950 resultados para Hand colored


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This paper proposes an automatic hand detection system that combines the Fourier-Mellin Transform along with other computer vision techniques to achieve hand detection in cluttered scene color images. The proposed system uses the Fourier-Mellin Transform as an invariant feature extractor to perform RST invariant hand detection. In a first stage of the system a simple non-adaptive skin color-based image segmentation and an interest point detector based on corners are used in order to identify regions of interest that contains possible matches. A sliding window algorithm is then used to scan the image at different scales performing the FMT calculations only in the previously detected regions of interest and comparing the extracted FM descriptor of the windows with a hand descriptors database obtained from a train image set. The results of the performed experiments suggest the use of Fourier-Mellin invariant features as a promising approach for automatic hand detection.


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The Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb-Zn ore district at Mezica is hosted by Middle to Upper Triassic platform carbonate rocks in the Northern Karavanke/Drau Range geotectonic units of the Eastern Alps, northeastern Slovenia. The mineralization at Mezica covers an area of 64 km(2) with more than 350 orebodies and numerous galena and sphalerite occurrences, which formed epigenetically, both conformable and discordant to bedding. While knowledge on the style of mineralization has grown considerably, the origin of discordant mineralization is still debated. Sulfur stable isotope analyses of 149 sulfide samples from the different types of orebodies provide new insights on the genesis of these mineralizations and their relationship. Over the whole mining district, sphalerite and galena have delta(34)S values in the range of -24.7 to -1.5% VCDT (-13.5 +/- 5.0%) and -24.7 to -1.4% (-10.7 +/- 5.9%), respectively. These values are in the range of the main MVT deposits of the Drau Range. All sulfide delta(34)S values are negative within a broad range, with delta(34)S(pyrite) < delta(34)S(sphalerite) < delta(34)S(galena) for both conformable and discordant orebodies, indicating isotopically heterogeneous H(2)S in the ore-forming fluids and precipitation of the sulfides at thermodynamic disequilibrium. This clearly supports that the main sulfide sulfur originates from bacterially mediated reduction (BSR) of Middle to Upper Triassic seawater sulfate or evaporite sulfate. Thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) by organic compounds contributed a minor amount of (34)S-enriched H(2)S to the ore fluid. The variations of delta(34)S values of galena and coarse-grained sphalerite at orefield scale are generally larger than the differences observed in single hand specimens. The progressively more negative delta(34)S values with time along the different sphalerite generations are consistent with mixing of different H(2)S sources, with a decreasing contribution of H(2)S from regional TSR, and an increase from a local H(2)S reservoir produced by BSR (i.e., sedimentary biogenic pyrite, organo-sulfur compounds). Galena in discordant ore (-11.9 to -1.7%; -7.0 +/- 2.7%, n=12) tends to be depleted in (34)S compared with conformable ore (-24.7 to -2.8%, -11.7 +/- 6.2%, n=39). A similar trend is observed from fine-crystalline sphalerite I to coarse open-space filling sphalerite II. Some variation of the sulfide delta(34)S values is attributed to the inherent variability of bacterial sulfate reduction, including metabolic recycling in a locally partially closed system and contribution of H(2)S from hydrolysis of biogenic pyrite and thermal cracking of organo-sulfur compounds. The results suggest that the conformable orebodies originated by mixing of hydrothermal saline metal-rich fluid with H(2)S-rich pore waters during late burial diagenesis, while the discordant orebodies formed by mobilization of the earlier conformable mineralization.


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We report an experiment where participants observed an attack on their virtual body as experienced in an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Participants sat by a table with their right hand resting upon it. In IVR, they saw a virtual table that was registered with the real one, and they had a virtual body that substituted their real body seen from a first person perspective. The virtual right hand was collocated with their real right hand. Event-related brain potentials were recorded in two conditions, one where the participant"s virtual hand was attacked with a knife and a control condition where the knife only struck the virtual table. Significantly greater P450 potentials were obtained in the attack condition confirming our expectations that participants had a strong illusion of the virtual hand being their own, which was also strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Higher levels of subjective virtual hand ownership correlated with larger P450 amplitudes. Mu-rhythm event-related desynchronization in the motor cortex and readiness potential (C3C4) negativity were clearly observed when the virtual hand was threatened as would be expected, if the real hand was threatened and the participant tried to avoid harm. Our results support the idea that event-related potentials may provide a promising non-subjective measure of virtual embodiment. They also support previous experiments on pain observation and are placed into context of similar experiments and studies of body perception and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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OBJECTIVES: To test the validity of a simple, rapid, field-adapted, portable hand-held impedancemeter (HHI) for the estimation of lean body mass (LBM) and percentage body fat (%BF) in African women, and to develop specific predictive equations. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study. SETTINGS: Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, West Africa. SUBJECTS: A total sample of 146 women volunteered. Their mean age was of 31.0 y (s.d. 9.1), weight 60.9 kg (s.d. 13.1) and BMI 22.6 kg/m(2) (s.d. 4.5). METHODS: Body composition values estimated by HHI were compared to those measured by whole body densitometry performed by air displacement plethysmography (ADP). The specific density of LBM in black subjects was taken into account for the calculation of %BF from body density. RESULTS: : Estimations from HHI showed a large bias (mean difference) of 5.6 kg LBM (P<10(-4)) and -8.8 %BF (P<10(-4)) and errors (s.d. of the bias) of 2.6 kg LBM and 3.7 %BF. In order to correct for the bias, specific predictive equations were developed. With the HHI result as a single predictor, error values were of 1.9 kg LBM and 3.7 %BF in the prediction group (n=100), and of 2.2 kg LBM and 3.6 %BF in the cross-validation group (n=46). Addition of anthropometrical predictors was not necessary. CONCLUSIONS: The HHI analyser significantly overestimated LBM and underestimated %BF in African women. After correction for the bias, the body compartments could easily be estimated in African women by using the HHI result in an appropriate prediction equation with a good precision. It remains to be seen whether a combination of arm and leg impedancemetry in order to take into account lower limbs would further improve the prediction of body composition in Africans.


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Introduction : Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule associated protein expressed by migrating neural precursors. DCX is also expressed in approximately 4% of all cortical cells in adult normal primate brain. DCX expression is also enhanced locally in response to an acute insult made to the brain. This is thought to play a role in plasticity or neural repair. That being said, it would be interesting to know how the expression of DCX is modified in a more chronic insult, like in neurodegeneration such as in Parkinson's Disease (PD) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The aim of my study is to study the expression of DCX cells in the cortex of patients having a neurodegenerative disease, compared to control patients. Method: DCX cells quantification on 9 DCX‐stained 5 μm thick formalin fixed paraffin embedded brain sections: 3 Alzheimer's disease patients, 3 Parkinson's disease patients and 3 control patients. Each patient had several sections that we could stain with different stainings (GALLYA, TAU, DCX). By using a computerized image analysis system (Explora Nova, La Rochelle, France), cortical columns were selected on areas on the cortex with a lot of degeneration subjectively observed on GALLYA stained sections and on TAU stained sections. Then total number of cells was counted on TAU sections, where all nuclei were colored in blue. Then the DCX cells were counted on the corresponding DCX sections. These values were standardized to a reference surface area. The ratio of DCX cells over total cells was then calculated. Results : There is a difference of DCX cell expression between Alzheimer's Disease patients and control patients. The percentage of dcx cells in the cortex of an Alzheimer's patient is around 12.54% ± 2.17%, where as in the cortex of control patients, it is around 5.47% ± 0.83%. On the other hand, there is no significant difference in the ratio of DCX cells over total cells between parkinson's patients and control patients, both having around 5% of DCX cells. Discussion: There is a dramatic increase of DCX expression in AD (12.5%) compared to PD and controls (5.5%). The increase in DCX ratio in AD may have two potential causes: 1.The increased ratio is due to DCX cells being more resistant to degeneration compared to surrounding cells which are degenerating due to AD, leading to the cortical atrophy observed in AD patients. So the decrease of total cells without any change in the number of DCX cells makes the ratio bigger in AD compared to the controls. 2.The increased ratio is due to an actual increase in DCX cells. This means that there is some neural repair to compensate the degenerative process, just like the repair process observed in acute lesions to the brain. This second idea can be integrated in the broader point of view of neuroinflammation. The progression of the disease would trigger neuroinflammation and the process following the primary inflammatory response which is neural repair. So our study can show that the increase in DCX cells is an attempt to repair the degenerated neurons, in the context of neuroinflammation triggered by the physiopathological progression of the disease.


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When a rubber hand is placed on a table top in a plausible position as if part of a person"s body, and is stroked synchronously with the person"s corresponding hidden real hand, an illusion of ownership over the rubber hand can occur (Botvinick and Cohen 1998). A similar result has been found with respect to a virtual hand portrayed in a virtual environment, a virtual hand illusion (Slater et al. 2008). The conditions under which these illusions occur have been the subject of considerable study. Here we exploited the flexibility of virtual reality to examine four contributory factors: visuo-tactile synchrony while stroking the virtual and the real arms, body continuity, alignment between the real and virtual arms, and the distance between them. We carried out three experiments on a total of 32 participants where these factors were varied. The results show that the subjective illusion of ownership over the virtual arm and the time to evoke this illusion are highly dependent on synchronous visuo-tactile stimulation and on connectivity of the virtual arm with the rest of the virtual body. The alignment between the real and virtual arms and the distance between these were less important. It was found that proprioceptive drift was not a sensitive measure of the illusion, but was only related to the distance between the real and virtual arms.


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Hand hygiene compliance of patients receiving hemodialysis treatment is a contemporary discussion topic among health care professionals in the Nephrology Clinic of Helsinki University City Hospital. The purpose of the Final Thesis is to review patient hand hygiene in terms of risks its lack entails and based on the evidence based findings to design an end product as a poster. The poster can be utilised in the Nephrology Clinic's nursing environment to educate and motivate patients to pay specifid attention to the importance of hand hygiene. The method used was a systematic literature review. The most important evidence based findings were extracted from the chosen thirteen scientific articles. All articles were searched from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature electronic database. The gathered information was then used to build the content of a patient education tool that for this project was defined as a Poster. The findings in this study showed that transmission of bloodborne infections, like Hepatitis B or C virus can occur through a vascular access and that the consequences of this can be very fatal. Additionally, environmental surfaces such as furniture, door knobs and dialysis machine control knobs were all possible infection sources for the patient receiving hemodialysis treatment. Adherence to good hand hygiene behaviour lowered the risk for infections. The end product of this study is a poster that is targeted to patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. Using a health promotion agenda in the Poster, it is hoped that patients will pay more attention to the importance of hand hygiene and that they will be more motivated to use aseptic methods such as alcohol based hand rubs in the hemodialysis setting.


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L'idée de complémentarité de certaines épreuves projectives s'est dessinée dès les années 1960, telles que Rorschach - test du Village, Rorschach - CAT et enfin Rorschach - TAT. L'essentiel des dispositifs projectifs mobilise les épreuves de Rorschach et de TAT dont la complémentarité a été largement pointée, notamment, par Anzieu et Chabert (1983), Chabert (1998), Roman (2006, 2007, 2009) et Emmanuelli et Azoulay (2001, 2008, 2009). Les épreuves de Hand-Test, Rorschach et TAT opèrent selon des dynamiques différentes à partir de consignes, sorte d'« injonction à imaginer » (Roman, 2008). Le défi méthodologique et épistémologique est d'envisager une complémentarité entre ces trois épreuves projectives, complémentarité qui ne va pas de soi dans la mesure où le Hand-Test a été pensé à partir du modèle de l'Analyse Structurale, le Rorschach et le TAT dans une perspective psychodynamique. L'enjeu du défi est de parvenir à se dégager du modèle de l'Analyse Structurale, d'une dimension déterministe et inscrire le Hand-Test dans une dimension processuelle d'une part, et de croiser ces trois épreuves afin de parvenir à mettre en avant les ressources du sujet quant à l'émergence de potentialités de transformations bien souvent, trop souvent, reléguées au second plan, voire négligées, lors de la prise en charge institutionnelle d'autre part. Ainsi, l'approche de la complémentarité des épreuves se trouve au service d'une compréhension de l'évolution du rapport à l'agir chez les adolescents. L'écart qui se donne à voir entre la conception des épreuves projectives envisagées dans une perspective psychodynamique et la manière d'appréhender le Hand-Test constitue le défi méthodologique et épistémologique que nous proposons de discuter.


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Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare and enigmatic clonal disorder that affects mainly children. It is characterized by single or multiple granulomatous mass lesions composed of cells with the Langerhans' cell phenotype. Clinical presentation and behavior are heterogeneous and can range from a solitary lytic bone lesion (i.e., eosinophilic granuloma) with a favorable course to a fatal disseminated leukaemia-like form, with a wide spectrum of intermediate clinical presentations between these two extremes. Although LCH typically involves the bone, lesions can be found in almost all organs. We are reporting the case of a multisystem LCH in a 47-year-old patient who presented with a panhypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus, and who, 5 years later, developed mandibular, mastoid and femoral lesions. The final diagnosis of LCH was made on mandibular biopsy.


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Promazine hydrochloride was injected accidentally in the antecubital artery of a 42-year-old woman, resulting in severe ischemia of the second and third fingers of her right hand which lasted for four days before she was hospitalized. Vasodilation by combining axillary plexus block and intravenous sodium nitroprusside did not improve ischemia and local thrombolysis was performed using recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (50 mg over 8 hours), resulting in normalization of digital pressure in one of the two affected fingers. The outcome was favourable and amputation could be avoided.


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Our body schema gives the subjective impression of being highly stable. However, a number of easily-evoked illusions illustrate its remarkable malleability. In the rubber-hand illusion, illusory ownership of a rubber-hand is evoked by synchronous visual and tactile stimulation on a visible rubber arm and on the hidden real arm. Ownership is concurrent with a proprioceptive illusion of displacement of the arm position towards the fake arm. We have previously shown that this illusion of ownership plus the proprioceptive displacement also occurs towards a virtual 3D projection of an arm when the appropriate synchronous visuotactile stimulation is provided. Our objective here was to explore whether these illusions (ownership and proprioceptive displacement) can be induced by only synchronous visuomotor stimulation, in the absence of tactile stimulation.


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Tässä työssä Oy Keskuslaboratoriossa sijaitsevalla kiertovesisimulaattorilla on tutkittiu ditioniittivalkaisun ja hylyn määrän vaikutusta pH:n stabiilisuuteen ja häiriöaineiden määrään neutraalissa LWC-prosessissa. Lisäksi on tutkittu ditioniitin määrän seisokkien ja valkaisuviiveiden vaikutusta. Kirjallisuusosassa tutustutaan ditioniittivalkaisuun ja valkaisun kemiaan sekä kalsiumkarbonaatin liukenemiseen. Lyhyesti selvitetään myös paperikoneen vesikiertoja sekä prosessissa olevia häiriöaineita. Karbonaatin liukenemisen osalta tarkastellaan myös mahdollisuutta mallintaa prosessia. Diplomityön aikana ajettiin yhdeksän simulaattoriajoa, jotka ajettiin kahden tai kolmen ajon sarjoissa. Ajoja ajettiin kolmella eri hylkymäärällä. Ditioniittivalkaisun lisäksi suoritettiin referenssiajoja ilman valkaisua. Lyhyen kierron pH pyrittiin pääosin säätämään seitsemään. Valkaisuviiveiden ja yli-yön kestävien seisokkien vaikutusta tutkittiin myös. Kokeissa todettiin ditioniitin alentavan pH tasoa. Tämä pH:n aleneminen johtaa kalsiumkarbonaatin liukenemiseen kalsiumkarbonaatin pyrkiessä puskuroimaan pH:n laskua. Valkaisureaktiossa syntyy negatiivisesti varauruneita yhdisteitä, jotka lisäävät prosessin anionisuutta. Ditioniitin valkaisuvaikutus näkyi lopputuotteen vaaleuden kasvuna sekä kieroveden värillisten yhdisteiden vähenemisenä. Ditioniittivalkaisu näytti poistavan myös noin 30% ligniinistä. Lipofiilisiin uuteaineisiin ditioniitilla ei ollut vaikutusta. Riittävä ditioniittiannos kokeiden perusteella on korkeintaan 1% ditioniittiä käytetyn mekaanisen massan määrästä. Korkeammalla annostuksella ei ollut vaikutusta vaaleuteen. Valkaisuaikana 30 minuuttia on riittävä. Pidempien valkaisuviiveiden ja seisokkien aikana valkaisussa syntyvän sulfiitin todettiin muuttuvan sulfaatiksi. Hylyn määrän lisääminen nosti pH:ta, varausta, johtokykyä ja liuenneen kalsiumin määrään. Hylyn määrän lisäminen paransi myös optisia ominaisuuksia, mikä johtui osin hylyn sisältämästä kalsiumkarbonaatista ja osin hylyn sisältämästä mekaanisesta massasta, joka oli valkaistua.