961 resultados para Historia Colonial
Introducción El presente trabajo trata especialmente dos grandes temas. Primero discutiré los problemas de subsistencias que enfrentaron los conquistadores desde que pusieron sus pies en tierras panameñas. El segundo tema se refiere al desarrollo de las actividades agropecuarias en Panamá durante los siglos XVI XVII: primero me ocupare del establecimiento de los españoles en la vertiente pacifica del Istmo entre Panamá y el norte de la península Azuero; luego tratare la consolidación de las actividades productivas de la campiña ya a finales del siglo XVI, cuando quedaron mas o menos definidas sus características; y concluiré en le momento en que ya empezaban a anunciarse cambios estructurales en las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas y concomitantemente en los sistemas de apropiación del suelo, como resultado del agotamiento de los suelos, y la mayor presión demográfica sobre los mismos, fenómenos estos que tienen lugar entre fines del siglo XVII y principios del siguiente.
Introducción"La sociedad colonial en Guatemala: Esutidos regionales y locales" es el título de un libro recientemente publicado y editado por el Dr. Stephen Webre, con apoyo financiero del Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica (Cirma) y del Fondo "Garnie W. Mc Gintry de la Louisiana Tech."...
ResumenEstudio sobre los patrones de matrimonio en la ciudad de Cartago, Costa Rica, en el período 1738-1821. El análisis de los matrimonios endogámicos y exogámicos permite explicar el proceso de mestizaje y el crecimiento diferencial de diferentes grupos étnicos que habitaban en la capital colonial.AbstractA study on marriage patterns in the city of Cartago, Costa Rica, from 1738 to 1821. The discussion of endodagamous and exogamus marriages helps explain the process of racial mixture and the differential growth of ethnic groups inhabiting of colonial capital.
IntroducciónEn éste, el cuarto de dieciseis volúmenes de la serie patrocianda por el Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Molina intenta al menos resumir los resultados de una gran variedad de investigaciones históricas recientes. El autor se destaca tanto por una prosa atractiva, como por un enfoque que no se reduce al esquema "café-capitalismo-sociedad" característico de anteriores estudios suyos. Es más, si hay una sorpresa agradable en esta obra, está en el evidente interés y desarrollo de los estudios de "mentalité", siguiendo tanto a los modelos franco-ingleses como lo poco hecho en el ámbito local...
ResumenEstudia el proceso de reestructuración de la oferta de alimentos a la ciudad de Guatemala, con el fin de evaluar el impacto del auge añilero en el hinterland de la ciudad de Guatemala. También analiza la diferenciación social del campesino indígena al interior de los pueblos a finales del periodo colonial.AbstractThe purpose of this study of the restructuring of food supply to Guatemala City is to asses the impact of the indigo boom on the hinterland of that city. The author also discusses social differentiation of Indian peasant within their town toward the end to the colonial period.
ResumenEn 1994, los estudiantes del Seminario de Graduación Vida Cotidiana en la colonia 1680-1821, se encontraban realizando la investigación en fuentes primarias. La estudiante Eva María Guevara Salazar encontró en el Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica, Serie Municipal Cartago 336, 12-6-1809, la obra de teatro que fue presentada en Cartago, ese mismo año, con motivo de la Jura de Fernando VII. Este es un valioso documento no sólo para los historiadores sino también para los filólogos.
La modernidad se ha promocionado a sí misma como la dadora de la razón y la libertad. No obstante, si revisamos la historia de América Latina después de la Conquista, nos daremos cuenta de que si algo faltó fue libertad. Por ello, al releer el Discurso del método podemos encontramos varias pistas con las cuales ayudarnos a explicar el origen de la colonialidad en las Tierras de Américo. ResumoPromocionao modernidade temse como um doador de razao e liberdade. No entanto, ao rever a história da América Latina, depois da Conquista, é claro que, se algo estava faltando era a liberdade. Relendo o Discurso do Método, encontramos várias faixas que ajudam a explicar a origem da colonialidade en terras da América.
A partir de los estudios sobre la poscolonialidad sabemos que la colonización de lo que ahora denominamos América Latina es intrínseca al desarrollo de la modernidad en Europa y, nos atrevemos a decir que, en esta transculturación, las categorías filosóficas que adoptamos para pensarnos a nosotros mismos en escenarios como la política, la cultura y la historia tienen rasgos de la colonialidad. En un segundo apartado, se analizan los jóvenes y cómo estos, en sus resistencias, construyen diferentes maneras de nombrar las identidades, construir narrativas, y resignificar utopías como formas otras de resistencia a la colonización.
At the turn of the century in Melbourne, a notice typed on the verso of a postcard stated that the South Yarra Baptist Young Men's class was meeting on the following Sunday at 2.45 p.m. The card, published in the United Kingdom, was numbered 51828 in the Valentine series of Papuan postcards.1 The image, a photograph of Hanuabada village taken in the early 1880s, and the text, written early in 1900, are contradictory and constitute separate realms of evidence that invite a renegotiation of meaning, analysis, and interpretation of the relationships between images, tourism, colonial rule, and ethnographic knowing. The visual evidence suggests the postcard may have played an ethnographic, educative role in the public understanding of Papua, which had just become an Australian Territory and was not yet well known. It is also suggestive of educative roles related to mission endeavours, subimperialist ambitions and the new tourist traffic through the ports of Port Moresby, Samarai, and Rabaul.
The extant literature covering the plights of indigenous people resident to the African continent consistently targets colonial law as an obstacle to the recognition of indigenous rights. Whereas colonial law is argued to be archaic and in need of review, which it is, this article argues the new perspective that colonial law is illegitimate for ordering the population it presides over – specifically in Africa. It is seen, in five case studies, that post-colonial legal structures have not considered the legitimacy of colonial law and have rather modified a variety of statutes as country contexts dictated. However, the modified statutes are based on an alien theoretical legality, something laden with connotations that hark to older and backward times. It is ultimately argued that the legal structures which underpin ex-colonies in Africa need considerable revision so as to base statutes on African theoretical legality, rather than imperialistic European ones, so as to maximise the law’s legitimacy.
Geelong, Victoria’s second city, has an AFL football club whose culture and identity is closely tied to the city itself. An analysis of its playing group for the colonial period demonstrates that this local tribalism began early. As football became professionalised towards the end of the nineteenth century, country Victoria lost power in relative terms to metropolitan Melbourne: for example, Ballarat’s three main clubs lost their senior status. But Geelong, with its one remaining senior club, prospered and was admitted to the VFL ranks in 1897. The Geelong players were the sons and nephews of the Western District squattocracy and so had access to networks of power and influence. Many attended the prestigious Geelong Grammar School and the worthy Geelong College (in surprisingly equal numbers). They pursued careers both on the land and in professional roles, and maintained the social connections they had built through the club and other local institutions. Despite their elite standing, however, they continued to be regarded by the supporter base as an embodiment of the city and a defence against the city’s Melbourne critics that Geelong was a mere ‘sleepy hollow’.
The Italian Colonial Experience in the design of the built environment is analysed as a case study of State image promotion.
This article explores the strengths and limitations of settler colonial theory (SCT) as a tool for non-Indigenous scholars seeking to disturb rather than re-enact colonial privilege. Based on an examination of recent Australian academic debates on settler colonialism and the Northern Territory intervention, we argue that SCT is useful in dehistoricizing colonialism, usually presented as an unfortunate but already transcended national past, and in revealing the intimate connections between settler emotions, knowledges, institutions and policies. Most importantly, it makes settler investments visible to settlers, in terms we understand and find hard to escape. However, as others have noted, SCT seems unable to transcend itself, in the sense that it posits a structural inevitability to the settler colonial relationship. We suggest that this structuralism can be mobilized by settler scholars in ways that delegitimize Indigenous resistance and reinforce violent colonial relationships. But while settlers come to stay and to erase Indigenous political existence, this does not mean that these intentions will be realized or must remain fixed. Non-Indigenous scholars should challenge the politically convenient conflation of settler desires and reality, and of the political present and the future. This article highlights these issues in order to begin to unlock the transformative potential of SCT, engaging settler scholars as political actors and arguing that this approach has the potential to facilitate conversations and alliances with Indigenous people. It is precisely by using the strengths of SCT that we can challenge its limitations; the theory itself places ethical demands on us as settlers, including the demand that we actively refuse its potential to re-empower our own academic voices and to marginalize Indigenous resistance.