907 resultados para Feminist policy analysis


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The present study analyzed some of the effects of imposing a cost-sharing requirement on users of a state's health service program. The study population consisted of people who were in diagnosed medical need and included, but was not limited to, people in financial need.^ The purpose of the study was to determine if the cost-sharing requirement had any detrimental effects on the service population. Changes in the characteristics of service consumers and in utilization patterns were analyzed using time-series techniques and pre-post policy comparisons.^ The study hypotheses stated that the distribution of service provided, diagnoses serviced, and consumer income levels would change following the cost-sharing policy.^ Analysis of data revealed that neither the characteristics of service users (income, race, sex, etc.) nor services provided by the program changed significantly following the policy. The results were explainable in part by the fact that all of the program participants were in diagnosed medical need. Therefore, their use of "discretionary" or "less necessary" services was limited.^ The study's findings supported the work of Joseph Newhouse, Charles Phelps, and others who have contended that necessary service use would not be detrimentally affected by reasonable cost-sharing provisions. These contentions raise the prospect of incorporating cost-sharing into programs such as Medicaid, which, at this writing, do not demand any consumer payment for services.^ The study concluded with a discussion of the cost-containment problem in health services. The efficacy of cost-sharing was considered relative to other financing and reimbursement strategies such as HMO's, self-funding, and reimbursement for less costly services and places of service. ^


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Community health workers (CHWs) are volunteers or paid members of communities that perform outreach, patient assistance, health education, and assist in navigation of healthcare system amongst other duties. The utilization of CHWs in hospital and community setting provides health benefits to their communities while reducing cost to the overall healthcare system. ^ The general population of Texas lacks adequate access to primary care. An important indicator of such a crisis is excessive usage of emergency department services in Texas, especially by the large minority population within the state. Also, unmanaged chronic diseases have been shown to be correlated with the excessive usage of emergency services. According to a recent survey of 25 Houston metropolitan area hospitals, almost 54% of the ER visits could have been resolved in primary care settings. A Galveston based study also indicated that the ER usage was higher amongst African-Americans and Latinos. Meanwhile, 28.5% of the total ER visits were made by Latinos from the surrounding areas (Begley et al., 2007). There is substantial evidence present which indicates enormous cost-savings that CHWs have produced in Texas and nationwide through reduction in unnecessary ER visits along with better management of chronic diseases (Fedder et al, 2003). ^ This paper provides an analysis regarding the need and importance for sustainable and stable sources of funding for Community health workers (CHWs) in Texas utilizing Kingdon's model of Agenda Setting as framework. The policy analysis is also aimed at reporting on the policy process and actions taken by Children at Risk to address this critical issue. Children at Risk, a Houston based advocacy organization, has created a legislative proposal that calls on the Texas Health and Human Commission to apply for a Medicaid §§1115 waiver to provide sustainable sources of funding for CHWs, Rep. John Zerwas sponsored HB 2244 bill and it was filed on March 3, 2011. The bill would affect the use of CHWs in Texas in two ways: 1) through the establishment and operation of a program designed to train and educate CHWs 2) by creating a statewide training and certification advisory committee. The advisory committee is required in the bill to submit recommendations for providing sustainable funding and employment for CHWs. The HB 2244 failed to move out of the House Public Health committee. However, HB2244 was amended into HB 2610 introduced by Representative Guillen. The House Bill 2610 is geared towards establishing a community-based navigator program in order to assist individuals applying for public assistance through the Internet. The House Bill 2610 was signed by the Governor and will be effective September 1, 2011.^


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El objetivo del artículo es presentar un análisis de la importancia que adquieren diferentes intervenciones de los programas alimentarios en un barrio pobre de la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, entre los años 2006 y 2008, señalando el lugar que ocupan en la resolución de las necesidades alimentarias tal como son reconocidas y evaluadas por sus destinatarios. Se detallan las características del trabajo empírico realizado en ese barrio y, a partir de los relatos de las beneficiarias, se reconstruyeron las visiones sobre el lugar que ocupan los productos y prestaciones de esos programas en los consumos habituales, junto con la adaptación, aceptación y utilización de los mismos, destacando los distintos aportes de la ayuda alimentaria estatal en términos de seguridad y soberanía alimentaria mediante la aplicación del enfoque de derechos al análisis de políticas sociales


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El objetivo del artículo es presentar un análisis de la importancia que adquieren diferentes intervenciones de los programas alimentarios en un barrio pobre de la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, entre los años 2006 y 2008, señalando el lugar que ocupan en la resolución de las necesidades alimentarias tal como son reconocidas y evaluadas por sus destinatarios. Se detallan las características del trabajo empírico realizado en ese barrio y, a partir de los relatos de las beneficiarias, se reconstruyeron las visiones sobre el lugar que ocupan los productos y prestaciones de esos programas en los consumos habituales, junto con la adaptación, aceptación y utilización de los mismos, destacando los distintos aportes de la ayuda alimentaria estatal en términos de seguridad y soberanía alimentaria mediante la aplicación del enfoque de derechos al análisis de políticas sociales


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El objetivo del artículo es presentar un análisis de la importancia que adquieren diferentes intervenciones de los programas alimentarios en un barrio pobre de la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, entre los años 2006 y 2008, señalando el lugar que ocupan en la resolución de las necesidades alimentarias tal como son reconocidas y evaluadas por sus destinatarios. Se detallan las características del trabajo empírico realizado en ese barrio y, a partir de los relatos de las beneficiarias, se reconstruyeron las visiones sobre el lugar que ocupan los productos y prestaciones de esos programas en los consumos habituales, junto con la adaptación, aceptación y utilización de los mismos, destacando los distintos aportes de la ayuda alimentaria estatal en términos de seguridad y soberanía alimentaria mediante la aplicación del enfoque de derechos al análisis de políticas sociales


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Crude oil and natural gas have been essential energy sources and play a crucial role in the world economy. Changes in energy prices significantly impact economic growth. This study builds an econometric model to illustrate the substitute relation between crude oil and natural gas markets. Additionally, the determination of the oil and natural gas prices are endogenized, assuming imperfect competition to reflect a real market strategy. Our empirical results show that the overall performance of this system is acceptable, and the model can be applied to policy analysis for determining monetary or energy policy by introducing this model to the more comprehensive system.


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Growing scarcity, increasing demand and bad management of water resources are causing weighty competition for water and consequently managers are facing more and more pressure in an attempt to satisfy users? requirement. In many regions agriculture is one of the most important users at river basin scale since it concentrates high volumes of water consumption during relatively short periods (irrigation season), with a significant economic, social and environmental impact. The interdisciplinary characteristics of related water resources problems require, as established in the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, an integrated and participative approach to water management and assigns an essential role to economic analysis as a decision support tool. For this reason, a methodology is developed to analyse the economic and environmental implications of water resource management under different scenarios, with a focus on the agricultural sector. This research integrates both economic and hydrologic components in modelling, defining scenarios of water resource management with the goal of preventing critical situations, such as droughts. The model follows the Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) approach, an innovative methodology successfully used for agricultural policy analysis in the last decade and also applied in several analyses regarding water use in agriculture. This approach has, among others, the very important capability of perfectly calibrating the baseline scenario using a very limited database. However one important disadvantage is its limited capacity to simulate activities non-observed during the reference period but which could be adopted if the scenario changed. To overcome this problem the classical methodology is extended in order to simulate a more realistic farmers? response to new agricultural policies or modified water availability. In this way an economic model has been developed to reproduce the farmers? behaviour within two irrigation districts in the Tiber High Valley. This economic model is then integrated with SIMBAT, an hydrologic model developed for the Tiber basin which allows to simulate the balance between the water volumes available at the Montedoglio dam and the water volumes required by the various irrigation users.


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1. Introduction: setting and problem definition 2. The Adaptation Pathway –2.1 Stage 1: appraising risks and opportunities •Step 1: Impact analysis •Step 2: Policy analysis •Step 3: Socio-institutional analysis –2.2 Stage 2: appraising and choosing adaptation opt ions •Step 4: identifying and prioritizing adaptation o ptions 3. Conclusions


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One of humanity’s major challenges of the 21st century will be meeting future food demands on an increasingly resource constrained-planet. Global food production will have to rise by 70 percent between 2000 and 2050 to meet effective demand which poses major challenges to food production systems. Doing so without compromising environmental integrity is an even greater challenge. This study looks at the interdependencies between land and water resources, agricultural production and environmental outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), an area of growing importance in international agricultural markets. Special emphasis is given to the role of LAC’s agriculture for (a) global food security and (b) environmental sustainability. We use the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT)—a global dynamic partial equilibrium model of the agricultural sector—to run different future production scenarios, and agricultural trade regimes out to 2050, and assess changes in related environmental indicators. Results indicate that further trade liberalization is crucial for improving food security globally, but that it would also lead to more environmental pressures in some regions across Latin America. Contrasting land expansion versus more intensified agriculture shows that productivity improvements are generally superior to agricultural land expansion, from an economic and environmental point of view. Finally, our analysis shows that there are trade-offs between environmental and food security goals for all agricultural development paths.


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The competition in markets, the distribution of limited resources based on productivity and performance, and the efficient management of universities are changing the criteria of trust and legitimacy of the educational system in Peru. Universities are perceived more as institutions of the public sector, while the services they offer must rather contribute to the modernization of the emerging society and the knowledge economy. Higher Educations reforms - initiated in the 1980s - have been inspired by the successful university organizations that have managed to change their governance and addressed to transform certain bureaucratic institutions into organizations capable of playing active role in this global competition for resources and best talent. Within this context, Peruvian universities are facing two major challenges: adapting themselves to new global perspectives and being able to develop a better response to society demands, needs and expectations. This article proposes a model of governance system for higher education in Peru that gives a comprehensive solution to these challenges, allowing dealing with the problems of universities for their development and inclusion within the global trends. For this purpose, a holistic and qualitative methodologic approach was developed, considering an integrated method which considered educational reality as a whole, understanding its facts, components and elements that affects its outcomes. It is proposed to define a policy for university education in Peru that permeates society, by changing the planning model from a social reform model to a policy analysis model, where the Peruvian State acts as sole responsible for responding to the demanding society as its legal representative complemented with some external and independent bodies that define the basis of best practice, as it is being done in many university models worldwide.


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Un nuevo sistema de gobernanza para afrontar los retos del siglo XXI en la educación universitaria en Perú basado en el modelo de análisis de políticas, surge de observar el efecto de la competencia en los mercados, de la distribución de los escasos recursos según productividad y rendimiento, y de la gestión ineficiente de las universidades ya que estos parámetros están cambiando los criterios de confianza y legitimidad del sistema universitario en Perú. Las universidades se perciben más como instituciones del sector público, mientras que los servicios que ofrecen deben más bien contribuir a la modernización de la sociedad emergente y a la economía del conocimiento. Las reformas universitarias- iniciadas en los años 80 - han estado inspiradas en las organizaciones universitarias exitosas que han logrado modificar su gobernanza y van dirigidas a transformar ciertas instituciones burocráticas en organizaciones capaces de desempeñar la función de actores en esta competición global por los recursos y los mejores talentos. En este contexto, la universidad peruana se enfrenta a dos grandes desafíos: el de adaptarse a las nuevas perspectivas mundiales, y el poder dar mejor respuesta a las demandas, necesidades y expectativas de la sociedad. Un cambio en el sistema de gobernanza para la educación superior universitaria dará una solución integral a estos desafíos permitiéndole enfrentar los problemas de la universidad para su desarrollo e inserción en las corrientes mundiales. La metodología planteada en la investigación es cualitativa parte del análisis de la realidad como un TODO, sin reducirlos a sus partes integrantes, con la interpretación de los hechos, buscando entender las variables que intervienen. Se propone una política para la educación universitaria en Perú que se permeabilice a la sociedad, cambiando el modelo de planificación de un modelo de reforma social a un modelo de análisis de políticas, donde el Estado Peruano actúe como único responsable de responder a la sociedad demandante como su representante legal, y con unos organismo externo e independiente que siente las bases de la práctica, como se está haciendo en muchos modelos universitarios del mundo. Esta investigación presenta una primera fase conceptual, que aborda la evolución histórica de las universidades en el Perú, analizando y clarificando las fuerzas impulsoras a través del tiempo y distinguir las principales líneas que le imprimen dirección y sentido a los cambios de una realidad educativa universitaria. Así mismo, en esta fase se hace un análisis de la situación actual de las universidades en el Perú para llegar a determinar en qué situación se encuentra y si está preparada para enfrentar los retos de la educación universitaria mundial, para esto se analizan los modelos universitarios de mayor prestigio en el mundo. El marco teórico anterior permite sentar, en una segunda fase de la investigación, las bases científicas del modelo que se propone: el modelo de planificación de análisis de políticas para el sistema universitario peruano. Este modelo de ámbito público propuesto para la educación universitaria peruana basa su estrategia en un modelo de planificación con un objetivo común: “Mejorar la calidad de la educación superior universitaria peruana con el fin de aumentar la empleabilidad y la movilidad de los ciudadanos así como la competitividad internacional de la educación universitaria en Perú”, y con unas líneas de acción concretadas en cuatro objetivos específicos: 1) competencias (genéricas y específicas de las áreas temáticas); 2) enfoques de enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación; 3) créditos académicos; 4) calidad de los programa. Así como los fundamentos metodológicos del modelo de análisis de políticas, utilizado como estructura política, teniendo en cuenta las características básicas del modelo: a) Planificación desde arriba; b) Se centra en la toma de decisiones; c) Separación entre conocimiento experto y decisión; d) El estudio de los resultados orienta el proceso decisor. Finalmente, se analiza una fase de validación del modelo propuesto para la educación superior universitaria peruana, con los avances ya realizados en Perú en temas de educación superior, como es, el actual contexto de la nueva Ley Universitaria N°30220 promulgada el 8 de julio de 2014, la creación del SUNEDU y la reorganización del SINEACE, que tienen como propósito atender la crisis universitaria centrada en tres ejes principales incluidos en la ley, considerados como bases para una reforma. Primero, el Estado asume la rectoría de las políticas educativas en todos los niveles educativos. El segundo aspecto consiste en instalar un mecanismo de regulación de la calidad que junto con la reestructuración de aquellos otros existentes debieran sentar las bases para que las familias y estudiantes tengan la garantía pública de que el servicio que se ofrece, sin importar sus características particulares, presenten un mínimo común de calidad y un tercer aspecto es que la ley se reafirma en que la universidad es un espacio de construcción de conocimiento basado en la investigación y la formación integral. Las finalidades, la estructura y organización, las formas de graduación, las características del cuerpo docente, la obligatoriedad por los estudios generales, etc., indican que la reflexión académica es el centro articulador de la vida universitaria. Esta validación también se ha confrontado con los resultados de las entrevistas cualitativas a juicio de experto que se han realizado a rectores de universidades públicas y privadas así como a rectores miembros de la ex ANR, miembros de organizaciones como CONCYTEC, IEP, CNE, CONEAU, ICACIT e investigadores en educación superior, con la finalidad de analizar la sostenibilidad del modelo propuesto en el tiempo. Los resultados evidencian, que en el sistema universitario peruano se puede implementar un cambio hacía un modelo de educación superior universitaria, con una política educativa que se base en un objetivo común claramente definido, un calendario para lograrlo y un conjunto objetivos específicos, con un cambio de estructura política de reforma social a un modelo de análisis de políticas. Así mismo se muestran los distintos aspectos que los interesados en la educación superior universitaria deben considerar, si se quiere ocupar un espacio en el futuro y si interesa que la universidad peruana pueda contribuir para que la sociedad se forje caminos posibles a través de una buena docencia que se refleje en su investigación, con alumnos internacionales, sobre todo, en los postgrados; con un investigación que se traduzca en publicaciones, patentes, etc., de impacto mundial, con relevancia en la sociedad porque contribuye a su desarrollo, concretándose en trabajos de muy diversos tipos, promovidos junto con empresas, gobiernos en sus diversos niveles, instituciones públicas o privadas, etc., para que aporten financiación a la universidad. ABSTRACT A new system of governance to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century university education in Peru based on the model of policy analysis, comes to observe the effect of market competition, distribution of scarce resources according to productivity and performance, and inefficient management of universities as these parameters are changing the criteria of trust and legitimacy of the university system in Peru. Universities are perceived more as public sector institutions, while the services provided should rather contribute to the modernization of society and the emerging knowledge economy. The-university reforms initiated in the 80s - have been inspired by successful university organizations that have succeeded in changing its governance and as attempting to transform certain bureaucratic institutions into organizations that act as actors in this global competition for resources and top talent. In this context, the Peruvian university faces two major challenges: to adapt to the new global outlook, and to better respond to the demands, needs and expectations of society. A change in the system of governance for university education give a comprehensive solution to address these challenges by allowing the problems of the university development and integration into global flows. The methodology proposed in this research is qualitative part of the analysis of reality as a whole, without reducing them to their constituent parts, with the interpretation of the facts, seeking to understand the variables involved. a policy for university education in Peru that permeabilizes society is proposed changing the planning model of a model of social reform a model of policy analysis, where the Peruvian State to act as the sole responsible for responding to the applicant as its legal representative, and with external and independent body that provides the basis of practice, as is being done in many university models in the world. This research presents an initial conceptual phase, which deals with the historical development of universities in Peru, analyzing and clarifying the driving forces over time and distinguish the main lines that give direction and meaning to changes in university educational reality. Also, at this stage an analysis of the current situation of universities in Peru is done to be able to determine what the situation is and whether it is prepared to meet the challenges of the global higher education, for this university models are analyzed most prestigious in the world. The above theoretical framework allows to lay in a second phase of research, the scientific basis of the model proposed: the planning model of policy analysis for the Peruvian university system. This proposed model of public sphere for the Peruvian college bases its strategy on a planning model with a common goal: "To improve the quality of the Peruvian university education in order to enhance the employability and mobility of citizens and the international competitiveness of higher education in Peru ", and lines of action materialized in four specific objectives: 1) competences (generic and specific subject areas); 2) approaches to teaching, learning and assessment; 3) credits; 4) quality of the program. As well as the methodological foundations of policy analysis model, used as political structure, taking into account the basic characteristics of the model: a) Planning from above; b) focuses on decision making; c) Separation between expertise and decision; d) The study of the results process guides the decision maker. Finally, a validation phase of the proposed Peruvian university higher education, with the progress already made in Peru on issues of higher education model is analyzed, as is the current context of the new University Law No. 30220 promulgated on July 8 2014, the creation of SUNEDU and reorganization of SINEACE, which are intended to serve the university crisis centered on three main areas included in the law, considered as the basis for reform. First, the State assumes the stewardship of education policies at all educational levels. The second aspect is to install a mechanism for regulating the quality along with the restructuring of those existing ones should lay the foundation for families and students to guarantee that public service is offered, regardless of their individual characteristics, are of common minimum quality and a third aspect is that the law reaffirms that the university is building a space of research-based knowledge and comprehensive training. The aims, structure and organization, forms of graduation, faculty characteristics, the requirement for the general studies, etc., indicate that the academic reflection is the coordinating center of university life. This validation has also been confronted with the results of qualitative interviews with expert judgment that has been made to directors of public and private universities as well as leading members of the former ANR members of organizations like CONCYTEC, IEP, CNE, CONEAU, ICACIT and researchers in higher education, in order to analyze the sustainability of the proposed model in time. The results show, that the Peruvian university system can implement a change to a model of university education, an educational policy based on clearly defined common goal, a timetable for achieving specific objectives set and, with a change social policy structure to a model of reform policy analysis. It also shows the various aspects that those interested in university education should consider, if you want to occupy a space in the future and if interested in the Peruvian university can contribute to society possible paths is forged through research good teaching, international students, especially in graduate programs; with research that results in publications, patents, etc., global impact, relevance to society because it contributes to their development taking shape in very different types of jobs, promoted with businesses, governments at various levels, public institutions or private, etc., to provide funding to the university.


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O presente estudo constitui-se uma análise sobre a Política de Inclusão do Aluno com Necessidade Educacional Especial (NEE) numa escola da rede regular de ensino. O objetivo central foi compreender os princípios e as propostas que definem a política nacional de educação especial, focando a inclusão dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais na rede regular de ensino procurando verificar quais dimensões de inclusão estão presentes no discurso tanto na documentação quanto na prática sobre inclusão. Inicialmente, a pesquisa procurou levantar, relatar e analisar os materiais bibliográficos publicados sobre as questões relativas à inclusão do aluno com NEE no sistema regular de ensino, principalmente a partir de 1988 período em que a Constituição Federal elege como um dos seus princípios a igualdade de condições de acesso e permanência na escola até 2006, quando dados publicados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP) comprovam que houve um aumento significativo das matrículas destes alunos nas escolas regulares. Entrevistas, depoimentos, documentos federais e municipais e dados censitários foram utilizados na análise. Através de algumas categorias de análise tiradas dos depoimentos foi possível identificar a socialização do indivíduo por meio da garantia do direito e integração à concepção de inclusão mais predominante. A necessidade de atendimento especializado ao aluno e aos que venham trabalhar com ele e preocupação com a falta de orientação no trabalho foi apontado como maior dificuldade. Entretanto, mesmo apresentando alguns problemas, evidencia-se uma posição favorável à inclusão dos alunos com NEE na educação regular na unidade pesquisada destacando a aceitação e as providências que a escola vem tomando quanto às adaptações realizadas para garantir educação de qualidade e acessibilidade. O desafio que se coloca às unidades de educação regular com a matrícula dos alunos com NEE é que estas possam contribuir para a efetivação deste direito por meio de uma educação que contribua para uma sociedade menos excludente.(AU)


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O presente estudo constitui-se uma análise sobre a Política de Inclusão do Aluno com Necessidade Educacional Especial (NEE) numa escola da rede regular de ensino. O objetivo central foi compreender os princípios e as propostas que definem a política nacional de educação especial, focando a inclusão dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais na rede regular de ensino procurando verificar quais dimensões de inclusão estão presentes no discurso tanto na documentação quanto na prática sobre inclusão. Inicialmente, a pesquisa procurou levantar, relatar e analisar os materiais bibliográficos publicados sobre as questões relativas à inclusão do aluno com NEE no sistema regular de ensino, principalmente a partir de 1988 período em que a Constituição Federal elege como um dos seus princípios a igualdade de condições de acesso e permanência na escola até 2006, quando dados publicados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP) comprovam que houve um aumento significativo das matrículas destes alunos nas escolas regulares. Entrevistas, depoimentos, documentos federais e municipais e dados censitários foram utilizados na análise. Através de algumas categorias de análise tiradas dos depoimentos foi possível identificar a socialização do indivíduo por meio da garantia do direito e integração à concepção de inclusão mais predominante. A necessidade de atendimento especializado ao aluno e aos que venham trabalhar com ele e preocupação com a falta de orientação no trabalho foi apontado como maior dificuldade. Entretanto, mesmo apresentando alguns problemas, evidencia-se uma posição favorável à inclusão dos alunos com NEE na educação regular na unidade pesquisada destacando a aceitação e as providências que a escola vem tomando quanto às adaptações realizadas para garantir educação de qualidade e acessibilidade. O desafio que se coloca às unidades de educação regular com a matrícula dos alunos com NEE é que estas possam contribuir para a efetivação deste direito por meio de uma educação que contribua para uma sociedade menos excludente.(AU)


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This dissertation engages the question of why German political elites accepted the use of force during the 1990s and started to commit the country's armed forces to multilateral peacekeeping missions. Previous governments of the Federal Republic had opposed foreign deployment of the military and Germany was characterized by a unique strategic culture in which the efficacy of military force was widely regarded as negative. The rediscovery of the use of force constituted a significant reorientation of German security policy with potentially profound implications for international relations. I use social role theory to explain Germany's security policy reorientation. I argue that political elites shared a national role conception of their country as a dependable and reliable ally. Role expectations of the international security environment changed as a result of a general shift to multilateral intervention as means to address emerging security problems after the Cold War. Germany's resistance to the use of force was viewed as inappropriate conduct for a power possessing the economic and military wherewithal of the Federal Republic. Elites from allied countries exerted social pressure to have Germany contribute commensurate with capabilities. German political elites adapted role behavior in response to external expectations in an effort to preserve the national role conception of a dependable and reliable ally. Security policy reorientation to maintain Germany's national role conception was pursued by conservative elites who acted as 'role entrepreneurs'. CDU/CSU politicians initiated a process of role adaptation to include the use of force for non-defensive missions. They persuaded Social Democrats and Alliance 90/Green party politicians that the maintenance of the country's role conception necessitated a reorientation in security policy to accommodate the changes in the security environment.