962 resultados para External factors
Microorganisms in the plant rhizosphere, the zone under the influence of roots, and phyllosphere, the aboveground plant habitat, exert a strong influence on plant growth, health, and protection. Tomatoes and cucumbers are important players in produce safety, and the microbial life on their surfaces may contribute to their fitness as hosts for foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes. External factors such as agricultural inputs and environmental conditions likely also play a major role. However, the relative contributions of the various factors at play concerning the plant surface microbiome remain obscure, although this knowledge could be applied to crop protection from plant and human pathogens. Recent advances in genomic technology have made investigations into the diversity and structure of microbial communities possible in many systems and at multiple scales. Using Illumina sequencing to profile particular regions of the 16S rRNA gene, this study investigates the influences of climate and crop management practices on the field-grown tomato and cucumber microbiome. The first research chapter (Chapter 3) involved application of 4 different soil amendments to a tomato field and profiling of harvest-time phyllosphere and rhizosphere microbial communities. Factors such as water activity, soil texture, and field location influenced microbial community structure more than soil amendment use, indicating that field conditions may exert more influence on the tomato microbiome than certain agricultural inputs. In Chapter 4, the impact of rain on tomato and cucumber-associated microbial community structures was evaluated. Shifts in bacterial community composition and structure were recorded immediately following rain events, an effect which was partially reversed after 4 days and was strongest on cucumber fruit surfaces. Chapter 5 focused on the contribution of insect visitors to the tomato microbiota, finding that insects introduced diverse bacterial taxa to the blossom and green tomato fruit microbiome. This study advances our understanding of the factors that influence the microbiomes of tomato and cucumber. Farms are complex environments, and untangling the interactions between farming practices, the environment, and microbial diversity will help us develop a comprehensive understanding of how microbial life, including foodborne pathogens, may be influenced by agricultural conditions.
320 p.
Long-term success of family firms is of utmost social and economic importance. Three of its determinants are in the center of this Dissertation: firmlevel entrepreneurial orientation (EO), managers' entrepreneurial behavior, and value-creating attitudes of non-family employees. Each determinant and respective research gaps are addressed by one paper of this cumulative dissertation. Referring to firm-level EO, scholars claim that EO is a main antecedent to firms' both short- and long-term success. However, family firms seem to be successful across generations despite rather low levels of EO. The first paper addresses this paradox by investigating EO patterns of long-lived family firms in three Swiss case studies. The main finding is that the key to success is not to be as entrepreneurially as possible all the time, but to continuously adapt the EO profile depending on internal and external factors. Moreover, the paper suggest new subcategories to different EO dimensions. With regard to entrepreneurial behavior of managers, there is a lack of knowledge how individual-level and organizational level factors affect its evolvement. The second paper addresses this gap by investigating a sample of 403 middle-level managers from both family and non-family firms. It introduces psychological ownership of managers as individual-level antecedent and investigates the interaction with organizational factors. As a central insight, management support is found to strengthen the psychological ownership-entrepreneurial behavior relationship. The third paper is based on the fact that employees' justice perceptions are established antecedents of value-creating employee attitudes such as affective commitment and job satisfaction. Even though family firms are susceptible to nonfamily employees´ perceptions of injustice, corresponding research is scarce. Moreover, the mechanism connecting justice perceptions and positive outcomes is still unclear. Addressing these gaps, the analysis of a sample of 310 non-family employees reveals that psychological ownership is a mediator in the relationships between distributive justice perceptions and both affective commitment and job satisfaction. Altogether, the three papers offer valuable contributions to family business literature with respect to EO, entrepreneurial behavior, and value-creating employee attitudes. Thus, they increase current understanding about important determinants of family firms' long-term success, while opening up numerous ways of future research.
Donald Davidson ha tenido un papel extremamente importante en lo que hoy se llama Externismo. Sin embargo, la formulación exacta de su externismo no es obvia porque sus compromisos están dispersos a lo largo de muchos de sus artículos. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar los detalles de su externismo. Indicaremos que Davidson, sin duda defiende, que la mente no está auto-contenida. No obstante, tal idea tiene por lo menos dos sentidos distintos en su trabajo: por un lado, estados y contenidos mentales deben ser individuados, en parte, respecto a factores externos a la piel de uno, porque fueron causados por ellos; y por otro lado, estados y contenidos mentales deben ser individuados por factores externos porque la mente está constituida por conocimiento. Indicaremos que la relación entre estos dos niveles explicativos, aparentemente armoniosa, se vuelve conflictiva dentro del mismo programa davidsoniano. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
When starting a new business, most entrepreneurs usually focus on the external aspects in order to make their new business successful. Consequently, most research in entrepreneurship has been focused on the external factors to explain the high rate of entrepreneurial failures. But there is also a lack of consideration of the internal aspects by the new entrepreneurs. This paper focuses on these internal aspects and how to help a new business implementing an internal strategy.
Aims This review aims to locate and summarize the findings of qualitative studies exploring the experience of and adherence to pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) to recommend future directions for practice and research. Methods Primary qualitative studies were identified through a conventional subject search of electronic databases, reference-list checking, and expert contact. A core eligibility criterion was the inclusion of verbatim quotes from participants about PFMT experiences. Details of study aims, methods, and participants were extracted and tabulated. Data were inductively grouped into categories describing “modifiers” of adherence (verified by a second author) and systematically displayed with supporting illustrative quotes. Results Thirteen studies (14 study reports) were included; eight recruited only or predominantly women with urinary incontinence, three recruited postnatal women, and two included women with pelvic organ prolapse. The quality of methodological reporting varied. Six “modifiers” of adherence were described: knowledge; physical skill; feelings about PFMT; cognitive analysis, planning, and attention; prioritization; and service provision. Conclusions Individuals' experience substantial difficulties with capability (particularly knowledge and skills), motivation (especially associated with the considerable cognitive demands of PFMT), and opportunity (as external factors generate competing priorities) when adopting and maintaining a PFMT program. Expert consensus was that judicious selection and deliberate application of appropriate behavior change strategies directed to the “modifiers” of adherence identified in the review may improve PFMT outcomes. Future research is needed to explore whether the review findings are congruent with the PFMT experiences of antenatal women, men, and adults with fecal incontinence.
Outbreaks of fibropapillomatosis (FP), a neoplastic infectious disease of marine turtles, have occurred worldwide since the 1980s. Its most likely aetiological agent is a virus, but disease expression depends on external factors, typically associated with altered environments. The scarcity of robust long-term data on disease prevalence has limited interpretations on the impacts of FP on turtle populations. Here we model the dynamics of FP at 2 green turtle foraging aggregations in Puerto Rico, through 18 yr of capture-mark-recapture data (1997−2014). We observed spatiotemporal variation in FP prevalence, potentially modulated via individual site-fidelity. FP ex pression was residency dependent, and FP-free individuals developed tumours after 1.8 ± 0.8 yr (mean ± SD) in the infected area. Recovery from the disease was likely, with complete tumour regression occurring in 2.7 ± 0.7 yr (mean ± SD). FP does not currently seem to be a major threat to marine turtle populations; however, disease prevalence is yet unknown in many areas. Systematic monitoring is highly advisable as human-induced stressors can lead to deviations in host− pathogen relationships and disease virulence. Finally, data collection should be standardized for a global assessment of FP dynamics and impacts.
This dissertation presents a comparative study of three factories in Cork Harbour area, Sunbeam Wolsey (1927-90), Irish Steel (1939-2001) and the Ford Marina Plant (1917-84). All three factories were significant industrial employers in both a domestic (Irish) and a local (Cork) context and are broadly representative of the Irish manufacturing industry that was developed under the policies of tariff protection introduced in the 1930s and gradually phased out between the late 1950s and the mid-1980s. Sunbeam Wolsey was a textile and clothing concern located on the north side of Cork City that possessed a borderline monopoly within its economic sector and was among the largest private employers of female labour in twentieth century Ireland. Irish Steel was the country’s only steel mill, located on Haulbowline island, a brief ferry-ride from the seaside town of Cobh, and was unusual in being one of the few manufacturing concerns operated as a nationalised industry under the auspices of the state. The Ford Marina plant predated the introduction of protectionism by more than a decade and began as the centre of the Ford empire’s tractor manufacturing business, before switching to the production of private motor vehicles for the Irish market in 1932. All three industries were closed or sold off when the state withdrew support, either in the form of tariff protection (Ford, Sunbeam) or direct funding (Irish Steel). While devoting much attention to the three firms, the central concern of this dissertation is not the companies themselves (though the economic history portion of the dissertation is substantial), but the workers they employed, examining the lives of these individuals both as members of the Irish working class, and, more specifically, as employees of the three factories under consideration. The project can be best described as a comparative factory study, comparing and contrasting the three workforces, focusing primarily on industrial relation and the experience of work. This dissertation utilises both documentary evidence and a significant quantity of oral testimony, breaking new ground by making the workplace the central focus of its investigation. The principal aims of the study are: 1. To document the lives of those who worked in these factories, capturing through oral testimony their subjective experiences of social class and factory life, as well as differences among narrators in terms of gender and status. In achieving this aim, the study will provide a broader social context for its detailed analysis of work and industrial relations in each firm. 2. To analyse the three workplaces and determine how and why each developed such distinct systems of industrial relations at the factory level, as well as to compare and contrast these systems. 3. To examine the nature of work in each factory and to determine how work and industrial relations in each firm developed over time, relating these changes both to internal and external factors. Additionally, the project will provide a comparative analysis of these changes.
Estudos de inquérito sugerem que os espaços verdes são locais perigosos e inseguros, aonde perdura o crime, levando as pessoas frequentemente a evitá-los. Publicamente desejados, mas simultaneamente receados, pela insegurança que por vezes invocam, os espaços verdes são mal compreendidos na óptica da segurança e na perspetiva criminológica. Este estudo exploratório de auto-relato visa assim contribuir para o conhecimento dos vários aspetos relacionados com a segurança dos espaços verdes, com base na perspetiva dos vigilantes, nomeadamente, a extensão e características da criminalidade existente, a identificação dos fatores internos e externos que se relacionam com a segurança e a relevância de várias dimensões situacionais dos espaços verdes na óptica da segurança e prevenção do crime. Para dar resposta a estas questões, realizaram-se entrevistas diretivas e estruturadas junto de uma amostra de vigilantes dos espaços verdes da cidade do Porto, que concordaram em participar no estudo. Os dados recolhidos, de teor quantitativo e qualitativo, foram analisados e interpretados, procurando-se identificar padrões nos relatos dos vigilantes e estabelecer um conhecimento que oriente práticas de bom planeamento e gestão dos espaços verdes municipais.
Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer som kan leda till och påverka äldre personers deltagande i en social gruppaktivitet riktad till ensamma äldre. Då känslan av ensamheten kan ge stora negativa effekter för den äldre är det viktigt att öka förståelsen och kunskapen om de fenomen och faktorer som påverkar och leder till mer gemenskap och välbefinnande. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie och det insamlade materialet har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv har använts som teoretisk referensram. Sex personer i åldern 75-90 år har deltagit i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Deltagarna ingick i frivilligorganisationen Äldrekontakts sociala gruppaktivitet vilket är riktad till ensamma äldre som söker gemenskap. I resultatet framkom tre olika teman vilket sammanfattar de faktorer som ledde till och påverkade de äldres deltagande i den sociala gruppaktiviteten. De teman som ingår är: förändringsgrunder, förutsättningar och fördelar. Temat förändringsgrunder belyser att motivet för de äldre att delta i aktiviteten grundar sig i en önskan om en ökad gemenskap då relationerna blivit färre och att det hade uppstått en känsla av ensamhet. Vidare framkommer att deltagarnas förhållningssätt riktades mot välbefinnande genom att vara aktiv, att ha en stärkande inställning och att våga exponera sig. Temat förutsättningar beskriver villkor för ett deltagande i aktiviteten. Yttre faktorer var stödet att komma till och från aktiviteten och att det var anspråkslöst att delta. Den inre faktorn var att deltagarna hade tillräckligt med ork så att aktiveten gick att genomföra. Temat fördelar visar på de vinster som uppkom i och med deltagandet i denna gruppaktivitet. Denna aktivitet berikade vardagen genom att det blev ett avbrott i det vardagliga livet och att det fanns något att se fram emot. Deltagarna blev sedda och hörda då det fanns någon att samtala med och något att prata om samt att det skapades nya bekantskaper. En känsla av att bli omhändertagen uppstod vilket uttrycktes genom en tacksamhet att få delta och att det kändes tryggt att medverka i aktiviteten. Resultatet har analyserats genom Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv och tre slutsatser har framtagits. Dessa tre teman har identifierats som en process. Temat förändringsgrunder har visat sig vara en grundförutsättning för resterande process och det har också framkommit att deltagarna har en hög känsla av sammanhang. Denna kunskap kan hjälpa de äldre och de som vill stödja ensamma äldre att ta steget från ensamhet till gemenskap.
Aims This review aims to locate and summarize the findings of qualitative studies exploring the experience of and adherence to pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) to recommend future directions for practice and research. Methods Primary qualitative studies were identified through a conventional subject search of electronic databases, reference-list checking, and expert contact. A core eligibility criterion was the inclusion of verbatim quotes from participants about PFMT experiences. Details of study aims, methods, and participants were extracted and tabulated. Data were inductively grouped into categories describing “modifiers” of adherence (verified by a second author) and systematically displayed with supporting illustrative quotes. Results Thirteen studies (14 study reports) were included; eight recruited only or predominantly women with urinary incontinence, three recruited postnatal women, and two included women with pelvic organ prolapse. The quality of methodological reporting varied. Six “modifiers” of adherence were described: knowledge; physical skill; feelings about PFMT; cognitive analysis, planning, and attention; prioritization; and service provision. Conclusions Individuals' experience substantial difficulties with capability (particularly knowledge and skills), motivation (especially associated with the considerable cognitive demands of PFMT), and opportunity (as external factors generate competing priorities) when adopting and maintaining a PFMT program. Expert consensus was that judicious selection and deliberate application of appropriate behavior change strategies directed to the “modifiers” of adherence identified in the review may improve PFMT outcomes. Future research is needed to explore whether the review findings are congruent with the PFMT experiences of antenatal women, men, and adults with fecal incontinence.
La estación de servicio “La Americana S.A.S” ha sido una de las primeras estaciones de servicio ubicada en Bucaramanga, dedicada a la comercialización y distribución tanto de gasolina como de los diferentes repuestos y accesorios para los vehículos, razón por la cual desde su fundación y hasta nuestros días, ha venido prestando un servicio destacado, efectivo y cumpliendo siempre con la demanda del mercado proporcionalmente a su consumo. Del mismo modo dicha experiencia dentro de este sector ha producido que con el transcurrir de los años, algunos entes privados y gubernamentales en su mayoría hayan querido hacer acuerdos y negociaciones organizacionales con dicha estación de servicio; claramente este tipo de alianzas estratégicas y negociaciones son de gran importancia ya que le dan el reconocimiento respectivo a La Americana y es así como esta organización recibe periódicamente ganancias y dineros fijos. Resultado de los acuerdos anteriormente mencionados, cabe resaltar que la mayoría de las ventas que realiza esta estación de servicio son producto de las compras hechas por los vehículos pertenecientes a las entidades gubernamentales y privadas en convenio; es importante mencionar que todas estas ventas se realizan vía crédito y por ende la cancelación del servicio correspondiente se hace uno o dos meses luego de prestado el servicio. Así mismo también se ha logrado evidenciar que el consumo por parte de los automóviles particulares con el transcurrir del tiempo se ha disminuido drásticamente debido a diversos factores (geográficos, competitivos y de procesos) tanto internos como externos y siendo una razón para que el total de las ventas y posteriores utilidades no sea el esperado. De continuar esto así en un futuro la empresa podría incurrir en serios problemas que afecten su participación dentro de este mercado. La alta dependencia de las ventas a crédito (entidades públicas y privadas) y la disminución continúa de las ventas de contado (particulares) está ocasionando que la Americana desde ya hace un tiempo tenga baja liquidez financiera y baja rotación de inventarios, así como la disminución considerada de sus utilidades, razón por la cual creemos que la implementación de un modelo de mercadeo así como la creación de un sistema para el conteo y supervisión de los inventarios ayudara a La Americana a poder superar esta pequeña crisis y poder ser una empresa perdurable durante los próximos años .
El presente documento pretende mostrar la manera como se debe ejecutar la creación de marca mediante la utilización de mecanismos estratégicos comunitarios y marketing. El objetivo del estudio se basa en encontrar los mecanismos adecuados para el desarrollo y creación de una marca enfocándose en el análisis de las principales prácticas y modelos desarrollados en el área del marketing, examinando el impacto que la marca pueda generar en la comunidad en la cual la organización está incluida, estableciendo además un conexión directa con el modo de vida de los consumidores. Durante el desarrollo del documento se demuestra que las estrategias de marketing aplicadas por cada compañía, sirven para construir una relación estrecha y fuerte con todos los agentes involucrados en la construcción de una marca, principalmente con los clientes, ya que la forma más efectiva de establecer relaciones a largo plazo, es enfocándose exclusivamente en las necesidades desarrolladas por los consumidores, y a partir de ellas ajustar los valores (misión, visión, cultura organizacional, objetivos) de la organización. Estas estrategias comunitarias son también influenciadas por varios factores internos y externos a la organización, los cuales deben ser tenidos en cuenta al momento de elegir la estrategia adecuada. Los mecanismos estratégicos que desarrollan las empresas pueden cambiar significativamente de un sector comercial a otro, la importancia de las necesidades que se deben suplir y el consumidor final se deben evaluar desde un aspecto comunitario, entendiendo como comunidad como el conjunto de grupos sociales y comerciales que tienen relación directa o indirecta con la empresa. Con la investigación llevada a cabo acerca de las estrategias que deben aplicar las compañías se concluye que las marcas reflejan la imagen que la empresa transmite a sus compradores estableciendo una relación emocional entre los consumidores y la marca desarrollada, además de estimular la oferta y demanda del negocio. Se espera que por medio de la obtención de información teórica y conceptual, se pueda aclarar la manera como se puede desarrollar la creación de una marca por medio de la correcta utilización de mecanismos estratégicos comunitarios y de marketing.
Las organizaciones de hoy en día entienden más el valor de las personas dentro de estas, por ser el elemento dinamizador. Por esto es necesario transmitirles constantemente la visión, misión y objetivos de la empresa para que las personas contribuyan a este fin. Dado el reconocimiento por parte de las organizaciones hacia el recurso humano y su administración, se hace necesario la existencia de un liderazgo bastante eficiente que sea capaz de asegurar condiciones favorables de trabajo y que garanticen el cumplimiento de los objetivos de las empresas. Las organizaciones del Siglo XXI exigen líderes con cualidades, habilidades y actitudes para afrontar todos los factores externos con los que se pueden enfrentar. Es por eso que surge la necesidad de estudiar la empresa Lácteos El Pomar ya que es una empresa que resurgió de las cenizas después de haber entrado en liquidación y que tiene como referente de un líder al gerente de la compañía. El propósito de este estudio de caso será describir y analizar el liderazgo y la motivación como herramientas transformadoras en la nueva gerencia de Lácteos El Pomar, como también entender cómo estas se implementaron e influenciaron al grupo de trabajadores para salir de la crisis. Mediante este estudio de caso se espera comprender si el gerente de la empresa es percibido como líder e identificar su estilo de liderazgo. Por otro lado, mediante entrevistas al personal de la empresa, se esperará identificar los factores que influyeron de manera negativa para acentuar la crisis de la compañía. Finalmente se espera analizar aquellas estrategias de liderazgo realizadas por la dirección que conllevaron a la permanencia de la compañía a pesar de la crisis.
O conforto acústico na habitação é essencial para permitir um repouso tranquilo e regenerativo. Este conforto é obtido principalmente pela redução do ruído e aumento do isolamento sonoro dos elementos de compartimentação. Para a qualificação deste conforto é necessário efetuar uma análise global do edifício, onde são considerados os fatores internos e externos à habitação, ou seja, considerando a acústica da envolvente (Vizinhança), do edifício (Edifício) e da fração (Habitação). Para este efeito foi produzido o “Método LNEC para avaliação e classificação da qualidade acústica de edifícios habitacionais”, o qual permite fazer uma avaliação global do conforto acústico na habitação. Este método inovador em Portugal origina uma Classe Acústica LNEC que permite representar com razoável fiabilidade o conforto acústico realmente sentido e a qualidade acústica da habitação. Este método pode ser aplicado a edifícios novos e a edifícios a reabilitar. De modo a permitir uma estimação dos custos médios necessários para transitar entre determinadas classes (e alcançar respetivo conforto acústico) é necessário possuir uma ferramenta de cálculo apropriada. Deste modo apresenta-se nesta comunicação uma ferramenta para estimar os custos de transição entre classes acústicas. Esta metodologia permite fazer escolhas mais fundamentadas nos processos de obtenção de determinado conforto acústico. Abstract The acoustic comfort in dwellings is essential to a peaceful and regenerative sleep. The achievement of this comfort is primarily obtained by reducing noise and increasing sound insulation of separating elements. To classify this comfort is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the habitation. This global analysis assesses the internal and external factors of the habitation, evaluating the acoustics of the environment (Vicinity), of the building (Building) and of the dwelling place (Lodging). Recently in Portugal was developed the “LNEC method for evaluation and acoustic quality classification of residential buildings” that allows an overall evaluation of the acoustic comfort in dwellings, resulting also in a “LNEC Acoustic Class” that portrays the real acoustic comfort sensed. Since this method can be applied to evaluate the acoustic comfort of new and of restored buildings, it is necessary a tool that gives an estimation of the needed investment to upgrade to a specific “LNEC Acoustic Class” (and achieve the respective acoustic comfort). In this communication is presented a tool that allows the estimation of that upgrade costs.