981 resultados para Folk music -- Canary Islands


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RESUMEN: Se realiza el estudio de la flora marina del Roque de Los Organos, don de fueron recolectadas 59 especies, de las cuales 1 Phaeophyta, Giffordia - intermedia (Rosenv.) Lund y 2 Rhodophyta, Celidium latifolium (Greville) Dornet 6 Thuret y Castrocloniuni clavatum (Roth) Ardisson,resultaron nuevas para e l Archipiélago Canario. 21 especies son citadas por primera vez para la isla de Gomera. ABSTRACT: The marine algae inhabiting Roque de Los Organos have been studied . A total of 59 species have been collected , 21 of which represent new records for the island of Gomera and 1 Phaeophyta, GifFordia intermedia (Rosenv.) Lund, and 2 Rhodophyta, Celidium latifolium (Greville) Bornet 6 Thuret and Gastroclonium clavatum (Roth) Ardisson new records for the Canary Islands .


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Máster Universitario en Gestión Costera


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Máster en Oceanografía. Programa de Doctorado en Oceanografía


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The homing ability of the rockpool fish Parablennius parvicornis was studied at the rocky shore of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). Fish were displaced from the original rockpool during low tide to another pool 74 metres away. The return of the first blenny occurs directly after the first tide while one week later 40% of the blennies had returned to the original pool. This paper discusses the homing behaviour of this species. RESUMEN: Se estudian las habilidades de retorno (homing) de la barriguda Parablennius parvicornis en una región de la costa rocosa de la isla de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias, España). Los peces fueron desplazados desde su charco original, durante la bajamar, a otro charco que distase 74 metros. El retorno de la primera barriguda ocurrió después de la primera marea, mientras que tras una semana habían regresado el 40% de los peces originalmente desplazados. En este artículo se discute el comportamiento de retorno de esta especie


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Se presentan algunos de los resultados preliminares de las observaciones realizadas desde 1985 a 1995 entre las Islas Canarias y Cabo Blanco (28-21ºN), desde un barco de oportunidad que ha operado en éste area regularmente durante 25 días al mes. Se presenta la comparación de la distribución de la flota con los principales indicadores de afloramiento


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Informes Técnicos del Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas, 1


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[EN] Diel Vertical Migrants (DVMs) are mainly zooplankton and micronekton which migrate upward from 400-500 m depth every night to feed on the productive epipelagic zone, coming back at dawn to the mesopelagic zone, where they defecate, excrete, and respire the ingested carbon. DVMs should contribute to the biological pump in the ocean and, accordingly, to the global CO2 balance. Although those migrants are mainly small fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans, the lanternfishes (myctophidae) usually contribute up to 80% of total DVMs biomass. Thus, myctophids may represent a pathway accounting for a substantial export of organic carbon to the deep ocean. However, the magnitude of this transport is still poorly known. In order to assess this active flux of carbon, we performed a preliminary study of mesopelagic organisms around the Canary Islands. Here we present the results of diet, daily rations and feeding chronology of Lobianchia dofleini, Hygophum hygomii and Ceratoscopelus maderensis, 3 dominant species of myctophids performing diel vertical migrations in the Subtropical Eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Samples were obtained on board the RV La Bocaina during June 2009. Myctophids were sorted and fixed in 4% buffered formalin and the stomach contents of target species were examined and weighted. Feeding chronology was approached by studying stomach fullness and state of digestion of prey items in individuals from hauls performed at different times and depths. Our results provide further information about lanternfishes feeding ecology in relation to their vertical migration patterns as well as their contribution to the biological carbon pump.


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[EN] In the frame of the restoration of natural populations of Cymodocea nodosa of the Canary Islands, seeds are being collected at natural populations where germination is rather scarce and seasonal after dormancy. We have developed techniques of propagation in vitro of collected seeds, consisting in forced seed germination and seedlings propagation to obtain mature 20-30 cm plantlet, which eventually are being used for restoration. In order to improve the developed methodology, several experiments were conducted to adjust conditions for seed storage under different regimes of temperature without loosing germinative potential, fertilize during propagation with controlled released NPK fertilizers, and increase growth by dipping seedlings in solutions of the most common plant hormones.


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[EN] The seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson is the most abundant seagrass species in the Canary Islands (Spain), where it forms dense submerged, ecologically relevant communities as stable and protected habitats. As with other seagrasses, concern has arisen due to a decline in the number and extension of the communities as the result of adverse activities in coastal areas. Seed germination and planting are assumed as cost-effective method for restoration. In the frame of the restoration of natural populations of Cymodocea nodosa, pilot experiences not tested so far in the Canary Islands have been carried out to developed in vitro techniques to produce viable seedlings and its transference to the natural environment.


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[EN] On 8-10 April 2007, several episodes of intense sea-breeze fronts were registered at the island of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). The sea-breeze circulation was primary driven by daytime heating contrasts between land and the Atlantic Ocean during a period of weak trade winds. Numerical simulations of these events were carried out using the 3.1.1 version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. Two different domains with 6.6-km and 2.2-km horizontal grid spacing and two sets with 27 and 51 vertical sigma levels were defined. The simulation was performed using two-way interactive nesting between the first and the second domain, using different land surface model parameterizations (Thermal diffusion, Noah LSM and RUC) for comparison. Initial conditions were provided by the NCAR Dataset analysis from April 2007, which were improved using surface and upper-air observations. The poster is focused on the 9 April episode.


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[EN] On 8-10 April 2007, several episodes of intense sea-breeze fronts were registered at the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands). The sea-breeze circulation was primary driven by daytime heating contrasts between land and the Atlantic Ocean during a period of weak trade winds. Numerical simulations of these events were carried out using the 3.1.1 version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model. Three different domains with 6.6-km, 2.2-km and 0.7-km horizontal grid spacing and two sets with 51 and 70 vertical sigma levels were defined. The simulation was performed using two-way interactive nesting between the first and the second domain, using different land surface model parameterizations (Thermal diffusion, Noah LSM and RUC) for comparison. Initial conditions were provided by the NCAR Dataset analysis from April 2007, which were improved using surface and upper-air observations. The poster is focused on the 10 April episode.


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[EN] Meagre, has been proposed as a candidate for marine finfish diversification on commercial aquaculture (Quémèner, 2002, Mateos, 2007). Despite of the elevated on growing potential, the most important bottleneck of this specie is related to the limited production of fry. Larval rearing of this species, is performed mainly adapting seabream culture techniques with different success (Roo et al., 2007) However, since limited information about the optimal feeding sequences and nutritional requirements of meagre is available, more research is needed on larval rearing protocols and nutrition. Present results (elevated larval growth rate, high survival, short rotifers period) are very promising for a successful implementation at industrial scale, which helps to solve the continues lack of fry of this specie in the Mediterranean and Canary islands.


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[EN] The atlantic spider crab Maja brachydactyla, nowadays overfished, presents good conditions for its production in captivity. In Canary Islands (Spain), under culture conditions, with open flux of water and temperature between 18,8-22,5 ºC from November 2006 to May 2007, the fecundity index was lower than others in higher latitudes, around 100 larvae/female g, for individuals between 270 and 690 g. The incubation time torn out to be similar to colder conditions, but the period between hatching and the next spawning decreased even to 0 days. The annual spawning cycle, unlike the described for Northern Atlantic populations, could range the whole year, with 3, 4 or even more consecutive spawnings


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[ES] Los deslizamientos gravitatorios implicando volúmenes relativamente reducidos (millones de m3) son muy frecuentes, no así los que afectan a decenas, centenares e incluso miles de km3. Estos deslizamientos gigantes o megadeslizamientos son especialmente importantes y frecuentes en las islas oceánicas, particularmente en sus primeras etapas de desarrollo en escudo. Fueron descubiertos en las Islas Hawaii, donde alcanzan volúmenes ?prodigiosos? de miles de km3, pero es en las Canarias donde, a pesar de su menor volumen, son particularmente espectaculares y donde han sido mejor estudiados, tanto en sus etapas pre- y post-colapso en tierra, como las características y extensión de sus depósitos de avalancha en los fondos marinos. Los megadeslizamientos no sólo son procesos muy importantes en el desarrollo de las islas oceánicas y en sus riesgos naturales, sino que influyen en su variabilidad petrológica y aportan importantes recursos paisajísticos en forma de espectaculares valles y calderas


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Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros