946 resultados para Gulbrandsen, Don
Los griegos crearon su religión con tanta riqueza imaginativa que los mitos que la forman se han convertido en uno de los pilares fundamentales de nuestra cultura; se han recreado en todas las artes y seguirá haciéndose...
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate if there is a significant effect of lunar phases on subjective and objective sleep variables in the general population. METHODS: A total of 2125 individuals (51.2% women, age 58.8 ± 11.2 years) participating in a population-based cohort study underwent a complete polysomnography (PSG) at home. Subjective sleep quality was evaluated by a self-rating scale. Sleep electroencephalography (EEG) spectral analysis was performed in 759 participants without significant sleep disorders. Salivary cortisol levels were assessed at awakening, 30 min after awakening, at 11 am, and at 8 pm. Lunar phases were grouped into full moon (FM), waxing/waning moon (WM), and new moon (NM). RESULTS: Overall, there was no significant difference between lunar phases with regard to subjective sleep quality. We found only a nonsignificant (p = 0.08) trend toward a better sleep quality during the NM phase. Objective sleep duration was not different between phases (FM: 398 ± 3 min, WM: 402 ± 3 min, NM: 403 ± 3 min; p = 0.31). No difference was found with regard to other PSG-derived parameters, EEG spectral analysis, or in diurnal cortisol levels. When considering only subjects with apnea/hypopnea index of <15/h and periodic leg movements index of <15/h, we found a trend toward shorter total sleep time during FM (FM: 402 ± 4, WM: 407 ± 4, NM: 415 ± 4 min; p = 0.06) and shorter-stage N2 duration (FM: 178 ± 3, WM: 182 ± 3, NM: 188 ± 3 min; p = 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our large population-based study provides no evidence of a significant effect of lunar phases on human sleep.
In the context of lay mobilization in health-related areas, this article addresses the role and activities of patients' associations in connection with organ donation, on the basis of interviews carried out with thirty members of transplant patients' associations in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. First, we describe the three main categories of activities conducted by these associations. While self-help and public awareness activities are predominant, policy-oriented actions are marginal. Then, we examine the factors likely to explain why these associations have a limited capacity to be active, especially in the public sphere. Such a lack of social visibility is all the more important in the current political context, characterized by the implementation of a national action plan designed to improve organ donation.
Entre information et incitation: stratégies et expertises dans les discours publics du don d'organes
Don Juan Tenorio de Zorrilla está en la raíz de la composición de la Regenta, la extraordinaria novela de Clarín, y él deja pistas en el texto para que el lector pueda verlo.
The paper discusses the problem of the literary genre of the Crónica sarracina from a peninsular and european points of view. It is considerer through the prism of a new kind of fiction, related to history and an incipient realism, which grows up along the 15th century. Moreover, it reveals new fragments inspired by Pedro de Corral from the catalan version of Seneca’s tragedies and from the Libro de los doce sabios
Este artículo trata de la complicada y hasta ahora inédita historia de la llegada a España de dos obras cumbres de la orfebrería sienesa del s. XIV en plata con esmaltes translúcidos: el relicario de la mano de Santa Lucía en la catedral de Toledo y el cáliz de San Segundo en la catedral de Ávila. La importación de estos dos importantísimos objetos devocionales y litúrgicos, ambos firmados por el platero sienés Andrea Petrucci, está relacionada con la estancia en Italia del cardenal don Gil de Albornoz, arzobispo de Toledo y posteriormente cardenal de San Clemente y Santa Sabina y legado papal. El mecenazgo del cardenal castellano y de su círculo en Italia explica la comisión y adquisición de estas piezas, cuyos accidentados itinerarios desembocarían finalmente en Toledo y en Ávila.
Digitoitu 8. 9. 2008.