367 resultados para Foams


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article describes a new approach of recycling the leather waste (shavings) using it as filler in natural rubber foams composites. The foams were prepared using different amounts of leather waste (0-60 parts per hundred of rubber) and submitted to morphological (SEM microscopy) and mechanical analyses (cyclic stress-strain compression). The increase of leather shavings on the composite causes an increase of viscosity in the mixture, which reflects in the foaming process. This results in smaller and fairly uniform cells. Furthermore, expanded rubber has the biggest cell size, with more than 70% of cell with 1000 mu m, while the composite with the higher concentration of leather has around 80% of total number of cells with 100-400 mu m. The mechanical parameters were found to depend on the leather dust concentration. Moreover, the stiffness rises with the increase of leather shavings; consequently, the compression force for expanded rubber was 0.126 MPa as well as the composite with higher concentration of leather was 7.55 MPa. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 41636.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated environmental impacts at Meio Creek watershed, Leme, Sao Paulo, Brazil. A simplified environmental analysis index was applied correlating land use and occupation (vegetation elimination or modification, wildlife, color, smell, grease, oils, foams, larvae and red worms) with water quality parameters (conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature). The simplified environmental analysis index showed that 27.8% visited places had a high or worrying environmental impact and 5.6% had a really high impact. As to the results of physical and chemical parameters, pH and conductivity values showed the conditions and standards that water Class 2 and 3 should have. These parameters were not the same for dissolved oxygen levels at most of the analyzed points. Despite the current environmental legislation at federal, state and municipal levels, Leme city does not have an effective environmental plan to control and protect springs and Meio Creek watershed and its tributaries.


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Research on the micro-structural characterization of metal-matrix composites uses X-ray computed tomography to collect information about the interior features of the samples, in order to elucidate their exhibited properties. The tomographic raw data needs several steps of computational processing in order to eliminate noise and interference. Our experience with a program (Tritom) that handles these questions has shown that in some cases the processing steps take a very long time and that it is not easy for a Materials Science specialist to interact with Tritom in order to define the most adequate parameter values and the proper sequence of the available processing steps. For easing the use of Tritom, a system was built which addresses the aspects described before and that is based on the OpenDX visualization system. OpenDX visualization facilities constitute a great benefit to Tritom. The visual programming environment of OpenDX allows an easy definition of a sequence of processing steps thus fulfilling the requirement of an easy use by non-specialists on Computer Science. Also the possibility of incorporating external modules in a visual OpenDX program allows the researchers to tackle the aspect of reducing the long execution time of some processing steps. The longer processing steps of Tritom have been parallelized in two different types of hardware architectures (message-passing and shared-memory); the corresponding parallel programs can be easily incorporated in a sequence of processing steps defined in an OpenDX program. The benefits of our system are illustrated through an example where the tool is applied in the study of the sensitivity to crushing – and the implications thereof – of the reinforcements used in a functionally graded syntactic metallic foam.


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Ferro- or piezoelectrets are dielectric materials with two elastically very different macroscopic phases and electrically charged interfaces between them. One of the newer piezoelectret variants is a system of two fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) films that are first laminated around a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) template. Then, by removing the PTFE template, a two-layer FEP structure with open tubular channels is obtained. After electrical charging, the channels form easily deformable macroscopic electric dipoles whose changes under mechanical or electrical stress lead to significant direct or inverse piezoelectricity, respectively. Here, different PTFE templates are employed to generate channel geometries that vary in height or width. It is shown that the control of the channel geometry allows a direct adjustment of the resonance frequencies in the tubular-channel piezoelectrets. By combining several different channel widths in a single ferroelectret, it is possible to obtain multiple resonance peaks that may lead to a rather flat frequency-response region of the transducer material. A phenomenological relation between the resonance frequency and the geometrical parameters of a tubular channel is also presented. This relation may help to design piezoelectrets with a specific frequency response.


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The research of new catalysts for the hydrogen production described in this thesis was inserted within a collaboration of Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials of University of Bologna and Air Liquide (Centre de Recherche Claude-Delorme, Paris). The aim of the work was focused on the study of new materials, active and stable in the hydrogen production from methane, using either a new process, the catalytic partial oxidation (CPO), or a enhanced well-established process, the steam methane reforming (SMR). Two types of catalytic materials were examined: 1) Bulk catalysts, i.e. non-supported materials, in which the active metals (Ni and/or Rh) are stabilized inside oxidic matrix, obtained from perovskite type compounds (PVK) and from hydrotalcite type precursors (HT); 2) Structured catalysts, i.e. catalysts supported on materials having high thermal conductivity (SiC and metallic foams). As regards the catalytic partial oxidation, the effect of the metal (Ni and/or Rh), the role of the metal/matrix ratio and the matrix formulation of innovative catalysts obtained from hydrotalcite type precursors and from perovskites were examined. In addition, about steam reforming process, the study was carried out first on commercial type catalysts, examining the deactivation in industrial conditions, the role of the operating conditions and the activity of different type of catalysts. Then, innovative materials bulk (PVK and HT) and structured catalysts (SiC and metallic foam) were studied and a new preparation method was developed.


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Tissue engineering is a discipline that aims at regenerating damaged biological tissues by using a cell-construct engineered in vitro made of cells grown into a porous 3D scaffold. The role of the scaffold is to guide cell growth and differentiation by acting as a bioresorbable temporary substrate that will be eventually replaced by new tissue produced by cells. As a matter or fact, the obtainment of a successful engineered tissue requires a multidisciplinary approach that must integrate the basic principles of biology, engineering and material science. The present Ph.D. thesis aimed at developing and characterizing innovative polymeric bioresorbable scaffolds made of hydrolysable polyesters. The potentialities of both commercial polyesters (i.e. poly-e-caprolactone, polylactide and some lactide copolymers) and of non-commercial polyesters (i.e. poly-w-pentadecalactone and some of its copolymers) were explored and discussed. Two techniques were employed to fabricate scaffolds: supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) foaming and electrospinning (ES). The former is a powerful technology that enables to produce 3D microporous foams by avoiding the use of solvents that can be toxic to mammalian cells. The scCO2 process, which is commonly applied to amorphous polymers, was successfully modified to foam a highly crystalline poly(w-pentadecalactone-co-e-caprolactone) copolymer and the effect of process parameters on scaffold morphology and thermo-mechanical properties was investigated. In the course of the present research activity, sub-micrometric fibrous non-woven meshes were produced using ES technology. Electrospun materials are considered highly promising scaffolds because they resemble the 3D organization of native extra cellular matrix. A careful control of process parameters allowed to fabricate defect-free fibres with diameters ranging from hundreds of nanometers to several microns, having either smooth or porous surface. Moreover, versatility of ES technology enabled to produce electrospun scaffolds from different polyesters as well as “composite” non-woven meshes by concomitantly electrospinning different fibres in terms of both fibre morphology and polymer material. The 3D-architecture of the electrospun scaffolds fabricated in this research was controlled in terms of mutual fibre orientation by properly modifying the instrumental apparatus. This aspect is particularly interesting since the micro/nano-architecture of the scaffold is known to affect cell behaviour. Since last generation scaffolds are expected to induce specific cell response, the present research activity also explored the possibility to produce electrospun scaffolds bioactive towards cells. Bio-functionalized substrates were obtained by loading polymer fibres with growth factors (i.e. biomolecules that elicit specific cell behaviour) and it was demonstrated that, despite the high voltages applied during electrospinning, the growth factor retains its biological activity once released from the fibres upon contact with cell culture medium. A second fuctionalization approach aiming, at a final stage, at controlling cell adhesion on electrospun scaffolds, consisted in covering fibre surface with highly hydrophilic polymer brushes of glycerol monomethacrylate synthesized by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Future investigations are going to exploit the hydroxyl groups of the polymer brushes for functionalizing the fibre surface with desired biomolecules. Electrospun scaffolds were employed in cell culture experiments performed in collaboration with biochemical laboratories aimed at evaluating the biocompatibility of new electrospun polymers and at investigating the effect of fibre orientation on cell behaviour. Moreover, at a preliminary stage, electrospun scaffolds were also cultured with tumour mammalian cells for developing in vitro tumour models aimed at better understanding the role of natural ECM on tumour malignity in vivo.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi è frutto di una collaborazione fra il Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica ed Inorganica (gruppo del Prof. Valerio Zanotti – Mattia Vaccari, Dr. Rita Mazzoni) ed il Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e dei Materiali (gruppo del Prof. Angelo Vaccari – Dr. Thomas Pasini, Dr. Stefania Albonetti, Prof. Fabrizio Cavani) e si inserisce il un progetto volto a valutare l’attività e la selettività del catalizzatore di idrogenazione di Shvo 1, verso l’idrogenazione selettiva del doppio legame polare del 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF) in fase omogenea. L’HMF è un composto di natura organica facilmente ottenibile dalle biomasse, il quale può essere impiegato come building block per ottenere prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto per la chimica fine o additivi per biocarburanti aventi un elevato potere calorifico. In particolare la nostra attenzione si è rivolta alla produzione del 2,5-diidrossimetilfurano (BHMF), un importante building block per la produzione di polimeri e schiume poliuretaniche. Il lavoro di tesi da me svolto ha riguardato la messa a punto di una nuova metodologia sintetica per la preparazione del catalizzatore di Shvo e lo studio della sua attività catalitica nella riduzione di HMF a BHMF. Il comportamento del catalizzatore è stato monitorato studiando la resa in BHMF in funzione di tutti i parametri di reazione: temperatura, pressione di H2, solvente, rapporto molare substrato/catalizzatore, concentrazione, tempo. Successivamente è stata valutata la possibilità di riciclare il catalizzatore recuperando il prodotto di estrazione con acqua, per precipitazione o eseguendo la reazione in miscela bifasica (toluene/H2O). The present work is a collaboration between the Department of Physics and Inorganic Chemistry (group of Prof. Valerio Zanotti - Mattia Vaccari, Dr. Rita Mazzoni) and the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (Group of Prof. Angelo Vaccari - Dr. Thomas Pasini, Dr. Stefania Albonetti, Prof. Fabrizio Cavani), and it’s a project devoted to evaluate the activity and selectivity of the Shvo catalyst, in the selective hydrogenation of polar double bond of 5 -hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in homogeneous phase. The HMF is an organic compound easily obtained from biomass, which can be used as a building block for fine chemicals abd polymer production or additives for biofuels with a high calorific value. In particular, our attention turned to the production of 2.5-bishydroxymethylfuran (BHMF), an important building block for the production of polymers and polyurethane foams. This thesis has involved the development of a new synthetic methodology for the preparation of Shvo’s catalyst and the study of its catalytic activity in the reduction of HMF to BHMF. The behavior of the catalyst was monitored by studying the yield in BHMF as a function of all the reaction parameters: temperature, pressure of H2, solvent, substrate to catalyst molar ratio, concentration, time. Subsequently it was evaluated the possibility of recycling the catalyst recovering the product of extraction with water, by precipitation or performing the reaction in biphasic mixture (toluene/H2O).