990 resultados para Ground station, small satellites


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An automatic system was designed to concurrently measure stage and discharge for the purpose of developing stage-discharge ratings and high flow hydrographs on small streams. Stage, or gage height, is recorded by an analog-to-digital recorder and discharge is determined by the constant-rate tracer-dilution method. The system measures flow above a base stage set by the user. To test the effectiveness of the system and its components, eight systems, with a variety of equipment, were installed at crest-stage gaging stations across Iowa. A fluorescent dye, rhodamine-WT, was used as the tracer. Tracer-dilution discharge measurements were made during 14 flow periods at six stations from 1986 through 1988 water years. Ratings were developed at three stations with the aid of these measurements. A loop rating was identified at one station during rapidly-changing flow conditions. Incomplete mixing and dye loss to sediment apparently were problems at some stations. Stage hydrographs were recorded for 38 flows at seven stations. Limited data on background fluorescence during high flows were also obtained.


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This paper describes a realistic simulator for the Computed Tomography (CT) scan process for motion analysis. In fact, we are currently developing a new framework to find small motion from the CT scan. In order to prove the fidelity of this framework, or potentially any other algorithm, we present in this paper a simulator to simulate the whole CT acquisition process with a priori known parameters. In other words, it is a digital phantom for the motion analysis that can be used to compare the results of any related algorithm with the ground-truth realistic analytical model. Such a simulator can be used by the community to test different algorithms in the biomedical imaging domain. The most important features of this simulator are its different considerations to simulate the best the real acquisition process and its generality.


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Topological order has proven a useful concept to describe quantum phase transitions which are not captured by the Ginzburg-Landau type of symmetry-breaking order. However, lacking a local order parameter, topological order is hard to detect. One way to detect it is via direct observation of anyonic properties of excitations which are usually discussed in the thermodynamic limit, but so far has not been realized in macroscopic quantum Hall samples. Here we consider a system of few interacting bosons subjected to the lowest Landau level by a gauge potential, and theoretically investigate vortex excitations in order to identify topological properties of different ground states. Our investigation demonstrates that even in surprisingly small systems anyonic properties are able to characterize the topological order. In addition, focusing on a system in the Laughlin state, we study the robustness of its anyonic behavior in the presence of tunable finite-range interactions acting as a perturbation. A clear signal of a transition to a different state is reflected by the system's anyonic properties.


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The ground-penetrating radar (GPR) geophysical method has the potential to provide valuable information on the hydraulic properties of the vadose zone because of its strong sensitivity to soil water content. In particular, recent evidence has suggested that the stochastic inversion of crosshole GPR traveltime data can allow for a significant reduction in uncertainty regarding subsurface van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters. Much of the previous work on the stochastic estimation of VGM parameters from crosshole GPR data has considered the case of steady-state infiltration conditions, which represent only a small fraction of practically relevant scenarios. We explored in detail the dynamic infiltration case, specifically examining to what extent time-lapse crosshole GPR traveltimes, measured during a forced infiltration experiment at the Arreneas field site in Denmark, could help to quantify VGM parameters and their uncertainties in a layered medium, as well as the corresponding soil hydraulic properties. We used a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo inversion approach. We first explored the advantages and limitations of this approach with regard to a realistic synthetic example before applying it to field measurements. In our analysis, we also considered different degrees of prior information. Our findings indicate that the stochastic inversion of the time-lapse GPR data does indeed allow for a substantial refinement in the inferred posterior VGM parameter distributions compared with the corresponding priors, which in turn significantly improves knowledge of soil hydraulic properties. Overall, the results obtained clearly demonstrate the value of the information contained in time-lapse GPR data for characterizing vadose zone dynamics.


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Prospective comparative evaluation of patent V blue, fluorescein and (99m)TC-nanocolloids for intraoperative sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping during surgery for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ten patients with peripherally localised clinical stage I NSCLC underwent thoracotomy and peritumoral subpleural injection of 2 ml of patent V blue dye, 1 ml of 10% fluorescein and 1ml of (99m)Tc-nanocolloids (0.4 mCi). The migration and spatial distribution pattern of the tracers was assessed by direct visualisation (patent V blue), visualisation of fluorescence signalling by a lamp of Wood (fluorescein) and radioactivity counting with a hand held gamma-probe ((99m)Tc-nanocolloids). Lymph nodes at interlobar (ATS 11), hilar (ATS 10) and mediastinal (right ATS 2,4,7; left ATS 5,6,7) levels were systematically assessed every 10 min up to 60 min after injection, followed by lobectomy and formal lymph node dissection. Successful migration from the peritumoral area to the mediastinum was observed for all three tracers up to 60 min after injection. The interlobar lympho-fatty tissue (station ATS 11) revealed an early and preferential accumulation of all three tracers for all tumours assessed and irrespective of the tumour localisation. However, no preferential accumulation in one or two distinct lymph nodes was observed up to 60 min after injection for all three tracers assessed. Intraoperative SLN mapping revealed successful migration of the tracers from the site of peritumoral injection to the mediastinum, but in a diffuse pattern without preferential accumulation in sentinel lymph nodes.


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This project proposes a preliminary architectural design for a control and data processing center, also known as 'ground segment', for Earth observation satellites.


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Topological order has proven a useful concept to describe quantum phase transitions which are not captured by the Ginzburg-Landau type of symmetry-breaking order. However, lacking a local order parameter, topological order is hard to detect. One way to detect it is via direct observation of anyonic properties of excitations which are usually discussed in the thermodynamic limit, but so far has not been realized in macroscopic quantum Hall samples. Here we consider a system of few interacting bosons subjected to the lowest Landau level by a gauge potential, and theoretically investigate vortex excitations in order to identify topological properties of different ground states. Our investigation demonstrates that even in surprisingly small systems anyonic properties are able to characterize the topological order. In addition, focusing on a system in the Laughlin state, we study the robustness of its anyonic behavior in the presence of tunable finite-range interactions acting as a perturbation. A clear signal of a transition to a different state is reflected by the system's anyonic properties.


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Coffee is one of the most appreciated drinks in the world. Coffee ground is obtained from the fruit of a small plant that belongs to the genus Coffea. Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora robusta are the two most commercially important species. They are more commonly known as arabica and robusta, respectively. Two-thirds of Coffea arabica plants are grown in South and Central America, and Eastern Africa - the place of origin for this coffee species. Contamination by microorganisms has been a major matter affecting coffee quality in Brazil, mainly due to the harvesting method adopted. Brazilian harvests are based on fruits collected from the ground mixed with those that fall on collection cloths. As the Bacillus cereus bacterium frequently uses the soil as its environmental reservoir, it is easily capable of becoming a contaminant. This study aimed to evaluate the contamination and potential of B. cereus enterotoxin genes encoding the HBL and NHE complexes, which were observed in strains of ground and roasted coffee samples sold in Rio de Janeiro. The PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) results revealed high potential of enterotoxin production in the samples. The method described by Speck (1984) was used for the isolation of contaminants. The investigation of the potential production of enterotoxins through isolates of the microorganism was performed using the B. cereus enterotoxin Reverse Passive Latex Agglutination test-kit (BCET-RPLA, Oxoid), according to the manufacturer's instructions. The potential of enterotoxin production was investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for hblA, hblD and hblC genes (encoding hemolysin HBL) and for nheA, nheB and nheC genes (encoding non-hemolytic enterotoxin - NHE). Of all the 17 strains, 100% were positive for at least 1 enterotoxin gene; 52.9% (9/17) were positive for the 3 genes encoding the HBL complex; 35.3% (6/17) were positive for the three NHE encoding genes; and 29.4% (5/17) were positive for all enterotoxic genes.


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A major challenge in the transmission of narrow pulses is the radiation characteristics of the antenna. Designing the front ends for UWB systems pose challenges compared to their narrow and wide band counterparts because in addition to having electrically small size, high efficiency and band width, the antenna has to have excellent transient response. The present work deals with the design of four novel antenna designs- Square Monopole, Semi-Elliptic Slot, Step and Linear Tapered slot - and an assay on their suitability in UWB Systems. Multiple resonances in the geometry are matched to UWB by redesigning the ground-patch interfaces. Techniques to avoid narrow band interference is proposed in the antenna level and their effect on a nano second pulse have also been investigated. The thesis proposes design guidelines to design the antenna on laminates of any permittivity and the analyzes are complete with results in the frequency and time domains.


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The electronic states of small AI_n (n = 2 - 8) clusters have been calculated with a relativistic ab-initio MOLCAO Dirac-Fock-Slater method using numerical atomic DFS wave-functions. The excitation energies were obtained from a ground state calculation of neutral clusters, and in addition from negative clusters charged by half an electron in order to account for part of the relaxation. These energies are compared with experimental photoelectron spectra.


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We will discuss several examples and research efforts related to the small world problem and set the ground for our discussion of network theory and social network analysis. Readings: An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem, J. Travers and S. Milgram Sociometry 32 425-443 (1969) [Protected Access] Optional: The Strength of Weak Ties, M.S. Granovetter The American Journal of Sociology 78 1360--1380 (1973) [Protected Access] Optional: Worldwide Buzz: Planetary-Scale Views on an Instant-Messaging Network, J. Leskovec and E. Horvitz MSR-TR-2006-186. Microsoft Research, June 2007. [Web Link, the most recent and comprehensive study on the subject!] Originally from: http://kmi.tugraz.at/staff/markus/courses/SS2008/707.000_web-science/


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In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.


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Bachman’s Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis), an endemic North American passerine, requires frequent (≤ 3 yr) prescribed fires to maintain preferred habitat conditions. Prescribed fires that coincide with the sparrow’s nesting season are increasingly used to manage sparrow habitat, but concerns exist regarding the effects that nesting-season fires may pose to this understory-dwelling species. Previous studies suggested that threats posed by fires might be lessened by reducing the extent of prescribed fires, thereby providing unburned areas close to the areas where fires eliminate ground-cover vegetation. To assess this hypothesis, we monitored color-marked male Bachman’s Sparrows on 2 sites where the extent of nesting-season fires differed 5-fold (> 70 ha vs. < 15 ha). Monthly survival for males did not differ between the large- and small-extent treatments, and survival rates exceeded 90% for all months except one during the second year of our study when fires were applied later in the season. Male densities also did not differ between treatments, but treatment-by-year interactions pointed to effects relating to the specific time that fires were applied. The distances separating observations of marked males before and after burns were smaller on small-extent treatments in the first year of study but larger on the small-extent treatments in the second year of study. Burn extents also had no consistent effect on postburn reproductive status. The largest extent we examined could have been too small to affect sparrow populations, but responses may also reflect sustainable metapopulation dynamics in a setting where a large sparrow population is maintained at a regional scale (> 100,000 ha) using frequent prescribed fire (≤ 2-yr return intervals). Additional research is needed regarding the effects that nesting-season fires may have on small, isolated populations as well as sites where much larger burn extents (> 100 ha) or longer burn intervals (> 2 yr) are used.


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Simultaneous observations of cloud microphysical properties were obtained by in-situ aircraft measurements and ground based Radar/Lidar. Widespread mid-level stratus cloud was present below a temperature inversion (~5 °C magnitude) at 3.6 km altitude. Localised convection (peak updraft 1.5 m s−1) was observed 20 km west of the Radar station. This was associated with convergence at 2.5 km altitude. The convection was unable to penetrate the inversion capping the mid-level stratus. The mid-level stratus cloud was vertically thin (~400 m), horizontally extensive (covering 100 s of km) and persisted for more than 24 h. The cloud consisted of supercooled water droplets and small concentrations of large (~1 mm) stellar/plate like ice which slowly precipitated out. This ice was nucleated at temperatures greater than −12.2 °C and less than −10.0 °C, (cloud top and cloud base temperatures, respectively). No ice seeding from above the cloud layer was observed. This ice was formed by primary nucleation, either through the entrainment of efficient ice nuclei from above/below cloud, or by the slow stochastic activation of immersion freezing ice nuclei contained within the supercooled drops. Above cloud top significant concentrations of sub-micron aerosol were observed and consisted of a mixture of sulphate and carbonaceous material, a potential source of ice nuclei. Particle number concentrations (in the size range 0.1small pristine columns were observed at the ~−5 °C level together with liquid water droplets and a few rimed ice particles, (3) Columns were larger and increasingly rimed at colder temperatures. Calculated ice splinter production rates are consistent with observed concentrations if the condition that only droplets greater than 24 μm are capable of generating secondary ice splinters is relaxed. This case demonstrates the importance of understanding the formation of ice at slightly supercooled temperatures, as it can lead to secondary ice production and the formation of precipitation in clouds which may not otherwise be considered as significant precipitation sources.


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In the present paper we characterize the statistical properties of non-precipitating tropical ice clouds (deep ice anvils resulting from deep convection and cirrus clouds) over Niamey, Niger, West Africa, and Darwin, northern Australia, using ground-based radar–lidar observations from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) programme. The ice cloud properties analysed in this paper are the frequency of ice cloud occurrence, cloud fraction, the morphological properties (cloud-top height, base height, and thickness), the microphysical and radiative properties (ice water content, visible extinction, effective radius, terminal fall speed, and concentration), and the internal cloud dynamics (in-cloud vertical air velocity). The main highlight of the paper is that it characterizes for the first time the probability density functions of the tropical ice cloud properties, their vertical variability and their diurnal variability at the same time. This is particularly important over West Africa, since the ARM deployment in Niamey provides the first vertically resolved observations of non-precipitating ice clouds in this crucial area in terms of redistribution of water and energy in the troposphere. The comparison between the two sites also provides an additional observational basis for the evaluation of the parametrization of clouds in large-scale models, which should be able to reproduce both the statistical properties at each site and the differences between the two sites. The frequency of ice cloud occurrence is found to be much larger over Darwin when compared to Niamey, and with a much larger diurnal variability, which is well correlated with the diurnal cycle of deep convective activity. The diurnal cycle of the ice cloud occurrence over Niamey is also much less correlated with that of deep convective activity than over Darwin, probably owing to the fact that Niamey is further away from the deep convective sources of the region. The frequency distributions of cloud fraction are strongly bimodal and broadly similar over the two sites, with a predominance of clouds characterized either by a very small cloud fraction (less than 0.3) or a very large cloud fraction (larger than 0.9). The ice clouds over Darwin are also much thicker (by 1 km or more statistically) and are characterized by a much larger diurnal variability than ice clouds over Niamey. Ice clouds over Niamey are also characterized by smaller particle sizes and fall speeds but in much larger concentrations, thereby carrying more ice water and producing more visible extinction than the ice clouds over Darwin. It is also found that there is a much larger occurrence of downward in-cloud air motions less than 1 m s−1 over Darwin, which together with the larger fall speeds retrieved over Darwin indicates that the life cycle of ice clouds is probably shorter over Darwin than over Niamey.