885 resultados para Gauss Reciprocity


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Key generation from the randomness of wireless channels is a promising technique to establish a secret cryptographic key securely between legitimate users. This paper proposes a new approach to extract keys efficiently from channel responses of individual orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) subcarriers. The efficiency is achieved by (i) fully exploiting randomness from time and frequency domains and (ii) improving the cross-correlation of the channel measurements. Through the theoretical modelling of the time and frequency autocorrelation relationship of the OFDM subcarrier's channel responses, we can obtain the optimal probing rate and use multiple uncorrelated subcarriers as random sources. We also study the effects of non-simultaneous measurements and noise on the cross-correlation of the channel measurements. We find the cross-correlation is mainly impacted by noise effects in a slow fading channel and use a low pass filter (LPF) to reduce the key disagreement rate and extend the system's working signal-to-noise ratio range. The system is evaluated in terms of randomness, key generation rate, and key disagreement rate, verifying that it is feasible to extract randomness from both time and frequency domains of the OFDM subcarrier's channel responses.


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Links between schools in the United Kingdom and partner schools in developing countries are an increasingly popular approach to teaching global citizenship. This study addresses the limited empirical research to date on the influence of such links on pupils' learning and understanding. Following an overview of the curricular theme of global citizenship in the Scottish curriculum and in the context of a partnership between Scotland and Malawi, challenges and potential pitfalls of teaching global citizenship are illustrated by the voices of pupils at four schools. Data is analysed through the themes of knowledge and understanding, concerns about fairness, and giving and helping. We reflect on whether our study indicates the intended reciprocal partnership or a 'politics of benevolence'.


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A herança material é um tema fulcral para as pessoas idosas e suas famílias. No entanto, o conhecimento sobre este tema é ainda escasso. Este estudo tem por finalidade explorar o processo de transmissão da herança, analisar os significados e valores das heranças e suas implicações nas relações e bem-estar na velhice. Contempla o enquadramento da herança no ciclo da vida familiar, análise dos perfis de transmissão da herança, organização das relações de entreajuda entre doadores e herdeiros, explorações dos significados e valores dos bens materiais e aprofundamento dos significados e valores emocionais da herança para doadores e herdeiros. Os resultados sugerem que a herança material é um processo normativo no ciclo da vida familiar, constituindo um ponto focal para a reorganização das relações familiares e bem-estar emocional do idoso. O processo é governado por um sistema de significados e valores orientado para a união e lealdade familiar, reciprocidade da ajuda familiar e igualdade (entre irmãos/herdeiros). Este estudo apresenta limitações, sendo relevante melhorar e expandir os resultados através da análise de diferenças, considerando o sexo, classe socioeconómica, contexto de residência e estrutura familiar (nomeadamente, famílias reconstituídas, pessoas solteiras, casais sem filhos), bem como aprofundar a significação dos valores identificados.


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A prestação de cuidados familiares, centrada nos desafios colocados ao cuidador principal, particularmente no âmbito das condições demenciais, tem vindo a assumir-se desde a década de 1980 como um tema fulcral no contexto das famílias envelhecidas e da pesquisa gerontológica. Neste contexto, um leque diversificado de intervenções têm sido desenvolvidas para apoiar os cuidadores familiares de pessoas com demência. Estas intervenções têm evidenciado algumas limitações, nomeadamente: a unidade de intervenção é a pessoa com demência ou o cuidador principal, não considerando a família como unidade; a fragmentação do apoio, em que serviços sociais, de saúde, educacionais e de suporte funcionam como estruturas paralelas e independentes; e as abordagens são geralmente centradas na doença, negligenciando os recursos e competências dos participantes (fatores salutogénicos). Neste estudo procedeu-se ao desenho, implementação e avaliação de um programa integrado, para pessoas com demência e suas famílias, baseado numa abordagem colaborativa e de capacitação: proFamílias-demência. Este programa tem três componentes: (a) sessões psicoeducativas para os familiares da pessoa com demência, num formato de grupo de discussão multifamílias; (b) sessões de ocupação significativa para as pessoas com demência; e (c) serviço de referência pós-intervenção para garantir a continuidade de apoio. O proFamílias-demência envolveu cinco famílias (seis participantes). A avaliação indica que os aspetos estruturais e funcionais são adequados. Em termos de impacto a médio prazo (três meses), as famílias referem que o programa permitiu a consciencialização da importância do autocuidado, melhor gestão emocional e mais união familiar. Neste estudo também se analisou a influência da prestação de cuidados a um familiar com demência no desenvolvimento do cuidador idoso. Adotou-se a abordagem da integridade familiar (King & Wynne, 2004) como quadro conceptual e o instrumento de recolha de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada recomendada nesta abordagem. A amostra envolve 26 cuidadores familiares idosos (mais de 64 anos) que nas suas casas cuidam de um familiar com demência. Os principais resultados sugerem que a prestação de cuidados a um familiar com demência influencia a construção da integridade familiar em termos: (a) concretização de projetos de vida; (b) frequência de contactos com a família; (c) possibilidade de reciprocidade do cuidador; e (d) resolução de conflitos familiares. No entanto, os resultados reforçam que a forma como o cuidador percebe, vivencia e interpreta a prestação de cuidados é fundamental na construção da integridade familiar. Em geral, a investigação desenvolvida nesta tese permitiu: (a) desenvolver linhas orientadoras para a implementação de programas de apoio psicoeducativo junto de pessoas com demência e suas famílias; e (b) contribuir para o desenvolvimento de modelos teóricos sobre os processos de desenvolvimento individual de cuidadores idosos. Estudos futuros envolvendo amostras mais alargadas e combinando a utilização de metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas são necessários. A avaliação dos custos e ganhos económicos decorrentes destes programas também se revela primordial.


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Tecnologias e Metodologias em E-learning, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, Faculdade de Ciências, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos Artísticos (Estudos de Teatro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Tese de mestrado, Cuidados Paliativos, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Dissertação apresentada na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação. Especialidade Intervenção Precoce


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Dissertação apresentada na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Intervenção Precoce


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The threat of punishment usually promotes cooperation. However, punishing itself is costly, rare in nonhuman animals, and humans who punish often finish with low payoffs in economic experiments. The evolution of punishment has therefore been unclear. Recent theoretical developments suggest that punishment has evolved in the context of reputation games. We tested this idea in a simple helping game with observers and with punishment and punishment reputation (experimentally controlling for other possible reputational effects). We show that punishers fully compensate their costs as they receive help more often. The more likely defection is punished within a group, the higher the level of within-group cooperation. These beneficial effects perish if the punishment reputation is removed. We conclude that reputation is key to the evolution of punishment.


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Abstract: In Imperial Eyes Mary Louise Pratt (1992: 7, emphasis original) defines autoethnography as "instances in which colonized subjects undertake to represent themselves in ways that engage with the colonizer's own terms ... in response to or in dialogue with . . . metropolitan representations." Although Pratt's conceptualization of autoethnography has much to offer post-colonial studies, it has received little attention in the field. In this thesis, I interrogate Pratt's notion of autoethnography as a theoretical tool for understanding the self-representations of subordinate peoples within transcultural terrains of signification. I argue that autoethnography is a concept that allows us to move beyond some theoretical dualisms, and to recognize the (necessary) coexistence of subordinate peoples' simultaneous accommodation of and resistance to dominant representations of themselves. I suggest that even when autoethnographic expressions seem to rely on or to reproduce dominant knowledges, their very existence as speech acts implicitly resists dominant discourses which objectify members of oppressed populations and re-create them as Native Informants. I use Pratt's concept to analyze two books by Islamic feminist sociologist Fatima Memissi. Memissi's Dreams ofTrespass and Scheherazade Goes West illustrate the simultaneity of accommodation and disruption evident in autoethnographic communication. Across the two books, Memissi shows herself renegotiating the discourses which discipline her (and her speech). She switches back and forth between the positions of reader and author, demonstrates the reciprocity of the disciplinary gaze (she looks back at her dominants, reading their own reading of her representation of her social group), and provides a model of autoethnographic dialogue.


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The macroscopic properties of the superconducting phase in the multiphase compound YPd5B3 C.3 have been investigated. The onset of superconductivity was observed at 22.6 K, zero resistance at 21.2 K, the lower critical field Hel at 5 K was determined to be Hel (5) rv 310 Gauss and the compound was found to be an extreme type-II superconductor with the upper critical field in excess of 55000 Gauss at 15 K. From the upper and lower critical field values obtained, several important parameters of the superconducting state were determined at T = 15 K. The Ginzburg-Landau paramater was determined to be ~ > 9 corresponding to a coherence length ~ rv 80A and magnetic penetration depth of 800A. In addition measurements of the superconducting transition temperature Te(P) under purely hydrostatically applied pressure have been carried out. Te(P) of YPd5B3 C.3 decreases linearly with dTe/dP rv -8.814 X 10-5 J


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Abstract This thesis is an examination of Simone de Beauvoir's theme of situated embodiment. The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate that the theme of situated embodiment was a concern of Beauvoir's since early childhood and that it was this interest which was the impetus for Beauvoir's later philosophical notion of authentic embodiment. Through the examination of Beauvoir's autobiographies it becomes evident that Beauvoir consistently demonstrates an early awareness that one's situation will be expressed through one's body. This idea is also present in Beauvoir's novels. In the novels it is shown that many of the characters are struggling within authentic embodiment. Beauvoir also fictionalizes many of her own experiences in the novels. These novels are used as concrete examples of Beauvoir's philosophy. Through Beauvoir's philosophical works it becomes evident that authentic embodiment will include the notions of freedom, ambiguity, and reciprocity. All are crucial when trying to live an authentic existence. Beauvoir's philosophy also focuses on marginalized groups who are in the position ofthe Other. One of the marginalized groups studied are women, and this thesis investigates Beauvoir's understanding of why woman is in the position of the Other. This thesis also addresses two feminist criticisms of Beauvoir's study on women. These criticisms are argued against in an effort to defend the notion ofauthentic situated embodiment as delineated in the first three chapters. Overall it is established that Beauvoir's early experiences allowed for her to form the philosophical idea of situated embodiment that lies at the core of her philosophy.


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This thesis places boundary conditions on the withdrawal model in the frontline setting of service organizations by considering continuance commitment and supervisory support as moderators of the relationship between job dissatisfaction and customer-oriented citizenship behaviors (COCBs). Departing from traditional research in the areas of the service-profit chain and employee withdrawal, the author advances our understanding of conditions that may lead frontline service employees who are dissatisfied to deposit COCBs into the organizational system. Specifically, based on principles derived from social exchange theory, high continuance commitment and high supervisory support are expected to lead to COCBs, because under this condition the benefits of performing such behaviors are increased (i.e., promotion-based, reciprocity-based), while the costs are decreased (i.e., opportunity costs). Utilizing a sample of 127 frontline employees from both the financial services and travel agency industries, the hypothesized relationships are empirically supported using moderated hierarchical regression analysis. To conclude discussion, implications of the results for both academics and p