943 resultados para FoxP3, Galectin-10, autoimmunity, tolerance, CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells
Klinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass die allergenspezifische Immuntherapie (SIT) eine effektive Therapieoption für allergische Erkrankungen ist. Obwohl dieses Therapieverfahren seit über 100 Jahren existiert, sind die zugrunde liegenden Suppressionsmechanismen jedoch nicht vollständig verstanden. Bisher wird angenommen, dass der Behandlungserfolg der SIT auf einer Blockade durch allergenspezifische Antikörper, einer Verschiebung des Th1-Th2-Gleichgewichtes und/oder auf einer Suppression durch regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) basiert. Um die Effekte der SIT in einer chronischen Erkrankung in vivo untersuchen zu können, wurde in dieser Doktorarbeit ein Mausmodell für chronisches Asthma entwickelt, das die Situation im Menschen nach einer SIT nachahmt. rnDurch eine SIT war es möglich, allergeninduzierte Asthmasymptome wie Atemwegshyperreagibilität (AHR), Eosinophilie in der Lunge, IgE-Produktion und Atemwegsentzündung im Modell zu unterdrücken. Bemerkenswert ist, dass durch OVA-spezifische Immuntherapie (OVA-IT) ebenfalls eine Verringerung der strukturellen Veränderungen im Lungengewebe im chronischen Krankheitsverlauf erreicht wurde.rnDes Weiteren wurde in diesem Modell nach den Prozessen gesucht, die für die toleranzinduzierende Wirkung der SIT verantwortlich sein können. Dabei wurde im Vergleich zur Placebo-behandelten Gruppe eine erhöhte Antwort spezifischer IgG1-Antikörper, eine verstärkte Th1-Antwort, sowie eine erhöhte Frequenz von FoxP3+ Tregs und von IL-10-produzierenden T-Zellen (Tr1-Zellen) nach OVA-IT festge-stellt. Zur weiteren Untersuchung der von SIT-induzierten T-Zellantworten wurden Mausmodelle des allergischen Asthmas mit einem akuten Verlauf gewählt.rnDie Bedeutung der Th1-Zellen für die SIT wurde in T-bet-/- Mäusen untersucht, welche aufgrund des Fehlens des Transkriptionsfaktors T-bet keine stabile Th1-Antwort induzieren können. Durch SIT war es möglich, allergeninduzierte Asthmasymptome wie AHR, eosinophile Granulozyten in der Lunge, IgE-Produktion und Atemwegsentzündung in den T-bet-/- Tieren im gleichen Maße wie in den Wildtyptieren zu unterdrücken. Diese Untersuchung zeigte, dass die SIT auch ohne funktionelle Th1-Zellen die allergische Entzündung unterdrücken kann. rnDie Rolle der Tregs für die SIT wurde in DO11.10 Mäusen und DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen untersucht. In beiden Stämmen konnte nach SIT eine Induktion OVA-spezifischer Tregs nachgewiesen werden. In DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen können durch den Knockout im rag2-Gen keine natürlichen, d.h. im Thymus gereiften, Tregs entstehen. Im Blut von DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen war direkt nach Durchführung der OVA-IT eine FoxP3+ Treg-Population detektierbar. Demnach wird durch die OVA-IT eine de-novo-Induktion von FoxP3+ Tregs in Gang gesetzt. In Abwesenheit der natürlichen Tregs zeigte sich weiterhin, dass diese Zellen zur Produktion von IL-10 in T-Zellen und somit zum Erfolg der SIT beitragen.rnDie Rolle der FoxP3+ Tregs bei der SIT wurde in DEREG Mäusen untersucht. Eine Depletion der FoxP3+ Tregs in DEREG Mäusen während der Durchführung der OVA-IT hob die protektiven Effekte der Therapie jedoch nur teilweise auf. rnUm die Rolle des regulatorischen Zytokins IL-10 bei der SIT zu untersuchen, wurde ein blockierender Antikörper gegen den IL-10-Rezeptor (anti-IL-10R) im chronischen Modell des allergischen Asthmas mit SIT angewendet. Anti-IL-10R hob die protektive Wirkung der SIT auf die AHR, die Atemwegsentzündung und die strukturellen Veränderungen im Lungengewebe auf. Somit ist die protektive Wirkung der SIT abhängig vom IL-10-Signalweg.rnZusammenfassend stellt diese Arbeit die Bedeutung der SIT für allergische Erkrankungen heraus. SIT kann durch die positive Beeinflussung der allergiebedingten, strukturellen Veränderungen in der Lunge auch für Asthmapatienten große Vorteile bringen. Die aus Studien bekannten Mechanismen konnten im Modell bestätigt werden und wurden im weiteren Verlauf untersucht. Die Arbeit stellt im Besonderen die Bedeutung der IL-10-produzierenden und FoxP3+ Tregs für die Effektivität der SIT in den Vordergrund. Zudem ist durch die Etablierung eines neuen Mausmodells der SIT für chronisches allergisches Asthma ein Mittel zur weiteren Erforschung der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse dieser erfolgreichen Therapie geschaffen worden. rn
How a mutualistic relationship between the intestinal microbiota and intestinal T cell compartments is established is important, as a breakdown of intestinal T cell homeostasis may cause inflammatory bowel diseases. A number of studies have shown that different bacterial species modulate the intestinal CD4+ T cell compartment in different ways. We performed mechanistic in vivo studies that demonstrated the crucial requirement for regulatory T cells (Treg) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in the induction of intestinal T cell homeostasis even following colonization with a completely benign microbiota. In the absence of a functional Treg response or IL-10 receptor signaling, the same bacteria that induced a Treg response in wild-type animals now induced T helper type 17 responses, without intestinal inflammation. Therefore, Treg, IL-10 and Th17 are crucial regulatory mechanisms in the intestine not only for controlling inflammation, but also to establish a continuum of CD4+ T cell homeostasis upon commensal colonization.
The proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 seems to have an important role in the intestinal inflammation that characterizes inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) such as Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating IL-6 production in IBD. Here, we assessed the role of the transcriptional regulator IFN regulatory factor-4 (IRF4) in this process. Patients with either Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis exhibited increased IRF4 expression in lamina propria CD3+ T cells as compared with control patients. Consistent with IRF4 having a regulatory function in T cells, in a mouse model of IBD whereby colitis is induced in RAG-deficient mice by transplantation with CD4+CD45RB(hi) T cells, adoptive transfer of wild-type but not IRF4-deficient T cells resulted in severe colitis. Furthermore, IRF4-deficient mice were protected from T cell-dependent chronic intestinal inflammation in trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid- and oxazolone-induced colitis. In addition, IRF4-deficient mice with induced colitis had reduced mucosal IL-6 production, and IRF4 was required for IL-6 production by mucosal CD90+ T cells, which it protected from apoptosis. Finally, the protective effect of IRF4 deficiency could be abrogated by systemic administration of either recombinant IL-6 or a combination of soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) plus IL-6 (hyper-IL-6). Taken together, our data identify IRF4 as a key regulator of mucosal IL-6 production in T cell-dependent experimental colitis and suggest that IRF4 might provide a therapeutic target for IBDs.
Objectives To prospectively evaluate histopathologic, blood cellular, serological and clinical changes in response to abatacept treatment in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). Methods Blood, saliva and minor salivary gland biopsies were obtained before and after the last of 8 doses of abatacept in 11 pSS patients. The histologic data evaluated the number of lymphocytic foci and of B- and T-cell subtypes (CD20(+) , CD3(+) , CD4(+) , CD8(+) ). The numbers of FoxP3(+) regulatory T-cells were measured and the FoxP3 /CD 3 ratio was calculated. Histologic data were compared with results from peripheral blood and with changes in saliva secretion. Results The numbers of lymphocytic foci decreased significantly (p=0.041). Numbers of local FoxP3(+) T-cells decreased significantly in percentage of total lymphocytic infiltrates (p=0.037). In the peripheral blood B-cells increased (p=0.038). This was due to an expansion of the naïve B cell pool (p=0.034). When adjusting for disease duration, an increase was also noted for total lymphocytes (p=0.044) and for CD 4 cells (p=0.009). Gamma globulins decreased significantly (p=0.005), but IgG reduction did not reach significance. Adjusted for disease duration, saliva production increased significantly (p=0.029). Conclusions CTLA4-Ig treatment significantly reduces glandular inflammation in pSS, induces several celluar changes and increases saliva production. Remarkably, this increase in saliva production is significantly influenced by disease duration.
Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells are essential for the maintenance of immune homeostasis and tolerance. During viral infections, Treg cells can limit the immunopathology resulting from excessive inflammation, yet potentially inhibit effective antiviral T cell responses and promote virus persistence. We report here that the fast-replicating LCMV strain Docile triggers a massive expansion of the Treg population that directly correlates with the size of the virus inoculum and its tendency to establish a chronic, persistent infection. This Treg cell proliferation was greatly enhanced in IL-21R-/- mice and depletion of Treg cells partially rescued defective CD8+ T cell cytokine responses and improved viral clearance in some but not all organs. Notably, IL-21 inhibited Treg cell expansion in a cell intrinsic manner. Moreover, experimental augmentation of Treg cells driven by injection of IL-2/anti-IL-2 immune complexes drastically impaired the functionality of the antiviral T cell response and impeded virus clearance. As a consequence, mice became highly susceptible to chronic infection following exposure to low virus doses. These findings reveal virus-driven Treg cell proliferation as potential evasion strategy that facilitates T cell exhaustion and virus persistence. Furthermore, they suggest that besides its primary function as a direct survival signal for antiviral CD8+ T cells during chronic infections, IL-21 may also indirectly promote CD8+ T cell poly-functionality by restricting the suppressive activity of infection-induced Treg cells.
BACKGROUND The antitumour immune response plays an important role in the prognosis of melanoma. High numbers of circulating regulatory T cells have been associated with rapid disease progression. OBJECTIVES To assess the influence of forkhead box protein (FOXP)3, CD1a and langerin expression on the prognosis of primary melanoma. METHODS We analysed 185 primary melanomas by immunohistochemical staining for expression of the regulatory T-cell marker FOXP3 and the dendritic cell markers langerin and CD1a, and correlated marker expression with clinical outcome. RESULTS Disease-free survival and overall survival were significantly longer in patients expressing low levels of FOXP3 in the primary melanoma, whereas they were associated with high expression of CD1a. The negative prognostic value of FOXP3 expression was independent of the Breslow tumour thickness. Langerin expression did not correlate with the clinical outcome. CONCLUSIONS High expression of FOXP3 in the primary melanoma may be used as an additional independent prognostic marker for early tumour progression in patients with melanoma.
Recent studies suggest that regulatory T cells (Tregs) are associated with disease severity and progression in papilloma virus induced neoplasia. Bovine papilloma virus (BPV) is recognised as the most important aetiological factor in equine sarcoid (ES) disease. The aim of this study was to compare expression levels of Treg markers and associated cytokines in tissue samples of ES-affected equids with skin samples of healthy control horses. Eleven ES-affected, and 12 healthy horses were included in the study. Expression levels of forkhead box protein 3 (FOXP3), interleukin 10 (IL10), interleukin 4 (IL4) and interferon gamma (IFNG) mRNA in lesional and tumour-distant samples from ES-affected horses, as well as in dermal samples of healthy control horses were measured using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Expression levels were compared between lesional and tumour-distant as well as between tumour-distant and control samples. Furthermore, BPV-1 E5 DNA in samples of ES-affected horses was quantified using quantitative PCR, and possible associations of viral load, disease severity and gene expression levels were evaluated. Expression levels of FOXP3, IL10 and IFNG mRNA and BPV-1 E5 copy numbers were significantly increased in lesional compared to tumour-distant samples. There was no difference in FOXP3 and cytokine expression in tumour-distant samples from ES- compared with control horses. In tumour-distant samples viral load was positively correlated with IL10 expression and severity score. The increased expression of Treg markers in tumour-associated tissues of ES-affected equids indicates a local, Treg-induced immune suppression.
We performed a comprehensive analysis of T cell receptor (TCR) γ rearrangements in T cell precursors of the mouse adult thymus. Using a sensitive quantitative PCR method, we show that TCRγ rearrangements are present in CD44+CD25+ Pro-T thymocytes much earlier than expected. TCRγ rearrangements increase significantly from the Pro-T to the CD44−CD25+ Pre-T cell transition, and follow different patterns depending on each Vγ gene segment, suggesting that ordered waves of TCRγ rearrangement exist in the adult mouse thymus as has been described in the fetal mouse thymus. Recombinations of TCRγ genes occur concurrently with TCRδ and D-Jβ rearrangements, but before Vβ gene assembly. Productive TCRγ rearrangements do not increase significantly before the Pre-T cell stage and are depleted in CD4+CD8+ double-positive cells from normal mice. In contrast, double-positive thymocytes from TCRδ−/− mice display random proportions of TCRγ rearranged alleles, supporting a role for functional TCRγ/δ rearrangements in the γδ divergence process.
One distinctive effect on T-cell development was analyzed by selectively increasing serum prolactin (PRL) concentration in thymus-grafted congenitally athymic nude mice and by neutralizing PRL in suspension cultures of thymus from 1-day-old neonatal mice. Flow cytometric analysis of single-positive CD4+ and CD8+ cells derived from inguinal lymph nodes revealed a CD4/CD8 cell ratio of 2.2 +/- 0.18 (mean +/- SEM) in thymus-grafted nude mice that is similar to the ratio for immune-competent BALB/c mice (2.0 +/- 0.06). Addition of the pituitary to thymus-grafted nude mice significantly elevated serum PRL (P < 0.005) and increased the CD4/CD8 cell ratio (2.8 +/- 0.12; P < 0.005), demonstrating preferential stimulation of CD4+ cell development. T cells in nude mice receiving sham (submandibular salivary gland) or pituitary grafts alone were below detectable levels. Suspension cultures of neonatal thymus treated with anti-mouse PRL antiserum resulted in 20% and 30% decreases in double-positive CD4+8+ thymocytes and thymocyte viability, respectively. A 10-fold increase in double-negative CD4-8- thymocytes expressing the interleukin 2 receptor alpha chain, CD25, was also observed concurrently. Our findings illustrate an important way in which PRL may participate in two interrelated mechanisms: the regulation of peripheral single-positive cells and the maintenance of thymocyte viability during the double-positive stage of intrathymic differentiation.
O sistema imunológico materno desempenha um papel importante no estabelecimento da gestação e desenvolvimento de concepto até inÃcio do parto. A hipótese deste projeto é que há um recrutamento de células Tγδ para o endométrio ao longo da gestação que expressam citocinas que favorecem o estabelecimento e manutenção da tolerância materna a antÃgenos fetais durante a gestação em bovinos. Experimento I Para estudar a dinâmica populacional das células do sistema imune no sangue periférico de não lactantes não prenhes (NLNP), vacas lactantes no 1º trimestre e vacas no 3º trimestre da gestação, as PBMCs foram separadas por gradiente de densidade de Ficoll, seguido por protocolo de imunocitoquÃmica e analisadas em citômetro de fluxo para os anticorpos CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD14+, CD25+ e WC1+. As células analisadas tanto na região de linfócitos quanto na região de monócitos, não apresentaram diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados. Experimento II Para análise do perfil de expressão gênica das células Tγδ, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de vacas no 1º trimestre da gestação, vacas lactantes não prenhes (LNP) e vacas não lactantes não prenhes (NLNP). As células mononucleares foram separadas por gradiente de densidade de Ficoll e células Tγδ foram analisadas quanto ao perfil de citocinas por qRT-PCR para os genes IFNG; IL10; IL15; IL17; IL18; IL1B; IL4; IL-6; ISG15; PFR; TGFB2 e TNFA. A análise de expressão gênica mostrou tendência no aumento na expressão de IL1B, IL6 e TGFB2 em células PBMC em vacas NLNP quando comparado com vacas LNP e no 1º trimestre da gestação, enquanto que os outros genes analisados não apresentaram diferença significativa. Experimento III Fragmentos de endométrio, provenientes de abatedouro, foram coletados de vacas em 1º trimestre (33 a 35 dias de gestação), 2º trimestre (143 a 182 dias de gestação) e 3º trimestre de gestação (228 a 247 dias de gestação). Cortes congelados foram imunolocalizados e quantificados para as células do sistema imune CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD14+, CD18+, CD25+, CD62L+ e WC1+ por imunofluorescência. Nossos estudos mostraram aumento das células CD25+ e CD62L+ no endométrio no inÃcio da gestação. No meio da gestação, há um aumento das células WC1+ e CD14+. No final da gestação, observamos o aumento de CD14+, CD25+, CD18+ e CD62L+. Em suma, nossos dados sugerem que a modulação do sistema imune materno é especÃfica para cada estágio da gestação, sendo que no inÃcio da gestação há um envolvimento de células T ativadas (CD25+) provavelmente para o estabelecimento de uma resposta ativa para tolerância dos antÃgenos fetais. Já no meio da gestação, há um recrutamento massivo de células Tγδ para o endométrio gravÃdico provavelmente para manter um microambiente de tolerância para o desenvolvimento fetal e no final da gestação células efetoras como macrófagos são recrutadas para o endométrio para auxiliar no processo do parto e involução uterina.
Host antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are known to be critical for the induction of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), but the relative contribution of specific APC subsets remains unclear. We have studied the role of host B cells in GVHD by using B-cell-deficient mu MT mice as BMT recipients in a model of CD4-dependent GVHD to major histocompatlibility complex antigens. We demonstrate that acute GVHD is initially augmented in mu MT recipients relative to wild-type recipients (mortality: 85% vs 44%, P < .01), and this is the result of an increase in donor T-cell proliferation, expansion, and inflammatory cytokine production early after BMT. Recipient B cells were depleted 28-fold at the time of BMT by total body irradiation (TBI) administered 24 hours earlier, and we demonstrate that TBI rapidly induces sustained interleukin-110 (IL-10) generation from B cells but not dendritic cells (DCs) or other cellular populations within the spleen. Finally, recipient mice in which B cells are unable to produce IL-10 due to homologous gene deletion develop more severe acute GVHD than recipient mice in which B cells are wild type. Thus, the induction of IL-10 in host B cells during conditioning attenuates experimental acute GVHD.
<p>CD4+ T cells play a crucial in the adaptive immune system. They function as the central hub to orchestrate the rest of immunity: CD4+ T cells are essential governing machinery in antibacterial and antiviral responses by facilitating B cell affinity maturation and coordinating the innate and adaptive immune systems to boost the overall immune outcome; on the contrary, hyperactivation of the inflammatory lineages of CD4+ T cells, as well as the impairments of suppressive CD4+ regulatory T cells, are the etiology of various autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases. The broad role of CD4+ T cells in both physiological and pathological contexts prompted me to explore the modulation of CD4+ T cells on the molecular level.</p><p>microRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules capable of regulating gene expression post-transcriptionally. miRNAs have been shown to exert substantial regulatory effects on CD4+ T cell activation, differentiation and helper function. Specifically, my lab has previously established the function of the miR-17-92 cluster in Th1 differentiation and anti-tumor responses. Here, I further analyzed the role of this miRNA cluster in Th17 differentiation, specifically, in the context of autoimmune diseases. Using both gain- and loss-of-function approaches, I demonstrated that miRNAs in miR-17-92, specifically, miR-17 and miR-19b in this cluster, is a crucial promoter of Th17 differentiation. Consequently, loss of miR-17-92 expression in T cells mitigated the progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and T cell-induced colitis. In combination with my previous data, the molecular dissection of this cluster establishes that miR-19b and miR-17 play a comprehensive role in promoting multiple aspects of inflammatory T cell responses, which underscore them as potential targets for oligonucleotide-based therapy in treating autoimmune diseases. </p><p>To systematically study miRNA regulation in effector CD4+ T cells, I devised a large-scale miRNAome profiling to track in vivo miRNA changes in antigen-specific CD4+ T cells activated by Listeria challenge. From this screening, I identified that miR-23a expression tightly correlates with CD4+ effector expansion. Ectopic expression and genetic deletion strategies validated that miR-23a was required for antigen-stimulated effector CD4+ T cell survival in vitro and in vivo. I further determined that miR-23a targets Ppif, a gatekeeper of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) release that protects CD4+ T cells from necrosis. Necrosis is a type of cell death that provokes inflammation, and it is prominently triggered by ROS release and its consequent oxidative stress. My finding that miR-23a curbs ROS-mediated necrosis highlights the essential role of this miRNA in maintaining immune homeostasis. </p><p>A key feature of miRNAs is their ability to modulate different biological aspects in different cell populations. Previously, my lab found that miR-23a potently suppresses CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity by restricting BLIMP1 expression. Since BLIMP1 has been found to inhibit T follicular helper (Tfh) differentiation by antagonizing the master transcription factor BCL6, I investigated whether miR-23a is also involved in Tfh differentiation. However, I found that miR-23a does not target BLIMP1 in CD4+ T cells and loss of miR-23a even fostered Tfh differentiation. This data indicate that miR-23a may target other pathways in CD4+ T cells regarding the Tfh differentiation pathway.</p><p>Although the lineage identity and regulatory networks for Tfh cells have been defined, the differentiation path of Tfh cells remains elusive. Two models have been proposed to explain the differentiation process of Tfh cells: in the parallel differentiation model, the Tfh lineage is segregated from other effector lineages at the early stage of antigen activation; alternatively, the sequential differentiation model suggests that naïve CD4+ T cells first differentiate into various effector lineages, then further program into Tfh cells. To address this question, I developed a novel in vitro co-culture system that employed antigen-specific CD4+ T cells, naïve B cells presenting cognate T cell antigen and BAFF-producing feeder cells to mimic germinal center. Using this system, I were able to robustly generate GC-like B cells. Notably, well-differentiated Th1 or Th2 effector cells also quickly acquired Tfh phenotype and function during in vitro co-culture, which suggested a sequential differentiation path for Tfh cells. To examine this path in vivo, under conditions of classical Th1- or Th2-type immunizations, I employed a TCRβ repertoire sequencing technique to track the clonotype origin of Tfh cells. Under both Th1- and Th2- immunization conditions, I observed profound repertoire overlaps between the Teff and Tfh populations, which strongly supports the proposed sequential differentiation model. Therefore, my studies establish a new platform to conveniently study Tfh-GC B cell interactions and provide insights into Tfh differentiation processes.</p>
The 15-deoxy-(Delta 12,14)-PG J(2) (15d-PGJ(2)) has demonstrated excellent anti-inflammatory results in different experimental models. It can be used with a polymeric nanostructure system for modified drug release, which can change the therapeutic properties of the active principle, leading to increased stability and slower/prolonged release. The aim of the current study was to test a nano-technological formulation as a carrier for 15d-PGJ(2), and to investigate the immunomodulatory effects of this formulation in a mouse periodontitis model. Poly (D, L-lactide-coglycolide) nanocapsules (NC) were used to encapsulate 15d-PGJ(2). BALB/c mice were infected on days 0, 2, and 4 with Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and divided into groups (n = 5) that were treated daily during 15 d with 1, 3, or 10 mu g/kg 15d-PGJ(2)-NC. The animals were sacrificed, the submandibular lymph nodes were removed for FACS analysis, and the jaws were analyzed for bone resorption by morphometry. Immunoinflammatory markers in the gingival tissue were analyzed by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR, Western blotting, or ELISA. Infected animals treated with the 15d-PGJ(2)-NC presented lower bone resorption than infected animals without treatment (p < 0.05). Furthermore, infected animals treated with 10 mu g/kg 15d-PGJ(2)-NC had a reduction of CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) cells and CD4/CD8 ratio in the submandibular lymph node (p < 0.05). Moreover, CD55 was upregulated, whereas RANKL was downregulated in the gingival tissue of the 10 mu g/kg treated group (p < 0.05). Several proinflammatory cytokines were decreased in the group treated with 10 mu g/kg 15d-PGJ(2)-NC, and high amounts of 15d-PGJ(2) were observed in the gingiva. In conclusion, the 15d-PGJ(2)-NC formulation presented immunomodulatory effects, decreasing bone resorption and inflammatory responses in a periodontitis mouse model. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 189: 1043-1052.
BACKGROUND: Allergic asthma and rhinitis are common in pregnancy. The immune mechanisms underlying the effects of pregnancy in asthma and vice-versa are not completely understood. OBJECTIVES: This work aimed to study the evolution of regulatory T and B cells in asthmatic pregnant women, from late pregnancy till postpartum. METHODS: Four groups of women were enrolled for this study: third trimester pregnant women, asthmatic (n=24) and healthy (n=43), and non-pregnant women, asthmatic (n=33) and healthy (n=35). Pregnant women were also evaluated postpartum (>6 weeks after delivery). Blood samples were taken from each woman and flow cytometry was used to characterize circulating regulatory T and B cells. Foxp3 expression was assessed within CD4DimCD25Hi regulatory T cells. RESULTS: In asthmatic and healthy pregnant women, regulatory T cells did not oscillate significantly from pregnancy to postpartum, but CD24HiCD38Hi regulatory B cells, decreased in pregnancy, rose significantly postpartum. Foxp3 expression in regulatory T cells was also impaired during pregnancy in asthmatic and healthy pregnant women, recovering postpartum. Nevertheless, asthmatic pregnant women presented higher Foxp3 expression than healthy pregnant women (p=0.007), probably due to the use of control medication. CONCLUSIONS: Women with controlled asthma present variations in regulatory cell subsets during pregnancy and postpartum. The similar pattern observed for Foxp3 expression and CD24HiCD38Hi regulatory B cells during this period corroborates the interaction established between regulatory T and B cells in immune responses. Considering the immunomodulatory potential of these immune mediators, more studies are needed to evaluate their relation with asthma and rhinitis complications in pregnancy.
Purpose: To investigate the effect of licochalcone A (LA) on the inhibition of cell proliferation and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in bladder carcinoma cell lines. Methods: Cell viability was investigated using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide (MTT) assay. Dye-binding method was used to examine the concentration of proteins. Lymphocytes were extracted from mice and after surface staining were subjected to BD fixation and permeabilization for intracellular staining. Flow cytometry was used to measure cellular fluorescence. Results: MTT results revealed a significant decrease in the proliferation of UM-UC-3, J82 and HT-1197 cell lines on treatment with LA. LA also induced reduction in phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in all three carcinoma cell lines. In the mouse model, licochalcone A treatment via intraperitoneal (ip) administration induced a significant decrease in the level of regulatory T cells (Tregs). Comparison of the mouse interferon-α (IFN-α)-treated and LA-treated groups revealed that LA treatment caused enhancement of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity similar to that of IFN-α. Administration of UM-UC-3 cells in C3H/HeN mice resulted in marked reduction in the counts for splenocytes and CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T (regulatory T cells) cell proportion in LA-treated mice compared to untreated control group. Conclusion: Licochalcone A may be of therapeutic importance for the prevention of bladder carcinoma. However, studies are required to ascertain the compound’s usefulness in this regard.