835 resultados para Hot spot - menetelmä


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Drosophila pauliceia sp. nov., a spot-thoraxed species closely related to Drosophila boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, is described from flies collected in an urban remnant of the montane Atlantic Forest located at the Cidade Universitária "Armando de Salles Oliveira", São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two forest-dwelling species can be externally distinguished mainly by having a different pattern of thoracic spots. A new group of spotted flies (peruensis group) is proposed to include them, in addition to Drosophila peruensis Wheeler, 1959, from Urubamba River, Peru, and Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, from Brazil and Argentina. To facilitate comparisons, illustrations of the male and female terminalia of the new species and of some unpublished views of those of D. atalaia are included. Additionally, a new group of unspotted species (named caponei group) is proposed to include Drosophila caponei Pavan & Cunha, 1947 and D. neochracea Wheeler, 1959, both previously considered to be related to D. atalaia.


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The knowledge on Atlantic Forest scarab beetle fauna is quite limited. This biome is strongly degraded and these insects can be used as bioindicators since they are sensitive to forest destruction and show distinct organizational patterns in forest fragments or in areas that have been deteriorated by human activity. Thus, a study of the Scarabaeidae (sensu stricto) dung beetles fauna that inhabit Serra do Japi, São Paulo, Brazil (23º12'-23º22' S and 46º53'-47º03'W) was carried out; the monthly species richness was analyzed in six areas during one year and the vegetation's structural physiognomy was described. The areas included a conserved and a degraded valley, a northward and a southward hillside, a hilltop, and an area of secondary forest growing under eucalyptus trees. The specimens were collected using four pitfall traps baited with human feces, which remained at each spot during 48 hours. Between September, 1997 and August, 1998, 3524 individuals of 39 species were collected; the most abundant were: Canthidium trinodosum, Eurysternus cyanescens, Uroxys kratochvili, Scybalocanthon nigriceps, Uroxys lata, Canthonella sp., Dichotomius assifer, Deltochilum furcatum, Canthidium sp.2, Canthon latipes, Deltochilum rubripenne, Eurysternus sp., and Dichotomius sp.1. The number of individuals and species was greater in the hot, rainy season, when there was a correlation between the number of species and the mean annual temperature [r²= 0.69; p<0.01]. The lower winter richness was most pronounced in the conserved valley, while richness remained relatively constant in the degraded valley; abundance was much higher in the degraded valley. The cluster analysis showed that the valleys and hillsides are the most similar in relation to species composition and abundance, yet different from the secondary forest with eucalypts and the hilltop.


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L’estudi de les situacions comunicatives sempre m’ha atret de manera significativa. El món de la publicitat, també. L’assignatura de Semiòtica audiovisual ha estat el vincle que ha inspirat el tema d’aquest treball. L’idea inicial era la d’analitzar des d’una perspectiva semiòtica un document audiovisual, concretament, Beauty is nothing without brains, un espot televisiu de Mercedes-Benz emès als Estats Units l’any 2007. Es pretenia identificar i analitzar cadascun dels elements que configuren la comunicació audiovisual i presentar possibles versions traductològiques del mateix. La dificultat de crear un esquema d’anàlisi que em permetés estructurar-ne l’estudi va conduir-me a Frederic Chaume. És llavors quan aconsegueixo concretar el tema del treball: es pretén analitzar aquest document audiovisual seguint el model proposat per Chaume, responent a un hipotètic encàrrec de traducció el qual demana la seva adaptació al mercat català.


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We present the results of a deep search for associated radio features in the vicinity of the microquasar Cygnus X-3. The motivation behind is to find out evidence for interaction between its relativistic jets and the surrounding interstellar medium, which could eventually allow us to perform calorimetry of the total energy released by this microquasar during its flaring lifetime. Remarkably, two radio sources with mJy emission level at centimeter wavelengths have been detected in excellent alignment with the position angle of the inner radio jets. We propose that these objects could be the hot spots where the relativitic outflow collides with the ambient gas in analogy with Fanaroff-Riley II radio galaxies. These candidate hot spots are within a few arc-minutes of Cygnus X-3 and, if physically related, the full linear extent of the jet would reach tens of parsecs. We discuss here the evidence currently available to support this hypothesis based on both archival data and our own observations.


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Mutations in the BIGH3 gene on chromosome 5q31 cause four distinct autosomal dominant diseases of the human cornea: granular (Groenouw type I), Reis-Bücklers, lattice type I, and Avellino corneal dystrophies. All four diseases are characterized by both progressive accumulation of corneal deposits and eventual loss of vision. We have identified a specific recurrent missense mutation for each type of dystrophy, in 10 independently ascertained families. Genotype analysis with microsatellite markers surrounding the BIGH3 locus was performed in these 10 families and in 5 families reported previously. The affected haplotype could be determined in 10 of the 15 families and was different in each family. These data indicate that R555W, R124C, and R124H mutations occurred independently in several ethnic groups and that these mutations do not reflect a putative founder effect. Furthermore, this study confirms the specific importance of the R124 and R555 amino acids in the pathogenesis of autosomal dominant corneal dystrophies linked to 5q.


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We studied the effects of temperature and pH on larval development, settlement and juvenile survival of a Mediterranean population of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula. Three temperatures (16, 17.5 and 19 °C) were tested at present pH conditions (pHT 8.1). At 19 °C, two pH levels were compared to reflect present average (pHT 8.1) and near-future average conditions (pHT 7.7, expected by 2100). Larvae were reared for 52-days to achieve the full larval development and complete the metamorphosis to the settler stage. We analyzed larval survival, growth, morphology and settlement success. We also tested the carry-over effect of acidification on juvenile survival after 3 days. Our results showed that larval survival and size significantly increased with temperature. Acidification resulted in higher survival rates and developmental delay. Larval morphology was significantly altered by low temperatures, which led to narrower larvae with relatively shorter skeletal rods, but larval morphology was only marginally affected by acidification. No carry-over effects between larvae and juveniles were detected in early settler survival, though settlers from larvae reared at pH 7.7 were significantly smaller than their counterparts developed at pH 8.1. These results suggest an overall positive effect of environmental parameters related to global change on the reproduction of A. lixula, and reinforce the concerns about the increasing negative impact on shallow Mediterranean ecosystems of this post-glacial colonizer.


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The HOT study (hypertension-optimal treatment) is an international clinical study on primary prevention of cardiovascular events in 19,193 hypertensive patients worldwide. It aims at the recognition of the optimal diastolic blood pressure value (< 90, < 85 or < 80 mmHg?) in order to maximize the possible benefit of an antihypertensive therapy. In addition, the HOT study investigates whether low doses of aspirin (75 mg/day) are able to reduce the occurrence of severe cardiovascular events. In Switzerland a total of 797 patients have been enrolled in the study. Antihypertensive therapy was initiated with felodipine = Plendil (5 mg/day). This vasoelective calcium antagonist could reduce diastolic blood pressure values to < 90 or < 80 mg/Hg, respectively, in one of two or one of three patients within the first three months. In nine or six patients, respectively out of ten a reduction of diastolic blood pressure values to < 90 or < 80 mmHg was reached within one year by combination of felodipine with other antihypertensive drugs (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers and diuretics).


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Selostus: Mahdollisuus lyhytaikaisen virtsankeruun käyttöön lypsylehmien virtsan pseudouridiinin erityksen määrittämisessä


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BACKGROUND: In humans, local heating increases skin perfusion by mechanisms dependent on nitric oxide (NO). Because the vascular effects of NO may be subject to desensitization, we examined whether a first local thermal stimulus would attenuate the hyperemic response to a second one applied later. METHODS: Twelve healthy young men were studied. Skin blood flow (SkBF) was measured on forearm skin with laser Doppler imaging. Local thermal stimuli (temperature step from 34 to 41 degrees C maintained for 30 minutes) were applied with temperature-controlled chambers. We also tested the influence of prior local heating on the vasodilation induced by sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a donor of NO. RESULTS: On reheating the same spot after two hours, the response of SkBF (i.e., plateau SkBF at 30 minutes minus SkBF at 34 degrees C) was lower than during the first stimulation (mean+/-SD 404+/-212 perfusion units [PU] vs. 635+/-100 PU; P&lt;0.001). There was no such difference when reheating after four hours (654+/-153 vs. 645+/-103 PU; P=NS). Two, but not four, hours after local heating, the response of SkBF to SNP was reduced. CONCLUSION: The NO-dependent hyperemic response induced by local heating in human skin is subject to desensitization. At least one part of the mechanism implicated consists of a desensitization to the effects of NO itself.


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The antikaon optical potential in hot and dense nuclear matter is studied within the framework of a coupled-channel self-consistent calculation taking, as bare meson-baryon interaction, the meson-exchange potential of the Jlich group. Typical conditions found in heavy-ion collisions at GSI are explored. As in the case of zero temperature, the angular momentum components larger than L=0 contribute significantly to the finite temperature antikaon optical potential at finite momentum. It is found that the particular treatment of the medium effects has a strong influence on the behavior of the antikaon potential with temperature. Our self-consistent model, in which antikaons and pions are dressed in the medium, gives a moderately temperature dependent antikaon potential which remains attractive at GSI temperatures, contrary to what one finds if only nuclear Pauli blocking effects are included.


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Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.