908 resultados para Fibre reinforced plastic


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Ultrahochfester Beton (UHPC) ist ein sehr gefügedichter zementgebundener Werkstoff, der sich nicht nur durch eine hohe Druckfestigkeit, sondern auch durch einen hohen Widerstand gegen jede Form physikalischen oder chemischen Angriffs auszeichnet. Duktiles Nachbruchverhalten bei Druckversagen wird meist durch die Zugabe dünner kurzer Fasern erreicht. In Kombination mit konventioneller Betonstahl- oder Spannbewehrung ermöglicht UHPC die Ausführung sehr schlanker, weitgespannter Konstruktionen und eröffnet zugleich neue Anwendungsgebiete, wie zum Beispiel die flächenhafte Beschichtung von Brückendecks. Durch das Zusammenwirken kontinuierlicher Bewehrungselemente und diskontinuierlich verteilter kurzer Fasern ergeben sich unter Zugbeanspruchung Unterschiede gegenüber dem bekannten Stahl- und Spannbeton. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird hierzu ein Modell entwickelt und durch eine umfangreiche Versuchsreihe abgesichert. Ausgangspunkt sind experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zum Verbundverhalten von Stabstählen in einer UHPC-Matrix und zum Einfluss einer Faserzugabe auf das Reiß- und Zugtragverhalten von UHPC. Die Modellbildung für UHPC-Zugelemente mit gemischter Bewehrung aus Stabstahl und Fasern erfolgt auf der Grundlage der Vorgänge am diskreten Riss, die daher sehr ausführlich behandelt werden. Für den elastischen Verformungsbereich der Stabbewehrung (Gebrauchslastbereich) kann damit das Last-Verformungs-Verhalten für kombiniert bewehrte Bauteile mechanisch konsistent unter Berücksichtigung des bei UHPC bedeutsamen hohen Schwindmaßes abgebildet werden. Für die praktische Anwendung wird durch Vereinfachungen ein Näherungsverfahren abgeleitet. Sowohl die theoretischen als auch die experimentellen Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass der faserbewehrte UHPC bei Kombination mit kontinuierlichen Bewehrungselementen selbst kein verfestigendes Verhalten aufweisen muss, um insgesamt verfestigendes Verhalten und damit eine verteilte Rissbildung mit sehr keinen Rissbreiten und Rissabständen zu erzielen. Diese Beobachtungen können mit Hilfe der bisher zur Verfügung stehenden Modelle, die im Wesentlichen eine Superposition isoliert ermittelter Spannungs-Dehnungs-Beziehungen des Faserbetons und des reinen Stahls vorsehen, nicht nachvollzogen werden. Wie die eigenen Untersuchungen zeigen, kann durch ausreichend dimensionierte Stabstahlbewehrung zielgerichtet und ohne unwirtschaftlich hohe Fasergehalte ein gutmütiges Verhalten von UHPC auf Zug erreicht werden. Die sichere Begrenzung der Rissbreiten auf deutlich unter 0,1 mm gewährleistet zugleich die Dauerhaftigkeit auch bei ungünstigen Umgebungsbedingungen. Durch die Minimierung des Material- und Energieeinsatzes und die zu erwartende lange Nutzungsdauer lassen sich so im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit optimierte Bauteile realisieren.


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En la primera part del present treball es presenta la investigació duta a terme sobre la reacció d'hidroesterificació d'olefines. S'analitzen els factors que afecten la reactivitat i quimioselectivitat de les reaccions d'hidroesterificació i deuterioesterificació en sistemes catalítics basats en complexes de pal·ladi amb lligands auxiliars de tipus fosfina. Es presenta un estudi detallat del mecanisme catalític a través del qual tenen lloc aquestes reaccions. La determinació del mecanisme de reacció ha estat aplicada a la obtenció d'una versió enantioselectiva de la mateixa. En una segona part del treball s'han analitzat diversos sistemes de modificació superficial de fibres naturals i el seu efecte sobre la compatibilitat fibra - matriu en materials compòsits de matriu poliolefínica. S'han caracteritzat les propietats superficials de fibres de pi químicament modificades. Les fibres naturals modificades s'han utilitzat en la preparació de materials compòsits, les propietats mecàniques, tèrmiques i termomecàniques dels quals han estat caracteritzades i analitzades.


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La aplicación de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica reforzados mediante fibras largas (FRP, Fiber Reinforced Plastic), está en gradual crecimiento debido a las buenas propiedades específicas y a la flexibilidad en el diseño. Uno de los mayores consumidores es la industria aeroespacial, dado que la aplicación de estos materiales tiene claros beneficios económicos y medioambientales. Cuando los materiales compuestos se aplican en componentes estructurales, se inicia un programa de diseño donde se combinan ensayos reales y técnicas de análisis. El desarrollo de herramientas de análisis fiables que permiten comprender el comportamiento mecánico de la estructura, así como reemplazar muchos, pero no todos, los ensayos reales, es de claro interés. Susceptibilidad al daño debido a cargas de impacto fuera del plano es uno de los aspectos de más importancia que se tienen en cuenta durante el proceso de diseño de estructuras de material compuesto. La falta de conocimiento de los efectos del impacto en estas estructuras es un factor que limita el uso de estos materiales. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de modelos de ensayo virtual mecánico para analizar la resistencia a impacto de una estructura es de gran interés, pero aún más, la predicción de la resistencia residual después del impacto. En este sentido, el presente trabajo abarca un amplio rango de análisis de eventos de impacto a baja velocidad en placas laminadas de material compuesto, monolíticas, planas, rectangulares, y con secuencias de apilamiento convencionales. Teniendo en cuenta que el principal objetivo del presente trabajo es la predicción de la resistencia residual a compresión, diferentes tareas se llevan a cabo para favorecer el adecuado análisis del problema. Los temas que se desarrollan son: la descripción analítica del impacto, el diseño y la realización de un plan de ensayos experimentales, la formulación e implementación de modelos constitutivos para la descripción del comportamiento del material, y el desarrollo de ensayos virtuales basados en modelos de elementos finitos en los que se usan los modelos constitutivos implementados.


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El uso de barras de materiales compuestos (FRP) se propone como una alternativa efectiva para las tradicionales estructuras de hormigón armadas con acero que sufren corrosión en ambientes agresivos. La aceptación de estos materiales en el mundo de la construcción está condicionada a la compresión de su comportamiento estructural. Este trabajo estudia el comportamiento adherente entre barras de FRP y hormigón mediante dos programas experimentales. El primero incluye la caracterización de la adherencia entre barras de FRP y hormigón mediante ensayos de pull-out y el segundo estudia el proceso de fisuración de tirantes de hormigón reforzados con barras de GFRP mediante ensayo a tracción directa. El trabajo se concluye con el desarrollo de un modelo numérico para la simulación del comportamiento de elementos de hormigón reforzado bajo cargas de tracción. La flexibilidad del modelo lo convierte en una herramienta flexible para la realización de un estudio paramétrico sobre las variables que influyen en el proceso de fisuración.


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This paper presents the design evolution process of a composite leaf spring for freight rail applications. Three designs of eye-end attachment for composite leaf springs are described. The material used is glass fibre reinforced polyester. Static testing and finite element analysis have been carried out to obtain the characteristics of the spring. Load-deflection curves and strain measurement as a function of load for the three designs tested have been plotted for comparison with FEA predicted values. The main concern associated with the first design is the delamination failure at the interface of the fibres that have passed around the eye and the spring body, even though the design can withstand 150 kN static proof load and one million cycles fatigue load. FEA results confirmed that there is a high interlaminar shear stress concentration in that region. The second design feature is an additional transverse bandage around the region prone to delamination. Delamination was contained but not completely prevented. The third design overcomes the problem by ending the fibres at the end of the eye section.


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This paper shows the process of the virtual production development of the mechanical connection between the top leaf of a dual composite leaf spring system to a shackle using finite element methods. The commercial FEA package MSC/MARC has been used for the analysis. In the original design the joint was based on a closed eye-end. Full scale testing results showed that this configuration achieved the vertical proof load of 150 kN and 1 million cycles of fatigue load. However, a problem with delamination occurred at the interface between the fibres going around the eye and the main leaf body. To overcome this problem, a second design was tried using transverse bandages of woven glass fibre reinforced tape to wrap the section that is prone to delaminate. In this case, the maximum interlaminar shear stress was reduced by a certain amount but it was still higher than the material’s shear strength. Based on the fact that, even with delamination, the top leaf spring still sustained the maximum static and fatigue loads required, the third design was proposed with an open eye-end, eliminating altogether the interface where the maximum shear stress occurs. The maximum shear stress predicted by FEA is reduced significantly and a safety factor of around 2 has been obtained. Thus, a successful and safe design has been achieved.


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Na construção civil, nos países em desenvolvimento como a Bolívia, continua-se usando técnicas e materiais na execução de paredes, similar a décadas passadas. Os painéis de gesso reforçados com fibra de vidro são uma alternativa de simplificação e agilização na execução das paredes internas não portantes. A presente dissertação objetiva mostrar a viabilidade técnica e econômica dos painéis para paredes internas, na Bolívia; para tanto realizou-se uma avaliação dos recursos disponíveis (gesso), com relação às reservas, produção e custos. A técnica adotada na produção dos painéis é a de pré-mistura, que permite a moldagem dos painéis manual ou mecanicamente com equipamentos simples e de baixo custo. O estudo do compósito de gesso reforçado com fibra de vidro (GRG) foi realizado com gesso brasileiro e com gesso boliviano, verificando-se o seu comportamento mecânico com diferentes teores de fibra de vidro. Verificou-se aumento da resistência a tração na flexão e diminuição da resistência a compressão com o aumento do teor de fibra de vidro. A avaliação do comportamento mecânico dos painéis foi feita através dos ensaios de impacto (corpo mole e corpo duro). Nos ensaios de corpo mole, verificou-se aumento da resistência com o aumento do teor de fibra de vidro. Os teores de 0,75% e 1,5% se mostraram suficientes para que os painéis de GRG satisfaçam os requisitos de desempenho para divisórias internas respectivamente para o gesso brasileiro e boliviano. O comportamento dos painéis nos ensaios de impacto de corpo duro foi satisfatório, tanto para painéis com fibra como para painéis sem fibra de vidro. No estudo preliminar de custos, verificou-se uma redução em torno de 36% para os painéis de GRG em relação às paredes intemas tradicionalmente usadas na Bolívia.


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Os materiais compósitos reforçados por fibras apresentam vantagens quando comparados aos materiais de construção mais tradicionais como concreto e aço. Por outro lado, devido ao fato destes materiais serem relativamente recentes no mercado, questões a respeito de sua durabilidade são ainda objeto de discussão e faz-se necessária intensa pesquisa sobre o envelhecimento dos compósitos. Como conseqüência, recentemente têm surgido inúmeros trabalhos à respeito da degradação dos compósitos considerando efeitos como temperatura, oxidação, radiação UV, condições de carregamento, etc. A maioria destas pesquisas, no entanto, são realizadas a nível de material e não são diretamente aplicáveis à situações de projeto. Desta forma, existe grande demanda por novos estudos e dados compatíveis com aplicações estruturais. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo analítico-numérico adequado para, interpretação e aplicação destes dados experimentais em análise e projeto de estrutural. A formulação proposta inclui relações constitutivas elásticas anisotrópicas com envelhecimento, relações constitutivas viscoelásticas anisotrópicas com envelhecimento em termos de variáveis de estado, análise de falhas com critério de degradação ajustado à idade do material e considera-se grandes deslocamentos e pequenas deformações. As diferenças essenciais entre os processos de envelhecimento em endurecimento e amolecimento são descritos juntamente com as relações constitutivas para cada caso. Estas equações são deduzidas na forma adequada para análise numérica via método dos elementos finitos usando uma solução incremental-iterativa com consideração de efeitos pos-críticos. Vários exemplos são apresentados, incluindo análises elásticas, viscoelásticas e de falha com envelhecimento.


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This research was motivated by the requirement of asbestos s replacement in building systems and the need to generate jobs and income in the country side of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The project aimed at using fibers from licuri leaves (syagrus coronata), an abundant palm in the region, to produce composites appropriate for the sustainable production of cement fibre reinforced products in small plants. The composites were produced in laboratory using Portland cement CP-II-F32, sand, water, licuri palm fiber contents of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% by weight of binder (two different fiber length) and metakaolin. The latter was chosen as an additional binder for its efficiency to reduce the alkalinity of cementitious matrixes therefore preventing the degradation of vegetable fibers. The characterization of the composite components was carried out by sieving and laser particle size analyses, thermal analysis, fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The composites performance was evaluated by 3- point-bending tests, compressive strength, ultrasound module of elasticity, free and restrained shrinkage, water capillarity absorption and apparent specific gravity. It has been found that the addition of fibers increased the time to onset of cracking over 200.00% and a 25% reduction in cracks opening in the restrained shrinkage test. The capillary absorption reduced about 25% when compared to fiber-free composites. It was also observed with regard to flexural strength, compressive strength and specific gravity, that the addiction of fibers did not affect the composite performance presenting similar results for compounds with and without fibers. In general it can be stated that the reinforced composite fibers of palm licuri presents physical and mechanical characteristics which enable them to be used in the intended proposals of this research


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As most current studies, reinforced plastics have been, in recent years, a viable alternative in building structural elements of medium and large, since the lightness accompanied by high performance possible. The design of hybrid polymer composites (combination of different types of reinforcements) may enable structural applications thereof, facing the most severe service conditions. Within this class of composite materials, reinforced the underlying tissues hybrid high performance are taking space when your application requires high load bearing and high rigidity. The objective of this research work is to study the challenges in designing these fabrics bring these materials as to its mechanical characterization and fracture mechanisms involved. Some parameters associated with the process and / or form of hybridization stand out as influential factors in the final performance of the material such as the presence of anisotropy, so the fabric weave, the process of making the same, normative geometry of the specimens, among others. This sense, four laminates were developed based hybrid reinforcement fabrics involving AS4 carbon fiber, kevlar and glass 49-E as the matrix epoxy vinyl ester resin (DERAKANE 411-350). All laminates were formed each with four layers of reinforcements. Depending on the hybrid fabric, all the influencing factors mentioned above have been studied for laminates. All laminates were manufactured industrially used being the lamination process manual (hand-lay-up). All mechanical characterization and study of the mechanism of fracture (fracture mechanics) was developed for laminates subjected to uniaxial tensile test, bending in three and uniaxial compression. The analysis of fracture mechanisms were held involving the macroscopic, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy


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SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite (SiCf/SiC) is one of the leading candidates in ceramic materials for engineering applications due to its unique combination of properties such as high thermal conductivity, high resistance to corrosion and working conditions. Fiber-reinforced composites are materials which exhibit a significant improvement in properties like ductility in comparison to the monolithic SiC ceramic. The SiCf/SiC composite was obtained from a C/C composite precursor using convertion reaction under high temperature and controlled atmosphere. In this work, SiC phase presented the stacking faults in the structure, being not possible to calculate the unit cell size, symmetry and bond lengths but it seem equal card number 29-1129 of JCPDS.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)