigma h, and the intensity of scattering in the horizontal transverse direction, in the case of solutions of four different samples of chlorinated rubber in carbon tetrachloride. The size, shape and molecular weight of the micelles have been deduced by the application of the light scattering theories of Gans, Vrklajan and Katalinic and Debye. The extent to which the degradation of the rubber molecule occurs on chlorination has also been assessed.


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Recovering the motion of a non-rigid body from a set of monocular images permits the analysis of dynamic scenes in uncontrolled environments. However, the extension of factorisation algorithms for rigid structure from motion to the low-rank non-rigid case has proved challenging. This stems from the comparatively hard problem of finding a linear “corrective transform” which recovers the projection and structure matrices from an ambiguous factorisation. We elucidate that this greater difficulty is due to the need to find multiple solutions to a non-trivial problem, casting a number of previous approaches as alleviating this issue by either a) introducing constraints on the basis, making the problems nonidentical, or b) incorporating heuristics to encourage a diverse set of solutions, making the problems inter-dependent. While it has previously been recognised that finding a single solution to this problem is sufficient to estimate cameras, we show that it is possible to bootstrap this partial solution to find the complete transform in closed-form. However, we acknowledge that our method minimises an algebraic error and is thus inherently sensitive to deviation from the low-rank model. We compare our closed-form solution for non-rigid structure with known cameras to the closed-form solution of Dai et al. [1], which we find to produce only coplanar reconstructions. We therefore make the recommendation that 3D reconstruction error always be measured relative to a trivial reconstruction such as a planar one.


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In certain molecular models, and related one-dimensional field theories, localized objects appear with half-integral expectation values of charge. We consider whether these states are eigenstates of charge, with half-integral eigenvalue. We find that it is indeed so for a suitably diffuse definition of the charge operator in question. This diffuse charge operator has a spectrum which approaches a continuum. The analysis is made on a lattice, to avoid divergence ambiguities, and on a finite length, which is only subsequently made large. The half-integral charge phenomenon is not tied to solitons, but can also arise as an end effect.


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Approximate closed-form solutions of the non-linear relative equations of motion of an interceptor pursuing a target under the realistic true proportional navigation (RTPN) guidance law are derived using the Adomian decomposition method in this article. In the literature, no study has been reported on derivation of explicit time-series solutions in closed form of the nonlinear dynamic engagement equations under the RTPN guidance. The Adomian method provides an analytical approximation, requiring no linearization or direct integration of the non-linear terms. The complete derivation of the Adomian polynomials for the analysis of the dynamics of engagement under RTPN guidance is presented for deterministic ideal case, and non-ideal dynamics in the loop that comprises autopilot and actuator dynamics and target manoeuvre, as well as, for a stochastic case. Numerical results illustrate the applicability of the method.


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The structure of time dependent jets in rotating fluids using similarity transformations is studied theoretically for which exact solutions are discussed. Approximate solution using a modified yon Mises transformation is also explored.


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Developments of surgical attachments for bone-anchored prostheses are slowly but surely winning over the initial disbelief in the orthopedic community. Clearly, this option is becoming accessible to a wide range of individuals with limb loss. Seminal studies have demonstrated that the pioneering procedure relying on screw-type fixation engenders major clinical benefits and acceptable safety. The surgical procedure for press-fit implants, such as the Integral-Leg-Prosthesis (ILP) has been described Dr Aschoff and his team. Some clinical benefits of press-fit implants have been also established. Here, his team is once again taking a leading role by sharing the progression over 15 years of the rate of deep infections for 69 individuals with transfemoral amputation fitted with three successive refined versions of the ILP. By definition, a double-blind randomized clinical trial to test the effect of different fixation’s design is difficult. Alternatively, Juhnke and colleagues are reporting the outcomes of action-research study for a cohort of participants. The first and foremost important outcome of this study is the confirmation that the current design of the IPL and rehabilitation program are altogether leading to an acceptable rate of deep infection and other adverse events (e.g., structural failure of implant, periprosthetic factures). This study is also providing a strong insight onto the effect of major phases in redesign of an implant on the risk of infection. This is an important reminder that the development of a successful osseointegrated implant is unlikely to be immediate but the results of a learning curve made of empirical and sequential changes led by a reflective clinical practice. Clearly, this study provided better understanding of the safety of the ILP surgical and rehabilitation procedure while establishing standards and benchmark data for future studies focusing on design and infection of press-fit implants. Complementary observations of relationship between infection and cofounders such as loading of the prosthesis and prosthetic components used would be beneficial.Further definitive evidences of the clinical benefits with the latest design would be valuable, although an increase in health related quality of life and functional outcomes are likely to be confirmed. Altogether, the authors are providing compelling evidence that bone-anchored attachments particularly those relying on press-fit implants are an established alternative to socket prostheses.


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The unsteady pseudo plane motions have been investigated in which each point of the parallel planes is subjected to non-torsional oscillations in their own plane and at any given instant the streamlines are concentric circles. Exact solutions are obtained and the form of the curve , the locus of the centers of these concentric circles, is discussed. The existence of three infinite sets of exact solutions, for the flow in the geometry of an orthogonal rheometer in which the above non-torsional oscillations are superposed on the disks, is established. Three cases arise according to whether is greater than, equal to or less than , where is angular velocity of the basic rotation and is the frequency of the superposed oscillations. For a symmetric solution of the flow these solutions reduce to a single unique solution. The nature of the curve is illustrated graphically by considering an example of the flow between coaxial rotating disks.


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The flow of a micropolar fluid in an orthogonal rheometer is considered. It is shown that an infinite number of exact solutions characterizing asymmetric motions are possible. The expressions for pressure in the fluid, the components of the forces and couples acting on the plates are obtained. The effect of microrotation on the flow is brought out by considering numerical results for the case of coaxially rotating disks.


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It was proposed earlier [P. L. Sachdev, K. R. C. Nair, and V. G. Tikekar, J. Math. Phys. 27, 1506 (1986)] that the Euler Painlevé equation yy[script `]+ay[script ']2+ f(x)yy[script ']+g(x) y2+by[script ']+c=0 represents the generalized Burgers equations (GBE's) in the same manner as Painlevé equations do the KdV type. The GBE was treated with a damping term in some detail. In this paper another GBE ut+uaux+Ju/2t =(gd/2)uxx (the nonplanar Burgers equation) is considered. It is found that its self-similar form is again governed by the Euler Painlevé equation. The ranges of the parameter alpha for which solutions of the connection problem to the self-similar equation exist are obtained numerically and confirmed via some integral relations derived from the ODE's. Special exact analytic solutions for the nonplanar Burgers equation are also obtained. These generalize the well-known single hump solutions for the Burgers equation to other geometries J=1,2; the nonlinear convection term, however, is not quadratic in these cases. This study fortifies the conjecture regarding the importance of the Euler Painlevé equation with respect to GBE's. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The coefficients of thermal expansion reported by Worlton et al. [6] in the case of zircon are given in Table II along with the present data. Although Oql > or• in both cases, the anisotropy is more marked in the case of DyV04. From Table II, it is clear that the coefficient of volume expansion (,6) is almost the same for both compounds.