827 resultados para Household income inequality
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
This new edition of Employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, a twice-yearly report prepared jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Office for the Southern Cone of Latin America of the International Labour Organization (ILO), discusses how weak job creation led to the third consecutive annual decline in the employment rate, which fell by 0.4 percentage points in 2015, indicating a reduction in the number of labour income earners per household. The ensuing drop in household income has played a large part in the increase estimated in the poverty rate for 2015. The second section of this report examines employment trends in rural areas of the countries of the region between 2005 and 2014, seeing to establish whether the improvements seen in the labour markets overall in that period also occurred in rural areas, and whether the gaps compared with urban areas decreased. The data presented in that section were generated from special processing of data from national household surveys.
Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre as ações em torno do desenvolvimento sustentável e de políticas não agrícolas para as pequenas populações rurais, a partir dos anos 80 e 90. Com a interiorização das políticas, o Estado se torna mais presente nas regiões interioranas redimensionando o mundo rural e suas dinâmicas locais. Neste sentido, um novo rural emerge com as ações políticas que chegam às populações mais distantes expondo o modo de vida a novas situações. Este estudo objetivou analisar as mudanças na organização social e econômica dos moradores da localidade rural de Vila Alencar da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá (RDSM), no estado do Amazonas, decorrentes da criação de uma reserva de desenvolvimento sustentável (RDS) e das ações institucionalizadas por políticas de Estado. A análise teórica foi fundamentada na noção de habitus e do campo socioambiental da Reserva Mamirauá. Realizaram-se também análises entre as famílias a partir do tempo de união conjugal, com a finalidade de identificar as mudanças ocorridas entre duas gerações familiares. Constatou-se neste estudo que a organização familiar em Vila Alencar se desenvolve levando em consideração as práticas locais e também participam das ações intervencionistas através das políticas sociais por meio do Programa Bolsa Família, das aposentadorias rurais e das atividades em torno do manejo sustentável dos recursos naturais, que estão em sua maioria associadas ao manejo de ecoturismo, a exemplo, da prestação de serviços como guia turístico, auxiliar de cozinha, copeira e carpintaria para a pousada de ecoturismo da RDSM. A combinação de atividades agrícolas, nãoagrícolas e a complementação de renda por benefícios sociais assumem papel importante na composição da renda familiar, o que traz novas perspectivas à reprodução social. O estudo mostrou que as políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável bem como as políticas de benefícios sociais tornam favorável à organização familiar das localidades rurais as características de feições modernizadoras e atrativas do conforto urbano, sobretudo pela expectativa da compra de uma casa na cidade e de melhores condições de qualificação aos filhos para prosperarem em alguma profissão. Aos jovens são delegadas outras responsabilidades que não se inserem exclusivamente no contexto produtivo do trabalho familiar.
PURPOSE: To analyze the time between the first symptom and treatment in patients treated for breast cancer in public hospitals in the Federal District. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional analysis. We interviewed 250 women diagnosed with breast cancer treated in six hospitals of the State Department of Health of the Federal District from November 2009 to January 2011. The time intervals studied were the time between the detection of the symptoms and treatment subdivided into intervals until and after the first medical appointment. The variables were: age, menopausal status, color, educational level, average monthly household income, origin, reason for the initial consultation, staging, tumor size, laterality, metastasis to axillary lymph nodes, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and type of surgery. The Mann-Whtney test was used to assess the association of these variables with the time intervals until treatment. RESULTS: The mean age was 52 years, with a predominance of white women (57.6%), from the Federal District (62.4%), with a family income of up to 2 minimum wages (78%), and up to four years of schooling (52.4%). The staging of the disease ranged from II to IV in 78.8% of the women. The time between the first symptom and treatment was 229 days (median). After detection of the first symptom, 52.9% of the women attended a consultation within 30 days and 88.8% took more than 90 days to start treatment. Women with elementary school education had a greater delay to the start of treatment (p=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant delay to start treatment of women with breast cancer in public hospitals of the Federal District, suggesting that efforts should be made to reduce the time needed to schedule medical appointments and to diagnose and treat these patients.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
The relationship between mother and child in the context of oral health has traditionally been exposed by the scientific literature in microbiology, which lacks a broad and necessary discussion of health and illness seen as processes, both biological and social. Objective: Investigate the family social determinants associated with the caries history of children and the need for dental treatment (NDT) among their mothers was the objective of this study. Material and Methods: This research employed a cross-sectional study of mother-child pairs living in southern Brazil. Data collection occurred in public institutions of early childhood education. The instruments included a structured questionnaire administered to mothers and clinical oral examinations of the mothers and children. The social variables considered were marital status, maternal education, number of children, income, employment status, and frequency of visits to a dental professional. The measured outcomes were the maternal NDT and child caries history. Data were analyzed by the chi-square test (chi 2) and by discriminant analysis. Results: The final sample consisted of 272 mother-child pairs and it was found that the greatest need for treatment was among mothers with low educational level and low family income who rarely or never visited a dentist. Tooth decay was less frequent in only child, and most frequent in children of mothers with low educational attainment, and in children in lower income households who rarely or never visited the dentist. The social determinants of caries in children and of the maternal NDT were similar. It follows that the maternal NDT and caries history among children were strongly associated with maternal education (p<0.0001), household income (p<0.0001), and frequency of visits to a dental professional (0.0018). Caries history among children was also associated with number of children in the household (p<0.0001). Conclusions: The results suggest that the caries experience in children depended less on the family social variables than on the maternal NDT.
Between December 2007 and June 2009 the United States witnessed 18 months of recession that became known as the subprime crisis. Beginning in the housing market, the crisis moved into the banking and financial markets and spread throughout the entire economy through a domino effect, affecting the majority of other businesses. A major reflection of this was the large rise in unemployment rates due to business slashing jobs in an attempt to preserve cash. Although the crisis has officially ended, the unemployment rate reached over 10% in 2010 in the United States. American's continue to seek new jobs in a very difficult employment market, while attempting to manage the family household budget. American household income, which decreased either by pay cuts, job loss, and the effects of inflation, leads the majority of Americans to declare that the crisis had not yet ended. The crisis has spread to the world in varying degrees. Brazil was one of the countries least affected due to government policies and the large amount of foreign exchange. Although the crisis has affected Brazil only slightly, we will show how it reached this country and how the government solved this problem. This research paper will explain how the subprime crisis began, how it manifested itself in the U.S. economy and throughout the population. Also, it will show the crisis’ effects in Brazil and show some statements from Americans with their respective views and their experiences relative to the crisis
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Objetivou-se identificar as especialidades mais desejadas pelos alunos de Medicina do Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará (Cesupa) e fatores determinantes dessa escolha. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico, realizado mediante aplicação de questionários a alunos do primeiro, quarto e sexto anos, no período de novembro de 2012 a março de 2013. A maioria dos alunos era do sexo masculino (59,2%), com média de idade de 22 ± 2 anos, possuindo renda familiar acima de dez salários mínimos e apresentando pelo menos um parente médico. As principais especialidades escolhidas foram: Cirurgia Plástica (10,4%), Endocrinologia (15,7%), e Oftalmologia (14,0%) no primeiro, quarto e sexto anos, respectivamente. O principal fator influenciador na escolha no primeiro ano foi a influência dos pais (17,2%), e no quarto e sexto anos o fator financeiro, com 15,8% e 22,8%, respectivamente. Conclui-se que muitos fatores influenciam a escolha de especialidades, sendo necessário buscar formas de atrair alunos para áreas de caráter mais generalista.
Os indicadores sociais se tornaram imprescindíveis no elenco de variáveis dos estudos epidemiológicos a partir da constatação de que a determinação dos agravos à saúde é complexa e multidimensional. Nessa perspectiva, a desigualdade social vem ocupando destaque como um fator explicativo das condições de saúde das populações. O objetivo é discutir as diferentes concepções que norteiam a seleção dos indicadores utilizados nos estudos epidemiológicos e abordar os efeitos psicossociais nos seres humanos acarretados pela desigualdade social. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura acerca dos estudos epidemiológicos que utilizaram os indicadores de desigualdade social e capital social para uma melhor compreensão dos problemas de saúde, bem como uma investigação no campo da sociologia e da psicologia social. De acordo com a pesquisa pode-se constatar que há controvérsias sobre o efeito da desigualdade social na saúde humana pelo fato desses indicadores serem baseados, majoritariamente, pela renda e capacidade de consumo dos indivíduos. Da mesma forma, os indicadores de capital social em nível cognitivo e estrutural são muito limitados para compreender o dinamismo das relações sociais. Nesse sentido, são necessários mais estudos para a construção de indicadores sociais que contemplem a complexidade das sociedades modernas.