953 resultados para Hipocampo ventral


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神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发现,在爪蟾胚胎中Nkx6.3的过表达或抑制表达都导致神经嵴标记基因表达降低。进一步研究发现,32细胞期在不同部位注射Nkx6.3 mRNA可以异位诱导或抑制Slug的表达。动物帽实验显示,Nkx6.3单独过表达可以诱导神经嵴发生,而迄今为止转录因子中只有Snail1具有这一单独诱导能力。在爪蟾胚胎及动物帽中,过表达Nkx6.3都可以诱导Fgf8、Wnt8而抑制BMP4的转录,而且Nkx6.3对这些分泌因子的调控方式是不同的。4细胞期过表达Nkx6.3的胚胎,在促进Fgf8和Wnt8而抑制BMP4的同时,却抑制神经板边界特异基因Msx1、Pax3和神经嵴特异基因Slug的表达,说明Nkx6.3对神经嵴的诱导调控在神经板边界基因层次还存在抑制作用。32细胞过表达Nkx6.3会细胞自主性抑制以及细胞非自主诱导Msx1、Pax3、Slug的表达。Nkx6.3异位诱导Dlx5却抑制Dlx3的表达,说明Dlx5可能是Nkx6.3负调控的直接靶基因。由此,我们提出Nkx6.3的神经嵴诱导调控分为两个层次:分泌信号分子水平的正调控和神经板边界决定水平的负调控。在脊椎动物的神经发生过程中,神经管背腹不同层次形成不同的神经元。这些神经元细胞的命运由背腹起源的多种形态发生素决定。形态发生素通过浓度梯度确定了一组转录因子在神经管背腹不同层次的特异表达,这些基因的组合调控决定了神经前体细胞的命运。然而,这些转录因子是如何解读形态发生素梯度信号的还不是很清楚。第四章,我们通过对神经管腹侧特异表达的转录因子的调控区进行预测,确定了可能调控这些基因表达的保守区段。此外,我们改进了爪蟾转基因操作,并用这一技术确证了Nkx6.2的调控区域。Dbx1、Nkx2.2及Pax6的转录调控区已在小鼠或爪蟾中报道过。由此我们得到了两对在神经管背腹图式中相互作用的转录因子的调控区域:Nkx6.2和Dbx1、Nkx2.2和Pax6。通过对Nkx6.2和Dbx1的调控保守区的转录因子结合位点的预测,我们发现这四个基因以及Wnt信号之间存在大量的相互调控。然而在这两个基因的调控区,我们没有发现Gli的调控位点,暗示这两个基因可能不受Shh的直接调控。我们还克隆了Dbx家族的两个基因,并检测了它们的时空特异性表达,发现Dbx2是母源性表达的,而Dbx1是合子型基因。这两个基因的表达图式相似,都在神经板中线两侧成线状表达,尾芽期在神经管中部表达。过表达Dbx2抑制神经元的初级分化,说明它可能与Dbx1一样具有维持神经板细胞未分化状态的功能。Dbx2的过表达还抑制Nkx6.2及Dbx1的表达,说明它们可能一起参与了神经管腹侧图式的调控。


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一、大鼠海马-前额叶回路在学习记忆中的作用 解剖学研究证实大鼠和猴的海马结构(hippocampal formation, HF;本文‘海马 (hippocampus, Hip)’一词即指海马结构)和前额叶 (prefrontal cortex, PFC) 之间存在一条单向、同侧和单突触的神经回路,即海马-前额叶回路(Hip-PFC回路)。Hip和PFC均参与学习记忆等多种认知功能,PFC是工作记忆的关键脑区,而Hip是空间参考记忆的关键脑区。虽然人们已经对PFC和Hip进行了广泛深入的研究,但对Hip-PFC回路参与哪些认知功能还知之甚少。本研究的目的就是通过暂时阻断Hip-PFC回路,探讨其在学习和记忆中的作用。 在大鼠,Hip-PFC回路中的纤维主要从Hip腹部 (ventral hippocampus, VH)发出,投射到PFC的前边缘皮质(prelimbic cortex, PLC)、下边缘皮质 (infralimbic cortex, ILC) 和外侧前额叶 (lateral prefrontal cortex) 等亚区,其中PLC是Hip-PFC主要投射的区域。我们通过给动物安装慢性导管向脑内注射GABAA受体激动剂muscimol (MU) 阻断Hip-PFC回路。注射位点包括 ①双侧PLC,②双侧VH,③一侧VH和对侧PLC (VH-PLC)。我们首先观察了在PLC或VH局部注射MU对自由活动大鼠PLC和VH脑电功率的影响,并以此确定在行为实验中所用蝇蕈醇的剂量。然后采用T-迷宫空间交互延缓作业 (spatial delayed alternation task) 测试Hip-PFC回路被阻断的动物的空间工作记忆功能;采用被动回避作业 (passive avoidance task) 测试其情绪相关记忆的能力(训练前给药;24 h后重测试);采用Morris水迷宫作业 (Morris water maze task) 测试其空间参考记忆的能力(每天训练前给药;训练期(3 d)结束24 h后重测试)。结果表明:在大鼠PLC或VH局部注射0.5 μg/0.25μl MU后30 min显著抑制VH 和PLC的脑电功率 (VH, p < 0.01; PLC, p < 0.05 vs. PBS/baseline)。注射MU (0.5 μg/0.25μl) 到 ①双侧PLC、②双侧VH、③VH-PLC均显著降低动物在空间交互延缓作业 (All p < 0.001, vs. PBS) 和空间Morris水迷宫作业中的成绩 (All p < 0.05, vs. PBS),表明Hip-PFC回路在空间工作记忆(空间短时记忆)和在空间参考记忆(空间长时记忆)中均起重要作用。在空间交互延缓作业中,双侧PLC被抑制的大鼠的成绩显著低于双侧VH或VH-PLC被抑制的动物,说明PFC在空间工作记忆功能中占有主导地位。在被动回避作业中,双侧VH被抑制动物的回避反应的潜伏期显著短于对照动物 (p < 0.05 vs. PBS),说明双侧VH被抑制动物的情绪记忆受损;而双侧PLC或VH-PLC被抑制的动物其回避反应的潜伏期与对照动物无显著差异 (PLC, p > 0.9; VH-PLC, p > 0.3 vs. PBS),表明双侧PLC或VH-PLC被抑制的动物情绪记忆正常。被动回避作业的结果说明VH参与情绪记忆的形成,但Hip-PFC回路在情绪记忆形成中不起重要作用。 以上结果表明,大鼠Hip-PFC回路参与空间工作记忆和空间参考记忆而不是情绪记忆功能。情绪记忆的关键脑结构是杏仁复合体 (amygdala complex, AMC),VH与AMC有密切的纤维联系。VH被抑制的大鼠情绪记忆受损,说明情绪记忆可能与AMC-Hip回路有关。情绪记忆与空间记忆(参考记忆和工作记忆)在解剖上的分离说明,对于不同类型的记忆来说,其在脑内的信息加工过程是并行的。神经回路内部的信息加工过程则是串行的,回路上任何一个结构的破坏均可导致回路功能的损伤。本研究的结果为学习记忆的“多重记忆系统”理论和记忆信息加工的串行并行机制提供了新的实验证据。 二、芬克罗酮改善成年恒河猴空间工作记忆的谷氨酸机制 芬克罗酮是中科院昆明植物所郝小江等合成的取代吡咯烷酮类化合物。中科院昆明动物所蔡景霞等发现芬克罗酮能改善东莨菪碱、育亨宾等导致的多种动物的不同类型的学习记忆障碍,提高老年动物的学习记忆能力,尤其是老年猴的空间工作记忆。已证实芬克罗酮为部分钙激动剂,可使脑缺血沙土鼠脑内升高的谷氨酸降低,而使正常的沙土鼠海马胞外谷氨酸释放增加。那么芬克罗酮能否提高正常动物的学习记忆,其对正常动物学习记忆的提高是否与其增加谷氨酸的释放有关?本研究采用空间延缓反应作业和谷氨酸NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801在正常成年猴恒河猴上探讨了以上问题。 结果表明,口服芬克罗酮可显著提高成年猴的空间工作记忆,其量效曲线呈倒‘U’形,符合许多促智药的量效特点。0.25 mg/kg和0.5 mg/kg为芬克罗酮的最佳有效剂量 (p < 0.05 vs. 安慰剂)。肌注MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) 显著降低成年猴的空间工作记忆 (p < 0.01 vs. 安慰剂),而口服2.0 mg/kg和4.0 mg/kg的芬克罗酮则显著改善MK-801导致的工作记忆障碍 (p < 0.05 vs. MK-801)。芬克罗酮的所有测试剂量不影响猴在作业中的反应时 (p > 0.05 vs. 安慰剂),表明芬克罗酮在该剂量范围不影响动物的运动能力。 本研究结果提示,芬克罗酮可能通钙激动作用促进谷氨酸的释放,在一定剂量范围内提高胞外谷氨酸水平,提高正常动物的空间工作记忆等认知功能。 关键词:芬克罗酮,恒河猴,空间工作记忆,空间延缓反应作业,谷氨酸,MK-801


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Nine species of Prionospio complex are recorded front China's waters, including one new species and six newly recorded species. Prionospio (Prionospio) pacifica sp. nov., is characterized by having first and forth pairs of branchiae pinnate, second and third pairs of apinnate, ventral crest on Setiger 9 and dorsal crests on Setigers 10-25. Apoprionospio kirrae (Wilson, 1990), Prionospio (Aquilaspio) convexa Imajima, 1990, Prionospio (Minuspio) multibranchiata Berkeley, 1927, Prionospio (Prionospio) bocki Soderstrom, 1920, Prionospio (Prionospio) dubia Maciolek, 1985 and Prionospio (Prionospio) paradisea Imajima, 1990 are recorded for the first time from China's waters.


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Six species belonging to two families of Hemichordata have previously been recorded in Chinese waters. This paper records the discovery and description of a new species of the genus Glandiceps found in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, Shandong Province, named Glandiceps qingdaoensis. The new species has a long proboscis with dorsal and ventral grooves, a stomochord with a long vermiform process, a proboscis cavity with a dorsal median, right and left glomeruli, right and left glomeruli very large and encircling the stomochord, a proboscis skeleton in the cavity extends into the median posterior of the collar, a well-developed dorsal ventral muscular septum in the proboscis cavity dividing the cavity completely into two separate parts. The collar cord is without giant nerve roots. The trunk with four distinct regions that can be recognized externally: branchial-genital region, genital region, hepatic region, and intestinal region. The dorsal pharynx is large and the gill pores are small. The tongue bars are encircled by vesicles, and the first gonad commences at the level of the second or third gill slit.


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Two new urostylid ciliates, Metaurostylopsis songi n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis salina n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis marina (Kahl 1932) are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. These species were isolated in Korea from intertidal sediments, saline ponds, and coastal waters. Metaurostylopsis songi is in vivo about 120 pm x 25 mu m, has a slenderly ellipsoidal body, colorless cortical granules in rows on ventral and dorsal body sides, about 54 macronuclear nodules, 28-47 adoral membranelles, five frontal, two or three frontoterminal and six or seven transverse cirri, and 9-12 midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by 1-3 single cirri. In vivo M. salina is about 60 pin x 25 mu m, has a pyriform body, colorless cortical granules irregularly arranged, about 45 macronuclear nodules, 18-23 adoral membranelles, three frontal, three to five frontoterminal and two to five transverse cirri, and four or five midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by five to seven single cirri. Both species have three marginal cirral rows on each body side and 3 long dorsal kineties. The Korean specimens of M. marina match the Chinese population in all main features. Metaurostylopsis songi differs from M. marina by the more slender body, the number of frontal cirri (invariably five vs. four), and the arrangement of cortical granules (in rows on dorsal and ventral cortex vs. only along dorsal kinetics and anterior body margin). Metaurostylopsis salina differs from its congeners by the distinctly smaller size, the pyriform body shape, the scattered cortical granules (vs. in rows), and number of frontal cirri. It differs from M. marina also by the number of midventral cirral pairs (four or five vs. seven to 11).


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The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Metastrongylidium distichum, isolated from the Yellow Sea, are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Metastrongylidium distichum is about 170 x 40 pm in vivo, clavate to elongate ellipsoidal with bluntly pointed posterior end, and has two macronuclear nodules, six distinctly large buccal and frontal cirri, three dorsal kineties and two each of spiralled ventral and marginal cirral rows. These features indicate a generic allocation in Strongylidium Sterki, 1878. However, the new ciliate has a distinct feature not recognizable in Strongylidiurn, viz., the presence of (three or four) transverse cirri. Thus, we propose a new genus Metastrongylidium for the new species, M distichum nov. gen., n. sp. Metastrongylidium belongs to the family Spirofilidae, where it differs from Mucotrichidium by the lack of postperistomial cirrus and the different frontal and ventral cirral pattern. Metastrongylidium distichum is easily distinguishable from the seemingly similar species Strongylidium californicum Kahl, 1932 by the macronuclear pattern (invariably 2 vs. many nodules). It highly resembles the poorly known species S. contortum (Gelei 1954) Borror, 1972 in the body outline and nuclear pattern, differing in the biotope, the posterior cirral pattern, and the arrangement of right marginal row.


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Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers, 1901), a poorly known and potentially cosmopolitan polychaete, was examined from museum specimens and from collections in Jiaozhou Bay, the Yellow Sea. New observations indicate that previous Chinese records of P. pinnata are doubtful, and that Chinese waters contain at least three valid species of Paraprionospio, two are known and one is new. Paraprionospio inaequibranchia (Caullery, 1914) and Paraprionospio coora Wilson, 1990, previously misidentified as P. pinnata, are reported from Chinese waters for the first time. Paraprionospio crist'ata. new species, is characterized by having brown pigment patches on the prostomium, ventral crests on chaetigers 9 and 10, dorsal crests on the middle part of the body (from chaetigers 21-23, not beyond chaetiger 29). thin filaments on chaetiger 3, and bifoliate branchial lamellae.


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提出了一种新型的可重构蛇形机器人机构。该机构主要特点是单关节结构模块化 ,具有可适应地面形状变化的柔性连接环节和类似于蛇腹鳞摩擦特性的机构底部 ,手动可重构 ,当单自由度关节轴线互相平行连接时 ,该机构可实现多种平面运动形式 ,当单自由度关节轴线垂直依次连接时 ,形成的蛇形机器人具有两自由度的关节 ,可进行多种空间运动。试验结果证实 ,该蛇形机构重量轻、控制简单、运动灵活 ,能够很好地仿生蛇的多种运动形式


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Mental dependence, characterized by craving and impulsive seeking behavior, is the matter of intensive study in the field of drug addiction. The mesolimbic dopamine system has been suggested to play an important role in rewarding of drugs and relapse. Although chronic drug use can induce neuroadaptations of the mesolimbic system and changes of drug reinforcement, these mechanisms cannot fully account for the craving and the compulsive drug-using behavior of addicts. Acknowledging the reinforcement effects of drugs, most previous studies have studied the impact of environmental cues and conditioned learning on addiction behavior, often using established classical or operant conditioning model. These studies, however, paid little attention to the role of cognitive control and emotion in addiction. These mental factors that are believed to have an important influence on conditioned learning. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has close anatomic and functional connections with the mesolimbic dopamine system. A number of the cognitive neurological studies demonstrate that mPFC is involved in motivation, emotional regulation, monitoring of responses and other executive functions. Thus we speculated that the function of abnormality in mPFC following chronic drug use would cause related to the abnormal behavior in addicts including impulse and emotional changes. In the present study of a series of experiments, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the hemodynamic response of the mPFC and related circuits to various cognitive and emotional stimuli in heroin addicts and to explore the underlying dopamine neuromechnism by microinjection of tool drugs into the mPFC in laboratory animals. In the first experiment, we found that heroin patients, relative to the normal controls, took a much shorter time and committed more errors in completing the more demanding of cognitive regulation in the reverse condition of the task, while the neural activity in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was attenuated. In the second experiment, the scores of the heroin patients in self-rating depression scale (SDS) and Self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) were significantly higher than the normal controls and they rated the negative pictures more aversive than the normal controls. Being congruent with the behavioral results, hemodynamic response to negative pictures showed significant difference between the two groups in bilateral ventral mPFC (VMPFC), amygdala, and right thalamus. The VMPFC of patients showed increased activation than normal controls, whereas activation in the amygdala of patients was weaker than that in normal subjects. Our third experiment showed that microinjection of D1 receptor agonist SKF38393 into the mPFC of rats decreased hyperactivity, which was induced by morphine injection, in contrast, D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 increased the hyperactivity, These findings suggest: (1) The behavior and neural activity in ACC of addicts changed in chronic drug users. Their impulsive behavior might result from the abnormal neural activity in the mPFC especially the ACC. (2) Heroine patients were more depress and anxiety than normal controls. The dysfunction of the mPFC---amygdala circuit of heroine addicts might be related to the abnormal emotion response. (3) Dopamine in the mPFC has an inhibitory effect on morphine induced behavior. The hyperactivity induced by chronic morphine was reduced by dopamine increase with D1 receptor agonist, confirm the first experiment that the neuroadaption of mPFC system induced by chronic morphine administration appears to be the substrate the impulse behavior of drug users.


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Reading is an important human-specific skill obtained through extensive learning experience and is reliance on the ability to rapidly recognize single words. According to the behavioral studies, the most important stage of reading is the representation of “visual word form”, which is independent on surface visual features of the reading materials. The prelexical visual word form representation is characterized by the abstractive and highly effective and precise processing. Neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies have investigated the neural basis underlying the visual word form processing. On the basis of summary of the existing literature, the current thesis aimed to address three fundamental questions involving neural basis of word recognition. First, is there a dedicated neural network that is specialized for word recognition? Second, is the orthographic information represented in the putative word/character selective region (VWFA)? Third, what is the role of reading experience in the genesis of the VWFA, is experience a main driver to shape VWFA instead of evolutionary selectivity? Nineteen Chinese literate volunteers, 5 Chinese illiterates and 4 native English speakers participated in this study, and performed perceptual tasks during fMRI scanning. To address the first question, we compared the differential responses to three categories of visual objects, i.e., faces, line drawings of objects and Chinese characters, and defined the region of interesting (ROI) for the next experiment. To address the second question, Chinese character orthography was manipulated to reveal possible differential responses to real characters, false characters, radical combinations, and stroke combinations in the regions defined by the first experiment. To examine the role of reading experience in genesis of specialization for character, the responses for unfamiliar Chinese characters in Chinese illiterates and native English speakers were compared with that in the Chinese literates, and tracked the change in cortical activation after a short-term reading training in the illiterates. Data were analyzed in two dimensions. Both BOLD signal amplitude and spatial distribution pattern among multi-voxels were used to systematically investigate the responsiveness of the left fusiform gyrus to Chinese characters. Our results provide strong and clear evidence for the existence of functionally specialized regions in the human ventral occipital-temporal cortex. In the skilled readers a region specialized for written words could be consistently found in the lateral part of the left fusiform gyrus, line drawings in the median part and faces in the middle. Our results further show that spatial distribution analysis, a method that was not commonly used in neuroimaging of reading, appears to be a more effective measurement for category specialization for visual objects processing. Although we failed to provide evidence that VWFA processes orthographic information in terms of signal intensitiy, we do show that response pattern of real characters and radical collections in this area is different from that of false characters and random stroke combinations. Our last set of experiments suggests that the selective bias to reading material is clearly experience dependent. The response to unknown characters in both English speakers/readers and Chinese illiterates is fundamentally different from that of the skilled Chinese readers. The response pattern for unknown characters is more similar to that for line drawings rather as a weak version of character in skilled Chinese readers. Short-term training is not sufficient to produce VWFA bias even when tested with learned characters, rather the learned characters generated a overall upward shift of the activation of the left fusiform region. Formation of a dedicated region specialized for visual word/character might depend on long-term extensive reading experience, or there might be a critical period for reading acquisition.


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Drug-associated cue-induced relapse to drug seeking causes most difficulties of therapy for drug addiction. Addicts are exposed to two forms of environmental stimuli during drug-taking: contextual stimuli (e.g. a house in which the drug is consumed) and discrete stimuli (DS, e.g. a crack pipe or a syringe for drug). These stimuli become contextual cues and discrete cues, respectively. The incentive value of contextual cues plays a great role in opiates relapse. Compared with drug self-administration model, conditioned place preference (CPP) reflects the approach behavior for drug cues, not concerned with acquisition of operant behaviors. The present study aimed to investigate the role of basolateral amygdala (BLA) and hippocampus in the effect of opiates-related contextual cues using CPP model. Establishing DS-dependent or contextual cues-dependent CPP, the effect of BLA or hippocampus inactivation prior to training phase on acquisition of contextual cues-opiates association was evaluated. Inactivation prior to test phase was used to evaluate roles of BLA and hippocampus in expression of contextual cues-dependent morphine CPP. The main results were as follows: Inactivation of BLA or dorsal hippocampus selectively impaired acquisition of contextual cue-dependent CPP, but inactivation of ventral hippocampus had no impact on acquisition of either DS-dependent or contextual cue-dependent morphine CPP. Inactivation of BLA selectively inhibited expression of contextual cue-depended CPP. Inactivation of ventral hippocampus inhibited expression of both DS-dependent and contextual cue-dependent morphine CPP. These results suggest that BLA and dorsal hippocampus contribute to contextual cue association with opiates but not DS-opiates association. BLA and ventral hippocampus play important roles in incentive value of contextual cues. The present study provides more information for the neurological substrates underlying contextual cues associated with opiates.


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A number of functional neuroimaging studies with skilled readers consistently showed activation to visual words in the left mid-fusiform cortex in occipitotemporal sulcus (LMFC-OTS). Neuropsychological studies also showed that lesions at left ventral occipitotemporal areas result in impairment in visual word processing. Based on these empirical observations and some theoretical speculations, a few researchers postulated that the LMFC-OTS is responsible for instant parallel and holistic extraction of the abstract representation of letter strings, and labeled this piece of cortex as “visual word form area” (VWFA). Nonetheless, functional neuroimaging studies alone is basically a correlative rather than causal approach, and lesions in the previous studies were typically not constrained within LMFC-OTS but also involving other brain regions beyond this area. Given these limitations, it remains unanswered for three fundamental questions: is LMFC-OTS necessary for visual word processing? is this functionally selective for visual word processing while unnecessary for processing of non-visual word stimuli? what are its function properties in visual word processing? This thesis aimed to address these questions through a series of neuropsychological, anatomical and functional MRI experiments in four patients with different degrees of impairments in the left fusiform gyrus. Necessity: Detailed analysis of anatomical brain images revealed that the four patients had differential foci of brain infarction. Specifically, the LMFC-OTS was damaged in one patient, while it remained intact in the other three. Neuropsychological experiments showed that the patient with lesions in the LMFC-OTS had severe impairments in reading aloud and recognizing Chinese characters, i.e., pure alexia. The patient with intact LMFC-OTS but information from the left visual field (LVF) was blocked due to lesions in the splenium of corpus callosum, showed impairment in Chinese characters recognition when the stimuli were presented in the LVF but not in the RVF, i.e. left hemialexia. In contrast, the other two patients with intact LMFC-OTS had normal function in processing Chinese characters. The fMRI experiments demonstrated that there was no significant activation to Chinese characters in the LMFC-OTS of the pure alexic patient and of the patient with left hemialexia when the stimuli were presented in the LVF. On the other hand, this patient, when Chinese characters were presented in right visual field, and the other two with intact LMFC-OTS had activation in the LMFC-OTS. These results together point to the necessity of the LMFC-OTS for Chinese character processing. Selectivity: We tested selectivity of the LMFC-OTS for visual word processing through systematically examining the patients’ ability for processing visual vs. auditory words, and word vs. non-word visual stimuli, such as faces, objects and colors. Results showed that the pure alexic patients could normally process auditory words (expression, understanding and repetition of orally presented words) and non-word visual stimuli (faces, objects, colors and numbers). Although the patient showed some impairments in naming faces, objects and colors, his performance scores were only slightly lower or not significantly different relative to those of the patients with intact LMFC-OTS. These data provide compelling evidence that the LMFC-OTS is not requisite for processing non-visual word stimuli, thus has selectivity for visual word processing. Functional properties: With tasks involving multiple levels and aspects of word processing, including Chinese character reading, phonological judgment, semantic judgment, identity judgment of abstract visual word representation, lexical decision, perceptual judgment of visual word appearance, and dictation, copying, voluntary writing, etc., we attempted to reveal the most critical dysfunction caused by damage in the LMFC-OTS, thus to clarify the most essential function of this region. Results showed that in addition to dysfunctions in Chinese character reading, phonological and semantic judgment, the patient with lesions at LMFC-OTS failed to judge correctly whether two characters (including compound and simple characters) with different surface features (e.g., different fonts, printed vs. handwritten vs. calligraphy styles, simplified characters vs. traditional characters, different orientations of strokes or whole characters) had the same abstract representation. The patient initially showed severe impairments in processing both simple characters and compound characters. He could only copy a compound character in a stroke-by-stroke manner, but not by character-by-character or even by radical-by-radical manners. During the recovery process, namely five months later, the patient could complete the abstract representation tasks of simple characters, but showed no improvement for compound characters. However, he then could copy compound characters in a radical-by-radical manner. Furthermore, it seems that the recovery of copying paralleled to that of judgment of abstract representation. These observations indicate that lesions of the LMFC-OTS in the pure alexic patients caused several damage in the ability of extracting the abstract representation from lower level units to higher level units, and the patient had especial difficulty to extract the abstract representation of whole character from its secondary units (e.g., radicals or single characters) and this ability was resistant to recover from impairment. Therefore, the LMFC-OTS appears to be responsible for the multilevel (particularly higher levels) abstract representations of visual word form. Successful extraction seems independent on access to phonological and semantic information, given the alexic patient showed severe impairments in reading aloud and semantic processing on simple characters while maintenance of intact judgment on their abstract representation. However, it is also possible that the interaction between the abstract representation and its related information e.g. phonological and semantic information was damaged as well in this patient. Taken together, we conclude that: 1) the LMFC-OTS is necessary for Chinese character processing, 2) it is selective for Chinese character processing, and 3) its critical function is to extract multiple levels of abstract representation of visual word and possibly to transmit it to phonological and semantic systems.


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Schizophrenia is a heritable disorder. However, molecular genetics and related research area have not unmasked the nature and mechanisms of this disorder. Therefore, many researchers begin to explore the pathology mechanism from other approaches. High-risk study is one of the promising approaches. In this study, we mainly focused on facial emotion perception in schizophrenia and their non-psychotic first-degree relatives, and attempted to explore whether facial emotion perception is the potential biological marker of schizophrenia. This dissertation comprises 4 studies. In the first study, we conducted a meta-analysis on behavioral data of facial emotion perception in schizophrenia. Our findings showed that patients demonstrated general deficits in both facial emotion perception and facial processing tasks. In the second study, sixty-nine patients with schizophrenia and 56 of their first-degree relatives (33 parents and 23 siblings), and 92 healthy controls (67 younger and 25 older healthy controls) completed a set of facial emotion perception tasks. The results validated that patients with schizophrenia displayed general deficits in facial emotion perception. Study two also demonstrated that siblings of patients performed equally well compared to the corresponding younger healthy controls in all the facial emotion perception tasks, while the parents of patients behaved significantly worse than the corresponding older healthy controls in the composite index of facial emotion perception tasks. The results suggest that relatives of patients display more severely declining in facial emotion perception with the increasing of age. In the third study, we used an automated voxel-wise technique, activation likelihood estimation (ALE) to provide an objective, quantitative evaluation of facial emotion processing in schizophrenia. Our findings demonstrated a marked under-recruitment of the amygdala, accompanied by a substantial limitation in activation in schizophrenia throughout a ventral temporal-basal ganglia-prefrontal cortex ‘social-brain’ system may be central to the difficulties patients experience when processing facial emotion. In the last study, we did an fMRI study about facial emotion perception in 12 patients with schizophrenia, 12 non-psychotic siblings of patients and 12 healthy controls. The results suggest that siblings of patients demonstrate abnormal activation in a variety of brain areas, including prefrontal gyrus, insula, parahippocampal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus. Taken together, the current findings suggest facial emotion perception may be a potential biological marker of schizophrenia.


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To explore the neural mechanisms underlying conditioned immunomodulation, this study employed the classical taste aversion (CTA) behavioral paradigm to establish the conditioned humoral and cellular immunosuppression (CIS) in Wistar rats, by paring saccharin (CS) with intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of an immunosuppressive drug cyclophophamide (UCS). C-fos immunohistochemistry method was used to observe the changes of the neuronal activities in the rat brain during the acquisition, expression and extinction of the conditioned immunosuppression (CIS). The followings are the main results: 1. Five days after one trial of CS-UCS paring, reexposure to CS alone significantly decreased the level of the anti-ovalbumin (OVA) IgG in the peripheral serum. Two trials of CS-UCS paring and three reexposures to CS not only resulted in further suppression of the primary immune response, but also reduced the numbers of peripheral lymphocytes and white blood cells. This finding indicates that CS can induce suppression of the immune function, and the magnitude of the effects is dependent on the intensity of training. 2. On day 5 following two trials of CS-UCS pairing, CS suppressed the spleen lymphocytes responsiveness to mitogens ConA, PHA and PWM, and decreased the numbers of peripheral lymphocytes and white blood cells. On day 15, only PHA induced lymphocyte proliferation was suppressed by CS. On day 30, presentation of CS did not have any effect on these immune parameters. These results suggest that the conditioned suppression of the cellular immune function can retain 5-15 days, and extinct after 30 days. 3. CTA was easily induced by one or two CS-UCS parings, and remained robust even after 30 days. These data demonstrate that CIS can be dissociated from CTA, and they may be mediated by different neural mechanisms. 4. Immunohistochemistry assays revealed a broad pattern of c-fos expression throughout the rat brain following the CS-UCS pairing and reexposure to CS, suggesting that many brain regions are involved in CIS. Some brain areas including the solitary tract nucleus (Sol), lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPB) and insular cortex (IC), showed high level c-fos expressions in response to both CS and UCS, suggesting that they may be involved in the transmission and integration of the CS and UCS signals in the brain. There were dense c-FOS positive neurons in the paraverntricular nucleus (PVN) and supraoptic nucleus (SO) of hypothalamus, subfornical organ (SFO) and area postrema (AP) etc. after two trials of CS-UCS paring and after the reexposure to CS 5 days later, but not in the first training and after the extinction of CIS (30 days later). The results reflect that these nuclei may have an important role in CIS expression, and may also response to the immunosuppression of UCS. The conditioned training and reexposure to CS 5 days later induced high level c-fos expression in the cingulate cortex (Cg), central amygdaloid nucleus (Ce), intermediate part of lateral septal nucleus (LSI) and ventrolateral parabrachial nucleus (VLPB) etc. But c-fos induction was not apparent when presenting CS 30 days later. These brain regions are mainly involved in CIS, and may be critical structures in the acquisition and expression of CIS. Some brain regions, including the frontal cortex (Fr), ventral orbital cortex (VO), IC, perirhinal cortex (PRh), LPB and the medial part of solitary nucleus (SolM), showed robust c-FOS expression following the conditioning training and reexposure to CS both on day 5 and day 30, suggesting that they are critically involved in CTA.


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Before choosing, it helps to know both the expected value signaled by a predictive cue and the associated uncertainty that the reward will be forthcoming. Recently, Fiorillo et al. (2003) found the dopamine (DA) neurons of the SNc exhibit sustained responses related to the uncertainty that a cure will be followed by reward, in addition to phasic responses related to reward prediction errors (RPEs). This suggests that cue-dependent anticipations of the timing, magnitude, and uncertainty of rewards are learned and reflected in components of the DA signals broadcast by SNc neurons. What is the minimal local circuit model that can explain such multifaceted reward-related learning? A new computational model shows how learned uncertainty responses emerge robustly on single trial along with phasic RPE responses, such that both types of DA responses exhibit the empirically observed dependence on conditional probability, expected value of reward, and time since onset of the reward-predicting cue. The model includes three major pathways for computing: immediate expected values of cures, timed predictions of reward magnitudes (and RPEs), and the uncertainty associated with these predictions. The first two model pathways refine those previously modeled by Brown et al. (1999). A third, newly modeled, pathway is formed by medium spiny projection neurons (MSPNs) of the matrix compartment of the striatum, whose axons co-release GABA and a neuropeptide, substance P, both at synapses with GABAergic neurons in the SNr and with the dendrites (in SNr) of DA neurons whose somas are in ventral SNc. Co-release enables efficient computation of sustained DA uncertainty responses that are a non-monotonic function of the conditonal probability that a reward will follow the cue. The new model's incorporation of a striatal microcircuit allowed it to reveals that variability in striatal cholinergic transmission can explain observed difference, between monkeys, in the amplitutude of the non-monotonic uncertainty function. Involvement of matriceal MSPNs and striatal cholinergic transmission implpies a relation between uncertainty in the cue-reward contigency and action-selection functions of the basal ganglia. The model synthesizes anatomical, electrophysiological and behavioral data regarding the midbrain DA system in a novel way, by relating the ability to compute uncertainty, in parallel with other aspects of reward contingencies, to the unique distribution of SP inputs in ventral SN.