972 resultados para Human herpesvirus-7 infection
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dentre as manifestações ginecológicas mais importantes nas mulheres soropositivas para o HIV, estão o câncer do colo uterino e as neoplasias intra-epiteliais cervicais que lhe são as lesões precurssoras. Neste estudo foram analisadas 36 mulheres soropositivas para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana e 54 soro negativas, com a finalidade de analisar a freqüência de lesões precursoras do câncer uterino cervical. Todas as pacientes foram submetidas ao exame clínico ginecológico, colheita de colpocitologia cérvico-vaginal, colposcopia e à biópsia genital quando o exame colposcópico revelava achados anormais. Nas pacientes soropositivas foram quantificados os linfócitos com receptores CD4 e verificado a aderência ao esquema antiretroviral. Os resultados demonstraram que a freqüência das neoplasias intra-epiteliais cervicais foi semelhante nos dois grupos estudados. Observamos ainda que a maioria das pacientes soropositivas apresentavam contagem de CD4 acima de 200 células / mm3, ou seja eram consideradas imunocompetentes. E que trinta e três pacientes das trinta e seis estudadas eram aderentes ao esquema antiretroviral. Concluímos que as mulheres HIV soropositivas consideradas imunocompetentes e em uso de antiretrovirais apresentaram freqüência de neoplasias intraepiteliais cervico-uterinas semelhantes às mulheres soro negativas incluídas neste estudo. Observamos, ainda, que o HPV é importante cofator no desenvolvimento das neoplasias intra-epiteliais cervicais.
Esta investigação objetivou estudar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos de infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B e analisar possíveis fatores de risco em 404 usuários submetidos à sorologia anti-HIV no Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. A prevalência global dos marcadores para o vírus da hepatite B foi de 14,6%, idêntica à encontrada para o anti-HBc, com valores de 1% para o HBsAg e anti-HBc IgM. Após ajuste por regressão logística, os marcadores de infecção do vírus B mostraram associação com as variáveis: idade, local de residência, uso de drogas endovenosas e positividade para o HIV. A prevalência de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana foi de 6,9%. Marcadores do vírus B foram detectados em 55,6% dos usuários de drogas endovenosas e em 42,9% dos positivos ao vírus da imunodeficiência humana, confirmando altos índices de infecção nestes grupos específicos.
RACIONAL: A aderência do Helicobacter pylori à mucosa gástrica humana é pré-requisito para sua colonização e o desenvolvimento da gastrite crônica. Os antígenos de grupos sangüíneos, presentes no muco gástrico, são descritos como prováveis receptores da bactéria neste epitélio. A expressão alterada destes antígenos está associada ao desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico. OBJETIVOS: Verificar a ocorrência do Helicobacter pylori e a distribuição da expressão dos antígenos ABH e Lewis correlacionada com as alterações histopatológicas de pacientes com gastrite crônica. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Analisaram-se 63 amostras de sangue, saliva e biopsias gástricas de pacientes com gastrite crônica através das técnicas dot-blot-ELISA, imunoperoxidase indireta e colorações do Gram modificado e hematoxilina-eosina. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre a presença da bactéria e os fenótipos de grupos sangüíneos ABH, Lewis e Secretor. Na maioria dos pacientes, a expressão dos antígenos ABH e Lewis, estava restrita principalmente ao epitélio foveolar da mucosa gástrica, concordando com a expressão ao nível salivar. A expressão inapropriada desses antígenos ocorria sempre na infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori e/ou alterações pré-neoplásicas da mucosa gástrica. Em áreas com metaplasia intestinal foi observada a redução da reatividade para os antígenos H e Leb, e principalmente o aumento de Leª. CONCLUSÃO: Alterações no padrão de glicosilação destes antígenos refletem diferentes estágios de diferenciação celular e são marcadores potenciais na avaliação diagnóstica e prognóstica das patologias gástricas.
Kaposi´s sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is a gammaherpesvirus essential for the development of all forms of Kaposi´s sarcoma (KS). The KSHV’s life cycle is basically divided into latent and lytic phases, which have distinct viral gene expression profiles. Some important oncogenic products of KSHV are expressed during the lytic phase, including the viral K1 protein. As an effect of interfer-ence with intracellular signaling, K1 expression increases proliferation and survival of KSHV-infected cells. Due to its high level of genetic variability compared to other re-gions of the viral genome, the K1-encoding ORF (ORF-K1) is commonly evaluated for KSHV genotyping. It remains unclear whether different viral genotypes have particular biological effects that might modify the KSHV oncogenicity. The present study aimed to contribute to the establishment of an experimental in vitro model for evaluation of the K1 protein from common KSHV genotypes. Recombinant expression vectors with the ORF-K1 from KSHV genotypes A, B and C were prepared by genetic cloning. The recombi-nant vectors pKSHVOK1 obtained by cloning were sequenced for structural validation. After that, HEK293 cell line was transfected with the recombinant vectors, and proteins were extracted for expression analysis by Western blot technique, for K1 functional vali-dation. Results showed that ORF-K1 vectors containing KSHV ORF-K1 from the A, B and C genotypes were produced and structurally validated by DNA sequencing. The K1 expression at the protein level was also confirmed by immunoblots using an antibody for FLAG detection, an epitope from the vector that binds to K1. Based on presented re-sults, it´s possible to conclude that the recombinant vectors will be able to be used in future studies of K1 protein biological properties from distinct KSHV genotypes
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tuberculosis is a term that encompasses various diseases caused by bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, including M tuberculosis, M bovis, M africanum, and other mycobacterial species. Whereas M tuberculosis infection is largely spread from human to human, M bovis infection has been identified as a zoonotic disease with most cases of human infection attributable to animal sources. The mycobacteria other than tuberculosis complex (MOTT), which includes M avium subsp avium and M avium subsp intracellulare isolated from animals, has been isolated from immune-compromised humans (ie, those with human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection), but seldom from immunocompetent humans. Recently, there has been increased interest among public health officials in drug-resistant strains of M tuberculosis, M bovis, and M avium because several have been isolated from HIV-infected and nonimmuno-compromised humans.
Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 548557 Objective: Keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOTs) can be treated with Carnoys solution, although this treatment modality is not free from complications. It is important to verify the incidence of complications after the use of Carnoys solution and compare these with the literature. Materials and methods: This study verified the effects of a complementary treatment for KOTs and assessed the incidence of such complications as recurrence, infection, sequestrum formation, mandibular fracture, dehiscence, and neuropathy. Results: Twenty-two KOTs treated with Carnoys solution combined with peripheral ostectomy were included, and the follow-up period varied from 12 to 78 months with a mean of 42.9 months. Complications included recurrence (4.5%), dehiscence (22.7%), infection (4.5%), and paresthesia (18.2%). No difference was found among lesions associated (9.1%) or not (0%) with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (P > 0.05). Dehiscence was influenced by marsupialization (P < 0.05), and paresthesia was observed exclusively in cases of mandibular canal fenestration (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Complementary treatment with Carnoys solution and peripheral ostectomy appear to provide efficient treatment for KOTs. Complications originating from the use of the solution are less frequent and less serious than complications associated with cryotherapy. Neuropathy seems to be related to direct contact between the solution and the epineurium.
Na[AuCl4].2H(2)O reacts with tridentate thiosemicarbazide ligands, H(2)L1, derived from N-[N',N'-dialkylamino(thiocarbonyl)]benzimidoyl chloride and thiosemicarbazides under formation of air-stable, green [AuCl(L1)] complexes. The organic ligands coordinate in a planar SNS coordination mode. Small amounts of gold(I) complexes of the composition [AuCl(L3)] are formed as side-products, where L3 is an S-bonded 5-diethylamino-3-phenyl-1-thiocarbamoyl-1,2,4-triazole. The formation of the triazole L3 can be explained by the oxidation of H(2)L1 to an intermediate thiatriazine L2 by Au3+, followed by a desulfurization reaction with ring contraction. The chloro ligands in the [AuCl(L1)] complexes can readily be replaced by other monoanionic ligands such as SCN- or CN- giving [Au(SCN)(L1)] or [Au(CN)(L1)] complexes. The complexes described in this paper represent the first examples of fully characterized neutral Gold(III) thiosemicarbazone complexes. All the [AuCl(L1)] compounds present a remarkable cell growth inhibition against human MCF-7 breast cancer cells. However, systematic variation of the alkyl groups in the N(4)-position of the thiosemicarbazone building blocks as well as the replacement of the chloride by thiocyanate ligands do not considerably influence the biological activity. On the other hand, the reduction of Au-III to Au-I leads to a considerable decrease of the cytotoxicity.
Four glycoproteins (gD, gB, gH, and gL) are required for herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry into the cell and for cell-cell fusion in transfected cells. gD serves as the receptor-binding glycoprotein and as the trigger of fusion; the other three glycoproteins execute fusion between the viral envelope and the plasma or endocytic membranes. Little is known on the interaction of gD with gB, gH, and gL. Here, the interactions between herpes simplex virus gD and its nectin1 receptor or between gD, gB, and gH were analyzed by complementation of the N and C portions of split enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to the glycoproteins. Split EGFP complementation was detected between proteins designated gDN + gHC, gDN + gBC, and gHN + gBC + wtgD, both in cells transfected with two or tree glycoproteins and in cells transfected with the four glycoproteins, commited to form syncytia. The in situ assay provides evidence that gD interacts with gH and gB independently one of the other. We further document the interaction between gH and gB. To elucidate which portions of the glycoproteins interact with each other we generated mutants of gD and gB. gD triggers fusion through a specialised domain, named pro-fusion domain (PFD), located C-terminally in the ectodomain. Here, we show that PFD is made of subdomains 1 and 2 (amino acids 260–285 and 285–310) and that each one partially contributed to herpes simplex virus infectivity. Chimeric gB molecules composed of HSV and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) sequences failed to reach the cell surface and to complement a gB defective virus. By means of pull down experiments we analyzed the interactions of HSV-HHV8 gB chimeras with gH or gD fused to the strep-tag. The gB sequence between aa residues 219-360 was identified as putative region of interaction with gH or critical to the interaction.
Introduction Postnatal human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is usually asymptomatic in term babies, while preterm infants are more susceptible to symptomatic CMV infection. Breastfeeding plays a dominant role in the epidemiology of transmission of postnatal CMV infection, but the risk factors of symptomatic CMV infection in preterm infants are unknown. Patients and Methods Between December 2003 and August 2006, eighty Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) preterm infants (gestational age ≤ 32 weeks and birth weight < 1500 g), admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of St Orsola-Malpighi General Hospital, Bologna were recruited. All of them were breastfed for at least one month. During the first week of life, serological test for CMV was performed on maternal blood. Furthermore, urinary CMV culture was performed in all the infants in order to exclude a congenital CMV infection. Urine samples from each infant were collected and processed for CMV culture once a week. Once every 15 days a blood sample was taken from each infant to evaluate the complete blood count, the hepatic function and the C reactive protein. In addition, samples of fresh breast milk were processed weekly for CMV culture. A genetic analysis of virus variant was performed in the urine of the infected infants and in their mother’s milk to confirm the origin of infection. Results We evaluated 80 VLBW infants and their 68 mothers. Fifty-three mothers (78%) were positive for CMV IgG antibodies, and 15 (22%) were seronegative. In the seronegative group, CMV was never isolated in breast milk, and none of the 18 infants developed viruria; in the seropositive group, CMV was isolated in 21 out of 53 (40%) mother’s milk. CMV was detected in the urine samples of 9 out of 26 (35%) preterm infants, who were born from 21 virolactia positive mothers. Six of these infants had clinically asymptomatic CMV infection, while 3 showed a sepsis-like illness with bradycardia, tachypnea and repeated desaturations. Eight out of nine infants showed abnormal hematologic values. The detection of neutropenia was strictly related to CMV infection (8/9 infected infants vs 17/53 non infected infants, P<.005), such as the detection of an increase in conjugated bilirubin (3/9 infected infants vs 2/53 non infected infants, P<.05). The degree of neutropenia was not different between the two groups (infected/non infected). The use of hemoderivatives (plasma and/or IgM–enriched immunoglobulin) in order to treat a suspected/certain infection in newborn with GE< 28 ws was seen as protective against CMV infection (1/4 infected infants vs 18/20 non infected infants [GE<28 ws]; P<.05). Furthermore, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (defined both as oxygen-dependency at 30 days of life and 36 ws of postmenstrual age) correlated with symptomatic infection (3/3 symptomatic vs 0/6 asymptomatic: P<.05). Conclusion Our data suggest that CMV infection transmitted to preterm newborn through human milk is always asymptomatic when newborns are clinically stable. Otherwise, the infection can worsen a preexisting disease such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Human milk offers many nutritional and psychological advantages to preterm newborns: according to our data, there’s no reason to contraindicate it neither to pasteurize the milk of all the mothers of preterm infants who are CMV seropositive.
Das Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) ist der Haupterreger der parenteral übertragenen non-A non-B Hepatitis. Bisher wurde die Erforschung der Replikation und Pathogenese des HCV durch das Fehlen eines effizienten und verläßlichen Zellkultursystems behindert.Virale RNA aus infizierten humanen Leberzellen wurde isoliert und kloniert. Mit Hilfe eines Vergleichs mehrerer Klone wurde eine isolatspezifische Konsensussequenz bestimmt, auf deren Basis ein Konsensusgenom konstruiert wurde. Mit dem Konsensusgenom als Grundlage wurden subgenomische RNA-Moleküle, sogenannte âselektionierbare Replikonsâ hergestellt. Nach Transfektion der Replikons in humane HuH-7 Hepatoma-Zellen konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Replikons autonom und in hohem Maße in den Wirtszellen replizierten.Die Arbeit definiert die Struktur von HCV-Replikons, die in Zellkultur funktionell sind. Damit wird die Basis für ein lange gesuchtes HCV-Zellkultursystem geschaffen, welches das Studium der HCV-Replikation im Detail und die Entwicklung antiviral wirksamer Substanzen ermöglicht.
Das Humane Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) ist ein Erreger von großer klinischer Relevanz. Die HCMV-Infektion, die insbesondere bei immunsupprimierten Patienten mit hoher Morbidität und Mortalität assoziiert ist, wird vorwiegend durch CD8+-zytotoxische T-Lymphozyten (CTL) kontrolliert. Das Tegumentprotein pp65 und das immediate early 1-Protein (IE1) waren als die dominanten CTL-Antigene bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die zur Immundominanz des pp65 führenden molekularen Mechanismen aufzuklären und die Grundlagen für die Analyse der IE1-spezifischen Immunantwort zu erarbeiten. Durch Peptidimmunisierung HLA-A2-transgener Mäuse wurden hochaffine pp65-spezifische CTL-Klone generiert. Für die Generierung ähnlicher CTL-Klone gegen IE1 konnte erstmals ein konserviertes HLA-A2-bindendes Peptid identifiziert werden. Mit Hilfe der pp65-spezifischen CTL-Klone konnte gezeigt werden, dass das durch Viruspartikel in die Zelle eingebrachte pp65 die Erkennung infizierter Zellen durch CD8+-CTL vermittelt. Durch den Nachweis der außergewöhnlichen Stabilität von pp65 in der Zelle gelang es, eine hohe metabolische Umsatzrate als eine Ursache von Immundominanz auszuschließen. Dagegen hob die Blockierung des CRM1-vermittelten nukleären Exportweges durch Zugabe von Hemmstoffen oder Zutransfektion kompetitiver Inhibitoren die Erkennung des pp65 nahezu auf. Hiermit wurde erstmalig eine Abhängigkeit der Präsentation eines immundominanten nukleären Proteins vom nukleozytoplasmatischen Transport nachgewiesen. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit stellen die Grundlage für die detaillierte Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen nukleärem Export und Antigenpräsentation dar.
In dieser Arbeit wurde zunächst ein humanisiertes Mausmodell entwickelt für die Analyse von humanen DCs in vivo. Darüber hinaus wurden erste Versuche mit Nanopartikelbeladenen DCs durchgeführt, mit der Intention, durch diese Kombination humane DCs zu untersuchen. Es wurden immunsupprimierte NOD/LtSz-scid IL2R (NSG) Mäuse verwendet und mit humanen CD34+ PBSCs transplantiert. Es wurden insgesamt 14 Modelle getestet, mit einer durchschnittlichen Humanisierungsrate von 76 %. In allen Modellen konnten ab Woche sechs nach Transplantation humane CD45+ Zellen sowie humane Bund NK-Zellen und CD14+ Monozyten gefunden werden. Darüber hinaus waren myeloide DC-Vorläuferzellen, konventionelle HLA DR CD11c DCs (cDCs) und plasmazytoide DCs (pDCs) vorhanden. Humane T-Zellen konnten nicht vor Woche 18 nach Transplantation beobachtet werden. Neben der Rekonstitution humaner DCs in peripheren Organen, wurde ebenfalls nach gewebsständigen DCs, insbesondere den Langerhans Zellen (LCs) der Epidermis geschaut. Waren humane LC vorhanden, konnten diese ab Woche zwölf nach Transplantation in der murinen Epidermis detektiert werden. Diese waren konstant bis in Woche 30 nach Transplantation nachweisbar. In Hinblick auf die Etablierung der DCs in diesem humanisierten Mausmodells wurden verschiedene Einflussgrößen getestet. IL-7 führte zu keiner veränderten Hämatopoese, wohingegen Flt3L zu einer Zunahme von CD14+ Monozyten und cDCs führte. Darüber hinaus konnte eine drastische Abnahmernhumaner B-Zellen beobachtet werden. Es zeigte sich, dass der Zeitpunkt der Flt3LrnApplikation einen entscheidenen Faktor für den Effekt von Flt3L auf die Rekonstitution humaner Zellen darstellt. Für die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten funktionellen in vivo Studien, wurden humanisierten Mäusen alloreaktive CD8+ T-Zellen appliziert. Somit sollte die Funktionalität der rekonstituierten humanen APCs getestet werden. Es wurde deutlich, dass Monozyten und DCs ihre Funktionalität erst ab Woche 14 nach Transplantation zu entwickeln schienen,rnwohingegen B-Zellen bereits zu früheren Zeitpunkten als Zielzellen für die alloreaktiven T-Zellen dienten. Dies wurde durch den Rückgang der jeweiligen Zellen nach Applikation der T-Zellen sichtbar. Zu erwähnen ist, dass das Anwachsen einer humanen Hämatopoese stark spenderabhängig ist und somit keine allgemeingültigen Aussagen hinsichtlich der in vivo Funktion getroffen werden können. Um im Gewebe verbliebende APCs zu manipulieren gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden auf Polystyren-basierende Nanopartikel getestet. Die verwendeten Partikel hatten eine Größe von 80 bis 160 nm und waren unfunktionalisiert oder mit Amino- bzw. Carboxy-Gruppen versehen. Zusätzlich wurden die Partikel mit BODIPY (Durchflusszytometrie und kLSM-Messungen), einem Infrarotnahem Farbstoff IR 780 (BFI-Messungen) und Platin (in vivo Messungen) beladen. Der Carboxy-funktionalisierte Partikel zeigte den geringsten Einfluss auf die Vitalität von humanen DCs, wohingegen der Amino-funktionalisierte Partikel bei steigender Konzentration toxisch wirkte. Bei unfunktionalisierten Partikeln stieg die Toxizität bei zunehmender Konzentration. Hinsichtlich der Expression diverser DC spezifischer Oberflächenmoleküle nach Beladung mit Nanopartikeln zeigte sich, dass allein der unfunktionalisierte, mit Lutensol AT50 hergestellte Partikel zu einer leichten Hochregulation von MHC-Klasse-II Molekülen führte. Die Expression von CD86 wurde im Gegenzug nur durch die Beladung mit den Amino-, bzw. Carboxy funktionalisierten Partikeln und dem unfunktionalisierten, mit SDS hergestellten Partikel leicht gesteigert. Trotz der teilweise leicht veränderten Expression von Oberflächenmarkern, konnte mit Hilfe von IFN-g ELISpots keine Beeinflussungrnder Funktion als APCs von Nanopartikel-beladenen DCs beobachtet werden. In den in vivo Untersuchungen zeigten alle vier Partikel eine konstante Zirkulation imrnOrganismus und konnten bis 96 h nach Applikation nachgewiesen werden. Alle Partikel konnten primär in der Leber detektiert werden, wobei der unfunktionalisierte, mit Lutensol AT50 hergestelle Partikel das weiteste Verbreitungsmuster zeigte. Erste Versuche im humanisierten Mausmodell zeigten keine Beeinflussung der Verteilung und Kinetik von Nanopartikeln durch die humane Hämatopoese. Mit dem in dieser Arbeit etablierten humanisierten Mausmodell ist es möglich, die Entwicklung, Differenzierung, Aktivierung und Funktionalität humaner DCs in vivo zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus kann das gezielte Adressieren von DCs in vivo analysiert werden, was sowohl die Möglichkeit der Manipulation von DCs zur Vermeidung einer akuten GvHD bietet als auch Verwendung in anderen DC-vermittelten Therapien (z.B.Vakzinationsstudien) findet.