956 resultados para Higher Order Ionosphere Effects


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In this thesis we build a novel analysis framework to perform the direct extraction of all possible effective Higgs boson couplings to the neutral electroweak gauge bosons in the H → ZZ(*) → 4l channel also referred to as the golden channel. We use analytic expressions of the full decay differential cross sections for the H → VV' → 4l process, and the dominant irreducible standard model qq ̄ → 4l background where 4l = 2e2μ,4e,4μ. Detector effects are included through an explicit convolution of these analytic expressions with transfer functions that model the detector responses as well as acceptance and efficiency effects. Using the full set of decay observables, we construct an unbinned 8-dimensional detector level likelihood function which is con- tinuous in the effective couplings, and includes systematics. All potential anomalous couplings of HVV' where V = Z,γ are considered, allowing for general CP even/odd admixtures and any possible phases. We measure the CP-odd mixing between the tree-level HZZ coupling and higher order CP-odd couplings to be compatible with zero, and in the range [−0.40, 0.43], and the mixing between HZZ tree-level coupling and higher order CP -even coupling to be in the ranges [−0.66, −0.57] ∪ [−0.15, 1.00]; namely compatible with a standard model Higgs. We discuss the expected precision in determining the various HVV' couplings in future LHC runs. A powerful and at first glance surprising prediction of the analysis is that with 100-400 fb-1, the golden channel will be able to start probing the couplings of the Higgs boson to diphotons in the 4l channel. We discuss the implications and further optimization of the methods for the next LHC runs.


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An advanced beam propagation model was developed to show that the far field narrows with good suppression of higher order modes for an appropriate temperature rise, without significant power penalty. To verify the accuracy of the model, the dependence of far field pattern on bias conditions were assessed both experimentally and theoretically, initially under pulsed conditions to reduce thermal effects. The results highlight the optimum taper angle and the role of local heating effects.


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Accurate modeling of gas microflow is crucial for the microfluidic devices in MEMS. Gas microflows through these devices are often in the slip and transition flow regimes, characterized by the Knudsen number of the order of 10-2∼100. An increasing number of researchers now dedicate great attention to the developments in the modeling of non-equilibrium boundary conditions in the gas microflows, concentrating on the slip model. In this review, we present various slip models obtained from different theoretical, computational and experimental studies for gas microflows. Correct descriptions of the Knudsen layer effect are of critical importance in modeling and designing of gas microflow systems and in predicting their performances. Theoretical descriptions of the gas-surface interaction and gas-surface molecular interaction models are introduced to describe the boundary conditions. Various methods and techniques for determination of the slip coefficients are reviewed. The review presents the considerable success in the implementation of various slip boundary conditions to extend the Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations into the slip and transition flow regimes. Comparisons of different values and formulations of the first- and second-order slip coefficients and models reveal the discrepancies arising from different definitions in the first-order slip coefficient and various approaches to determine the second-order slip coefficient. In addition, no consensus has been reached on the correct and generalized form of higher-order slip expression. The influences of specific effects, such as effective mean free path of the gas molecules and viscosity, surface roughness, gas composition and tangential momentum accommodation coefficient, on the hybrid slip models for gas microflows are analyzed and discussed. It shows that although the various hybrid slip models are proposed from different viewpoints, they can contribute to N-S equations for capturing the high Knudsen number effects in the slip and transition flow regimes. Future studies are also discussed for improving the understanding of gas microflows and enabling us to exactly predict and actively control gas slip. © Springer-Verlag 2012.


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The effect of displaying cytochromes from an amyloid fibre is modelled as perturbation of -strands in a bilayer of helical -sheets, thereby explaining the spiral morphology of decorated amyloid and the dynamic response of morphology to cytochrome conformation. The morphology of the modelled fibre, which consists of minimal energy assemblies of rigid building blocks containing two anisotropic interacting units, depends primarily on the rigid constraints between units rather than the soft interactions between them. The framework is a discrete version of the bilayered frustration principle that drives morphology in Bauhinia seedpods. We show that self-assembly of frustrated long range structures can occur if the building blocks themselves are internally frustrated, e.g. amyloid morphology is governed by the conformation of the misfolded protein nucleating the fibre. Our model supports the idea that any peptide sequence can form amyloid if bilayers can form first, albeit stabilised by additional material such as chaperones or cytochromes. Analysis of experimentally derived amyloid structures supports our conclusions and suggests a range of frustration effects, which natural amyloid fibres may exploit. From this viewpoint, amyloid appears as a molecular example of a more general universal bilayered frustration principle, which may have profound implications for materials design using fibrous systems. Our model provides quantitative guidance for such applications. The relevance to longer length scales was proved by designing the morphology of a series of macroscopic magnetic stacks. Finally, this work leads to the idea of mixing controlled morphologically defined species to generate higher-order assembly and complex functional behaviour. The systematic kinking of decorated fibres and the nested frustration of the Bauhinia seed pod are two outstanding examples.


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Shot noise through a closed Aharonov-Bohm interferometer carrying a quantum dot in one of its two current paths is investigated. It is found that the shot noise can be modulated by the magnetic flux Phi, the dot level, and the direct tunneling. Due to the interference between the two transmission channels, the Kondo correlation manifests itself in the flux dependence of the shot noise, which exhibits oscillation behavior with a period of Phi(0)/2 (Phi(0) is the flux quantum) for small voltages below the Kondo temperature T-K. At voltages well above T-K or outside the Kondo regime, the shot noise is determined by high-energy Coulomb and hybridization processes, and its Aharonov-Bohm oscillations restore the fundamental period of Phi(0). As a result of its two-particle nature, the shot noise contains higher-order harmonics absent in the current, demonstrating the fact that the noise is more sensitive to the effects of quantum interference than the current.


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With the development of seismic exploration, the target becomes more and more complex, which leads to a higher demand for the accuracy and efficiency in 3D exploration. Fourier finite-difference (FFD) method is one of the most valuable methods in complex structure exploration, which keeps the ability of finite-differenc method in dealing with laterally varing media and inherits the predominance of the phase-screen method in stablility and efficiency. In this thesis, the accuracy of the FFD operator is highly improved by using simulated annealing algorithm. This method takes the extrapolation step and band width into account, which is more suitable to various band width and discrete scale than the commonely-used optimized method based on velocity contrast alone. In this thesis, the FFD method is extended to viscoacoustic modeling. Based on one-way wave equation, the presented method is implemented in frequency domain; thus, it is more efficient than two-way methods, and is more convenient than time domain methods in handling attenuation and dispersion effects. The proposed method can handle large velocity contrast and has a high efficiency, which is helpful to further research on earth absorption and seismic resolution. Starting from the frequency dispersion of the acoustic VTI wave equation, this thesis extends the FFD migration method to the acoustic VTI media. Compared with the convetional FFD method, the presented method has a similar computational efficiency, and keeps the abilities of dealing with large velocity contrasts and steep dips. The numerical experiments based on the SEG salt model show that the presented method is a practical migration method for complex acoustical VTI media, because it can handle both large velocity contrasts and large anisotropy variations, and its accuracy is relatively high even in strong anisotropic media. In 3D case, the two-way splitting technique of FFD operator causes artificial azimuthal anisotropy. These artifacts become apparent with increasing dip angles and velocity contrasts, which prevent the application of the FFD method in 3D complex media. The current methods proposed to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy significantly increase the computational cost. In this thesis, the alternating-direction-implicit plus interpolation scheme is incorporated into the 3D FFD method to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy. By subtly utilizing the Fourier based scheme of the FFD method, the improved fast algorithm takes approximately no extra computation time. The resulting operator keeps both the accuracy and the efficiency of the FFD method, which is helpful to the inhancements of both the accuracy and the efficiency for prestack depth migration. The general comparison is presented between the FFD operator and the generalized-screen operator, which is valuable to choose the suitable method in practice. The percentage relative error curves and migration impulse responses show that the generalized-screen operator is much sensiutive to the velocity contrasts than the FFD operator. The FFD operator can handle various velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator can only handle some range of the velocity contrasts. Both in large and weak velocity contrasts, the higher order term of the generalized-screen operator has little effect on improving accuracy. The FFD operator is more suitable to large velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator is more suitable to middle velocity contrasts. Both the one-way implicit finite-difference migration and the two-way explicit finite-differenc modeling have been implemented, and then they are compared with the corresponding FFD methods respectively. This work gives a reference to the choosen of proper method. The FFD migration is illustrated to be more attractive in accuracy, efficiency and frequency dispertion than the widely-used implicit finite-difference migration. The FFD modeling can handle relatively coarse grids than the commonly-used explicit finite-differenc modeling, thus it is much faster in 3D modeling, especially for large-scale complex media.


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Seismic exploration is the main method of seeking oil and gas. With the development of seismic exploration, the target becomes more and more complex, which leads to a higher demand for the accuracy and efficiency in seismic exploration. Fourier finite-difference (FFD) method is one of the most valuable methods in complex structure exploration, which has obtained good effect. However, in complex media with wider angles, the effect of FFD method is not satisfactory. Based on the FFD operator, we extend the two coefficients to be optimized to four coefficients, then optimize them globally using simulated annealing algorithm. Our optimization method select the solution of one-way wave equation as the objective function. Except the velocity contrast, we consider the effects of both frequency and depth interval. The proposed method can improve the angle of FFD method without additional computation time, which can reach 75° in complex media with large lateral velocity contrasts and wider propagation angles. In this thesis, combinating the FFD method and alternative-direction-implicit plus interpolation(ADIPI) method, we obtain 3D FFD with higher accuracy. On the premise of keeping the efficiency of the FFD method, this method not only removes the azimuthal anisotropy but also optimizes the FFD mehod, which is helpful to 3D seismic exploration. We use the multi-parameter global optimization method to optimize the high order term of FFD method. Using lower-order equation to obtain the approximation effect of higher-order equation, not only decreases the computational cost result from higher-order term, but also obviously improves the accuracy of FFD method. We compare the FFD, SAFFD(multi-parameter simulated annealing globally optimized FFD), PFFD, phase-shift method(PS), globally optimized FFD (GOFFD), and higher-order term optimized FFD method. The theoretical analyses and the impulse responses demonstrate that higher-order term optimized FFD method significantly extends the accurate propagation angle of the FFD method, which is useful to complex media with wider propagation angles.


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Asking and answering certain types of questions are thought to develop thinking skills in all types of classrooms. Previous research has demonstrated that asking higher order questions and answering with elaborated responses are associated with high achievement in first, second, and foreign language contexts. Typically more attention is paid to question frequency or achievements inferred from individual performances than to the dialogues in which asking and answering occurs. This paper argues for a focus on the construction of responses in interaction as an alternative to the investigation of questions, effects of training or individual measurements of performance. Drawing on interactional data from an adult English as a Second Language classroom, it is argued that constructing an answer to a critical question appears to be a highly collaborative and evaluative affair. The thinking skills literature suggests that responding to higher order questions is an individual higher cognitive function, however it is argued in this paper that in attempting to construct evaluative answers language learners are involved not only in a cognitive task, which may or may not be helpful to language learning, but also in a complex social task in which perspectives need to be negotiated, stances taken and identities navigated. It is suggested that higher order thinking cannot be separated from the social and cultural knowledge through which it is brought into being. It is argued that any implementation of thinking skills in an English language teaching context ought to consider interpersonal and social aspects, particularly in intercultural settings.


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We investigate the angular correlations between the photons emitted in the dielectronic recombination (DR) of initially hydrogenlike heavy ions. The theoretical analysis is performed based on a density-matrix approach and Dirac's relativistic theory. Special emphasis has been placed upon the effects of the higher-order, nondipole terms in the expansion of the electron-photon interaction. To illustrate these effects, we present and discuss detailed calculations for K-LL DR of initially hydrogenlike xenon, gold, and uranium. These computations show that the angular correlations are significantly affected by interference between the leading electric-dipole (E1) and the magnetic-quadrupole (M2) transitions.


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Studies of trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs) typically focus on effects higher predators have on per capita consumption by intermediate consumers of a third, basal prey resource. TMIIs are usually evidenced by changes in feeding rates of intermediate consumers and/or differences in densities of this third species. However, understanding and predicting effects of TMIIs on population stability of such basal species requires examination of the type and magnitude of the functional responses exhibited towards them. Here, in a marine intertidal system consisting of a higher-order fish predator, the shanny Lipophrys pholis, an intermediate predator, the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus, and a basal prey resource, the isopod Jaera nordmanni, we detected TMIIs, demonstrating the importance of habitat complexity in such interactions, by deriving functional responses and exploring consequences for prey population stability. Echinogammarus marinus reacted to fish predator diet cues by reducing activity, a typical anti-predator response, but did not alter habitat use. Basal prey, Jaera nordmanni, did not respond to fish diet cues with respect to activity, distribution or aggregation behaviour. Echinogammarus marinus exhibited type II functional responses towards J. nordmanni in simple habitat, but type III functional responses in complex habitat. However, while predator cue decreased the magnitude of the type II functional response in simple habitat, it increased the magnitude of the type III functional response in complex habitat. These findings indicate that, in simple habitats, TMIIs may drive down consumption rates within type II responses, however, this interaction may remain de-stabilising for prey populations. Conversely, in complex habitats, TMIIs may strengthen regulatory influences of intermediate consumers on prey populations, whilst potentially maintaining prey population stability. We thus highlight that TMIIs can have unexpected and complex ramifications throughout communities, but can be unravelled by considering effects on intermediate predator functional response types and magnitudes.


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Density-functional theory (DFT) is used to examine the basal and prism surfaces of ice Ih. Similar surface energies are obtained for the two surfaces; however, in each case a strong dependence of the surface energy on surface proton order is identified. This dependence, which can be as much as 50% of the absolute surface energy, is significantly larger than the bulk dependence (< 1%) on proton order, suggesting that the thermodynamic ground state of the ice surface will remain proton ordered well above the bulk order-disorder temperature of about 72 K. On the basal surface this suggestion is supported by Monte Carlo simulations with an empirical potential and solution of a 2D Ising model with nearest neighbor interactions taken from DFT. Order parameters that define the surface energy of each surface in terms of nearest neighbor interactions between dangling OH bonds (those which point out of the surface into vacuum) have been identified and are discussed. Overall, these results suggest that proton order-disorder effects have a profound impact on the stability of ice surfaces and will most likely have an effect on ice surface reactivity as well as ice crystal growth and morphology. S Supplementary data are available from stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/22/074209/mmedia


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To investigate the performance of ambisonics systems reproduced over headphones, a pairwise comparison test was carried out. Binaurally reproduced sound scenes for 2D ambisonic orders 1 to 4 decoded on 2M + 2 virtual loudspeakers using two decoder options, basic and mixed basic and maxrE were used. Similarity ratings are obtained from pairwise comparisons between all of the combinations of systemsa and a binaural reference.


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Tracing children’s values and value-expressive behavior over a sixth-month period, we examined stability and change of values and behavior and the reciprocal relations between them. Three hundred and ten sixth-grade students in Italy completed value and value-expressive behavior questionnaires three times in three-month intervals during the scholastic year. We assessed Schwartz's (1992) higher-order values of conservation, openness to change, self-enhancement, and self-transcendence, as well as their respective expressive behaviors. Reciprocal relations over time between values and behaviors were examined using a cross-lagged longitudinal design. Results showed that values and behaviors had reciprocal longitudinal effects on one another, after the stability of the variables was taken into account (i.e., values predicted change in behaviors, but also behaviors predicted change in values). Our findings also revealed that: (1) values were more stable over time than behaviors, and (2) the longitudinal effect of values on behaviors tended to be stronger than the longitudinal effect of behaviors on values. Findings are discussed in light of the recent developmental literature on value change.


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Abstract : Auditory spatial functions are of crucial importance in everyday life. Determining the origin of sound sources in space plays a key role in a variety of tasks including orientation of attention, disentangling of complex acoustic patterns reaching our ears in noisy environments. Following brain damage, auditory spatial processing can be disrupted, resulting in severe handicaps. Complaints of patients with sound localization deficits include the inability to locate their crying child or being over-loaded by sounds in crowded public places. Yet, the brain bears a large capacity for reorganization following damage and/or learning. This phenomenon is referred as plasticity and is believed to underlie post-lesional functional recovery as well as learning-induced improvement. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the organization and plasticity of different aspects of auditory spatial functions. Overall, we report the outcomes of three studies: In the study entitled "Learning-induced plasticity in auditory spatial representations" (Spierer et al., 2007b), we focused on the neurophysiological and behavioral changes induced by auditory spatial training in healthy subjects. We found that relatively brief auditory spatial discrimination training improves performance and modifies the cortical representation of the trained sound locations, suggesting that cortical auditory representations of space are dynamic and subject to rapid reorganization. In the same study, we tested the generalization and persistence of training effects over time, as these are two determining factors in the development of neurorehabilitative intervention. In "The path to success in auditory spatial discrimination" (Spierer et al., 2007c), we investigated the neurophysiological correlates of successful spatial discrimination and contribute to the modeling of the anatomo-functional organization of auditory spatial processing in healthy subjects. We showed that discrimination accuracy depends on superior temporal plane (STP) activity in response to the first sound of a pair of stimuli. Our data support a model wherein refinement of spatial representations occurs within the STP and that interactions with parietal structures allow for transformations into coordinate frames that are required for higher-order computations including absolute localization of sound sources. In "Extinction of auditory stimuli in hemineglect: space versus ear" (Spierer et al., 2007a), we investigated auditory attentional deficits in brain-damaged patients. This work provides insight into the auditory neglect syndrome and its relation with neglect symptoms within the visual modality. Apart from contributing to a basic understanding of the cortical mechanisms underlying auditory spatial functions, the outcomes of the studies also contribute to develop neurorehabilitation strategies, which are currently being tested in clinical populations.


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One of the main objectives of the mid-Atlantic transect is to improve dating resolution of sequences and unconfonnity surfaces. Dinoflagellate cysts from two Ocean Drilling Program boreholes, the onshore Leg 174AX Ocean View Site and Leg 174A continental shelf Site 1071, are used to provide age estimates for sequences and unconfonnities fonned on the New Jersey continental margin during the Miocene epoch. Despite the occasional lack of dinocysts in barren and oxidized sections, dinocyst biochronology still offers greater age control than that provided by other microfossils in marginal marine environments. An early Miocene to late Miocene chronology based on ages detennined for the two study sites is presented. In addition, .palynofacies are used to unravel the systems tract character of the Miocene sequences and provide insight into the effects of taphonomy and preservation of palynomorphs in marginal marine and shelf environments under different ~ea level conditions. More precise placement of maximum flooding surfaces is possible through the identification of condensed sections and palynofacies shifts can also reveal subaerially exposed sections and surfaces not apparent in seismic or lithological analyses. The problems with the application of the pollen record in the interpretation of Miocene climate are also discussed. Palynomorphs provide evidence for a second-order lowering of sea level during the Miocene, onto which higher order sea level fluctuations are super-imposed. Correlation of sequences and unconfonnities is attempted between onshore boreholes and from the onshore Ocean View borehole to offshore Site 1071.