320 resultados para Fortifications -- Jérusalem
par E. Andriveau ; gravé le trait et les montagnes par Gérin, les écritures par P. Rousset, les eaux par Mme Fontaine.
The intention of the Niagara Parks Commission to undertake restorations of Fort George, Fort Mississauga and Fort Erie has inspired this survey. The aim has not been to create an historical narrative - so many already exist - but rather to present an accurate description of the original appearance, structure and design of each of the Niagara Forts. This it is hoped may be of some practical assistance to those in charge of the actual work of restoration. In the case of Fort Mississauga which was maintained as a military post until 1857, vary complete information has been available. Fort George and Fort Erie were abandoned for military purposes after the War of 1812 and fewer plans and contemporary accounts have survived. While the work of research, involving the collection of every possible plan of the works and every drawing of their appearance as well as the piecing together of material, has been more difficult in the case of the latter forts, it is felt that the essential information has been secured. The use of a number of military terms in the description of the fortifications has been unavoidable and a glossary of these is included on page 66. The list of plans and illustrations is as complete as possible.
Pie de imp. T. I-VI: Imprimerie Impériale.
Based on the author's Pélerinage à Jérusalem et au Mont Sinaï
T. 12-23 called also nouv. ser., t. 1-11.
Errata leaves inserted.
Constantinople -- Grèce -- Jérusalem -- Égypte.
Mill at entrance to Malinta tunnel
Marine and abandoned fortifications on a rocky and hilly landscape. No caption.
A Japanese tank and bicycle in an anti-tank ditch, with destroyed fortifications in the background. Caption; "Japanese Lt. Tank in anti-tank ditch."
Esta tese analisa o papel dos líderes da Igreja católica institucionalizada antes e durante o movimento e guerra do Contestado de 1912 a 1916. Movimento classificado como messiânico-milenarista ocorrido no sul do Brasil numa área litigiosa pleiteada pelos Estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina. Aponta o contexto sócio-econômico-político e religioso que criou condições para que o movimento pudesse emergir. Analisa a formação do catolicismo rústico popular brasileiro e suas expressões na região do Contestado, destacando-se o papel dos monges. Aprofunda a compreensão do catolicismo oficial em processo de romanização e do papel dos frades franciscanos, de suas concepções e práticas na tentativa de enquadrar a religião cabocla dentro dos princípios da reforma. Analisa a reação cabocla diante das mudanças implantadas na região e a explosão da irmandade, denominada Terra Santa , que buscava efetivar uma nova ordem . Aprofunda especialmente o papel dos frades representantes da Igreja católica, tendo em vista dispersar e pacificar o caboclo rebelde e a aliança, que estabeleceram com as forças repressoras, para implantar a ordem e a paz na região contestada, com a conseqüente eliminação radical da irmandade cabocla e de seus redutos .(AU)
Cities are no longer recognizing their boundaries beyond their legal or political implications. This thesis explored the architecture of a boundary in the design of a structure that visually and symbolically marked the current Miami-Dade County development limit along Krome Avenue. This limit ultimately separates the city from the endangered Everglades ecosystem. Through the examination of ancient boundaries such as Medieval and Renaissance Military fortifications, as well as contemporary interventions such as Steven Holl's "Edge of the City Projects", an architectural vocabulary was developed considering the Double Wall, Bastion, Rampart, and Gate principles. However, rather than considering these principles to defend the city from outside forces, the focus of this exploration is their inversion in order to contain the city by strengthening its periphery visually and symbolically. From this exploration, it was concluded that a successful boundary or limit should be visible and significant. Furthermore, it should serve as an informative and reflective landmark.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The intention of the Niagara Parks Commission to undertake restorations of Fort George, Fort Mississauga and Fort Erie has inspired this survey. The aim has not been to create an historical narrative - so many already exist - but rather to present an accurate description of the original appearance, structure and design of each of the Niagara Forts. This it is hoped may be of some practical assistance to those in charge of the actual work of restoration. In the case of Fort Mississauga which was maintained as a military post until 1857, vary complete information has been available. Fort George and Fort Erie were abandoned for military purposes after the War of 1812 and fewer plans and contemporary accounts have survived. While the work of research, involving the collection of every possible plan of the works and every drawing of their appearance as well as the piecing together of material, has been more difficult in the case of the latter forts, it is felt that the essential information has been secured. The use of a number of military terms in the description of the fortifications has been unavoidable and a glossary of these is included on page 66. The list of plans and illustrations is as complete as possible.