616 resultados para Homophobia and education
Background: Adequate nutrition plays an important role in bone mass accrual and maintenance and has been demonstrated as a significant tool for the prevention of fractures in individuals with osteoporosis. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone health-related nutrients intake and its association with osteoporotic fractures in a representative sample of 2344 individuals aged 40 years or older in Brazil. Methods: In a transversal population-based study, a total of 2420 individuals over 40 years old were evaluated from March to April 2006. Participants were men and women from all socioeconomic classes and education levels living around the Brazilian territory Individuals responded a questionnaire including self reported fractures as well a 24-hour food recall. Nutrient intakes were evaluated by Nutrition Data System for Research software (NDSR, University of Minnesota, 2007). Low trauma fracture was defined as that resulting of a fall from standing height or less. Nutrient intakes adequacies were performed by using the DRI's proposed values. Statistical analysis comprises Oneway ANCOVA adjusted by age and use of nutritional supplements and multiple logistic regression. SAS software was used for statistical analysis. Results: Fractures was reported by 13% of men and 15% of women. Women with fractures presented significantly higher calcium, phosphorus and magnesium intakes. However, in all regions and socio-economical levels mean intakes of bone related nutrients were below the recommended levels. It was demonstrated that for every 100 mg/phosphorus increase the risk of fractures by 9% (OR 1.09; IC95% 1.05-1.13, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results demonstrated inadequacies in bone related nutrients in our population as well that an increase in phosphorus intake is related to bone fractures.
Background: This study presents estimates of 12 month and current prevalences of DSM-IV disorders, and the related comor-bidity, disability and service utilization, derived from a national probability sample in Australia. Methods: The DSM-IV psychiatric disorders among persons aged 18 and over in the Australian population were assessed with data collected by lay interviewers using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, other screening interviews and measures of disability and service utilization. The response rate was 78.1% and the final sample size was 10,641 adults. Results: Close to 20% reported at least one twelve month disorder and 13% a disorder current within the past 30 days. ICD-10 diagnoses were also derived, DSM-IV was the more conservative classification whether or not the new clinical significance criteria was applied. Major depression, any personality disorder, and alcohol dependence were the three most common twelve month disorders, generalized anxiety disorder replaced alcohol dependence as the third most common current disorder. The sexes has similar rates of any disorder, but women had higher rates of affective and anxiety disorders, men higher rates of substance use disorders. Prevalence of most disorders declined with age and education, and were lower among those employed or married. Respondents whose symptoms met criteria for three or more disorders in the past year had greatly increased rates of disability and of mental health consultations. The affective and somatoform disorders were associated with the highest rates of disability. Only 36% of people with a mental disorder this year had consulted for a mental problem, and most had seen a general practitioner. We identified those with a current disorder who were disabled or multiply comorbid - only half had consulted and of those who had not, more than half said they did not need treatment. Conclusions: The 12 month prevalence was lower than reported in the US National Comorbidity Survey but method factors might account for this. The relationships between prevalence and demographic variables, and between comorbidity, disability and service utilization were similar to those found in the US survey. Australia has a national health insurance scheme with total coverage and access to medical help is available to all, commonly at little or no cost. We identify the high rate of not consulting among those with a current disorder, and additional disability or multiple comorbidity, as an important public health problem. Kessler argued for more research on barriers to professional help seeking. This report reinforces his conclusion and shows that economic barriers are not the dominant issue.
Bariatric surgery in morbidly obese type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients is associated with high rates of diabetes remission. We investigated the mechanisms of the anti-diabetic effect of the laparoscopic ileal interposition with sleeve gastrectomy (LII-SG) in normal weight (NW), overweight (OW) and obese (OB) T2DM patients. Ninety-four patients (aged 54 +/- 8 years) with long-standing (median 10 years), treated diabetes (median HbA(1c) = 8.6%), who were NW (15), OW (64) or OB (15) based on BMI, underwent LII-SG. Insulin sensitivity and parameters of -cell function were measured from an Oral Glycaemic Tolerance Test pre- and post-operatively. At a median of 13.4 months post-operatively, weight loss averaged 9.4 +/- 1.3, 16.8 +/- 0.8 and 23.2 +/- 1.7 kg in NW, OW and OB subjects, respectively (p < 0.0001). Insulin sensitivity was fully restored (395 [108] vs 208 [99] ml min(-1) m(-2)), fasting insulin secretion rate decreased (68 [52] vs 146 [120] pmol min(-1) m(-2)) and total insulin output increased (52 [26] vs 39 [28] nmol m(-2), all p a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.001). -cell glucose sensitivity doubled (37 [33] vs 18 [24] mol min(-1) m(-2) mM(-1), p < 0.0001). The only parameter predicting remission of diabetes was a lower baseline insulin sensitivity (p = 0.005). LII-SG induced changes on T2DM by mechanisms in part distinct from weight loss, principally involving restoration of insulin sensitivity and improvement of -cell function.
Background: The high prevalence of subjective memory impairment (SMI) in the elderly living in developed countries may be partly dependent on greater demand placed on them by new technologies. As part of a comprehensive study on cognitive impairment in a population living in the Amazon rainforest, we evaluated the prevalence of SMI and investigated the features associated with it. Methods: We evaluated 163 subjects (82 females) with a mean age of 62.3 years (50-94 years), 110 of whom were illiterate, using the answer to a single question ""Do you have memory problems?"" to classify them into groups with or without SMI. The assessment involved application of the Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE), delayed recall from the Brief Cognitive Battery designed for the evaluation of low educated and illiterate individuals, the Patient Questionnaire (PQ) of the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD), and the Happiness Analogical Scale. Results: A very high prevalence of SMI (70%) was observed, exceeding rates reported by similar studies conducted in developed countries. SMI was more frequent in women, whereas age and education did not impact on prevalence. Subjects with SMI had significantly more somatic and psychiatric symptoms on the PQ, as well as lower means on the MMSE, but not on the delayed recall test. Multiple logistic regressions showed that the most important factor associated with the presence of SMI was a high score on the PQ (OR: 3.84, p = 0.011). Conclusion: Psychological and somatic symptoms may be the principal cause of SMI in this population.
Background Factors affecting vulnerability to heat-related mortality are not well understood. Identifying susceptible populations is of particular importance given anticipated rising temperatures from climatic change. Methods We investigated heat-related mortality for three Latin American cities (Mexico City, Mexico; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Santiago, Chile) using a case-crossover approach for 754 291 deaths from 1998 to 2002. We considered lagged exposures, confounding by air pollution, cause of death and susceptibilities by educational attainment, age and sex. Results Same and previous day apparent temperature were most strongly associated with mortality risk. Effect estimates remained positive though lowered after adjustment for ozone or PM(10). Susceptibility increased with age in all cities. The increase in mortality risk for those >= 65 comparing the 95th and 75th percentiles of same-day apparent temperature was 2.69% (95% CI: -2.06 to 7.88%) for Santiago, 6.51% (95% CI: 3.57-9.52%) for Sao Paulo and 3.22% (95% CI: 0.93-5.57%) for Mexico City. Patterns of vulnerability by education and sex differed across communities. Effect estimates were higher for women than men in Mexico City, and higher for men elsewhere, although results by sex were not appreciably different for any city. In Sao Paulo, those with less education were more susceptible, whereas no distinct patterns by education were observed in the other cities. Conclusions Elevated temperatures are associated with mortality risk in these Latin American cities, with the strongest associations in So Paulo, the hottest city. The elderly are an important population for targeted prevention measures, but vulnerability by sex and education differed by city.
Objective: To evaluate nutritional recovery patterns in 106 undernourished children assisted by the Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education (CREN, in Portuguese) between January 1995 and December 1999. Design: CREN assists undernourished children aged 0 to 72 months living in the southern regions of Sao Paulo, in an outpatient setting. Nutritional status was assessed by Z-scores of weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height. Nutritional recovery evaluation considered Z-score gains in weight-for-age and height-for-age, grouping into four categories (Z-score increment of 0.50 between groups). Children with birth weight less than 2500 g were classified as low birth weight (LBW), while those born at term and with LBW were classified as small for gestational age. Setting: CREN (Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education in Portuguese), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subjects: One hundred and six children from CREN. Results: Among the 106 evaluated children, ninety-eight (92.5%)recovered their weight or height and seventy-two (67.9%) recovered both. Nearly half of studied children presented a nutritional recovery (increase in Z-score) of more than 0.50 in height-for-age (46.2%) and about 40% in weight-for-age (38.7%). Multivariate analysis showed that treatment duration and initial weight-for-age contributed to weight-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 25% of the variation; and treatment duration, initial height-for-age and weight-for-age Z-score increment contributed to height-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 62% of the variation. Conclusions: Our findings show that nutritional recovery among children who attended CREN was influenced primarily by the degree of nutritional deficit at admission. It has also been shown that biological variables are more important than socio-economic status in determining the rate of nutritional recovery.
Background. The functional haemodynamic variables pulse pressure variation (PPV), stroke volume variation (SVV), and systolic pressure variation (SPV) are widely used to assess haemodynamic status. However, it is not known how these perform during acute lung injury (ALI). This study evaluated the effects of different ventilatory strategies on haemodynamic parameters in pigs with ALI during normovolaemia and hypovolaemia. Methods. Eight anaesthetized Agroceres pigs [40 (1.9) kg] were instrumented with pulmonary artery, PiCCO, and arterial catheters and ventilated. Three ventilatory settings were randomly assigned for 10 min each: tidal volume (VT) 15 ml kg(-1) and PEEP 5 cm H(2)O, VT 8 ml kg(-1) and PEEP 13 cm H(2)O, or VT 6 ml kg(-1) and PEEP 13 cm H(2)O. Data were collected at each setting at baseline, after ALI (lung lavage+Tween 1.5%), and ALI with hypovolaemia (haemorrhage to 30% of estimated blood volume). Results. At baseline, high VT increased PPV, SVV, and SPV (P < 0.05 for all). During ALI, high VT significantly increased PPV and SVV [(P = 0.002 and P = 0.008) respectively.]. After ALI with hypovolaemia, ventilation at VT 6 ml kg(-1) and PEEP 13 cm H(2)O decreased the accuracy of functional haemodynamic variables to predict hypovolaemia, with the exception of PPV (area under the curve 0.875). The parameters obtained by PiCCO were less influenced by ventilatory changes. Conclusions. VT is the ventilatory parameter which influences functional haemodynamics the most. During ventilation with low VT and high PEEP, most functional variables are less able to accurately predict hypovolaemia secondary to haemorrhage, with the exception of PPV.
Background: To evaluate the cardiopulmonary effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) equalization to intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) in an experimental model of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: Eight anesthetized pigs were submitted to IAH of 20 mm Hg with a carbon dioxide insufflator for 30 minutes and then submitted to lung lavage with saline and Tween (2.5%). Pressure x volume curves of the respiratory system were performed by a low flow method during IAH and ALI, and PEEP was subsequently adjusted to 27 cm center dot H(2)O for 30 minutes. Results: IAH decreases pulmonary and respiratory system static compliances and increases airway resistance, alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, and respiratory dead space. The presence of concomitant ALI exacerbates these findings. PEEP identical to AP moderately improved oxygenation and respiratory mechanics; however, an important decline in stroke index and right ventricle ejection fraction was observed. Conclusions: Simultaneous IAH and ALI produce important impairments in the respiratory physiology. PEEP equalization to AP may improve the respiratory performance, nevertheless with a secondary hemodynamic derangement.
Background and objective The time course of cardiopulmonary alterations after pulmonary embolism has not been clearly demonstrated and nor has the role of systemic inflammation on the pathogenesis of the disease. This study aimed to evaluate over 12 h the effects of pulmonary embolism caused by polystyrene microspheres on the haemodynamics, lung mechanics and gas exchange and on interleukin-6 production. Methods Ten large white pigs (weight 35-42 kg) had arterial and pulmonary catheters inserted and pulmonary embolism was induced in five pigs by injection of polystyrene microspheres (diameter similar to 300 mu mol l(-1)) until a value of pulmonary mean arterial pressure of twice the baseline was obtained. Five other animals received only saline. Haemodynamic and respiratory data and pressure-volume curves of the respiratory system were collected. A bronchoscopy was performed before and 12 h after embolism, when the animals were euthanized. Results The embolism group developed hypoxaemia that was not corrected with high oxygen fractions, as well as higher values of dead space, airway resistance and lower respiratory compliance levels. Acute haemodynamic alterations included pulmonary arterial hypertension with preserved systemic arterial pressure and cardiac index. These derangements persisted until the end of the experiments. The plasma interleukin-6 concentrations were similar in both groups; however, an increase in core temperature and a nonsignificant higher concentration of bronchoalveolar lavage proteins were found in the embolism group. Conclusion Acute pulmonary embolism induced by polystyrene microspheres in pigs produces a 12-h lasting hypoxaemia and a high dead space associated with high airway resistance and low compliance. There were no plasma systemic markers of inflammation, but a higher central temperature and a trend towards higher bronchoalveolar lavage proteins were found. Eur J Anaesthesiol 27:67-76 (C) 2010 European Society of Anaesthesiology.
Background and objective The influence of ventilatory settings on static and functional haemodynamic parameters during mechanical ventilation is not completely known. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of positive end-expiratory pressure, tidal volume and inspiratory to expiratory time ratio variations on haemodynamic parameters during haemorrhage and after transfusion of shed blood. Methods Ten anaesthetized pigs were instrumented and mechanically ventilated with a tidal volume of 8 ml kg(-1), a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cmH(2)O and an inspiratory to expiratory ratio of 1 : 2. Then, they were submitted in a random order to different ventilatory settings (tidal volume 16 ml kg(-1), positive end-expiratory pressure 15 cmH(2)O or inspiratory to expiratory time ratio 2: 1). Functional and static haemodynamic parameters (central venous pressure, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, right ventricular end-diastolic volume and pulse pressure variation) were evaluated at baseline, during hypovolaemia (withdrawal of 20% of estimated blood volume) and after an infusion of withdrawn blood (posttransfusion). Results During baseline, a positive end-expiratory pressure of 15cmH(2)O significantly increased pulmonary artery occlusion pressure from 14.6 +/- 1.6 mmHg to 17.4 +/- 1.7 mmHg (P<0.001) and pulse pressure variation from 15.8 +/- 8.5% to 25.3 +/- 9.5% (P<0.001). High tidal volume increased pulse pressure variation from 15.8 8.5% to 31.6 +/- 10.4% (P<0.001), and an inspiratory to expiratory time ratio of 2: 1 significantly increased only central venous pressure. During hypovolaemia, high positive end-expiratory pressure influenced all studied variables, and high tidal volume strongly increased pulse pressure variation (40.5 +/- 12.4% pre vs. 84.2 +/- 19.1 % post, P<0.001). The inversion of the inspiratory to expiratory time ratio only slightly increased filling pressures during hypovolaemia, without without affecting pulse pressure variation or right ventricle end-diastolic volume. Conclusion We concluded that pulse pressure variation measurement is influenced by cyclic variations in intrathoracic pressure, such as those caused by augmentations in tidal volume. The increase in mean airway pressure caused by positive end-expiratory pressure affects cardiac filling pressures and also pulse pressure variation, although to a lesser extent. Inversion of the inspiratory to expiratory time ratio does not induce significant changes in static and functional haemodynamic parameters. Eur J Anaesthesiol 26:66-72 (c) 2009 European Society of Anaesthesiology.
Objective: To compare the dental status of Brazilian and Canadian elderly populations with respect to socioeconomic and quality of life factors. Materials and methods: A total of 496 adults aged 60-75 years, having four or more teeth, and physically and cognitively suitable for a clinical oral examination were included. Subjects answered questions concerning their lifestyle and completed the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) questionnaire. Results: In all populations, the majority were females, aged between 60 and 65 years and married. Although the Canadian New Immigrant population had lower mean income, they had more remaining teeth (23.04 +/- 6.1), more functional teeth (sound and restored teeth) (14.92 +/- 5.7), more sound teeth (15.40 +/- 7.6), but more carious teeth (2.97 +/- 3.0). The Brazilian population had higher numbers of restored teeth (12.26 +/- 6.8) and fewer remaining teeth (17.80 +/- 7.6). In all populations, females, married and younger (60-65 years old) adults were more likely to retain 20 or more teeth. The mean GOHAI scores were similar for Canadians (40.55 +/- 5.7) and Canadian New Immigrants (39.28 +/- 6.5), but were higher than that among Brazilians (31.97 +/- 8.9). Conclusions: The numbers of remaining teeth were related to greater education and higher income status for Brazilian and Canadian populations. However, Canadian New Immigrants with lower income and education retained more teeth than the other populations.
The neuropathological changes associated with Huntington's disease (HD) are most marked in the head of the caudate nucleus and, to a lesser extent, in the putamen and globus pallidus, suggesting that at least part of the language impairments found in patients with HD may result from non-thalamic subcortical (NTS) pathology. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that a signature profile of impaired language functions is found in patients who have sustained damage to the non-thalamic subcortex, either focally induced or resulting from neurodegenerative pathology. The language abilities of a group of patients with Huntington's disease (n=13) were compared with those of an age- and education-matched group of patients with chronic NTS lesions following stroke (n=13) and a non-neurologically impaired control group (n=13). The three groups were compared on language tasks that assessed both primary and more complex language abilities. The primary language battery consisted of The Western Aphasia Battery and The Boston Naming Test, whilst the more complex cognitive-linguistic battery employed selected subtests from The Test of Language Competence-Expanded, The Test of Word Knowledge and The Word Test-Revised. On many of the tests of primary language function from the Western Aphasia Battery, both the HD and NTS participants performed in a similar manner to the control participants. The language performances of the HD participants were significantly more impaired (p<0.05 using modified Bonferroni adjustments) than the control group, however, on various lexico-semantic tasks (e. g. the Boston Naming Test and providing definitions), on both single-word and sentence-level generative tasks (e. g. category fluency and formulating sentences), and on tasks which required interpretation of ambiguous, figurative and inferential meaning. The difficulties that patients with HD experienced with tasks assessing complex language abilities were strikingly similar, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the language profile produced by NTS participants. The results provide evidence to suggest that a signature language profile is associated with damage to the non-thalamic subcortex resulting from either focal neurological insult or a degenerative disease.
The social work profession is currently undergoing a resurgence of interest regarding the issue of spirituality in social work. This article attempts to summarise and explore the debate so far and to discuss the implications of this in a practice context. Current issues including definitions of spirituality and the key concerns in the areas of both practice and education are addressed. The article concludes with an overview of a model of spiritually sensitive social work practice, and poses options for further professional reflection on the place of spirituality in social work practice.
This paper analyzes a dual economy consisting of urban market areas and less developed rural areas with or without local markets. Urban areas have better opportunities for earnings and education than rural areas. Rural families choose whether to move to urban areas at costs that differ from location to location. As per capita output grows relative to the moving cost, urbanization proceeds, leading to lower fertility, more investments in human and physical capital per child relative to output per worker, and faster economic growth. These impacts are stronger if rural areas have no access to markets.
Objective: To assess understanding of, and actual and potential roles in management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among GPs. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of Queensland GPs selected randomly from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners directory of members was carried out. Main outcome measures were knowledge levels of ADHD, current management practices, referral patterns and self-perceived information and training needs. Results: Three hundred and ninety-nine GPs returned a completed questionnaire (response rate 76%). Roles identified by GPs were: the provisional diagnosis of ADHD and referral to specialist services for confirmation of the diagnosis and initiation of management; assistance with monitoring progress once a management plan was in place; education of the child and their family regarding the disorder; and liaison with the school where necessary. Perceived barriers to increased involvement of GPs were: time and resource constraints of general practice; concerns regarding abuse and addiction liability of prescription stimulants; complex diagnostic issues associated with childhood behavioural problems; and lack of training and education regarding ADHD. Conclusions: General practitioners identify a role for themselves in ADHD care that is largely supportive in nature and involves close liaison with specialist services.