396 resultados para Hormônios Tireóideos
O ipê-branco é uma espécie de difícil propagação por sementes devido à sua curta longevidade. A cultura de tecidos tem possibilitado a melhor propagação de diversas espécies, tendo como base o crescimento de células, tecidos e órgãos em condições assépticas, possibilitando a rápida multiplicação da planta selecionada, obtendo mudas livres de patógenos. A primeira etapa da cultura de tecidos está baseada na desinfestação das sementes para obter as mudas in vitro, possibilitando as posteriores etapas do processo. Foram testadas diversas concentrações de álcool etílico e hipoclorito de sódio em busca da desinfestação mais efetiva. O melhor processo para a desinfestação das sementes do ipê branco está nos tratamentos de germinação em apenas ágar com a retirada das alas da semente após a sua lavagem, com passagem por 30 segundos em álcool etílico e 5 minutos em hipoclorito de sódio, com posterior transferência da plântula para meio MS suplementado com 0,7% de ágar e 3% de sacarose. Sobre as plantas germinadas in vitro foram aplicados tratamentos com hormônios vegetais em busca das melhores concentrações para a obtenção de novas mudas. Os explantes caulinares tratados com BAP a 4,0 mg L-1 apresentaram 93,3% de brotações bem desenvolvidas, enquanto em meio WPM a melhor concentração para brotação com BAP é a de 4,0 mg L-1, não promovendo no entanto um tratamento tão efetivo como em meio MS. Para cinetina, todos os tratamentos exibiram formação de calo e/ou ausência de brotações em meio MS, e baixa porcentagem de brotação em meio WPM. Os tratamentos realizados com AIB e ANA não tiveram rizogênese efetiva em meio MS, apresentando formação de raízes pouco desenvolvidas em apenas poucos explantes no tratamento de 4,0 mg L-1 de ANA em meio WPM
Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder in dogs caused by insufficient production and secretion of thyroid hormones. Most affected dogs have primary hypothyroidism that results from lymphocytic thyroiditis, idiopathic thyroid atrophy, or more rarely, neoplastic destruction. Secondary hypothyroidism resulting from inadequate secretion of thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone –TSH) from the pituitary gland is less commonly recognized. Tertiary hypothyroidism resulting from a deficiency of hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) has not been documented in dogs. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism in dogs is made on the basis of clinical findings, results of routine laboratory and thyroid gland function tests and response to thyroid hormone replacement. Unfortunately, these tests have high sensitivity, but low specificity, for use in the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone supplementation is indicated for the treatment of confirmed hypothyroidism and for the diagnoses of the disease through clinical response to trial therapy
Tumoral masses can cause several direct problems in the organism, such as invading organs and altering their functions, leading to other problems such as the Paraneoplastic syndrome. The paraneoplastic syndrome is an alteration in the structure and function of the body due to the non-invasive actions of the tumor, for example, liberating hormones, peptides, cytokines and leading to cross reactions between normal tissues. The syndrome can affect different locations in the body, being that some are indicative of specific tumors, however the interpretation of the clinical and pathological findings referring to this syndrome should be utilized in the diagnostic and treatment. In the hematological paraneoplastic syndrome, there are alterations that occur due to indirect actions of the tumor on the blood cellular elements and the coagulation system, and that are generally detected in routine clinical and laboratorial exams. This study objective is to aboard some hematological paraneoplastic syndromes in dogs such as: anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, hypergammaglobulinemia and erythrocytosis, emphasizing the different etiologies that may assist in differential diagnosis and the principal neoplasm related to this syndrome. Besides this, the early discovery and treatment of the paraneoplatic syndrome is important as the tumor itself, as it improves the prognostic and quality of life of the patient
The prolonged postpartum anoestrus in cows reduces the number of calves leading to a significant economic loss to producers. Suckling and nutrition are the factors of great importance to the extension of the post-partum period. Besides, the occurrence of short cycles within 30 to 40 days postpartum contributes to an increase in the parturition–conception interval. These cycles are related to development of a corpus luteum with reduced duration after the first ovulation (less than 12 days). It is known that the short persistence of the corpus luteum is caused by advance of the luteolytic mechanisms. However, there is a lack of consensus regarding the cause of this anticipation. There are two currently accepted hypotheses, one related to the lack of prior exposure to progesterone, and the other related to the low concentration of pre-ovulatory estrogen. Considering the decrease in the incidence of short cycles in cows treated with progesterone and estrogen, the main protocols of ovulation induction include combination of both hormones. Therefore, this study aimed at describing the post-partum anestrous in cows and the main predisposing factors, emphasizing the first postpartum ovulation, short cycle and, its respective causes and consequences
Several hormonal and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy directly affect gastrointestinal motility (GI), however, very little is known about the relationship between the electrical and mechanical activities of the stomach and its implications. The aim of this study was to compare the female sex hormones, with profiles of gastrointestinal motility using AC biosusceptometry (BAC) in pregnant rats. Seven female Wistar rats (weighing 250-350 g) were used and all procedures were approved by the local Ethics Committee of animal. Laparotomy was performed on anesthetized rats and a magnetic marker (3.5 mm in diameter and 3.0 mm height) was implanted in the distal stomach. After 10 days of recuperation, the mice were put to mate until confirmation of pregnancy. Fed animals were anesthetized (mg pentobarbital 30 / kg) and kept supine for recording the signal with a sensor 30 min BAC placed on the abdominal surface on days 0, 7, 14 and 20 of gestation. Statistical analysis was performed by Student's t test statistical Newman-Keuls and a P value of .05 was considered statistically significant. The frequency of contraction of the stomach was 74 mHz ± 3, 67 ± 7 mHz, 59 mHz ± 6 (p <0.05 vs day -1) and 71 ± 5 mHz on days -0, -7, -14, and -20, respectively. The values of 44 ± 15 pg / mL and 31 ± 9 pg / ml 25 ± 6 pg / ml, 22 ± 9 pg / ml on days -0, -7, -14 and -20, respectively, obtained by 17ß- estradiol were not statistically significant. The values of progesterone were 13 ± 6 pg / ml at 54 ± 15 pg / ml, 127 ± 42 pg / ml (p <0.05 vs day-1), 22 ± 13 pg / mL on day -0, - 7, -14 and -20, respectively. A linear correlation (Pearson's test) between the lower frequency gastric and increased levels of progesterone was 80% (p <0.0000001). Until then, the relationship between changes in motility and hormone were not described in detail, but with the work that we were able to demonstrate the high correlation between progesterone concentration ...
Doppler ultrasonography is a new technology that has been study by researchers to improve the physiologic and pathologic knowledge about reproduction. This technology is based on Doppler-shifts frequencies or ultrasonic, these frequencies can be increase or decrease according to the movements of the red cells in the vessel. Color Doppler and power Doppler are the two possibilities to use the Doppler ultrasonography. Color Doppler is based in more the one color that show the direction of the blood f low and power Doppler is based in one color that change according of the flow intensity. Doppler ultrasonography can be demonstrated with the spectral mode to verify blood flow in large vessels, because of this, it is not use in equine reproduction. Studies in equine reproduction have been doing to verify uterus blood flow in cyclic mares and to observe the vascular perfusion in mares with cists, uterine vascular perfusion post breeding and verify the affects of drugs to decrease the uterus fluid in mares with problems in uterus perfusion. The ovarian irrigation during the estrus cycle was analyze with the measurement of the principal hormones during the estrus cycle in mares, the integrity of the corpus luteus, the irrigation of the future dominant follicle and the consequences in the ovarian irrigation after luteolyse induction also were study. Nevertheless, more than the knowledge that existed about Doppler ultrasonography, new studies have been doing to improve the forms to use Doppler ultrasonography in equine reproduction
P-glycoprotein is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-driven drug efflux carrier responsible for transport of xenobiotics and multiple classes of drugs, many usually use in veterinary medicine. Encoded by MDR1 gene, also referred to as ABCB1, located on chromosome 14, is expressed in many tissues with secretory or excretory functions, such as liver, kidney and intestine, where it limits drug absorption from the gut and promotes drug excretion into the bile and urine of their substrates. In 2001, a 4 base pair gene deletion mutation in the canine MDR1 gene was identified as MDR1-1▲, ABCB1-1▲, MDR1 MDR1 nt 230 (del4) and associated with an non-functional Pglycoprotein. The clinical correlation is the (hyper) sensitivity of certain dogs breeds, mostly collies, to a few classes of drugs such as anticancer drugs (doxorubicin, vincristine, vinblastine), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine), antiparasitic drugs (ivermectin, moxidectin), steroids hormones (aldosterone, cortisol, dexamethasone), antimicrobial agents (tetracycline, doxycycline, levofloxacin, ketoconazole, itraconazole), analgesics (morphine, methadone), antidiarrheals (loperamide), antiepileptic agents (phenothiazine), cardiac drugs (digoxin, diltiazem, verapamil, talinolol) and others. Dogs with homozygous MDR1 nt 230 (del4) MDR1 mutations (MDR1 - / -) have a higher predisposition to intoxication with substrates of P-gp than heterozygous (MDR1 + / -) and these are more likely than dogs homozygous nonmutant (MDR1 +/ +). After the identification of nt230 (del4) mutation, several molecular techniques have been developed for identification of mutant animals as a diagnostic method. The importance of molecular diagnosis is, after the identification of mutant animals, establish treatment protocols safe, exclude this animals from reproduction (genetic selection program) and investigating the history of adverse drugs reactions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Climate change in tropical countries, like Brazil, causes major problems in dairy production due to an increase of heat stress effects. In recent years, milk production in Brazil increased 36.07%. The Southeast region remains a leader in production with herds of high producing Holstein cattle (mostly), which is more susceptible to heat stress. Thermal stress decreases fertility in direct and indirect ways. Conception rates are reduced of 40-60% during cooler months of the year and 10-20% in the warmer months. Negative effects of heat stress involve changes in reproductive hormones, follicular development, oocytes, and embryos, and decreased dry matter intake. Several studies discuss change in reproductive hormones, such as reduction in plasma concentration of GnRH, LH, and oestradiol, which lead to decreased detection of estrus and ovulation. Various methods are being studied to bypass these negative effects and increase the fertility of dairy cows under heat stress. Cooling systems are the most advantageous and can be associated with technologies such as ET and TAI
Paraneoplastic syndromes are being increasingly recognized in dogs and cats in veterinary medicine as they often are oncological emergencies and may help in early diagnosis of primary neoplasm, performing a more effective treatment, which usually is the removal of the tumor, and thereby improving the quality of life of the animal and perhaps prognosis. The syndrome is caused by the tumor through the production of substances such as hormones and cytokines that are released into circulation and are responsible for the appearance of distant signals from the primary neoplasm. These syndromes can involve multiple systems of the body, among them we mention: the hematology, the dermatologist, the neurologist, endocrine and musculoskeletal
The cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome is the most common paraneoplastic syndrome in Veterinary Medicine. It is characterized by severe loss of muscle mass and adipose tissue resulting in severe unintentional weight loss, anemia, fatigue, negative nitrogen balance, immune dysfuntion and other metabolic disturbances. The SAC is not only a result of inadequate intake of nutrients. The tumor requires large amounts of nutrients to allow growth and causes changes in pacient metabolism to get this energy. Recent studies suggest that the metabolic changes by cancer can be measured by hormones and cytokines produced or by the patient or the tumor, but this not completely understood. Animals with SAC have lower survival time, the greater chance of complications during treatment and lower quality of life. With the increase in the number of cancer cases in domestic animals and longer lifespan after diagnosis of malignant disease through the use of antineoplastics drugs, diagnosis and treatment of cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome has shown great importance in that patients may have higher survival then better quality of life. This paper aims to provide information about this complex and multifunctional syndrome and its possible treatments
The endocrine diseases, notably Cushing's disease, are of great importance from the morbid pictures that affect the canine species. Due to the imprecision of the standard tests, the HAC can be a diagnosis difficult to confirm. Often, the clinical manifestations and biochemical and hematological findings support the diagnosis of HAC, but endocrine tests are normal or inconclusive. The excessive production of ACTH may, in the adrenals, not only stimulate the increase of glucocorticoids, but also of sex hormones. In recent studies, the concentrations of sex hormones were used as parameters to check the adrenal gland function in animals with suspected Cushing's disease, suggesting that high serum concentrations of 17 hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) and other sex steroid hormones would be the cause of the so called atypical hyperadrenocorticism
Os mecanismos pelos quais o hiper e hipotireoidismo afetam o osso durante a menopausa são pouco conhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a ação do hormônio triiodotironina (T3), em diferentes concentrações associado ao estrógeno (E2) em concentração infra-fisiológica (condição de menopausa), sobre a proliferação de células de rato ROS 17/2.8, através de uma curva de crescimento para obtenção do tempo de dobramento (TD). As células ROS 17/2.8 são consideradas modelo de células osteoblásticas e foram cultivadas em meio HAM F-12, e submetidas ao tratamento hormonal com as combinações das concentrações fisiológica, infrafisiológica e suprafisiológica de T3 e infra-fisiológica de E2. Utilizamos como grupo controle aquele tratado com as concentrações fisiológicas dos dois hormônios. Para cada concentração hormonal foram realizadas 5 repetições, e as células contadas manualmente nos dias 1, 3, 5 e 7, após o início da adição hormonal. A análise estatística utilizada foi a técnica da análise de variância não paramétrica, complementada com teste de comparações múltiplas. Baseando-se nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o crescimento das células ROS 17/2.8 é afetado pelos tratamentos hormonais, em especial quando a concentração infrafisiológica de E2 está associada à concentração suprafisiológica de T3, aumentando o tempo de dobramento celular. Este efeito poderia tornar o metabolismo do osso mais lento, prejudicando a neoformação óssea em pacientes menopausadas e hipertireoidéas
Uterine leiomyomas (UL) are benign smooth muscle tumors from myometrium, representing the major indication for hysterectomies and a significant public health problem. Several genetics alterations have been associated with its development and pathogenesis. Although the initial factors that lead to the development of uterine leiomyomas are unclear, there are several evidences showing that ovarian steroids, estrogen and progesterone, are associated with these tumors.Recent reports, however, show others genes related with distinct signalization pathways besides sex hormones, which may be or not activated by these hormones, are associated with uterine leiomyomas development. In this study, the AHR, ESR1, ESR2, PGR and WNT7A gene transcripts expression was evaluated using quantitative real time RT-PCR in 58 UL samples compared to five normal myometrium tissues to explore the hormonal molecular basis of these tumors and associate these expression pattern with clinical and pathological features. The present study showed AHR, ESR1, ESR2, PGR and WNT7A down expression in 60%, 43%, 52%, 60% e 40% of the tumors, respectively, and a significant AHR loss of expression compared with the controls samples (P=0.0130). The comparison between the genes expression values revealed a positive correlation between the AHR and ESR1 transcripts (P<0.0001; r=0.6911) and between the genes ESR1 and WNT7A (P<0.0001; r=0.5655). The expression pattern was compared with clinical and pathological features. The WNT7A gene presented a differential expression pattern between the proliferative and secretory phase of menstrual cycle (P=0.0373) and the AHR and ESR1 genes were differentially expressed between women in reproductive and menopause years (P=0.0267; P=0.0415, respectively). The ESR1 and WNT7A down regulation was statistically ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
As abelhas da espécie Apis mellifera são conhecidas por sua organização social, comportamento devotado e aparente complexidade comportamental, sendo também consideradas excelentes sistemas-modelo para estudos de comunicação, aprendizado e formação de memória. Uma vez que o comportamento social dos insetos é resultante de interações complexas em diferentes níveis de organização biológica, torna-se importante estudar os peptídeos envolvidos nesse processo, já que estes são indispensáveis em muitos processos fisiológicos, funcionando como neurotransmissores, hormônios, toxinas, antibióticos, defensinas, neuromoduladores e neurohormônios. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi padronizar uma metodologia analítica visando à determinação do perfil peptídico do cérebro de abelhas da espécie Apis mellifera utilizando como ferramentas a espectrometria de massas e a cromatografia líquida. Foram coletadas operárias de Apis mellifera com 20 dias de idade, cujos cérebros foram dissecados e devidamente processados visando a posterior separação e identificação dos peptídeos. Foram testadas duas estratégias distintas para a separação e identificação dos peptídeos, denominadas on-line e off-line. Ambas baseavam-se na utilização de um sistema de cromatografia líquida sob fase reversa e um espectrômetro de massas do tipo electrospray/Ion Trap-Time of Flight, mas na primeira essas ferramentas estavam acopladas, enquanto na segunda os dois processos foram realizados separadamente. Tais procedimentos permitiram identificar 19 peptídeos pertencentes às principais famílias de neuropeptídeos de cérebros de abelhas já descritos na literatura, entre elas as Alatostatina, Apidaecina, Corazonina e Taquicininas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a estratégia off-line foi melhor em comparação à estratégia on-line, devido à possibilidade de se trabalhar com cada fração obtida separadamente para as...
Diante da constatação clínica de que muitos pacientes não conseguem benefício completo da remissão da ulceração em membros inferiores com os tratamentos convencionais, o Setor de Biotecnologia do Hemocentro de Botucatu estabeleceu o protocolo de produção de curativos bioativos, que interagem com a lesão e estimulam via hormônios de crescimento (PDGF, VEFG, FGF e outros) a recuperação da área danificada por indução das células-tronco comissionadas da pele. Estudos realizados na Faculdade de Química de Araraquara culminaram com a purificação do princípio ativo do fitoterápico Cordia ecalyculata para analisar in vitro o seu alto potencial antiinflamatório. Seus diferentes extratos foram enviados ao Laboratório de Engenharia Celular da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu: extrato bruto (EB), fase aquosa (FA), fase hexânica (FH) e fase etérea (FE), que foram testados em diferentes concentrações em cultura de células-tronco mesenquimais humanas (CTM), oriundas de tecido adiposo, com a finalidade de analisar, através de caspase-3, marcador intracelular, o índice de apoptose. Aquele que apresentar o melhor resultado será adicionado à fórmula dos biocurativos. Este trabalho tem os objetivos de avaliar a contribuição da cultura celular de CTM nos testes de tolerância com Cordia ecalyculata, estabelecer o índice de apoptose celular e avaliar o tempo de confluência maior que 80% na cultura de CTM em diferentes concentrações de C. ecalyculata. Os resultados encontrados comprovaram que os extratos que apresentaram os melhores desempenhos foram os da FA em todas as concentrações e FE de 25μg/mL. Os extratos FE nas demais concentrações demonstraram um desempenho insatisfatório,o que nos indica que uma concentração entre 25 e 50μg/mL seja o limite entre a boa execução nas células e toxicidade. Mais testes terão que ser realizados para demonstrar qual é essa concentração de FA é realmente melhor a ser utilizada