769 resultados para Healthier lifestyle choices


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Tendências sócio-culturais costumam ser incorporadas no mercado de consumo na forma de produtos e campanhas publicitárias. Para isto, as empresas tendem a resignificar as tendências para que se tornem argumentos de venda de seus novos produtos. Este estudo toma como objeto um produto lançado no mercado, no caso a Maxi-Goiabinha da Bauducco, e discute através de referências bibliográficas e outros exemplos de mercado como se dá a re-significação deste produto em específico. O objetivo desta dissertação é identificar de que maneira as tendências de alimentação saudável foram simplificadas, transformadas em ícones e exemplificadas através de um estilo de vida pela publicidade do produto Maxi-Goiabinha. O estudo busca os elementos que serviram como influência da campanha, a razão da utilização destes elementos e quais os potenciais impactos do produto no mercado em que está inserido. A escolha do produto Maxi-Goiabinha é interessante por ser um produto de uma marca notoriamente indulgente, a Bauducco, que procura se inserir num mercado com argumentos saudáveis que não faz parte do posicionamento original da marca. A relação mostra a fragilidade da marca para manter a sua identidade ao ser confrontada com a oportunidade de maior faturamento ao se aproveitar de uma tendência de mercado. Conclui-se que a publicidade provê os consumidores de informação e a partir desta, eles passam a procurar por características mais saudáveis no mercado de consumo, o que gera uma transformação potencialmente positiva no mercado. No entanto, ao se utilizar como ícones de seus comerciais pessoas que mostram um balanço perfeito entre saúde, vida pessoal e vida profissional, pode-se gerar um aumento da ansiedade no consumidor médio para se tornarem tão bem sucedidos quanto este homem ou mulher ideal. Discute-se se as escolhas disponibilizadas pela indústria no atual contexto de consumo oprimem ou libertam o consumidor, pois ao mesmo tempo em que lhe é dado o poder de escolha, também lhe é cobrado, através dos ícones das publicidades, ser feliz e bem sucedido em dezenas de facetas e papéis que acompanham a multiplicidade da vida contemporânea.


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If household choices can be rationalized by the maximization of a well defined utility function, allowing spouses to file individually or jointly is equivalent to offering the envelope of the two tax schedules. If, instead, household ’preferences’ are constantly being redefined through bargaining, the option to file separately may affect outcomes even if it is never chosen. We use Lundberg and Pollak’s (1993) separate spheres bargaining model to assess the impact of filing options on the outcomes of primary and secondary earners. Threat points of the household’s bargain are given for each spouse by the utility that he or she attains as a follower of a counter-factual off-equilibrium Stackelberg game played by the couple. For a benchmark tax system which treats a couple’s average taxable income as if it were that of a single individual, we prove that if choices are not at kinks, allowing couples to choose whether to file jointly or individually usually benefits the secondary earner. In our numeric exercises this is also the case when choices are at kinks as well. These findings are, however, quite sensitive to the details of the tax system, as made evident by the examination of an alternative tax system.


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Um dos benefícios para a cidade-sede de um megaevento esportivo do porte dos Jogos Olímpicos no âmbito do turismo é a repercussão e a divulgação espontânea desta cidade como destino nacional e internacional. Sendo assim, é necessário que o Rio de Janeiro aproveite a oportunidade de sediar os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 para se firmar como destino competitivo global para diferentes segmentos desenvolvendo programas e ações que atendam adequadamente a demanda dos variados nichos de mercado em longo prazo. Assim sendo, este trabalho consiste na definição de guidelines para a elaboração de projetos que capacitem diversos setores do turismo com foco na terceira idade. A evolução no quadro populacional mundial e brasileiro indica que esse público é a parcela que apresenta maior índice de crescimento. Acompanhando este aumento, percebe-se que o idoso possui uma vida ativa e que cada vez mais encontra no turismo o meio de atingir satisfação e prazer. Os guidelines aqui apresentados para orientar a elaboração de projetos são: qualificação de profissionais; adequação da oferta turística; criação de um Selo da Qualidade e; elaboração de um guia. Espera-se que com essas ações implementadas, a cidade do Rio de Janeiro se torne destino referência para o segmento de pessoas com idade acima de 60 anos oferecendo um produto turístico de qualidade, sendo este um dos legados positivos das Olimpíadas de 2016.


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This paper studies the impact of (high rates) of infiation on ocupational choices in a model where the demand for labor is derived from a production technology that uses capital, productive labor, and managerial services done by administrative labor and money; while the supply of both kinds of labor is rigid in the short-run due to irreversible professional choices. The dynamic path of the economy after stabilization plans exhibits the main sty!ized facts reported in the literature inc1uding an initial consumption boon followed by a gradual adjustment. In its open economy version, the initial phase of the transitional dynamics exhibits capital infiight. The model also generates an increase of income inequality during the trasitional dynamics.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze lifestyle risk factors related to direct healthcare costs and the indirect costs due to sick leave among workers of an airline company in Brazil. METHODS: In this longitudinal 12-month study of 2,201 employees of a Brazilian airline company, the costs of sick leave and healthcare were the primary outcomes of interest. Information on the independent variables, such as gender, age, educational level, type of work, stress, and lifestyle-related factors (body mass index, physical activity, and smoking), was collected using a questionnaire on enrolment in the study. Data on sick leave days were available from the company register, and data on healthcare costs were obtained from insurance records. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to investigate the association between direct and indirect healthcare costs with sociodemographic, work, and lifestyle-related factors. RESULTS: Over the 12-month study period, the average direct healthcare expenditure per worker was US$505.00 and the average indirect cost because of sick leave was US$249.00 per worker. Direct costs were more than twice the indirect costs and both were higher in women. Body mass index was a determinant of direct costs and smoking was a determinant of indirect costs. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity and smoking among workers in a Brazilian airline company were associated with increased health costs. Therefore, promoting a healthy diet, physical activity, and anti-tobacco campaigns are important targets for health promotion in this study population.


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Background: Despite an increasing body of knowledge concerning gender and lifestyle factors as determinants of sickness absence in well-developed countries, the relationship between these variables has not been elucidated in emerging economic power countries, where the burden of non-communicable diseases is particularly high. This study aimed to analyze the relationships among lifestyle-related factors and sick leave and to examine whether gender differences in sickness absence can be explained by differences in socio-demographic, work and lifestyle-related factors among Brazilian workers. Methods: In this longitudinal study with a one year follow-up among 2.150 employees of a Brazilian airline company, sick leave was the primary outcome of interest. Independent variables collected by interview at enrolment in the study were gender, age, educational level, type of work, stress, and lifestyle-related factors (body mass index, physical activity and smoking). In addition, the risk for coronary heart disease was determined based on measurement of blood pressure, total cholesterol and glucose levels. The total number of days on sick leave during 12 months follow-up was available from the company register. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the influence of socio-demographic, type of work and lifestyle-related factors on sick leave. Results: Younger employees, those with lower educational level, those who worked as air crew members and those with higher levels of stress were more likely to have sick leave. Body mass index and level of physical activity were not associated with sick leave. After adjustment by socio-demographic variables, increased odds for 10 or more days of sick leave were found in smokers (OR = 1.51, CI = 1.05-2.17), and ex-smokers (OR = 1.45, CI = 1.01-2.10). Women were more likely to have 10 or more days of sick leave. Gender differences were reduced mainly when adjusted for type of work (15%) and educational level (7%). Conclusions: The higher occurrence of sick leave among women than among men was partly explained by type of work and educational level. Our results suggest that type of work, a stressful life, and smoking are important targets for health promotion in this study population


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Overconsumption of natural resources and the associated environmental hazards are one of today’s most pressing global issues. In the western world, individual consumption in homes and workplaces is a key contributor to this problem. Reflecting the importance of individual action in this domain, this thesis focuses on studying and influencing choices related to sustainability and energy consumption made by people in their daily lives. There are three main components to this work. Firstly, this thesis asserts that people frequently make ineffective consumption reduction goal choices and attempts to understand the rationale for these poor choices by fitting them to goalsetting theory, an established theoretical model of behavior change. Secondly, it presents two approaches that attempt to influence goal choice towards more effective targets, one of which deals with mechanisms for goal priming and the other of which explores the idea that carefully designed toys can exert influence on children’s long term consumption behavior patterns. The final section of this thesis deals with the design of feedback to support the performance of environmentally sound activities. Key contributions surrounding goals include the finding that people choose easy sustainable goals despite immediate feedback as to their ineffectiveness and the discussion and study of goal priming mechanisms that can influence this choice process. Contributions within the design of value instilling toys include a theoretically grounded framework for the design of such toys and a completed and tested prototype toy. Finally, contributions in designing effective and engaging energy consumption feedback include the finding that negative feedback is best presented verbally compared with visually and this is exemplified and presented within a working feedback system. The discussions, concepts, prototypes and empirical findings presented in this work will be useful for both environmental psychologists and for HCI researchers studying eco-feedback.


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Resolutions of the Board of numbers 359 and 360, of December 23, 2003, relating to Nutrition Labelling for Packaged Foods, establish quality standards and provide the education activities for health consumption, since one of the factors that enable the selection of healthier foods are the food labels as an important part in nutrition education. This is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. To calculate sample size, it was considered a margin of error of 20%, confidence level of 95% and prevalence of 52.5% for verifying nutritional information in a pilot study conducted in 2007. A total of 145 subjects were interviewed, resulting in 371 consumers in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in order to determine prevalence of consulting nutritional information contained on food labels as a nutritional guideline for consumers and its association with sociodemographic variables as well as identify the intervention measures suggested by intervieweds so that this information can be better used to select healthy foods. Twenty-five of the 69 supermarkets belonging to the Supermarket Association of Rio Grande do Norte (ASSURN) were randomly selected. Data collection relied on interviews and extensive direct observation, using a semi-structured form composed of eight closed questions, some of which were multiple choice, and ten open questions. The chi-square test was performed for statistical analysis, using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 software. Label information most consulted was: expiry date (91.6%); product brand (49.4%); nutritional information (47.0%); zero trans fat (32.9%); zero sugar content (12.8%); zero fat content (3.0%); rich in fibers (2.7%); whether light or diet (30.4%); list of ingredients (16.8%); whether the product contained gluten or not (4.1%). When asked about the importance of nutritional information, 96.8% of the subjects responded important or very important ; of these 46.6% and 3.8% reported partially or totally understanding the information presented. It was found that 41.6% of the consumers consulted nutritional information for dietary reasons related to nontransmissible chronic diseases and 35.7% to be able to choose healthier foods. The data show a significant association between motivation to choose healthier foods and higher family income and schooling (p<0.0001). The intervention measures mentioned to make nutritional information better understood and used were: information and orientation about nutritional information, provided by qualified professionals in the supermarkets, the commercial establishment or the product manufacturer (73.9%) and media disclosure about the nature, importance and purpose of nutritional information (42.9%). In despite of communication noises the consumers use the nutrition claim for the nutritional guidance, showing association with some demographic variables. However, they desire the implementation of intervention measures that can be contextualized in the political construction of nutrition education to promote healthy food choices


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This dissertation has the thematic of the sexual affection of the masculine subjectivity within texts of Universo Masculino and Men‟s Health magazines as object of analysis. The central objective was to describe and interpret the theme on the masculine subjectivity in discourses about the affection of sexuality materialized in discourse practices in those magazines. The main point of the research matters how the discourse structures of texts in those magazines make it possible to comprehend the meanings produced about the masculinity nowadays. On the perspective of the thematic trajectory what consists the main aspect that concerns the leading of corpus in the research under the French discourse analysis, we have searched, in reports of those magazines, an arch-genealogy of masculinity, from a specific sexual-affection disposable of our mediate culture. The analytic trajectory enables us to conclude that the thematic trajectory about the sexual affection of the masculine subjectivity produces a semantic way that confirms hegemony and hetero-normative ideals, rather than what proposes new performances on the masculine subjectivity experiences. In its real effects, such mediate discourse practice pursues to link certain sexual affection knowledge to the male individual‟s lifestyle today, from the thematic choices, enunciation modalities and discourse strategies which are specific to the masculine media


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To investigate the relationship of dyslipidemia with demographic distribution and patterns of body fat and dietary intakes. From a universe of adults clinically selected for a lifestyle modification program 979 subjects (409 males and 570 females, 52.2 +/- 9.6 years) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Overnight-fasting plasma was assayed (dry chemistry) for triglycerides (TG), total (TC) and HDL fraction of cholesterol given the non-HDL (n-HDL) fraction by the difference. Anthropometric assessment included body weight (kg), height (m), fat (bioelectrical impedance) and waist circumference (WC). Food intake was assessed by the 24-hour recall questionnaire and the food groups evaluated through recommendations from an adapted food pyramid. The chances of dyslipidemia from other variable changes were determined by logistic regression with p < 0.05. Normal values of BMI and WC were protective against all dyslipidemia markers whereas only hypercholesterolemia was influenced by diet (meat intake > 2 servings). Dietary intakes have protective effects against hypertriglyceridemia with whole grains, odds ratio (OR) 0.342 (Cl 95%, 0.154-0.760), fruits >= 3 servings (OR 0.523, 0.290-0.941) and vegetables >= 4 servings (OR 0.360, 0.176-0.735). In general total body and abdominal adiposity influenced all dystipidemia markers while dietary intake of fruits and vegetables protected against triglyceridemia.


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We aim to investigate the effectiveness of a 10-week lifestyle intervention focusing on physical activity and high fiber intake for reducing indicators for metabolic syndrome in overweight-obese individuals. A prospective study of 50 overweight (OW) adults (22 in the general educational group - G1; 28 in the high fiber nutrition group - G2) was performed. Both groups were offered dietary counseling and supervised exercise. Clinical, anthropometric, dietary and plasma biochemical tests were performed at baseline - time 0 (T0) and after 10 weeks - time 1 (T1). Both groups improved their dietary quality, but only G2 presented higher intake of fruit and vegetables (servings/day), higher plasma beta-carotene levels and a 24% reduction of MetS incidence. Additionally G2 showed greater reductions in body fat (4%), and waist circumference (7%), obesity class III (2%) and obesity class II (14%) rate. Lifestyle intervention, including a high dietary fiber intake, improved healthy eating index and decreased body fat composition and plasma lipid concentrations leading to MetS incidence reduction.