987 resultados para H-R Trade
Our understanding of the diversity of mammalian life histories is based almost exclusively on eutherian mammals, in which the slow-fast continuum persists even after controlling for effects of body size and phylogeny. In this paper, we use modern comparative methods to test the extent to which this eutherian-based framework can be extrapolated to metatherian mammals. First, we examine the pattern of covariation among life history traits, and second, we test for correlations between variation in life history and variation in six candidate ecological variables: type of diet, extent of intraspecific competition, risk of juvenile mortality, diurnal pattern of activity, arboreality, and rainfall pattern. Even when controlling for body size and phylogeny, we observe a slow-fast continuum in metatherian mammals. Some parameters involved are different from those identified by studies of eutherians, but the underlying relationships among longevity, fecundity, and age at maturity persist. We also show that overall variation in a key life history variable, reproductive output (measured by annual reproductive rate and litter size), is significantly related to variation in type of diet, with a foliage-rich diet being associated with low fecundity. This is interesting because, although ecological correlations have been found within some eutherian subgroups, modern comparative approaches have failed to reveal robust ecological correlates of overall life history diversity in eutherians. Copyright ESA. All rights reserved.
The relationships between reproductive condition, level of reproductive investment and adrenocortical modulation to capture stress in marine turtles form the basis of this study. When subjected to either capture or ecological stressors, nesting marine turtles have demonstrated adrenocortical responses that are both small in magnitude, and slow in responsiveness. These observations were further investigated to determine whether this minimal stress response was a physiological strategy to maximize reproductive investment in adult green Chelonia mydas and hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata turtles. Female green and hawksbill turtles exhibited a decrease in adrenocortical responsiveness with progressive reproductive condition. Breeding turtles exhibited most suppression of their adrenocortical response to capture compared to both non-breeding and pre-breeding female counterparts. Nesting green turtles maintained a suppressed adrenocortical response to capture throughout the nesting season despite decreased reproductive investment. In contrast, male green and hawksbill turtles were less able to modulate their corticosterone (B) response to acute capture stress. During breeding, male turtles possessed significantly greater adrenocortical responses to capture than females. These results could indicate that the large reproductive investment necessary for female marine turtle reproduction might underlie the marked decrease in adrenocortical responsiveness. This hormonal mechanism could function as one strategy by which female marine turtles maximize their current reproductive event, even though under certain situations this mechanism could entail costs to female survival.
There is, a widespread belief that the WTO has made virtually no concessions to environmentalists about their concerns arising from free trade and the process of globalization. There are concerns that these processes may undermine prospects for sustainable development. Following, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the International Institute for Sustainable Development was established to advocate policies to support sustainable development within Canada and globally. In 1994, it proposed the Winnipeg Principles as. a means for reconciling international trade and development so as to: achieve sustainable development (ISD, 1994a,b). These seven principles are outlined in this article and assessed:. Although the International Institute for Sustainable Development had hoped: through these principles to influence the work programme of the Environment and Trade Committee of WTO, it seems to have little effect. Probably if these principles had been seriously considered by WTO, the serious social conflicts which emerged globally at the beginning of this century would have been avoided, and we would be in a better position to understand the complex links between trade, environment and sustainable development and adopt relevant policies. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
Economic globalisation is seen by many as a driving force for global economic growth. Yet opinion is divided about the benefits of this process, as highlighted by the WTO meeting in Seattle in late 1999. Proponents of economic globalisation view it as a positive force for environmental improvement and as a major factor increasing the likelihood of sustainable development through its likely boost to global investment. These proponents mostly appeal to analysis based on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) to support their views about environmental improvement. But EKC-analysis has significant deficiencies. Furthermore, it is impossible to be confident that the process of economic globalisation will result in sustainable development, if 'weak conditions' only are satisfied. 'Strong conditions' probably need to be satisfied to achieve sustainable development, and given current global institutional arrangements, these are likely to be violated by the economic globalisation process. Global political action seems to be needed-to avert a deterioration in the global environment and to prevent unsustainability of development. This exposition demonstrates the limitations of EKC-analysis, identifies positive and negative effects of economic globalisation on pollution levels, and highlights connections between globalisation and the debate about whether strong or weak conditions are required for sustainable development. The article concludes with a short discussion of the position of WTO in relation to trade and the environment and the seemingly de facto endorsement of WTO of weak conditions for sustainable development. It suggests that WTO's relative neglect of environmental concerns is no longer politically tenable and needs to be reassessed in the light of recent developments in economic analysis. The skew of economic growth, e.g. in favour of developing countries, is shown to be extremely important from a global environmental perspective. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
ISCOMs(R) are typically 40 nm cage-like structures comprising antigen, saponin, cholesterol and phospholipid. ISCOMs(R) have been shown to induce antibody responses and activate T helper cells and cyrolytic T lymphocytes in a number of animal species, including non-human primates. Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that ISCOMs(R) are also able to induce antibody and cellular immune responses in humans. This review describes the current understanding of the ability of ISCOMs(R) to induce immune responses and the mechanisms underlying this property. Recent progress in the characterisation and manufacture of ISCOMs(R) will also be discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We examined the burst swimming performance of two Antarctic fishes, Trematomus bernacchii and T. centronotus, at five temperatures between -1 degreesC and 10 degreesC. As Antarctic fishes are considered one of the most cold specialised and stenothermal of all ectotherms, we predicted they would possess a narrow thermal performance breadth for burst swimming and a correlative decrease in performance at high temperatures. Burst swimming was assessed by videotaping swimming sequences with a 50-Hz video camera and analysing the sequences frame-by-frame to determine maximum velocity, the distance moved throughout the initial 200 ms, and the time taken to reach maximum velocity. In contrast to our prediction, we found both species possessed a wide thermal performance breadth for burst swimming. Although maximum swimming velocity for both T. bernacchii and T. centronotus was significantly highest at 6 degreesC, maximum velocity at ah other test temperatures was less than 20% lower. Thus, it appears that specialisation to a highly stable and cold environment is not necessarily associated with a narrow thermal performance breadth for burst swimming in Antarctic fish. We also examined the ability of the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki to acclimate their burst-swimming performance to different temperatures. We exposed P, borchgrevinki to either -1 degreesC or 4 degreesC for 4 weeks and tested their burst-swimming performance at four temperatures between -1 degreesC and 10 degreesC. Burst-swimming performance of Pagothenia borchgrevinki was unaffected by exposure to either -1 degreesC or 4 degreesC for 4 weeks. Maximum swimming velocity of both acclimation groups was thermally independent over the total temperature range of -1 degreesC to 10 degreesC. Therefore, the loss of any capacity to restructure the phenotype and an inability to thermally acclimate swimming performance appears to be associated with inhabiting a highly stable thermal environment.
This paper focusing on the Chinese manufacturing sector assesses the environmental impact of trade liberalization in China. The results show that China's experience with the trade liberalization-environment nexus is consistent with international evidence. On one hand, trade liberalization has had various positive effects on the environment. Firstly, it promoted specialization in areas of comparative advantage, which, in general, included industries that contributed less to environmental degradation. Secondly, it allowed China to access and adopt the best international practices in pollution abatement technology. Thirdly, it enabled China to transfer environmental costs to other countries by importing intermediate products whose production contributed to environmental degradation. On the other hand, these positive effects were overwhelmed by a negative scale effect, which was the result of a huge increase in the demand for Chinese exports. The paper concludes that if China is to prevent pollution from reaching a critical threshold, environmental regulations need to be tightened. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
We determined the maximum sustained swimming speed (U-crit), and resting and maximum ventilation rates of the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki at five temperatures between -1degreesC and 8degreesC. We also determined resting metabolic rate (VO2) at -1degreesC, 2degreesC, and 4degreesC. U-crit of P. borchgrevinki was highest at -1degreesC (2.7+/-0.1 BL s(-1)) and rapidly decreased with temperature, representing a thermal performance breadth of only 5degreesC. This narrow thermal performance supports our prediction that specialisation to the subzero Antarctic marine environment is associated with a physiological trade-off in performance at high temperatures. Resting oxygen consumption and ventilation rate increased by more than 200% across the temperature range, which most likely contribute to the decrease in aerobic swimming capabilities at higher temperatures. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.