915 resultados para Health for Good Living


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The concept of health literacy has evolved over the last forty years from an individual, literacy driven focus in clinical settings to one associated with a contemporary approach to health promotion. The World Health Organization has defined health literacy as ‘the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health’ (World Health Organization, 1998, p. 10). The conceptual evolution of health literacy has seen a shift beyond a functional orientation to also recognise cognitive, behavioural and environmental influences. This more comprehensive view of health literacy acknowledges factors like efficacy, motivation, self-efficacy, autonomy, social support and empowerment. A health literate workforce could present benefits for the employee and employer...


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SurfAid International is a humanitarian organisation that has been delivering a range of evidence based health promotion initiatives, primarily for people living on Nias and the Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia since 2000. The SurfAid Schools Program launched in 2007, providing opportunities for the development of global awareness, cultural knowledge, empathy and active citizenship among students living in Australia, New Zealand, North America and the United Kingdom. This session will commence with an overview of the work of SurfAid International and resources provided by the SurfAid International Schools Program. The social justice orientation of the Queensland Health Education Senior Syllabus and the HPE Essential Learnings will be reviewed along with a consideration for affective learning through attitudes and values. Participants will be given time to consider how units with a health of specific populations focus could be conceptualised, developed and managed. Opportunities for co-curricular applications will also be discussed.


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This brief paper will introduce a new theoretical framework or model which may be useful for putting a structure around the theme of ageing and its accompanying grief and loss. It is especially appropriate in the context of counselling families living with dementia, including those individuals with a diagnosis of alzheimers disease. The paper describes the origin of the Spanish expressions of the `wall of tears’ and `house of tears’ and involves an historical narrative of the first author as context to the framework.


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This Guide outlines a framework for working with young people whose AOD use creates significant vulnerability to current or future harm. The target audience is practitioners who work with young people who have problematic AOD use and the managers of these practitioners. Areas of content include the elements of a framework for AOD practice, an appreciation of the developmental, social and institutional location of young people, key concepts and understandings regarding good youth centered context responsive practice, and key policy constructs and directions.


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Written for Redland City Council in collaboration with the Capalaba Stakeholders Group. The provisions detailed in this report constitute a protocol agreement developed through the Capalaba Stakeholders Group between 2009 and 2011 around young people and public spaces in Redland City, Queensland. These provisions include agreed principles, standards and responses to tensions or unacceptable behaviour, how various tensions and problems can be resolved in constructive ways and how people, including young people can work together to make a public or community accessed space safe and accessible. It is based on the recognition that young people are part of the community and that strategies to resolve tensions that arise should be inclusive and employ a mixed methods approach.


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The paper is an outline of work done from 1977-1979 by the authors, as visiting scientists at the Charles Darwin Research Station in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.They were funded for three years by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund)and the Bird Preservation Society of UK to study the breeding biology and ethology of Flightless cormorants and the Greater Flamingo. The presentation includes human aspects of living on and travelling between uninhabited islands.


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Findings from a Queensland coronial inquest highlight the complex clinical, ethical and legal issues that arise in end-of-life care when clinicians and family members disagree about a diagnosis of clinical futility. The tension between the law and best medical practice is highlighted in this case, as doctors are compelled to seek family consent to not commence a futile intervention. Good communication between doctors and families, as well as community and professional education, is essential to resolve tensions that can arise when there is disagreement about treatment at the end of life.


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Since 1980 there has been an increasing incidence of the use of public inquiries as a process through which scandals raising patient safety and health care quality concerns can be subject to highly public scrutiny. The use of public inquiries and their impact on the governance of health or social systems, especially around issues of patient or client safety, has been examined by a number of commentators (Butler and Drakeford 2003, Masso and Eager 2009, Stanley and Manthorpe 2004, Walshe and Higgins 2002) but public inquiries into scandals in the health system also raise a question about the impact of these inquiries on public perceptions about the adequacy of the various mechanisms for health professional regulation...


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Purpose The purpose of this work was to explore how men and women construct their experiences living with lymphoedema following treatment for any cancer in the context of everyday life. Methods The design and conduct of this qualitative study was guided by Charmaz’ social constructivist grounded theory. To collect data, focus groups and telephone interviews were conducted. Audiotapes were transcribed verbatim and imported into NVivo8 to organise data and codes. Data were analysed using key grounded theory principles of constant comparison, data saturation and initial, focused and theoretical coding. Results Participants were 3 men and 26 women who had developed upper- or lower-limb lymphoedema following cancer treatment. Three conceptual categories were developed during data analysis and were labelled ‘accidental journey’, ‘altered normalcy’ and ‘ebb and flow of control’. ‘Altered normalcy’ reflects the physical and psychosocial consequences of lymphoedema and its relationship to everyday life. ‘Accidental journey’ explains the participants’ experiences with the health care system, including the prevention, treatment and management of their lymphoedema. ‘Ebb and flow of control’ draws upon a range of individual and social elements that influenced the participants’ perceived control over lymphoedema. These conceptual categories were inter-related and contributed to the core category of ‘sense of self’, which describes their perceptions of their identity and roles. Conclusions Results highlight the need for greater clinical and public awareness of lymphoedema as a chronic condition requiring prevention and treatment, and one that has far-reaching effects on physical and psychosocial well-being as well as overall quality of life.


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This article is based on an analysis of narratives of 26 offenders with mental health problems living in the United Kingdom. It explores the impact of an ascribed dangerous status and the construction of the self as moral and responsible in response to this label with reference to the literature on denial, deviance disavowal and other “techniques of neutralization” and Goffman's presentation of self. Two dominant strands are identified in relation to the construction of moral self-hood: “Not my fault” and “Good at heart” narratives. “Techniques of neutralization” are widely drawn on, particularly denial of responsibility in the “Not my fault” narratives that seek to explain anti-social behavior with reference to external forces such as a hostile environment inhibiting their ability to control their lives. In contrast, “Good at heart” narratives draw on the essentially good and moral nature of the inner-self. Both are used as evidence of sharing and adhering to moral norms in order to present an acceptable and credible self.


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There is evidence that contact with the natural environment and green space promotes good health. It is also well known that participation in regular physical activity generates physical and psychological health benefits. The authors have hypothesised that ‘green exercise’ will improve health and psychological well-being, yet few studies have quantified these effects. This study measured the effects of 10 green exercise case studies (including walking, cycling, horse-riding, fishing, canal-boating and conservation activities) in four regions of the UK on 263 participants. Even though these participants were generally an active and healthy group, it was found that green exercise led to a significant improvement in self-esteem and total mood disturbance (with anger-hostility, confusion-bewilderment, depression-dejection and tension-anxiety all improving post-activity). Self-esteem and mood were found not to be affected by the type, intensity or duration of the green exercise, as the results were similar for all 10 case studies. Thus all these activities generated mental health benefits, indicating the potential for a wider health and well-being dividend from green exercise. Green exercise thus has important implications for public and environmental health, and for a wide range of policy sectors.


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Background Zambia is a sub-Saharan country with one of the highest prevalence rates of HIV, currently estimated at 14%. Poor nutritional status due to both protein-energy and micronutrient malnutrition has worsened this situation. In an attempt to address this combined problem, the government has instigated a number of strategies, including the provision of antiretroviral (ARV) treatment coupled with the promotion of good nutrition. High-energy protein supplement (HEPS) is particularly promoted; however, the impact of this food supplement on the nutritional status of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) beyond weight gain has not been assessed. Techniques for the assessment of nutritional status utilising objective measures of body composition are not commonly available in Zambia. The aim of this study is therefore to assess the impact of a food supplement on nutritional status using a comprehensive anthropometric protocol including measures of skinfold thickness and circumferences, plus the criterion deuterium dilution technique to assess total body water (TBW) and derive fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM). Methods/Design This community-based controlled and longitudinal study aims to recruit 200 HIV-infected females commencing ARV treatment at two clinics in Lusaka, Zambia. Data will be collected at four time points: baseline, 4-month, 8-month and 12-month follow-up visits. Outcome measures to be assessed include body height and weight, body mass index (BMI), body composition, CD4, viral load and micronutrient status. Discussion This protocol describes a study that will provide a longitudinal assessment of the impact of a food supplement on the nutritional status of HIV-infected females initiating ARVs using a range of anthropometric and body composition assessment techniques.