953 resultados para Hand.
u.a.: Julius Frauenstädt; Arthur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant;
Original hat Fehlstelle rechts unten, Textverlust
Hearuas gegeben und dem Preißlöbl. Handwerck zum schönen Angedencken verfertiget von Thomas Hirschmann, Kupfferstecher
A. sc. [vermutl. Johann Azelt]
... Alexander Mair Augustanus sculptor se humiliter commendat
1: vormahls von Abraham Nicolas Amelot de La Houssaye unter dem titel L'Homme de cour ins Französische, anietzo aber aus dem span. Orig. - 2. f.: Aus d. Span. - 1: welches durch u. durch hinzu gefüget worden ins Deutsche übers., mit neuen Anm. 1: in welchen die maximen d. Autoris aus den Principiis d. Sittenlehre erklähret u. beurtheilet werden. - 2 f.: durch August Friedrich Müllern
dargestellt und kritisch beleuchtet von H. Kroner
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F06746
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F06747
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08278
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F09535
nach Original-Zeichn. von Henry Bursill. Nach dem Engl.
J. F. Castelli
gesammelt und geordnet von Nathan Adler
As the obesity epidemic continues to increase, the pediatric primary care office setting remains a relatively unexplored arena to offer obesity prevention interventions for children. The increased risk for adult obesity among 10 to 14 year-old children who are overweight, suggests obesity prevention programs should be introduced just before this age or early in this age period. Research is also accumulating on the importance of targeting parents along with children, since parents are in charge of the home environment for children. Therefore, the aim of this project was to develop an obesity prevention program called Helping HAND (Healthy Activity and Nutrition Directions) based on Social Cognitive Theory and authoritative parenting techniques for the pediatric primary care setting and conduct one-on-one interviews with parents as the initial formative evaluation of the intervention material for the obesity prevention intervention. A secondary aim of the project was to determine the feasibility of identifying appropriate subjects for the intervention, and conducting qualitative evaluations of the materials through recruitment through pediatric primary care settings. ^