992 resultados para GC X GC
Two sets of experiments, categorized as TG–FTIR and Py–GC–FTIR, are employed to investigate the mechanism of the hemicellulose pyrolysis and the formation of main gaseous and bio-oil products. The “sharp mass loss stage” and the corresponding evolution of the volatile products are examined by the TG–FTIR graphs at the heating rate of 3–80 K/min. A pyrolysis unit, composed of fluidized bed reactor, carbon filter, vapour condensing system and gas storage, is employed to investigate the products of the hemicellulose pyrolysis under different temperatures (400–690 °C) at the feeding flow rate of 600 l/h. The effects of temperature on the condensable products are examined thoroughly. The possible routes for the formation of the products are systematically proposed from the primary decomposition of the three types of unit (xylan, O-acetylxylan and 4-O-methylglucuronic acid) and the secondary reactions of the fragments. It is found that the formation of CO is enhanced with elevated temperature, while slight change is observed for the yield of CO2 which is the predominant products in the gaseous mixture.
A rapid method for the analysis of biomass feedstocks was established to identify the quality of the pyrolysis products likely to impact on bio-oil production. A total of 15 Lolium and Festuca grasses known to exhibit a range of Klason lignin contents were analysed by pyroprobe-GC/MS (Py-GC/MS) to determine the composition of the thermal degradation products of lignin. The identification of key marker compounds which are the derivatives of the three major lignin subunits (G, H, and S) allowed pyroprobe-GC/MS to be statistically correlated to the Klason lignin content of the biomass using the partial least-square method to produce a calibration model. Data from this multivariate modelling procedure was then applied to identify likely "key marker" ions representative of the lignin subunits from the mass spectral data. The combined total abundance of the identified key markers for the lignin subunits exhibited a linear relationship with the Klason lignin content. In addition the effect of alkali metal concentration on optimum pyrolysis characteristics was also examined. Washing of the grass samples removed approximately 70% of the metals and changed the characteristics of the thermal degradation process and products. Overall the data indicate that both the organic and inorganic specification of the biofuel impacts on the pyrolysis process and that pyroprobe-GC/MS is a suitable analytical technique to asses lignin composition. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The thermo-chemical conversion of green microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild type (CCAP 11/32C), its cell wall deficient mutant C. reinhardtii CW15 (CCAP 11/32CW15) and Chlorella vulgaris (CCAP 211/11B) as well as their proteins and lipids was studied under conditions of intermediate pyrolysis. The microalgae were characterised for ultimate and gross chemical composition, lipid composition and extracted products were analysed by Thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and Pyrolysis-gaschromatography/mass-spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Proteins accounted for almost 50% and lipids 16-22 % of dry weight of cells with little difference in the lipid compositions between the C. reinhardtii wild type and the cell wall mutant. During TGA analysis, each biomass exhibited three stages of decomposition, namely dehydration, devolatilization and decomposition of carbonaceous solids. Py-GC/MS analysis revealed significant protein derived compounds from all algae including toluene, phenol, 4-methylphenol, 1H-indole, 1H-indole-3methyl. Lipid pyrolysis products derived from C. reinhardtii wild type and C. reinhardtii CW15 were almost identical and reflected the close similarity of the fatty acid profiles of both strains. Major products identified were phytol and phytol derivatives formed from the terpenoid chain of chlorophyll, benzoic acid alkyl ester derivative, benzenedicarboxylic acid alkyl ester derivative and squalene. In addition, octadecanoic acid octyl ester, hexadecanoic acid methyl ester and hydrocarbons including heptadecane, 1-nonadecene and heneicosane were detected from C. vulgaris pyrolysed lipids. These results contrast sharply with the types of pyrolytic products obtained from terrestrial lignocellulosic feedstocks and reveal that intermediate pyrolysis of algal biomass generates a range of useful products with wide ranging applications including bio fuels.
The research investigates the fuel property variations associated with the time of harvest and the duration of storage of Miscanthus x giganteus over a one year period. The crop has been harvested at three different times: early (September 2009), conventional (April 2010) and late (June 2010). Once harvested the crop was baled and stored. Biomass properties of samples taken from different storage zones were compared. The thermochemical properties have been investigated using a range of analytical equipment including thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS). In addition, bio-oil has been produced from the early, conventional and late harvest using a laboratory scale (300gh) fast pyrolysis unit. The potential organic liquid yield (ondry basis, also excluding the reaction water generated) based on the laboratory fast pyrolysis processing undertaken in this study, was found to vary between 2.82 and 3.18 dry tha for the early and the late harvest respectively. The bio-oil organic yield was reduced by approximately 11% (0.36tha) between the early and the late harvest. Char yield was also reduced by approximately 18% (0.61tha). The highest gas yield (18.03%-1.60tha) was observed for the conventional harvest. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the bio-oil shows that levoglucosan, methylbenzaldehyde and 1,2-benzenediol all increase as a consequence of delayed harvest. It was also observed that by delaying the harvest time the O:C atomic ratio is reduced and a more carbonaceous feedstock is produced. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Az illékony komponensek vizsgálata számos tudományterületen fontos feladat. Ez különösen igaz az élelmiszertudomány esetében, ahol sok esetben ezeknek a vegyületeknek nemcsak mint kémiai markerekként van jelentősége, hanem részt vesznek az illat, mint érzékszervi tulajdonság kialakításában is. Az illékony vegyületek gázkromatográfiás vizsgálata hosszú múltra tekint vissza, ugyanakkor a rutinszerűen használható, oldószermentes, bonyolult mintaelőkészítést nem igénylő gázkromatográfiás technika csak az utóbbi néhány évtizedben vált elérhetővé. Az SPME (szilárd fázisú mikroextrakció) technikát az 1980-a évek végén mutatták be, mára azonban a gázkromatográfiás gyakorlatban alkalmazott, alternatív mintaelőkészítési móddá vált. A technika kellően érzékeny, jó reprodukálhatóságot biztosító, költséghatékony és egy lépésben valósítja meg az extrakciót, a koncentrálást és mintainjektálást. Az SPME technika sikeres alkalmazására mind több példa mutatkozik. Közleményünkben a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Élelmiszertudományi Kar Hűtő- és Állatitermék Technológiai Tanszékén végzett olyan kutatások eredményeiből mutatunk be néhány példát, ahol az élelmiszer-előállítási, -feldolgozási technológiák fejlesztésében az élelmiszerek illékony komponensei vizsgálatának nagy jelentősége van.
2011-12 Worlds Ahead Strategic Plan Implementation Meeting held at Graham Center, Modesto Maidique Campus. Speakers included President Mark B. Rosenberg, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Douglas Wartzok,
The past variability of the South Asian Monsoon is mostly known from records of wind strength over the Arabian Sea while high-resolution paleorecords from regions of strong monsoon precipitation are still lacking. Here, we present records of past monsoon variability obtained from sediment core SK 168/GC-1, which was collected at the Alcock Seamount complex in the Andaman Sea. We utilize the ecological habitats of different planktic foraminiferal species to reconstruct freshwater-induced stratification based on paired Mg/Ca and d18O analyses and to estimate seawater d18O (d18Osw). The difference between surface and thermocline temperatures (delta T) and d18Osw (delta d18Osw) is used to investigate changes in upper ocean stratification. Additionally, Ba/Ca in G. sacculifer tests is used as a direct proxy for riverine runoff and sea surface salinity (SSS) changes related to monsoon precipitation on land. Our delta d18Osw time series reveals that upper ocean salinity stratification did not change significantly throughout the last glacial suggesting little influence of NH insolation changes. The strongest increase in temperature gradients between the mixed layer and the thermocline is recorded for the mid-Holocene and indicate the presence of a significantly shallower thermocline. In line with previous work, the d18Osw and Ba/Ca records demonstrate that monsoon climate during the LGM was characterized by a significantly weaker southwest monsoon circulation and strongly reduced runoff. Based on our data the South Asian Summer Monsoon (SAM) over the Irrawaddyy strengthened gradually after the LGM beginning at ~18 ka. This is some 3 kyrs before an increase of the Ba/Ca record from the Arabian Sea and indicates that South Asian Monsoon climate dynamics are more complex than the simple N-S displacement of the ITCZ as generally described for other regions. Minimum d18Osw values recorded during the mid-Holocene are in phase with Ba/Ca marking a stronger monsoon precipitation, which is consistent with model simulations.
Background: Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) has effect on mortality in patients with heart failure (HF) chronic, and the exercise of the treatment of this patient. The most common exercise is ongoing training. Recently we have been studying the effects of interval training, but there is no consensus on the optimal dose of exercise. Objective: To evaluate the effects of interval aerobic training are superior to continuous aerobic training in patients with chronic HF. Methods: The clinical trial evaluated patients through cardiopulmonary test (CPX) and quality of life before and after the RC (3 times / 12 weeks). Patients were randomized into Group Interval Training (GTI - 85% of heart rate reserve - FCR), Continuous Training Group (GTC - 60% of HRR) and control group (CG) who received guidelines. Results: 18 patients were evaluated (mean age 44.7 ± 13.2 years and 35.2 ± 8.9% of left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]). Both groups were efficient to increase the peak VO2 and 15.1% (P = 0.02) in GTI and 16.1% (P = 0.01) GTC. As for the quality of life the GTI GTC showed improvement compared to the control group (P = 0.006). Hemodynamic mismatch events during the CPX were reduced after training in more GTC (patients 1 to 4) than in the GTI (5 to 3). Cardiac risk also decreased in the GTC (3 patients left the severe risk to take after training). Conclusion: Continuous training becomes more appropriate for improving fitness with little chance of developing cardiac event patients with chronic HF.